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2 answers

How to combine mouseenter and mouseleave function with ajax

Is it possible to cleanly combine this function. I am using mouseenter function to show my ajax page content and hide it with mouseleave $(function() { $("#card_client").mouseenter(...
Nicos's user avatar
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Why is this timing function getting a typeError? [duplicate]

The timer stops when the mouse hovers over a (.typing) item and the timer resumes when the mouse leaves. That works, but I wanted to remove two classes from separate id's when their respective ...
Clint Strong's user avatar
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Javascript listener mousemove giving wrong position to custom cursor

I'm pulling a late nighter trying like crazy to get the last bugs out of a site I'm updating & I am just about ready to pull my hair out over this one. If you ...
TIBrent's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I combine select/deselect mouseenter event & display image on hover effects?

How can I combine select/deselect mouseenter event & display image on hover effects in a list format? I can get each function work independently, but not together. I'm trying to display a list of ...
specialtygirl's user avatar
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Should I use CSS or Javascript for this hover use case? [duplicate]

I'm building a site where there is an image and icon within a container. I want to be able to hover over the container and the image would move up by 40px, icon would move right by 40px. Do I need to ...
btothemoon's user avatar
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mouseenter fires only once (js)

I am trying to animate div on mouseenter but it works only once; it works again if I reload the page. I use CSS keframes for animation. const notes_animation = document.querySelectorAll(".note&...
Eve Larson's user avatar
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2 answers

how to change a different div on mouseenter?

I have a series of divs within the divs. HTML: I have 6 sets like this: <div class="example" id="example1"> <div class="note"> <div class="...
Eve Larson's user avatar
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2 answers

Make a function for MouseEnter and MouseLeave

I need to make a function that will show and hide a label when the mouse enter and leaves the area of a button. I started doing it individually for each button, but as there will be more than 5 the ...
arsc's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I play a sound on mouseenter event, without clicking on the document first?

I have the following HTML code: <div id="word">word</div> <audio id="player"> <source id="source" src"sound.ogg" type="audio/ogg&...
anva's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with JQuery mouseenter / mouseleave: it works once, once it doesn't, then once it does, and so on

I'm a jQuery newbie. I created a simple animation with JQuery and CSS for a button that I would like to use on my site. The mouseenter and mouseover animation work fine once, then not once, then work ...
Marco Calcinelli's user avatar
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1 answer

Event handler not working on dynamic content even with event delegation

I have two ModalPopups The first one opens and has a Tooltip text that the user can view for more detail with the "mouseenter" event listener. Once the user clicks to close the modal through ...
Aquaphor's user avatar
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How can I simplify my Jquery code while keeping addClass and removeClass?

Every time I add a new <li> and <img> element I also have to add a new line of code in the .js file Codepen Here is the online code of how it works and how it should continue to work after ...
3Code's user avatar
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3 answers

How to stop children from triggering parent mouseenter event

My buttons have one image inside them, and the mouseenter event gets triggered by both the button AND the image. I would like the event to be triggered only once by "hovering" the BUTTON, ...
Guchierrez's user avatar
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Mousemove and Mouseenter events don`t work together

I am new to coding. I created a button that should change color when the cursor passes over it. But it turns out that when "mouseenter" works, "musemove" does not work. I cant find ...
nata095's user avatar
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Mauseenter works only the first time with rows of a table

The mouseenter and mouseleave event occurs only the first time, if I redo the event, nothing happens. Only javascript becouse i can't use jquery. This is my code, when I mouseenter the table, the ...
Joel Maurizio's user avatar
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How to change the contents of one container by hovering over elements/links in a DIFFERENT container

I'm currently developing an e-catalogue. Following the suggestion of a Stackoverflow contributor, I now have a navigation bar with a dropdown that produces a two-container menu. Next, I am trying to ...
charlesumesi's user avatar
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Hidding a DIV after a few seconds

I have a div that becomes visible / invisible based on a boolean variable. And i'm trying to add a timeout so my "actions" div could disapear after a few seconds. This is how my code looks ...
Raphael Amorminio's user avatar
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How to change image accordingly on Hover/Mouse enter On Any List Item using set State React

