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.net 9 - Make JSON deserialization more performant? [closed]

I'm dealing with an app that is meant to consume thousands of events per sec. The particularity here is that those events are very, VERY similar to one another. They not only follow the same schema, ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Json Deserialization from reader (Utf8JsonReader)

I'm calling JsonSerializer.Deserialize(ref reader, options), but for some reason it isn't working. public class WeatherForecastJsonConverter : JsonConverter<WeatherForecast> { public ...
CaseyHofland's user avatar
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Service Bus SendMessageAsync failing when ApplicationProperties is set with values from a Json Deserialized Dictionary<string,object>

I have a scenario I need to set ApplicationProperties to a Azure Service Bus message. I have dictionary of key, value type <string,object>. I also use System.Text.Json for deserializing the ...
binga58's user avatar
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2 answers

Deserialize json object as a string [closed]

I have a class A that has a field string data. I perform a server request that gets me a json text that I convert to A: var a = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<A>(jsonResponse); The problem is ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Loading a file from disk and use that as value during json deserialization

So to be clear I am going to present a working solution to that problem using Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.3. Said solution does not look very good and I am looking for a better one. Some context, this is ...
OeilDeLance's user avatar
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JSON::SerializableError when deserializing PascalCased properties using JSON::Serializable in a Crystal app

I’m developing a Crystal application and consuming an API that inconsistently uses PascalCase for some of its endpoint properties, rather than camelCase. Unfortunately, this causes issues with JSON::...
Tyler's user avatar
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JsonConverter does not work when data is received from Form

I have added a custom json converter to trim all strings coming to the web api during de-serialization, like this options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new TrimStringJsonConverter()); And this ...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issues accessing API data as string array

I am creating an API to receive data from a webhook and process it. I've set up a class to contain the POST data and can access all but one of the fields - the groups, which is set up as a string ...
gingawarrior's user avatar
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MariaDB building dynamic JSON_ARRAY conditionally, prevent casting JSON_OBJECT to string and double-quoting

USE CASE: We want to create a JSON_ARRAY containing various JSON_OBJECTS. These objects are added if (and only if) certain conditions are true. If they are false, then that object should not be added ...
Norman's user avatar
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Jackson Polymorphism using ID.DEDUCTION [duplicate]

I have a class hierarchy which I try to serialize and deserialize. I understand that the easiest way to go about it is using Id.DEDUCTION - I'm trying to make it work on the following code but I get ...
Shvalb's user avatar
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Json deserialization does not set certain object property

I have this class definition: public class TrabajadorViewModel { public int ID { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Habilitado")] public bool Habilitado { get; set; } [Display(...
jstuardo's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

JSON parse error: Cannot construct instance: no int/Int-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value

I am trying to insert user record using mysql database @Entity @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Data public class Customer { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType....
Mahesh Guduru's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Deserialize json field that may be either array or map

I'm getting json data from server API to Android app (Kotlin Serialization + Retrofit) I need to parse a Json with field errors. The issue is the structure of this field. If there are no errors I get ...
Dmitry Vinogradov's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core: Is there a way to throw multiple errors in a custom JsonConverter? Or access the ModelState?

I have problem inside a custom JsonConverter that I am potentially catching multiple errors (through attempting to deserialize the JSON, and if it fails, remove the offending propertry and try again) ...
SventoryMang's user avatar
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Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type object

I'm working on API on the .NET Windows form. I copied the code from the website provided and I found an error say: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object' How to fix this? ...
waleed's user avatar
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Spring, deserialization and kotlin nullable types

Let's imagine I have the following classes: data class MyClass1( val someField1: String, val myClass2: MyClass2?, ) data class MyClass2( val someField2: String, val someField3: String?, ) ...
Elektor's user avatar
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How do I deserialise a class property of type Object in VB Net with System.Json

In VB .Net, I use System.Json to (de)serialise a class called Model. This class has a list of changes, where a change has three properties: PropertyName, OrignalValue and NewValue. The PropertyName ...
Chiel's user avatar
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C# JSON: I want to deserialize an empty string to a custom type. But it seems to be always defaulting to null. Is there a way to achieve this

