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layout in printing whith win.print()

I work whith nwjs, i generate a tickets and i want to print and generate pdf. But layout is not correct my ticket are cut between one page and the next at the end of page. this is my print function, i ...
Vebama Wanematou's user avatar
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NW.JS wont get Fullscreen whatever i did

I installed NWJS 0.44 on my Raspberry Pi 5... It works fine but the problem is it won't get fullscreen.. like its forced to be 854x480 ( Construct 2 Defualt Window Size ), I enabled kiosk thing mode ...
BargmyGames's user avatar
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How do I run NW.JS 20 or newer on a Raspberry Pi 5?

I recently bought a raspberry pi 5 and I want to run nwjs on it but the rpi port of nwjs is so old and didn't have rpi 5 on the compability list.. there is any way to install nwjs on rpi? Without bugs ...
BargmyGames's user avatar
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Path is a directory: cp returned EISDIR (./cache is a directory (not copied)) ./cache

I am facing the following error. It is using NWjs and the command I am using to build is: npx nwbuild ./* --mode=run --version=latest --flavor=sdk I am using volta node version manager and the nodejs ...
Sahil Garg's user avatar
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Compiling with Nwbuild ReferenceError: primordials is not defined

I made a simple app that uses fs and os as two packages in nodejs and used nwbuild to build the app. But it is giving me the following error: fs.js:43 } = primordials; ^ ReferenceError: ...
Sahil Garg's user avatar
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Is there a way to record and save all playing audio in a NW.js application?

I want to record and save to a file the sound a NW.js application makes. I have a singleton AudioContext available, but I want it both recorded and playing in the speakers. I tried to create a fake ...
krypek's user avatar
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NWJS app not loading in center of screen with "position": "center",

Im trying to get my NWJS app to load in the center of the screen. Its not working even though im using the proper manifest perimeters. It loads on the top left of the screen. Any suggestions? { &...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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Get rid of unwanted padding/border around NWJS app?

My app is a frameless application. For some reason there is a 5px border around the window. I cant seam to get rid of it. NWJS Version: nwjs-sdk-v0.87.0-linux-x64 index.sass html, body border: ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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why does it seem my variable is updating with the new data after it saves to the file? React and NWJS

I'm working on a note-taking app using React and NWJS, where notes are saved to a separate file (save.json). The app fetches initial data from this file using a useEffect hook, handles input changes ...
Christopher Dirksen's user avatar
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3 answers

How to open the windows file explorer on NWJS?

Today I tried to open the windows file explorer at a specific location using NWJS and allow the user to open any file. The software needs to keep running after the shortcut's open. The problem is all ...
Daxelarne's user avatar
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Is there a way to start ElasticSearch simultaneously with nwjs?

I want to integrate Elasticsearch into my NW.js application. My current idea is to configure a JavaScript file in node-main that uses the Node.js API spawn to start the local Elasticsearch application....
wangbin's user avatar
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How to run a bat on click of button in NWJS app?

I cant figure out how to run a .bat file onclick of a button or input. Ive tried several different configurations. The batch file is in the root directory of the nwjs application. Then once the batch ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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NWJS(Node-Webkit): How to get the default printer?

I'm using NWJS (node-webkit) for an app where I need to print. From the docs I see we can get a list of available printers with win.getPrinters(callback) however there is no way to know which one has ...
Xsmael's user avatar
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How to open NW.js exe app and test it? is it really possible to automate and access the web elements? I wrote a script in JavaScript

test case for nw.js official docs nw.js test the above test case for nw.js is in python. I wrote the same in JavaScript.I face error and it's very hard for me access nw.exe app web elements. nw.exe is ...
codemuke's user avatar
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How to open nwjs app in sdk version to debug?

I'm finding it hard to run the nwjs app in sdk version in project terminal if we run nw usually it opens nw app but in normal version I want to use debugging tools and it only works in sdk version. I ...
codemuke's user avatar
4 votes
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How to interrupt a screen reader in JavaScript?

