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Issue using MJPEG Streaming on Raspberry Pi 5

I'm using the live streaming server recommended by the PiCamera2 documentation from But it only streams the top left corner ...
atohal's user avatar
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compatibility issue with ydlidarx2 ubuntu24.4

i am trying to make ydlidar x2 work with ubuntu 24.4 (ros jazzy) i am getting cmake errors The source directory /home/pussycat/ydlidar_ws/src/YDLidar-SDK/src/core does not contain a ...
4H4CayJ's user avatar
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Issue with Recording Two Videos Simultaneously on Raspberry Pi 5: One Video at 1280x720 20 FPS, Other Only at 10 FPS

I’m working with a Raspberry Pi 5 (27W power supply) and I’m facing an issue while recording two videos simultaneously with two identical USB cameras. Here's the setup: Camera 1 is connected via USB ...
LookAtMe's user avatar
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php exec(python script): permission denied [duplicate]

On a Raspberry 5, I execute the following php code $id = 0; $message = exec("/home/pi/Python/ ".$id." 2>&1"); return $message; I get ...
forenkema's user avatar
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How to include fisheye undestortion into the H264 encoder of picamera2?

I am currently working on a project that requires minimal CPU usage on the rpi5 and a wide field of view. I need multiple outputs as described in one of the examples. To reduce the overhead I thought ...
Jona Pfenniger's user avatar
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ROS 2 Camera_ros: Failed to Configure Streams on Raspberry Pi 5

I am working on a ROS 2 project using a Raspberry Pi 5 and an IMX708 camera module. The camera previously worked flawlessly with the camera_ros package, but after a system reset and updates, I am ...
Meryem K's user avatar
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Camera index error with cv2 on my raspberry pi

Ive made a python program that uses yolov5 to detect different things that the camera sees. I use cv2 to get the camera stream to the yolov5 and on my laptop everthing worked good, but when i placed ...
Zjories's user avatar
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Plotly `kaleido` and `orca` installation issues on Raspberry Pi (ARM64) for exporting static images

I'm trying to use Plotly on my Raspberry Pi (ARM64) to export static images from my figures, but I've run into several issues when trying to use both kaleido and orca as image export engines. ...
ivanlosarcos's user avatar
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raspberry pi pico tcp client *** panic ***

I built a reasonably basic client server IOT setup in c++ with a raspberry pi 5 server and a few Raspberry pi pico-w clients. It's nothing special, just keeps track of some temperature and voltage ...
Jay Dee's user avatar
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SLURM slurmd service fails to start on Raspberry Pi 5 cluster due to cgroup.conf parsing errors

I have a Raspberry Pi 5 cluster set up with a master node and a worker node. I successfully installed SLURM on the master node, and I'm currently trying to configure the slurmd daemon to run on the ...
ali sedighi's user avatar
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Error while trying to use the picam2 library: module 'kms' has no attribute 'PixelFormat'

I have been facing an issue. I have a project, where I have to use facial recognition from insightface to detect know people. Hardware-wise, I have been given a Raspberry pi 5 and two picams (v1.3, v2....
Bsaka's user avatar
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Compute FFT after reading accelerometer data

I'd like to detect abnormal vibrations on a motor I have. I'm using the following devices: Raspberry PI 5 Adafruit accelerometer ISM330DHCX I've successfully managed to read the sensor at a specific ...
Manitoba's user avatar
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Tauri project doesn't display/render correctly on Raspberry Pi 5

I am working on an interface that is going to run on a Raspberry Pi 5 (8G). Since i want the flexibility of React,HTML and CSS to create interfaces I decided to use Tauri to create it. Its supposed to ...
Andres Blandon's user avatar
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Use ROS to connect raspberry pi 5 with ubuntu24 and laptop with ubuntu20

I would appreciate for the advice about real right platform to ask! So the scenario is like this: I have installed Ubuntu24 on a Raspberry Pi 5, in order to run ROS2 (not yet ready). And my laptop has ...
李嘉雷's user avatar
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I'm trying to run an audio player in python under rpi5. I need to run in sudo mode in order to access GPIO. I can't seem to find an app to do this

Playing audio file from python while python is in sudo mode. I've tried VLC and it won't let me run in sudo mode. I've tried PyAudio. It does nothing under sudo mode (it's hard to weed out the real ...
les smith's user avatar
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Rviz2 OpenGL error while trying to visualize slam map created by lidar