I want JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomType>("") to be deserialized to new CustomType() but this is always deserialized to null. this is using Newtonsoft json, have tried using a ...
Kaushik Ravi's user avatar
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do not serialize empty collections (and handle accordingly in deserialization)

I have a bunch of POCOs that can be (de-)serialized from/to json. A lot of content is collections. I want the serialized JSON to only contain a specific property if its collection is not empty (...
Kjara's user avatar
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Receiving Null values from Eventhub streaming

I am new to PySpark, and facing an issue while consuming data from the Azure eventhub. I am unable to deserialize the consumed data. I see only null values upon deserializing data using the schema. ...
Ashish Vemula's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deserialization error on the 3rd library class instance in the class (using Lombok annotations) [duplicate]

I want to use a 3rd party (external) class instance in a class but I am getting this error on deserialization: Cannot construct instance of (no Creators, like ...
Eric's user avatar
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What is the proper way to customize deserialization process for JsonNullable of particular type

I want to customize JsonNullable<Boolean> deserialization process. So I've found the class JsonNullableDeserializer : I've implemented my own deserializer: public class ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Why is using JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable to deserialize a 1GB file resulting in 2GB+ memory allocation?

I need to deserialize a 1GB json file one element at a time in a streaming fashion and after doing some reading found JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable to enable this while also keeping the ...
DeanOfHouseAkin's user avatar
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How to deserialise from json to SearchResponse <Object> in Java

I've created a jsonResponse like this. HttpResponse<String> httpResponse = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()); String jsonResponse = httpResponse.body(); Now when I'm ...
Amandeep Singh's user avatar
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@JsonDeserialize not considered when using parameter-names

I have some POJOS that I want to (de-)serialize with jackson. All my classes have only one public constructor, with one argument for each field. In order to avoid needing to write all these @...
Kjara's user avatar
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Configure Jackson Deserialzer using static method for types with a given super class

Currently I am getting an exception when deserializing a codestable typed class. Imagine the following scenario: public abstract class AbstractCodestableEntry implements { ...
Chris Brown's user avatar
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De-serialize JSON string into .NET object

I have a JSON string something like below: [ { "movie title": "The Matrix", "release date": "1999-03-31", "movie rating": 8.7, "...
kyeleswarapu's user avatar
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JSON Question - How Do I deserialise only certain elements? [duplicate]

I'm new to JSON and have got most of the way there to handing my API calls get. One set of data returned comes back as this (field is called jsonResponse)... My question is how do I only get a list ...
Oscar Cymru's user avatar
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Unable to inject custom @JsonFilter in SpringBootTest

I have a data class for which I use a custom JsonFilter @JsonFilter(value = "conditional_serializers") data class DocumentRequest( val someField: String? = null, val someOtherField: ...
Makruzz's user avatar
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creating C# classes by parsing jsondoc JSON file?

I am consuming an REST API (Contrast Security ) which unfortunately for me, does not provide Swagger documentation. It does provide JSONDoc, and I'm able to extract what looks like a JSONDoc JSON file ...
Ross Presser's user avatar
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How to serialize and deserialize nested java objects when sending object to Kafka topics and receiving at consumer end using only Jackson

I am new to custom serialization/deserialization and also using it in Kafka is even more new for me. I am trying to explain what I am doing and also what I want to achieve. Please comment if you need ...
anurag tripathi's user avatar
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How do I deserialize additional properties present in a type for which a converter already exists?

I am attempting to deserialize a geojson FeatureCollection. The API I am querying returns this feature collection with additional properties on the type. The properties are used for cursor-based ...
David H's user avatar
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Using upickle read in Scala 3 macro

Try to write a generic macro for deserialising case classes using uPickle read in Scala 3: inline def parseJson[T:Type](x: Expr[String])(using Quotes): Either[String, Expr[T]] = '{ try Right(...
RobertJo's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Unable to get route object from currentBackStackEntry in Compose Navigation outside NavHost composable block using toRoute extension

I am working on a project that utilizes Jetpack Compose Navigation with Type-Safe Navigation. Within my application, I have an composable function responsible for hosting the navigation graph. Here's ...
Inidam Leader's user avatar
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"Option type"-esque deserialization of API response in .NET Core [duplicate]

I'm using .NET's native JSON utilities (System.Text) to perform automatic Serialization/Deserialization of data going to and from an API. The API responses are structured like the following: { &...
jmkmay's user avatar
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How can I use Jackson's @JsonAnySetter with a record class?

