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Why does Pandas .floor() throw AmbiguousTimeError for this Timestamp that's already unambiguous?

The following fails: def round_in_tz(epoch_sec: int, tz_name: str, freq_spec: str): """Round the given epoch timestamp to the nearest pandas time frequency spec in the given timezone.&...
tba's user avatar
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Timezone not working for Daylight Saving Time

I have an application that will trigger an email. The current ICS file is below: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST PRODID:-//My service name//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241111T123323Z X-...
Ninjavas's user avatar
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Arduino Code to determine if we are in DST or not

I am writing C code for an ESP32C3, so an Arduino type piece of hardware. There is no internal clock, so to get the time I talking to an NTP server on the internet. I am also talking to a weather ...
user3069232's user avatar
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How do I change the time zone in Anylogic?

How can I disable Daylight Saving Time ? In my model, the DST is automatic but I don't want it. I figured how to bypass it for the events (using toTimeoutInCalendar( DAY, 1 )) but I have a couple of ...
Agathe 's user avatar
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Unit testing GeventScheduler cron Job for DST

I have a bug in my system where the following cron job misses an hour run during DST finish or end, using GeventScheduler from apscheduler.schedulers.gevent scheduler = GeventScheduler( ...
Hadi's user avatar
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error while converting zoned time into get_local_time using Howard Hinnant's date library

#include "date/tz.h" #include "date/date.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { using namespace date; using namespace std; using namespace chrono; auto ...
tech1978's user avatar
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Is there a way to represent time deltas in Python that differentiates between "1 day" and "24 hours"? [duplicate]

I'm currently working on a reminder bot project that supports recurring reminders. For example, a user can specify that they want their reminder to repeat in intervals of "3 days", "12 ...
Franco Reyes's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does golang time.AddDate result in inconsistent timestamps during DST transition in America/Santiago?

I'm trying to understand why time.AddDate in Go produces unexpected results during the Daylight Saving Time (DST) transition for the America/Santiago time zone in 2024. Santiago enter DST at 2024-09-...
Chi Feng's user avatar
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Converting a potential DST datetime to "normal" time when DST ends

I'm implementing conversion functions to and from DST datetimes. I have knowledge of when DST starts and ends. Going from "normal" time to DST is easy enough. Just add an hour to the normal ...
marcbf's user avatar
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Hot update timezone data (tzdb) in Java without upgrading or restarting JVM

I'm working on a new feature on my app that require updated timezone information (including daylight saving). I understand that the time zone information data (tzdb) is stored inside the JVM. So I ...
alvinmeimoun's user avatar
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How to deal with datetime stored in local time?

I am working with a dataset where timestamps are stored in a CSV file in local time. Let's attempt to generate such timestamps: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
Aleksejs Fomins's user avatar
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Determine Daylight savings time for US Cities prior to 1967

I'm working on a problem where I need to get date times and get their UTC offset. The data that I get is a date a time and longitude and latitude. I am currently using pytz and timezonefinder to find ...
Dhia Ammar's user avatar
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DateTimeOffset Ticks is bugged or not? [closed]

I used a sorted list like that: SortedList<DateTimeOffset, Something>. The data is well sorted according to the UTC date-time, which is expected. But "Ticks" is bigger (for DST - for ...
Eric Ouellet's user avatar
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Snowflake: how to convert wall clock time to UTC at fall daylight savings?

I have hourly data recorded in wall clock time in Chicago where 1am appears twice on the day when fall daylight savings occurs (which is expected - during fall daylight savings, a wall clock should ...
Trevor Petach's user avatar
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How Can I Make My Calendar Ignore DST Adjustments?

I’m trying to calculate the time by adding minutes to given date-time. It’s works well with other times but not for the DST times [ Canada Eastern time ]. public static GregorianCalendar addMinuts(...
DigitV23's user avatar
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Is there a way to ensure an XML DateTime prop is serialized to wintertime if the date is during wintertime?

An XmlSerializer keeps serializing datetime's to summertime(+2) instead of wintertime) if the XmlModel has a property with the XmlAttrib with "DateType=Time" configuration. The date ...
Simulan88's user avatar
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Why can't I get the Timestamp of the date '1914-11-08 00:00:00' in timezone 'Europe/Amsterdam'?

