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KSP generated Moshi adapters not used in combination with Retrofit in a kotlin based SpringBoot application

I fail to get serialization to work inside a small springboot application. Read a couple of issues, guides and documentation on this. But still fail to get this to work. I use moshi for JSON ...
arkascha's user avatar
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How to deserialize JSON enums in case insensitive way using Moshi library?

The sample source JSON object is defined as: { "source": "WIFI" } However, the value can be lowercase and when it does, I get following error. Exception in thread "main&...
Hossain Khan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I deserialize a string within a moshi object as its own moshi object?

I have a JSON object (that I can't change) that passes some data like so: { "title": "foo", "actions": "[ { \"label\": \"Hello\" ...
der_Fidelis's user avatar
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Android How to convert this JSON into object of data class with Moshi Kotlin?

There is a Json file which is put to val fileInString: String. This string looks simplistically like this. { "groups": 2, "group1": [ { "word": "test11", "...
Tropic's user avatar
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1 answer

Parse json with moshi where one of the fields is polymorphic

I want to parse the following JSON API response into the list of objects. As you can see, the field "record" is polymorphic. [ { "t_id": "638975A6-3E5A-4D38-82A0-...
gdrt's user avatar
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-1 votes
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My API call isn't working and my app return me "Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path $ solution"

Hi I'm currently working on a android app (android studio) for a class and i need to make API calls i followed some tutorials (android developper and some on YT). From these tutorial i learned to use ...
Zares's user avatar
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Using Moshi in Kotlin (Android), Moshi.adapter() signatures seem to differ from the docs

My build.gradle dependencies (for a non-main Android Studio module): dependencies { implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0' implementation 'com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.14.0' ...
LyrePyre's user avatar
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1 answer

Moshi: Problems serializing List<MyClass>

I'm migrating Gson to Moshi, and I'm having problems serializing List<object>. I have no problem with "plain" objects, but with Lists. I have a class ImageDTO (including a Moshi ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Android Kotlin Moshi: Custom adapter for Moshi not working

I have a json than can have two possible values {"": "A school name"} or {"name": "Another school name"} And I have a common "College" ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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2 answers

Moshi: How to Deserialize JSON with a mix of fixed and dynamic properties

For a JSON like this consider the properties other than attributes are dynamic: "records": [ { "attributes": { "type": "...", "url": ...
Gopal S Akshintala's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to convert a JSON array of mixed types using moshi and kotlin

Iam unable to convert this Json, keep getting the following error: com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path {"summary": { "rows": [ ...
Eknath's user avatar
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Converting Json to data class inside sealed class in Kotlin

I have this API Response { "id": 45, "name": "Bill", "status": "Alive", } the status prop can have three possible results: Alive, Dead and ...
Eduardo Martins's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle rubbish data in Moshi

I do have a json: { "items":[ { "id":"0000301553526", "values":{ "name":{ "value":{ ...
Unii's user avatar
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Kotlin Moshi adapter return null when library throw JsonDataException

We are using old backend. Sometimes list of objects is returned when contract says it should be text (and other ways). How/where can we handle JsonDataException Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT ...
Unii's user avatar
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Parse JSON string to a list of objects in Kotlin Android (MOSHI?)

In my app, I'm using Retrofit to get the data from API (with flights data). I want to obatin List< Itinerary > from JSON, but the problem is that it is badly formatted, and I'm getting the ...
deja's user avatar
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1 answer

Moshi can't deserialize Map with List of values, returns LinkedHashTreeMap instead of value's class instance

Can't deserialize json to this structure: Map<String, List<SomeClass>> I can deserialize to Map<String, SomeClass> like this: ParameterizedType type = Types.newParameterizedType(Map....
wanderbild's user avatar
0 votes
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Can't perform polymorphic deserialization of nested collections using Moshi PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory

Complex nested Data types won't deserialize to intended classes using a standard approach. As of now, I have this working code, which deserializes json to Map<String, ? extends T> structure: ...
wanderbild's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Moshi Retrofit Android Json Parsing -Expected a string but was BEGIN_ARRAY at path $