I'm trying to use Jackson's feature to deserialize unknown fields into a map, using @JsonAnySetter. This works fine for a Java class with the field annotated with @JsonAnySetter, but does not work ...
Kkkev's user avatar
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C# - Deserialize DateTime & DateTimeOffset values to UTC and Local Time as required

I'm currently working on a full stack application that has never had to be conscious of time zone, but looks like it will soon need to be a bit more versatile in terms of being aware of local time ...
marcuthh's user avatar
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Using kotlin kotlinx serialization with generics

Hi everyone I have the following code that I use to serialize into json strings to store in shared preferences interface Serializer { public fun <T> serialize(data: T, type: Class<T>): ...
Abdelrhman Talat's user avatar
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Serializing data to json with multiple circular dependencies

I'm working on some code that serializes and deserializes a complex data structure. I have a data model in C# consisting of three classes: TypeA, TypeB, and TypeC. TypeA has a reference to TypeB, ...
tgb's user avatar
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ASP.NET - Reading JSON file

I have a JSON file, please tell me how can I read that file. I have created a class file, and want to save JSON data in those class properties. { "header": { "hid": "...
Rahul Aggarwal's user avatar
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How can I specify which class to deserialize an interface to in System.Text.Json in C#

Background I am developing a chat application in C#. My solution consists of 3 libraries: One for the server, one for the client and a shared library that both the server and client use. The server ...
Dario Stromajer's user avatar
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Custom JsonConverter for serializing JSON to abstract class

I am working on deserializing a complicated json structure as following, which "id" under "events" represent "events": [ { "id": 1, "actions": ...
user22792033's user avatar
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I'm building on Visual Studio 2019 and using nlohmann json.hpp And getting this compiler error: C2679 binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const TestClass1' (or ...
YigalG's user avatar
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Unable to deserialise ProblemDetails returned from Webapi

I have two micro services written in C# running on .NET 8.0. WebApiOne has a GlobalHandler that implements IExceptionHandler that returns the following: var problemDetails = new ProblemDetails ...
kulwant's user avatar
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Problem when deserializing a nested object JSON

I have an application on WinForms for one user that stores a list of categories of expenses and income, as well as expenses and income themselves. public class User { [JsonIgnore] public ...
user24083355's user avatar
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Deserialize and serialize ZonedDateTime fields in shared objects between controller based on which controller it is used as a parameter for?

I have this Object, which has a field that is a ZonedDateTime: import java.time.ZonedDateTime; public class TestObject { private ZonedDateTime testTime; public ZonedDateTime getTestTime() { ...
Salvatore Grazioso's user avatar
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Deserialize escaped string into Vec<String> with serde

Newbie in Rust here. I'm having some difficulties parsing a escaped json string into a Option<Vec<String>>. I have an api that's returning a collection of items, and one of the properties ...
fingerprints's user avatar
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Insecure Deserialization in C# (.NET) using NewtonsoftJson

I am working on a Web API that needs to call a 3rd party Web API to achieve some features. That 3rd party's API's design is sort of a "God API" such that it takes a generic object type to ...
Paul Nogas's user avatar
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No method found for class java.lang.String in Kafka

I have producer and consumer configuration Producer @Bean public KafkaTemplate<String, BeltEventDescription> kafkaBeltEventDescriptionTemplate(final ProducerFactory<String, ...
banan3'14's user avatar
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I dont understand what to do with: System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'The JSON value could not be converted to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1

I am writing a console application in C#, VS2022. Where I receive a json string from Orchestrator (Uipath), try to deserialize it to an IEnumerable. I've spent all day reading everything about this ...
MS73's user avatar
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