Recently i upgraded my mysql-connector from 5.1.47 to 8.0.33. After that, i met an error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: HOUR_OF_DAY: 0 -> 1 at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError....
Lawrence's user avatar
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Python Daylight Savings Accomodation [duplicate]

Iam working on a django project. Im fairly new to it. I have a requirement to sent out email reports in which I need to convert datetimes into yours local timezone. Im saving records in utc time and I ...
Mr Joker's user avatar
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How to get the epoch value for any given Local Time with Time Zone & Daylight Saving Time in Python?

I'm new to Python and I have a use case which deals with datetime. Unfortunately, the data is not in UTC, so I have to rely on Local Time, Time Zones & Daylight Savings. I tried with datetime &...
Sree Karthik S R's user avatar
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Chrome < 88 has issues recognizing DST with Day.js

My company is thinking about introducing day.js to handle DST. This works well on modern browsers, but on browsers older than Chrome 88 it will not work. I have this little app to test Day.js: import {...
Sebo's user avatar
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Ruby Rails Calendar DST Issue

I am having an issue with Rails code displaying calendar entries off an hour when viewing. The data is correct in the database so I'm sure I'm missing something for the code. I have tried numerous ...
Tracey's user avatar
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After day light saving time switch - Apache FTP library "listFiles()" function returns null members even though files exist

In our team, we use the Apache FTPClient library to get files from a directory on some FTP server. To be specific - we import into our project "*; With the help of that ...
Amit Toledano's user avatar
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Date timezone changes when manipulating date, making date math incorrect

When I create a new date, when I try modifying it to e.g. get a date 30 days ago, the timezone the date is represented in changes when I print it out, and the math ends up incorrect because of it. In ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Is there a way to get daylight savings time info for non local timezones [duplicate]

I would like to find the equivalent daylight savings time zone for a given standard time zone. Here's a code snippet: protected DateTime ConvertTimeZoneFromUTC(DateTime dateTime) { //dateTime is ...
Eric's user avatar
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Egypt time zone java and joda libraries updated before DST 2023 does that need an update for 2024 DST

We are having a system running on servers having EET time zone, In 2023 before DST changes in Egypt, Java (jre8) and Joda(2.12.5) libraries were updated and it worked fine with EEST time zone. this ...
Jatin Bodarya's user avatar
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Why are these two datetimes not equal?

from datetime import datetime, timedelta from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo chi = ZoneInfo("America/Chicago") nyc = ZoneInfo("America/New_York") dt1 = datetime(2024, 3, 10, 3, 30, ...
no step on snek's user avatar
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Handling Local Time in Python Worldwide

I am working on an application in which events occur at specific times. The event creator can create events in a time zone where daylight saving time might or might not be applicable. Therefore, the ...
Hashir Irfan's user avatar
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Get time difference in milliseconds between JVM and UTC

I am having an exceedingly hard time trying to figure out what seems to be a simple problem. I would like to calculate the difference (offset?) in milliseconds between the UTC instant and the JVM ...
youngrrrr's user avatar
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python: Incorrect(?) time difference between `datetime` objects spanning a daylight saving time change

(edited to add) PROLOG: Today I became aware of the concept of "wall time". I will always and forever consider it harmful. I have two datetimes, one representing a certain time-of-day just ...
smcdow's user avatar
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Converting date+time in Character format to CET while correctly taking into account daylight savings

I have a small problem converting some characters (the format is CET, they are just stored as characters). I want to change the format from characters to date, such that I can convert between ...
svend Lars's user avatar
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creating datetime from date string plus hour offset not working across DST boundary

I'm in the early stages of learning Python, and I'm struggling to get DST time changes handled properly. I have CSV data that has a date column and an hour column and I am trying to create a timezone-...
MJC's user avatar
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How to get notified when DST change happens on android?

