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2 answers

Issue in compiling aloha in Omnetpp 5.6.2.& 5.6.1 in windows 10, 64 bit

I am trying to install OMNETpp5.6.2 but failed as it gave me compilation error aloha can not be compiled or so,... SO I tried with omnet 5.6.1 but ended up with same error as shown below ===== ...
Sameer Kumthekar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Julia ALOHA simulation

I want to write ALOHA simulation but I plot this picture only G=0 1 2 3.What I need to add? using Plots A = [] for G in 0.0:3.0 S = G*ℯ^(-2G) push!(A, S) end println(A) plot(A)
green's user avatar
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Vulnerable time in ALOHA depends on the frame transmission time (Tfr), but in CSMA it depends on frame propagation time

Q: Why the vulnerable time in ALOHA depends on the frame transmission time (Tfr), but in CSMA it depends on frame propagation time (Tp) -->I've understood that Vulnerable time is the time when there ...
Sanjay Tarani's user avatar
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1 answer

Inject aloha into iframe

I am trying to inject aloha into a page loaded with iframe. This is my head tag's inner html: <title>Getting Started with Aloha Editor</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""s-post-summary--meta">
Lajos Arpad's user avatar
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What is 'define' used for in JavaScript (aside from the obvious)?

I have searched high and low for documentation on this, but I just cannot find anything anywhere. I am using Aloha and want to use their sidebar prototype to create a new side bar of my own attached ...
David O'Sullivan's user avatar