I am running Ros2 Jazzy on Ubuntu 24 on a Raspberry Pi 5. I have attached an RPLidar A1M8 to it. I want to use it to create a map of my environment, for that, I'm using the Slam_Toolbox. But I ...
Kakobura's user avatar
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Rasperry Pi 5 GPIO pins unusable after server restart (rpi-lgpio package)

I am using the rpi-lgpio package. I am using a FastAPI server through a virtual environment (.venv) on a Raspberry Pi 5 to turn on and turn off an LED via HTTP requests on from a flutter front-end. ...
Sakhile Mamba's user avatar
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Buildroot Raspberrypi 5 VCHI initializaion failed

I've done following using buildroot-2024.08: make raspberrypi5_defconfig make menuconfig enabled rpi-userland and other RPI related tools. make Then boot from sdcard, and execute: # vcgencmd ...
onorua's user avatar
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NW.JS wont get Fullscreen whatever i did

I installed NWJS 0.44 on my Raspberry Pi 5... It works fine but the problem is it won't get fullscreen.. like its forced to be 854x480 ( Construct 2 Defualt Window Size ), I enabled kiosk thing mode ...
BargmyGames's user avatar
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RPi5: gpiozero KeyError and SOC peripheral base address error

I am trying to blink an LED on/off to make sure my raspberry pi 5 is working correctly. It is a brand new RPi5. I have a GPIO Extension Board off my GPIO prongs. My circuit is very simple it should ...
KevinKrupa's user avatar
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How do I run NW.JS 20 or newer on a Raspberry Pi 5?

I recently bought a raspberry pi 5 and I want to run nwjs on it but the rpi port of nwjs is so old and didn't have rpi 5 on the compability list.. there is any way to install nwjs on rpi? Without bugs ...
BargmyGames's user avatar
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Way to pass the Image from a Camera to Java as a BufferedImage on Raspberry Pi 5?

I'm trying to pass the output of an ArduCam Camera connected to a Raspberry Pi 5 running Debian Bookworm to a Java program as a BufferedImage. I've gotten this to work on Mac Silicon using Sarxos ...
Spenser Spratlin's user avatar
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Stockfish Stop Command Not Working Consistently on Raspberry Pi when called too fast

I'm developing a software application designed to run on a Raspberry Pi 5 8gb as part of a smart chessboard project. The board will feature a touchscreen display. While my code is still a work in ...
Francesco Albano's user avatar
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Getting OSError: [Errno 121] Remote I/O error with smbus on python (raspberry5) while trying to send data over I2C to Arduino

I connected the Pi5 via i2c with an Arduino Nano. This is my Pi-Code: from smbus import SMBus from time import sleep addr = 0x8 bus = SMBus(1) sleep(1) while 1: bus.write_byte(addr, 0x1) ...
TalahonVonNebenan's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 5 GPIOZERO

I just started learning how to use the raspberry pi. One of the first issues I encountered with the raspberry pi was that the most common library (the one that all tutorials use) RPi.GPIO does not ...
Matthew Moller's user avatar
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QMediaPlayer speeding up a video after pausing and resuming the video on a Raspberry Pi 5

So, I started testing an Raspberry Pi 5 with the same code I used on a Raspberry Pi 4 previously. In my code it has an video player that u can play the video and pause whenever you want, but when I ...
naver's user avatar
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Issue with Cache Way Partioning on Raspberry Pi5 - A76/DSU

I am attempting to get Cache Way partitioning to work on the Raspberry Pi-5 using the process defined here I ...
Cole Strickler's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 5 - Blinking green LED Error

I bought a raspberry pi 5 4GB and when i plug my ethernet cable, micro sd card with pi os and a 5V 3A USB-C power supply , basically it starts to blink green three times over and over with an interval ...
alarmant0's user avatar
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Why is the USB commuincation from a Pi 5 to Pi Pico slower than from Pi 4 to Pi Pico

I compared the data transmission rate from Pi 4 to Pi Pico with Pi 5 to Pi Pico and saw some differences which I would like to understand and - in best case - improve. This is my code for the pico: ...
Dragoner's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3, 4 work fine with Blinkt led lights, but same software does not work with Pi 5

I have a Docker container that will display the CPU load for the Kubernetes cluster on the blinkt LED if they are present for that node. It works fine on a Pi 3B and 4 but I just got some Pi 5's and ...
techguy993's user avatar
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Picamera2 does not display correctly

I've bought an Arducam Eagle Eye 64Mpx camera to connect to my Raspberry Pi 5 (Bookworm). I've installed the required drivers and everything seems to be working using the libcamera-still command line. ...
Manitoba's user avatar
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What virtual keyboard to use with touch screen?