Is there a way to detect DST changes happening? I tried using a broadcast receiver by TIMEZONE_CHANGED and TIME_SET, but none of them was triggered when the Android system changed DST. The backup ...
topxebec's user avatar
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How to handle Daylight saving time in laravel/php? [duplicate]

In the following code, i update or create a post based on the values that i receive from an api, $this->channel->posts()->updateOrCreate([ '...
altiinberiisha's user avatar
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Adding Durations to dates in a manner stable across timezones

I'm currently working with software that does computations with date-fns Durations both on the server- and client-side. This software gathers data for a time window that is specified using Durations ...
Jakob Runge's user avatar
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TimeZone Offset is incorrect for "Egypt Standard Time" on Windows 10

I am trying to convert an UTC date to "Egypt Standard Time", but calculated offset for summer time is different depending on the operating system version: on windows 10, the offset is +2 on ...
MG7's user avatar
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Android - Alarm Manager and DST changes

I use an alarm manager to create repeating alarms (at a specific time) and exact alarms (at a time that changes from day to day). The problem occurs when there's a DST start or finish: For my ...
Youb's user avatar
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Timezone conversion failed due to winter hour change pytz

in my code I am trying to convert a date with pytz timezone, but due to the change to winter hour at 3 am, my code crash. I have two questions : one, why does changing hours makes the timezone ...
Lirit's user avatar
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How to find DST Cutover time

Is there any easy way to find DST cutover time for particular Timezone(Say America/New_York) in given Time range? I know I can write the custom logic to iterate over each hours, calculate the offset ...
ajay gandhi's user avatar
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How to check if a datetime value is valid (and not in time gap caused by DST change)?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes occur usually twice a year. During fall clocks are moved backwards which creates a fold which means that a given local time has two possible meanings. This is ...
Niko Fohr's user avatar
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What could cause an incorrect UTC offset when parsing last year ISO string date?

I can't figure why it fails under certain environments. I have an ASP.NET Web API (.NET Framework 4.8)running under Windows 11 and a SPA as the client. The SPA has a date-picker for filtering some ...
jpe230's user avatar
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How can I correct a dataframe with a datetime column so that the timezones are correctly added including DST changes? (Python)

The dataframe I have has a column without timezones. But due to DST changes I had some problems datamanipulation. These problems resulted from having 'missing' rows when the clock got changed foreward ...
ivar martens's user avatar
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Python datetime DST when tzinfo is None

Calling the method timestamp at the last Sunday of march returns: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> before = datetime.fromisoformat("2023-03-26 02:00:01") >>> ...
Isidro Arias's user avatar
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Converting from local time to UTC in pandas

I am working with pandas dataframes containing local (Chilean) dates and times, e.g.: local_time 2/9/2023 23:33 2/9/2023 23:39 3/9/2023 1:00 3/9/2023 1:08 I used to convert these dates and times ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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Convert Timestamp (%d/%m/%Y %H:%M) into and index not possible due to Daylight Savings on pandas (Python 3)

I am trying to read the information in a CSV file using pandas, the CSV has two columns, a timestamp (example: 31/12/2022 21:30) and a float value. This file is generate by an intrument that measures ...
Estraviz's user avatar
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Python pytz, zoneinfo and daylight savings time

I am currently attempting to migrate a code base from using pytz to using Python's zoneinfo library. I've run into an issue with how zoneinfo handles daylight saving time transitions when compared to ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to Handle Timezones and Daylight Saving Time in MongoDB Application

I'm currently working on a project where I save Datetime in a MongoDB. However, I'm facing some challenges when it comes to dealing with timezones and daylight saving time for users from different ...
Priya's user avatar
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java.time not accounting for daylightsaving DST [closed]

I want to convert a not timezone and DST aware time to a timezone aware time, so I can convert it to UTC. java.time atZone does not include DST, so time is one hour off. time offset should be +2 hours ...
blablaX's user avatar
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DST-agnostic time in Python

I have a scheduling class that takes a datetime.time object and runs a task every day at the specified time. import time import datetime as dt class Scheduler: def set_time(self, day_time): ...
Spiros's user avatar
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Teradata set time zone and DST for session

Due to certain reasons, I need to change the time zone on the session level in Teradata. To achieve this, I can use the following command: SET TIME Zone 'America Argentina' However, even though there ...
ogs's user avatar
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PYTZ python is incorrectly adjusting for daylight saving on timezone Mexico_City

is PYTZ **incorrectly ** observing daylight saving for timezone Mexico_City ? I think daylight saving is no longer observed in Mexico asper this article:
NayR MiMde's user avatar

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