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KSP generated Moshi adapters not used in combination with Retrofit in a kotlin based SpringBoot application

I fail to get serialization to work inside a small springboot application. Read a couple of issues, guides and documentation on this. But still fail to get this to work. I use moshi for JSON ...
arkascha's user avatar
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Could not find com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin-reflect:1.15.1

I'm currently facing a build failure in my Android project that uses Kotlin DSL with a version.toml file for dependency management. During the build process, I encounter multiple failures related to ...
Fátima Ramone's user avatar
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Retrofit OkHttp with Moshi: Gzip Encoding Error

I'm using Retrofit with OkHttp and Moshi. I have to add the "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br" header myself. But OkHttp adds its own "Accept-Encoding" header. Due to ...
Mustafa Tatarhan's user avatar
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Moshi and annotation @field:Json(name="some_field") and Json(name="some_field")

After upgrading retrofit to version 2.11.0 and moshi to version 1.15.1, everything broke for me. Previously, I used the annotation @field:Json(name="some_field") in models. But now for ...
Anton111111's user avatar
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Prevent proguard/r8 from removing Kotlin synthetic default constructor

I'm using moshi which accesses the Kotlin default constructor of a class by reflection. The class looks like this: @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class AClassName( val threadId: String, ...
der_Fidelis's user avatar
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Using Moshi in an extension function or injecting it via DI in Android

In Android, I am using an extension function to map a failed network response to my sealed ErrorResponse class. @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class ErrorResponse( @Json(name = "code&...
tzegian's user avatar
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How to pass dynamic meta data along with fromJson()?

I have a problem for which I am sure there is a solution. I just can't find it. I am parsing a Json using moshi. Some custom adapters have to filter/transform the data based on some meta data that ...
Tobi's user avatar
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Using kotlin kotlinx serialization with generics

Hi everyone I have the following code that I use to serialize into json strings to store in shared preferences interface Serializer { public fun <T> serialize(data: T, type: Class<T>): ...
Abdelrhman Talat's user avatar
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Map deserialization with moshi and retrofit

I have the below json response {"page":2, "results":{ "0":{ "id":1, "name":"Jane" }, "1":{ "...
Raji A C's user avatar
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Why is the "invisible" field null in dashboard despite setting it to false when querying users?

I'm encountering an issue with while querying users. Despite explicitly setting the "invisible" field to false in the user object during the query, the field remains null in the ...
Xynapz1 Test's user avatar
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How to create a custom Moshi JsonAdapter that returns a Map?

I'm using an API that returns the following data: { "ad": "Andorra", "ae": "United Arab Emirates", "af": "Afghanistan", &...
Daniel Bertoldi's user avatar
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How to deserialize JSON enums in case insensitive way using Moshi library?

The sample source JSON object is defined as: { "source": "WIFI" } However, the value can be lowercase and when it does, I get following error. Exception in thread "main&...
Hossain Khan's user avatar
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Android Moshi Json Converter Causes kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError

I am using Moshi as Json Converter with Retrofit in Android. When I set minifyEnabled to true, For some API calls it works, but for others it throws this Error: This callable does not support a ...
Omar Assidi's user avatar
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How tu suppress warnings issued by javac task

Recent version of Moshi (1.15.0) is issuing a warning Kapt support in Moshi Kotlin Code Gen is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Please migrate to KSP.
mar3kk's user avatar
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Not finding @com.squareup.moshi.Json <fields>; rule in official moshi proguard file. Am I missing something?

Given a simple data class import com.squareup.moshi.Json import com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class User( @field:Json(name = "name") val name: ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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How do I deserialize a string within a moshi object as its own moshi object?

I have a JSON object (that I can't change) that passes some data like so: { "title": "foo", "actions": "[ { \"label\": \"Hello\" ...
der_Fidelis's user avatar
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Android How to convert this JSON into object of data class with Moshi Kotlin?

There is a Json file which is put to val fileInString: String. This string looks simplistically like this. { "groups": 2, "group1": [ { "word": "test11", "...
Tropic's user avatar
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Kotlin data class coming from serialized json become a LinkedHashTreeMap

So, i have an Android Room entity that have a properties which is a list of a data class. Like this: @ColumnInfo(name = "titles") val titles: List<AnimeTitleEntity>, And I'm ...
lelestacia's user avatar
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Moshi Json name annotation property not working

I'm trying to use @Json(name = "Result") property to change the field name and it's not working. The result is always null from retrofit response, but if I use the actual "Result" ...
IAmNotARobot's user avatar
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Cannot parse a list using Moshi

With all the posts out there about Moshi and people's confusion (including my own) about how to parse a list, I can't believe that this is this difficult. I have an object that has two nested lists. I ...
AndroidDev's user avatar
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Why my MoshiConverterFactory is slower then GsonConverterFactory?

when I post an api, it took too many time to response Here is my retrofit builder: fun provideRetrofit(baseUrl: String): Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder() .client(provideOkhttpClient()) ....
aile's user avatar
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Add custom adapter to moshi

I have an interface Data with a function called toData(). Different objects inherits from this Data. Now I wrote an adapter which transform the result of toData() into an string My custom adapter ...
kuzdu's user avatar
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Parse json with moshi where one of the fields is polymorphic

I want to parse the following JSON API response into the list of objects. As you can see, the field "record" is polymorphic. [ { "t_id": "638975A6-3E5A-4D38-82A0-...
gdrt's user avatar
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My API call isn't working and my app return me "Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path $ solution"

Hi I'm currently working on a android app (android studio) for a class and i need to make API calls i followed some tutorials (android developper and some on YT). From these tutorial i learned to use ...
Zares's user avatar
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Moshi Json - Decompiled code still shows annotated name