I'm writing a nwjs game, and I want to add accessibility features to it. I'm currently using the aria-live property to communicate with the screen reader. document.getElementById("game")....
krypek's user avatar
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nw.js: Simply Create a Windows Shortcut to open a folder/package.json with NW.JS

I'm using nw.js to create some 'apps' for personal use, not distribution. Once you have a package and basic app created, you can drag the folder with the package.json for your app to nw.js .exe and ...
T T's user avatar
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How to include a dependency tree in an Angular + NW.js project?

In my Angular project, I'm using code references to Node dependencies in the format like this: let zl = nw.require('zip-lib');. However, when I'm building the project, it seems like Angular CLI doesn'...
wangbin's user avatar
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Isolation issue using Chromium NW.js

I'm using Chromium NW.js as a web browser integrated into a desktop application. Essentially, this enables me to incorporate a web application within a desktop application. I have been using it for ...
Safari's user avatar
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nwjs crash Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled

I've installed latest binaries on Ubuntu 22.04 from official website Both nw from nwjs and nwjs-sdk-v0.79.0-linux-x64 does the same issue. After starting crashes with this error ...
adatadoc's user avatar
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DLL Error while using node-pty in NWjs application

I tired to run an terminal emulator / command prompt in NW.js using xterm JS and node-pty. I only get an DLL Error. The folling is the log: Uncaught Error: Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist ...
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worker_threads with node.js in nwjs

worker_threads with node.js in nwjs (v0.77.0) crashes without error message Here a list which versions work and where you can find the crash. It started with version v0.69.1 0.77.0 ⛔ 0.76.1 ⛔ ... 0....
Matthias Ma's user avatar
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pgAdmin4 v7.3 on Windows: icon missing

The icon on the pgAdmin4 window has gone missing. Is there a way I can restore it? I've checked pgAdmin 4\v7\runtime\package.json which lists "icons": { "256": "assets/...
Stijn Sanders's user avatar
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Is V8's ScriptCompiler::CachedData bytecode or machine code?

Or rather more generally, are the javascript files compiled by V8 saved to disk as V8 bytecode or as host-specific machine code? I'm trying to understand how node-webkit's nwjc works. The function I'm ...
MrSomeone's user avatar
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How to use require or import and not balise html

I test many paths, I install npm pixi.js on many folders and the default folder, ESLint doesn't see my error because he doesn't see my library, I want to change script library js to import or require, ...
Joffrey  Vedlem  Ved's user avatar
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Is it possible to embed another application's GUI within an NWJS app?

ffplay does a very fine job of displaying 4K content streamed using RTSP, better than any I've seen so far. ffplay opens its own window for viewing. I would like to develop an app using NWJS for ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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How do I execute a batch script on click of a button in NWJS app?

I have to execute a batch script on click of a button and I dont know where to begin. The batch scripts will do various different tasks for my nwjs application. <input type="button" ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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errors when doing an nw install with latest node.js

I have been using nw for a number of years. I recently updated node.js to 19.3.0 and am wanting to update nw in my projects. When I do the following: npm install [email protected] I get a number of ...
Richard Foss's user avatar
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NWJS Aapp icon on taskbar is making a new instance of the icon next to the original on the task bar?

I don't know if im using the wrong size favicon from my package.json or what? I also used resource hacker to change the icon of the nwjs.exe app with the same icon but an ico of all standard sizes. I ...
Nikolai Kalashnikov's user avatar
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NW.js (Node-Webkit) Error: package.json not found in srcDir file glob patterns

I'm new to NW.js but my debut project was quite a walk-through until I got to Production and got stuck. I've tried Google search, but to no avail. On my package.json file, I have: ... "scripts&...
Dan Otabor's user avatar
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Embed web browser as component in React app

I'm looking for a way to embed a browser in a React application with the ability to add onclick events on search page selectors. I'm wondering if I could use Electron or NW.js. Does anybody have an ...
yaskier_one's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get data from file created by nwjs

I would like to extract real-time data from a file that does not have a . this file is a history of an application developed with nwjs file example: do you have a solution to this problem?
Enzo Toyos's user avatar
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Nwjs how to use evalNWBinModule in another created window?

In the main window I write the following code and it works: nw.Window.get(null).evalNWBinModule(null, "./my.bin", "./my.js"); import("./my.js"); but if I create a new ...
IPcorp's user avatar
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Why does my NWJS app open two icons in taskbar instead of showing shortcut icon open?