I'm trying to parse some Json data into a kotlin data class but I'm getting the exception from the Api call: Expected a string but was BEGIN_ARRAY at path $. I have no idea what is the cause of this ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 answer

How to handle JSON with multiple values and Moshi

When communicating with some APIs, it can happen that the JSON body may have duplicate fields which can cause the following error: com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException: Multiple values for 'name' at $....
LethalMaus's user avatar
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2 answers

json converter error = moshi Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path

How to config Moshi so that below field2 from JSON will be converted to String "{"subfield21":"asdf","subfield22":"1234"}" in code MyData.field2 JSON: ...
Grzegorz Dev's user avatar
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3 votes
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Kotlin Android Room handle empty list of objects in Moshi TypeConverter

I inherited an Android project where I had to rebase the rxJava code to a more pure Kotlin centric code base with a MVVM design pattern. Given my inexperience, along with lots of head scratching and ...
Hmerman6006's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to specify a different name for json key while using Retrofit + Moshi

I need to make a POST request to my backend with following json: { start_time: 123456789 } I have created the below data class for the body in Retrofit request: data class MyRequestBody( @...
Arpit Shukla's user avatar
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Moshi Codegen take longer time since it uses reflection(aka."Class.classForName") to create the generated adapter. Is there a way to avoid this?

Adapters generated via codegen cannot be added in the Moshi.Builder().add(Type, JsonAdapter). So moshi doesn't know how to create the compile-time generated adapter. It uses reflection to create them, ...
Archana Prabhu's user avatar
1 vote
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Mixed-mode stream-oriented JSON parsing with Moshi without special type adapters

In Java I want to parse a really long JSON file (an array of objects) using Moshi. I don't want to read the entire file in memory; rather I want to detect each object and then read and process each ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Moshi-JsonDataException: Required value '%s' missing at $

I was working with Moshi to pull JSON data from an API and map it to my DTO Data classes when I encountered this error: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.plcoding.weatherapp, PID: 9706 com.squareup....
Tonnie's user avatar
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import json library moshi causes build failure

I want to use moshi to parse json file, this is my code: import com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter; import com.squareup.moshi.Moshi; import; import; import ...
AIMIN PAN's user avatar
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-2 votes
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parse No Key json list with moshi in Android

What I am trying to do is to get Json response from GitHub API call of user's repository list. response example from Github is like below. [ { "id": 78688034, "node_id": &...
foseja's user avatar
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How to retrieve the list of all GitHub repositories of a person? parsing json list with no key value

I know this question has been answered at this post with same question. however, my question is the Json response by the most upvoted answer will be a json list with no key value. (you can also check ...
foseja's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I create a JSON data class for this sample

Here is the JSON sample and I need data classes for this sample. [ { "id": "a", "symbol": "tiger", "name": "Tiger&...
oyeraghib's user avatar
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Can't receive byte array using Retrofit 2 in Kotlin

I have a DTO class using Moshi that's supposed to send and receive byte arrays[], but it only works when sending them, because when I receive then I have this exception. com.squareup.moshi....
Kanadista's user avatar
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2 answers

Parsing JSON Strings with moshi and retrofit2

The API I am using responds with a JSON object nested inside a list, like so: [ { "name": "Seattle", "lat": 47.6038321, "lon": -122....
C-h me's user avatar
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Serialize class with abstract parameter to JSON

I have 3 classes: GameResultList which is basically ArrayList with some helper methods in it GameResult with an abstract value gameMode GameMode public class GameResultList extends ArrayList<...
Corec's user avatar
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Moshi: How to provide adapter for PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory.withFallbackJsonAdapter while configuring Moshi.Builder

I'm trying to use PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory for JSON which provides different structure depending on type field, like below. { "notifications": [ { "type": "...
ytRino's user avatar
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1 answer