I am trying to enable code obfuscation in my android project. I am using moshi for json operations. I am having a problem with release apk file. When I use a decompiler the @JsonClass(generateAdapter =...
KAPLANDROID's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT in my weather App

I am trying to make an API call to API each time I run my app I get the an error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT I have checked several ...
robson idongesit samuel's user avatar
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Using Moshi in Kotlin (Android), Moshi.adapter() signatures seem to differ from the docs

My build.gradle dependencies (for a non-main Android Studio module): dependencies { implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0' implementation 'com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.14.0' ...
LyrePyre's user avatar
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Moshi - Unable to create converter for enum class for gradle 8 and upwards

An error occurs during runtime, after updating to gradle 8.1.1 from 7.4.2: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create converter for class $myEnumClass Caused by: java.lang....
Nikos M's user avatar
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Enable R8 when using moshi-kotlin-codegen

I am trying to enable R8 for my project : buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true ...
Ali's user avatar
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Android AWS DynamoDB: Using AWS with Moshi

I use an AWS DynamoDB database to store data. I'm saving a "CommunityUser" object, which class looks as follows: class CommunityUser { @get:DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = AWSTables....
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Moshi: Problems serializing List<MyClass>

I'm migrating Gson to Moshi, and I'm having problems serializing List<object>. I have no problem with "plain" objects, but with Lists. I have a class ImageDTO (including a Moshi ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Android Kotlin Moshi: Custom adapter for Moshi not working

I have a json than can have two possible values {"": "A school name"} or {"name": "Another school name"} And I have a common "College" ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Moshi adapter to ignore bad elements from a polymorphic list

I have a polymorphic list of contents sent by the backend. I use PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory to parse it to Kotlin objects. It all works fine. When the backend sends an element with an unknown type ...
Camilo Sierra Rodriguez's user avatar
2 votes
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Moshi LinkedHashTreeMap class cast exception with Proguard

When proguard is enabled, after an API call with retrofit, I recieve a list of LinkedHashMapTree that causes this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.squareup.moshi.LinkedHashTreeMap cannot be ...
TabascoLosco's user avatar
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API call providing null response

Note: This is done in Kotlin in Android studio. Here is the documentation of my API: I am trying to make a simple call to ...
Dereck Helms's user avatar
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PUT with Retrofit2 using Kotlin fails with 415 Server using Reqeust @Body Object in Android

I want to call a login api that I've been using for over 6 years, so I know the API is good. It is already in production, and used for our website, iOS app, and Android app. My current project is ...
jonathan3087's user avatar
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Moshi: How to Deserialize JSON with a mix of fixed and dynamic properties

For a JSON like this consider the properties other than attributes are dynamic: "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "...", "url": ...
Gopal S Akshintala's user avatar
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Getting Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY error if API returns the empty array Instead of list in kotlin android moshi

Getting error while parsing the API response using Moshi. Sample Reponses: Expected API response {"itemsValues":[{"Id":"567"},{"Id":"678"}]} If list ...
Android Dev's user avatar
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How to convert a JSON array of mixed types using moshi and kotlin

Iam unable to convert this Json, keep getting the following error: com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path {"summary": { "rows": [ ...
Eknath's user avatar
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Converting Json to data class inside sealed class in Kotlin

I have this API Response { "id": 45, "name": "Bill", "status": "Alive", } the status prop can have three possible results: Alive, Dead and ...
Eduardo Martins's user avatar
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R8 full mode throws class cast exception AGP 8.0

I recently upgraded to Android Studio Flamingo and AGP 8.0 My production builds with minfiy and shrinkResources enabled, doesn't allow retrofit to make calls. This is the error thrown. java.lang....
Abhishek AN's user avatar
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How to serialize a value class with moshi so it just return it's value

I hava a value classin my android project (kotlin) and I want to parse a object, that contains this value class as type for a attribute, to json. Let's say this is my value class: @JsonClass(...
Thomas Cirksena's user avatar
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Moshi equivalent to Gson.toJson

I'm new to Moshi and I was thinking to implement it to replace my Gson lib. Can't figure out how exactly I can convert a model class into a string in JSON format. My model is UiGeneralCategory I have ...
Vlad.mir's user avatar
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Android Moshi unable to apply custom adapter

My use case is that in data classes wherever I have used Boolean as type, in JSON that can either comes as double quote string ("true") or normal boolean (true) Earlier I was using Gson &...
Ujjwal Kumar Maharana's user avatar
-1 votes
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Retrofit android Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $

I am new to Retrofit and I am having a weird problem. I am getting the following error --> Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $ However when I hit the endpoint with ...
user1743524's user avatar
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How to handle rubbish data in Moshi

I do have a json: { "items":[ { "id":"0000301553526", "values":{ "name":{ "value":{ ...
Unii's user avatar
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Kotlin Moshi adapter return null when library throw JsonDataException

We are using old backend. Sometimes list of objects is returned when contract says it should be text (and other ways). How/where can we handle JsonDataException Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT ...
Unii's user avatar
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How to parse a class that extends from Arraylist with Moshi

I'm new with Moshi and I'm trying to parse the data, with Retrofit, from one class that extends an Arraylist of items and I'm getting this error: com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Expected ...
S.P.'s user avatar
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Parse JSON string to a list of objects in Kotlin Android (MOSHI?)

In my app, I'm using Retrofit to get the data from API (with flights data). I want to obatin List< Itinerary > from JSON, but the problem is that it is badly formatted, and I'm getting the ...
deja's user avatar
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com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Required value 'access_token' missing at $

I try to do post request using retrofit and I use moshi to serialize but I'm not very well versed in these matters. And I am facing such an error, what is the reason for this? error E/AndroidRuntime: ...
NewPartizal's user avatar
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