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Why can't generate source features?

project structure: category.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <site> <feature id="com.test.A.feature" version="0.0.0"> <...
Bourbon_7's user avatar
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Element <module> can be built without a corresponding pom.xml file?

Specified in the pom.xml file of the m2e project: <module>org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit</module> line 44 However, there is no pom....
Bourbon_7's user avatar
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How can in house developed Eclipse plugins be used in Maven projects?

I have some experience with Eclipse IDE. I have several projects written with headless-RCP back from Oxygen 3.8. I want to convert or re-write them into Maven projects. My headless-RCP projects use ...
Bill B.'s user avatar
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Maven in Eclipse: How to make Eclipse show an error if repo is inaccessible/access token has expired

I have multiple Maven based projects in Eclipse and one of the main Maven remote repositories is a private Maven repo hosted in a GitLab project. For accessing this Maven repository a working Private-...
Robert's user avatar
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Is there a label decorator to show the Maven groupId and artifactId in Eclipse?

Unfortunately we have some projects where the SCM directory name, the Eclipse project name (.project file) and the Maven artifactId are all different. There is a decorator to show the SCM path, but I ...
Reto Höhener's user avatar
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Unable to load Maven's central repo list in Eclipse

I downloaded Eclipse 2024-06 with built-in m2e integration (for Java developers). However, I am not able to view the central repo's list at all via Eclipse's 'Maven Repository' view. In fact, under '...
JavaFan's user avatar
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eclipse m2e use client certs for https

My goal is to have eclipse m2e access a corporate Artifactory instance using client certs and NOT have other things that I run from eclipse use those certs. In IntelliJ it's really easy, you can set ...
user3742898's user avatar
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STS 4.22.1 - Maven Remote Catalogue is not working

STS 4.22.1 release remote catalogue configuration gives "Archetype Catalog is empty" error, but the same catalog url is working in STS 4.8.1 release. Is there any open issue with latest sts ...
pradeep's user avatar
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How to enable again the download approach about "Attach Source"?

For a Spring project, developed through Spring Tool Suite 4 (based on Eclipse), for any Java file and for any part of its code, such as: @Configuration public class AppConfig { ... } When the ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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How to Resolve Conflicting Lifecycle Mapping in Eclipse for Tycho and PDE

I'm working on an Eclipse RCP project managed with Maven and Tycho. I've encountered a conflicting lifecycle mapping metadata error in Eclipse. The error message states: Conflicting lifecycle mapping ...
Abandooon's user avatar
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Class-File-Editor.Source-not-found Source Attachment Doesn't Have Source-File ReflectionUtils.class

What are the details of your problem? I'm unable to decompile-debug on Eclipse like I expect. I'm used to IntelliJ and its decompiling-debugger and I thought I had the Eclipse JDT (Java Development ...
Zach's user avatar
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Launch configurations not appearing anymore after Eclipse update with Quarkus

I'm using Quarkus 3.5.3, and we had a couple of problems with Eclipse after the update. So I installed Eclipse 2023-12 and added the Quarkus Tools (4.29.0.Final, no newer version was offered by the ...
eerriicc's user avatar
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Nested 2 level maven project not loading in eclipse

I have project structure like of one module and on top of this sub-parent I have my main directory called parent. bom.pom.xml defines version of the all child-module so that whenever it is required by ...
Gaurang Dobariya's user avatar
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Remove maven suggestion from Eclipse quickfix menu

How can I remove the M2 suggestion from the quickfix menu? I constantly add maven dependencies to my pom.xml by mistake when I want to use the CTRL+1 feature. I tried to reduce the Content Assist ...
Jotschi's user avatar
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maven index not available in eclipse

The searching dependency/plugins functions in eclipse doesn't work, I tried to use the suggested answers here, but just found that the menu options are unavailable to my installation, why is that? see ...
fluter's user avatar
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Spring tool suite 4.18.1.RELEASE maven pom auto suggetion not working

Open pom.xml with MAVEN POM EDITOR or xml editor,the auto suggesion/content assist not working. Checked the following settings 1、xml editor content asssist 2、Keys bind Maven pom editor
Mr Lou's user avatar
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Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration from module projects

I have the main project, called yyy. I have a subproject, a module called yyy-common-test. Both are recognized as Maven projects. As you can see in the pic, the module identifies the parent Maven ...
user1182625's user avatar
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Getting this error while launching a Jetty app "Launching application_name". 'java.lang.String org.eclipse.m2e.core.embedder.ArtifactKey.groupId()"

This is the output log for the error that i'm getting on the console. An internal error occurred during: "Launching application-name". org.eclipse.m2e.core.embedder.ArtifactKey.groupId()...
Arun A's user avatar
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Why doesn't the option to rebuild Maven index show up when right-clicking central in Eclipse?