Why does my NWJS app open two icons in taskbar instead of showing shortcut icon open? When i click on the shortcut icon it opens a whole new icon for app instead of showing the first one as open. It ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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Why is relative path not working in NWJS application?

Only absolute paths are working. This code works. If I use ../../../SYSTEM.USER/DOCUMENTS/DOCUMENTS.NFO' it won't work. EDIT: How can I use a variable like /%APPLICATION%/SYSTEM.USER/DOCUMENTS/...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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Can we write and read files on the disk using NW.JS in Construct 2?

I am making a program on Construct 2 to write a file on the disk, and store it in an accessible location. After that I need to read it back. It is possible doing that using Construct 2 & NW.JS in ...
Kshitij's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does copy and paste fonts effect file paths?

When i use to change a font like this "🆂🅴🅲🆄🆁🅴 🅳🆁🅸🆅🅴" how does it actually affect the letters? I'm trying to name an external drive like that, and it ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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Why is NW.SHELL only wokring in root DIR of app?

For some reason NW.SHELL fuctions are only working for files in root folder of my app. It wont let me use an absolute path or a relative path. Example "/relative/path/text.txt" or D:/...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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nw-builder - NWJS win64 app built using nw-builder does not run my code, only shows default NWJS splash screen

I am attempting to build my first NWJS app for win64. I'm using MacOS 10.13.6 . After a rough start and updating npm and node, I finally ran a build which completed without errors. I downloaded the ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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NWJS - "No files matching" error when trying to package app

I'm trying to package an NWJS app following various tutorials on YouTube and the web. But I'm getting "No files matching" error and it exits. Assuming it was because the dist/ and src/ ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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flv.js error, "This SourceBuffer has been removed from the parent media source" debugging

I am trying to debug a problem with streaming/viewing video content from a surveillance camera. It is an issue that only appears in a specific environment (NWJS) but not others (Chrome, Firefox.) ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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Launching separate NWJS App from within a NWJS app onclick of a button

I'm working on a launcher application for software. Cant seam to figure out how to launch another application onclick of a button in my NWJS app. I've done it before on an HTA back in the day to ...
Dustin Angeletti's user avatar
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NWJS - Is it possible to intercept loading of JS from a remote page, and inject my own?

I am trying to debug an issue with an NWJS app I have made, which loads a web page from a surveillance camera on my network into an iframe. Is there a way I can intercept the loading of the javascript ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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NWJS - "Refused to display ... in a frame" error

I am attempting to display a webpage from a device on my local network in an iframe. However I get: "Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to '...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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how to use nodejs modules in nw/react app

I'm trying to build an app with NW ans react and i'm having trouble calling node js modules fron react like the "fs" module i got the following error: TypeError: fs.readdir is not a ...
B. Fateh's user avatar
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Git Error -4058 while trying to npm install nw-builder

I just created a new folder on my Desktop and loaded it to VSCode so I can start building/learning about NW.js. The first thing I've done was to open VSCode Terminal and execute npm init -y, then I've ...
André Andrade's user avatar
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In MapBox GL JS, how do I prevent pop-up labels from constantly showing up when I don't want to see them?

I have made an application with MapBox GL JS. I have tons of markers all over the world. When the mouse cursor hovers over them, I have them pop up a box with a description. This is normally what I ...
Overflowing's user avatar
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Open ALL External links in Browser (NWjs)

I was trying to make my own standalone copy of Google Chat using NWjs, but I ran into some problems. So, when you open a link in the NWjs window, it opens in another NWjs window. However, I would like ...
Cuboid_Raptor's user avatar
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Why does win.setPosition('center') move the window to top-left?

I have this code which I execute after toggling fullscreen back from fullscreen to windowed mode: win.setPosition('center'); The window consistently appears in top-left part of the screen -- not the ...
user17987204's user avatar
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How do I make my NW.js application *start* in fullscreen?

I know how to enter fullscreen once it's already loaded in a window. This causes an ugly effect where, when I click its icon, briefly flashes a windowed window which immediately goes fullscreen. I ...
user17987204's user avatar

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