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2 answers

Getting Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY error if API returns the empty array Instead of list in kotlin android moshi

Getting error while parsing the API response using Moshi. Sample Reponses: Expected API response {"itemsValues":[{"Id":"567"},{"Id":"678"}]} If list ...
Android Dev's user avatar
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handle kotlin coroutines withContext exceptions inside try-catch not work

I call network operations like this. viewModelScope.launch { try { val data = withContext( { homeRepository.getData() } } catch (e: Throwable) { val error = ...
Frank Mung No's user avatar
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Moshi: how to fix "Inappropriate blocking method call" warning in the coroutine?

I use this with DataStore to convert Flow result and it show a warning for the Moshi fromJson method { val json = it[key] json?.let { adapter.fromJson(json) } ?: ...
proninyaroslav's user avatar
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Unable to create converter for kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow, No JsonAdapter for kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow

In this demo app, I used a retrofit, Moshi, MVVM, dagger hilt, and kotlin coroutine, I got stuck in this exception, I tried to change the structure of suspended fun in PokemonApiService delete it, ...
Dr Mido's user avatar
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Retrofit Moshi Unable to create @Body converter for java.util.HashMap

The line EarthlingsApi.retrofitService.register(params) in my code below fun clickLogin(){ val params = HashMap<String, String>() params["email"] = email params["...
imin's user avatar
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Testing a Retrofit + Moshi ApiService which returns a Deferred Object

I've been trying to build tests for the following API Service, but I can't figure how to build a mock interface for it: package import com.jakewharton.retrofit2....
Tomk07's user avatar
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Using Coroutines along with RxJava and Moshi not working

I am working an Android project that uses RxJava for its network calls and now I'm migrating it to Coroutines. Since the code base is large, I have to use RxJava and Coroutines simultaneously and ...
Abdul Mateen's user avatar
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How to make "inappropriate blocking method call" appropriate?

I am currently trying to leverage kotlin coroutines more. But I face a problem: when using moshi or okhttp inside these coroutines I get a warning: "inappropriate blocking method call" What is the ...
ligi's user avatar
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Unable to successfully send a POST request using Retrofit 2.6.1 - Problems with JSON coverter

I am using the new Retrofit2 with suspending coroutines, and with GET requests everything works fine. But I now have to implement a POST request, and just can't get it to work I have a CURL example ...
michpohl's user avatar
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There is a message when retrieving data from the API (data not found), besides showing the data in one place it, it works

There is a message when retrieving data from the API (data not found), besides showing the data in one place it, it works So the time I run it does not come out anything, and it turns out after I ...
Rizqi Alif's user avatar