Error: "Required value 'networkOffers' missing at $" For Android

I keep getting this Error call Yet I'm not sure where to look to fix it. I have a raw JSON file in my Res Folder under the directory "Raw" The Error is coming at my Repository class ...
OEThe11's user avatar
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2 answers

Moshi : Generic Json converter for Room entity

I am trying to create a generic JSON parser String to Object with Moshi but I am not sure if I am doing it right as I am stuck in a scenario which needs to deal with List. The idea of this interface ...
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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com.squreup.moshi.JsonDataException: Expected a string but was NULL at path $.data.gender

I need to parse data class from server request like this: @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class User( @Json(name = "user_name") val userName: String, @Json(name = "...
Leha Bodunov's user avatar
0 votes
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Parsing json that has unneeded fields with Moshi

Probably a stupid question, but what is the most efficient way for Moshi to parse json which contains the fields I won't use? For example { "name": "Edward", "surname"...
isLery's user avatar
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Kotlin + Moshi serialization of object type

I have following code in Kotlin: sealed class ParentClass data class ChildA(val prop: String): ParentClass() object ChildB: ParentClass() but when I try to serialize it into JSON with Moshi I get ...
user8172849's user avatar
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Android: How to parse nested json array with different data type objects using retrofit - moshi?

I want to parse nested json using retrofit moshi. The json data i'm having is an array, inside array first element is string & second is again an array. I don't want to parse first element in the ...
Akshay's user avatar
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Most efficient way to convert bulk JSON object data into Kotlin objects?

Where sending thousands of the same type of object, with numerous properties that have descriptive names (can be long), it's super inefficient, in terms of server RAM overhead, to send them as regular ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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Custom attributes with Moshi Json Parser

What is Jackson's @JsonAnySetter and @JsonAnyGetter equivalent for Moshi? Is there any way to handle custom attributes in Moshi ?
Kamil S's user avatar
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What is Moshi's Equivalent of GSON's gson.fromJson() and gson.toJson()?

I am following this ROOM tutorial and at some point we need to create Type Converters for ROOM. GSON is being used to parse to and from JSON. To achieve this we first create this general interface ...
Tonnie's user avatar
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Moshi: Expected a string but was BEGIN_ARRAY at path $

So I am setting up a Retrofit API call with a custom parsing file and having that file sent to a Room DB that I have set up. I have been running to a problem with the repository, where I'm getting the ...
OEThe11's user avatar
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2 answers

Moshi fail to deserialize 0, 1 to "Boolean?"

We try to deserialize JSON field from 0, 1, null to "Boolean?" And we have this customize Annotation: @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) @JsonQualifier annotation class BooleanType ...
RedSIght's user avatar
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What return type should Retrofit interface have? How do you handle exceptions?

I'm trying to use Kotlin coroutines, with Retrofit and Moshi. But I'm confused based off the information that I'm seeing what I should be doing with my retrofit interface and how to handle the network ...
SmallGrammer's user avatar
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Moshi serialize generic classes "Failed to find the generated JsonAdapter constructor..."

I have following class hierarchy Github Sample interface OptionV2 { val id: String } @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) class ImageSelectionOption( override val id: String, value: String,...
Abhishek Bansal's user avatar
1 vote
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Faster JSON deserialization with huge int JSON array

I have to deserialize a Json object in Android with a huge Int Json array inside. The schema is like: { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "...
J.Zhang's user avatar
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Parsing JSON with Increment Object Name using Moshi and Retrofit in Kotlin

I am getting a JSON via an API that looks like that. As you can see the first object name is an increment value. How do I have to handle that variable object name in the data class or the interface ...
Ohlsen's user avatar
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Moshi Codegen- Enum with int values

I hane an api response that I want to be represented like an enum. The problem is that api response returns integer values. Is it possible moshi handle this case without writing custom adapters on my ...
Nikos M's user avatar
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How do I deal with different responses using Moshi?

I get responses from websocket continiously (live), and all of them looks different, for example: Response 1: { "event": "update", "status": "...
kozzzza's user avatar
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