I'm quite struggling on integrating a virtual keyboard on my python app. These are the virtual keyboard I tried and my problems on each one. I'm on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm on a Raspberry Pi 5. ...
Noy.'s user avatar
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Can get my pi 5 to recognise my nvme adapter

Could someone please help me! I've been struggling to get my nvme working so can boot up and use my ssd. I've put in the config.txt dtparam=pciex1 and in the eeprom config PCIE_PROBE=1 and changed ...
James Chumber's user avatar
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Accessing QPU / GPU cycle count registers in pi5

I'm currently working on a project involving accessing the GPU cycle counters on Pi3 and Pi4. While I've managed to find the Vedicore library for Pi3 and Pi4, I need help understanding how to access ...
muthu pavithran's user avatar
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serial port error in arm64 Raspberry Pi5 single board computer

when i open my electron app i have encounter this error- /tmp/.mount_rPosIOLkyfQh/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/@serialport/bindings-cpp/build/Release/bindings.node: cannot open shared ...
Piyarul SK's user avatar
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how to decode sbus in UART?

I need to read the sbus signal coming from my receiver mc7rb-v2 using Raspberry Pi 5, I have made a signal inverter as stated in the manual of the receiver and connected to uart pin, I use pyserial to ...
Максим Григорьев's user avatar
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running a python code on raspberry pi 5 to test ultrasonic_sensor

I have updated the code to look like this: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time #GPIO Mode (BOARD / BCM) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #set GPIO Pins GPIO_TRIGGER = 5 GPIO_ECHO = 6 #set GPIO direction (...
Lachheb Nesrine's user avatar
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Auto focus with the Picamera2 in python works much slower than the "libcamera"

Autofocusing with libcamera works faster than the Picamera2 python library; Even if I increase buffer-count to 4 it still takes some seconds to automatically focus on subject (not fast like it focuses ...
fwiz's user avatar
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Picamera2 + Hi Quality Camera Issues

i'm using Picamera2 with my raspberry Pi5 and I'm having several issues (I'm building a Super8 Film Scanner) I can't increase fps - it's always around 30-40 fps - shouldn't it possible running the hi ...
Fuxi's user avatar
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Flask server with picamera2 : 404 not found

Hello I'm new to this part of creating and developing in python and especially for raspberry. I tried to create a website where I can display a imx519 arducam like a stream. I found this code on ...
Philibert Gentien's user avatar
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How to fix GPIO pin number for sysfs on Raspberry Pi 5 new Linux kernel debian bookworm? [closed]

When I control GPIO pin on Raspberry Pi 5 debian bookworm, it doesn't work unless I add GPIOCHIP base address number to the pin number. For example, if I want to export pin 20, I need to use sudo sh -...
y9a's user avatar
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Can't install python3-tflite-runtime

I am currently on a Raspberry Pi 5 with the 64-bit RPI OS and I've been trying to install python3-tflite-runtime by following this website : However I ...
Kamila Medellel's user avatar
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Pycharm isn't showing Camera window

I want to write python code on my PC and run it on my raspberry PI 5, I don't want to use Pi to write code in it. I was running Remote development from Pycharm IDE on my PC. I was trying to run basic ...
fwiz's user avatar
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Picamera2 installation issues in Raspberry Pi 5

Does anybody know how can I install Picamera2 on Raspberry Pi 5 (Ubuntu 23.10)? I've two Noir V3 Camera modulus, and I want to use Python code for my image processing work by open cv and qt5 (like ...
Civil.Shakeri's user avatar
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Emulating an HID device with a raspberry pi 5

I am trying to use my raspberry pi 5 model B rev 1.0 to emulate an HID device so i can later use a python script with gpiozero to send keypresses via buttons on gpio. I have already tried to use many ...
StrixTyphoon's user avatar
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Fatal error: Failed to create the main isolate (code 8) when using curl with docker

I have a Raspberry Pi 5 with Debian 2 installed. I use there the signal-cli API. This was working fine until I had to change to a newer version. I stopped and deleted my docker image for signal-cli ...
MIG's user avatar
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Selenium and Chromedriver and Python running from Cron

I have been running Selenium, Chromedriver and Python on a Raspberry Pi 5. Because Chromedriver does not really have a version for ARM for download but there is a version on APT according https://...
Peter_Brown_USA's user avatar