Right Side i have list items on left i have picture area i want to change image accordingly when ever i hover list item
Raja Naseem's user avatar
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Change inner div on hover in react grid tailwind

So, for CSS I am using tailwindcss. I have implemented integer based approach but when I hover quickly over the divs, the state remains un updated. If the value is 0, the first div is shown else the ...
Alpha B's user avatar
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EXTJS - Modx: on('mouseenter') | event fire | no bubble

I have an element with an on('mouseenter') event handler attached. The problem is the event does not fire on the selected element if the response time that transition to a sub node element of the ...
Developer1's user avatar
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Don't fire mouseenter event on parent

For tags (td, p, li) that contain text, I added a data-id attribute. When hovering over a tag that has a data-id attribute, the button needs to be displayed. Everything works fine, except when the ...
Denis S's user avatar
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2 answers

mouseEnter and mouseLeave work on HTML elements, but not React components?

First time making a React site (using Gatsby). What I want to happen On my index page, I'm trying make a Note component appear when the mouse hovers over a Term component. What is happening When I add ...
infieri's user avatar
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1 answer

how to style opacity in addEventListner?

const mainDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('home-bg-image'); const homeMainDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('home-bg'); const homeDiv = document.getElementById('home-1'); homeDiv....
Ahsan Shaikh's user avatar
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Mouseenter event on img inside div works sporadically/erratically

I have a grid of thumbnails. Upon hover I'd like to enlarge the images in the center of the screen. Classic, right? Each thumbnail is wrapped in a div. When I apply a mouseenter or mouseover event on ...
Hezi Tenenboim's user avatar
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Mouseenter runs even though cursor didn't move/leave/enter the parent

So, when you click on the element, mouseenter runs, even though it never left the parent, and mouseleave does not fire. I have checked the MDN docs, and neither of the events bubble and aren't ...
Robyn's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery mouseenter/leave event triggers do not always behave the same

Using gsap, clip-path and overlays, what I am aiming to do is hover over the word ".image-title" and an image will appear giving the effect that the text only being framed by the image will ...
Tallulah's user avatar
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Jquery - easing transition on mouseenter / mouseleave

beginner trying something in Jquery which I think is simple??? been trying for couple of hours with all sorts of things (fadeIn, animate, toggleslide, easing etc) but can't get this to work.. ...
Tjarco's user avatar
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1 answer

Mouseenter event not thrown on disabled elements in chrome

I created an Angular directive which automatically disables a button if a certain condition is met. Additionally, a small tooltip should be shown if the user hovers the disabled button with the mouse. ...
Simon's user avatar
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Mouse enter and mouse leave events doesn't work with mouse move event

I'm trying to create a custom cursor and detect the hover on some elements but the mouse enter and mouse leave event doesn't work properly when I uncomment the 2 lines in the mouse move event. However,...
heskir's user avatar
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Picturebox blocks MouseEnter event from firing?

as a part of my WinForms application, I want to move a picturebox (blue box) onto the grid as seen below. I'm moving the picturebox according to the mouse positions (while the left mouse button is ...
hudriwudi's user avatar
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Javascript in DIVI : mouseenter does not work

I am creating a website for a client using Divi on WordPress. I need to add some js code to create a mouseenter effet in order to change a logo to a Qr code. There is the code : window.onload = ...
Thierry's user avatar
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How can I play video in React on mouseEnter

I would like to play video on mouseeEnter and pause on mouseLeave. Everytime I try this I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'play' of undefined. When I console.log e.currentTarget I receive correct ...
Marcin Mroczko's user avatar
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Trying to add a mouseenter and mouseleave function to an image

I am trying to add a mouseenter and mouseleave function to an image. I want the src of the image to change when the mouseenter occurs and to change back when the mouseleave occurs. The src of the ...
nflauria's user avatar
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jQuery mouseenter() function not working as expected

I'm trying to make a div. when hovering on it (I'm using mouseenter and mouseleave jquery function) the div change its size and when click on it it should show an other div. for that i'm using click ...
Tahir Musharraf's user avatar
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A-FRAME 1.0.4 How can I define animation mouseenter and mouseleave properly

I have an entity contain an image using as a button I want to scale that button larger from "1 1 1" to "2 2 1" when mouse hover. I use JS to generate that button. Other attributes ...
willy's user avatar
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1 answer

Mouseenter item card

Please help with the code! I need to hover the mouse over the button with the cart, it added a class and svg class, and the button with favorites, also added a class. And Vice versa-hovering the mouse ...
Julia Faizova's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

reactJS framework mouseOver and mouseEnter are not recognised, though onClick works fine

My code: import React, {useState} from 'react'; function HeaderNavbar() { console.log("HeaderNavbar: starting"); var [isMouseEnter, setMouseEnter] = React.useState(0); console.log("...
SunbeamRapier's user avatar
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I have a problem with function mouseeneter

Hello please why if I hover on<li> from <ul class='menu controls'> change background but not change color. I know that .controls a have color and it is more than class color for li but if ...
Lukinezko's user avatar
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How can I call a javascript function upon hovering an a-frame element, using its ID?

I have been calling javascript functions on mouseenter, like this: document.querySelector('a-cylinder').addEventListener('mouseenter', function(evt) { alert("This is a cylinder."); }) ...
MikeMichaels's user avatar
4 votes
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Unit testing Directive with arguments in Angular 2+

I have a directive which changes background color of an element during mouse over as below. import {Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[...
Dileep TP's user avatar
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WinForms txtTextbox_MouseEnter firing for all textboxes on form

I have a form with five textboxes. On a button click event I check if any of the textboxes are empty and if so, the empty textboxes have the background color set to LightPink. I want to set the ...
marky's user avatar
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Event is fire, if I add class

If I add class ... $(".cart").addClass("show_cart"); ... it fire mouseenter and than mouseleave event $(document).on({ mouseenter: function () { .... }, ...
Meldo's user avatar
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CSS pointer-events: none while allowing hover

I'm trying to create an element of top my page which can be hovered. When hovered I want to change the opacity of the element and allow click through. The thing is when I add the pointer-events: none ...
toto1911's user avatar
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setInterval on mouseenter and clear interval on mouseleave

I'm using setInterval to create a diy slideshow that starts on mouseenter using this tutorial : It works fine, but I ...
mmdwc's user avatar
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How to change backgrounds on mouseenter with array of colors

Having a hard time figuring out how to change the background color of 3 paragraphs to the colors in an array on mouseenter using JavaScript. Any tips? This is my array: function changeColors() { ...
dai's user avatar
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How to Create a Tab Hover With Timer

It is as follows: (Hover by Mouse) ---------------- | Tab 01 | Tab 02 ------------------------------- | Tab 01 - Active | | | | ...
mohsen's user avatar
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Sap ui5 : why attachEvent method doesnt work with "mouseenter" event?

I'm trying to add mouseenter handler to one of the control (PlanningCalendarAppointment). Thats what i have tried already. control.attachEvent("mouseenter", function () { console.log("test"); /...
Michal333's user avatar
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jQuery effect on mouseenter on nested <li> also activate parent <li> [duplicate]

I created a menu with submenu and on each li element I attached with lottie.js a svg element with animation on mouseenter. I try to implement in jQuery all of this with .each() function for not write ...
Wolftrick's user avatar
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How to handle MouseEnter and MouseLeave events in WPF if Adorner shows directly on top of WPF control?

I have a ListView in a WPF application where I want to add a Grid with some Buttons to each ListViewItem by way of an custom Adorner. The adorner is currently being added when the MouseEnter event ...
kpemberton's user avatar
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Javascript mouseenter event only fires if cursor is moving fast enough

I'm creating a custom cursor "trailer" (see fiddle: Normally, the circle (.cursor) should trail the cursor. While hovering the red box (.cl), the circle should ...
Alexdlf's user avatar
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