Recently, I've been working on a maven project in eclipse. When I try to search dependencies to add in the pom.xml, nothing shows up. So, I went online and saw that a solution was to rebuild the index ...
SpartanCao's user avatar
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Import maven project to Eclipse gives a bunch of "cannot be resolved to a type" errors in for tests

I import to Eclipse 4.27.0 with M2E plugin installed and got bunch of errors in test folder: Description Resource Path Location Type AbstractExtensionFinder ...
sdorof's user avatar
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Maven Artifact Resolver not seeing latest plugins on Maven Central on my machine

I am using Maven 3.9.1 on Windows 10. I also use Eclipse EE 2023-03, which contains m2e (Eclipse's support for Maven). I am checking a POM for plugin version updates using the Versions Maven Plugin, ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Why does Eclipse add M2_REPO to Java Build Pat > Libraries > Classpath?

Eclipse will automatically add M2_REPO/... to the Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Classpath. Here is a picture showing this. Instead, I would like to only see Maven ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Errors in eclipse pom.xml but maven clean install is successful

I am facing errors in a multi-module Maven Project in pom.xml, plugins section for maven-jar-plugin. Read the updates below before proceeding... It seems that the property ${user.dir} is recognized by ...
tarekahf's user avatar
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maven update in Eclipse: Could not update project

I am doing first steps in REST with Jersey following here using m2e. It works fine deployed on tomcat 10.1, after a few adaptions to tomcat 10 and Java-17. Now, I'd like to do a next step and put ...
ngong's user avatar
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Why rebuild of Kotlin application removes target class files in Eclipse?

I'm trying to setup an app written in Kotlin, built on Maven and using Spring Boot in Eclipse. I manage to run the application only if I do Maven build of the project which generates class files in ...
ssanchozz's user avatar
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How to refer to a project and not jar while running test cases in Maven

I have a maven Project A which has Project B in its dependencies. Now, the Project A has few test cases which refers to a xml file inside Project B. When I run this test cases in Project A, through ...
Subhranil Sengupta's user avatar
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Not able to install Groovy Eclipse plugin in Eclipse 2022-12

I haven't installed the Groovy Eclipse plugin for a while because I mostly did not need it anymore. However, I'm now looking at one project that I need this for. I'm using Eclipse 2022-12. When I ...
David M. Karr's user avatar
4 votes
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Eclipse failure during a maven update

First of all, probably my question is not well asked or is too easy or too simple but I'm a little bit novice and Vaadin and I can't figure what is happening. When I try to update the maven project ...
Samuel Góngora's user avatar
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Eclipse: compile errors when processing maven-apt-plugin-generated source files

I have a project that uses JPA QueryDSL. For that we use the com.mysema.maven:maven-apt-plugin to generate the so-called Q-classes (i.e. Java-code) in Maven phase generate-sources. The generated files ...
mmo's user avatar
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Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ArrayBinding.elementsType()" because "arrayBinding" is null

I'm using SpringToolSuite: Version: 4.16.1.RELEASE Build Id: 202210240748 Revision: 4e8e5b4a7f22310c0505603e0659a2b7083aaffb Together with m2e - m2e M2E Maven Integration for Eclipse ...
Andreas Höhmann's user avatar
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How to configure m2e source editor to use WTP xml editor

From what I understand from this :, the source tab editor is configurable. I have found no documentation on how to configure it. Right now, it ...
Filip's user avatar
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Maven resources plugin disable default packing of /src/resources/

I have a maven project in eclipse and want to use the mave-resources-plugin to pack my resources to a jar. I managed to pack it as I like, but have one issue remaining: the 'default-resources' ...
roediGERhard's user avatar
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Compilation error on antlr3 files in Eclipse 2022-09

Eclipse version: 2022-09 Eclipse m2e version: 2.0.4 antlr version: 3 antlr3-maven-plugin: 3.5.3 I have a project with a Logic.g file. Everything was working OK on a previous version of Eclipse (where ...
mmalmeida's user avatar
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Eclipse Java IDE restore

I was developing a plugin, using Eclipse IDE for java developers (Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0) Build id: 20210910-1417) During development, when I run it as an eclipse application, it opens a runtime-...
Vince Molnar's user avatar
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Can't install m2e plugin into IBM RTC Eclipse

I want to integrate maven plugin into Eclipse RTC client (Team Concert, version How to fix it? Thks I've tried to use other versions of that plugin:
prista's user avatar
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Java update issue : <do you trust unassigned content of unassigned origin>

I don't know what I may have changed locally, but when I attempted to install update, got this error below: I was unable to continue, can someone who may be familiar with the root cause show me a way....
Omutwar's user avatar
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eclipse duplicate deployment descriptors with maven webapp

I get multiple deployment descriptors on every sub package I create within every new webapp project. Why is that, why is there no java source folder by default and do I have to f* around with this or ...
roediGERhard's user avatar
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Unlink project as a maven dependency of another project in Spring Tool Suite

I have some projects with many json files that when compiling them with maven generate many java bean classes and I have a main project that has the maven dependency of these other projects. Well, if ...
Corporativo's user avatar
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Eclipse / M2E reset Deployment Assembly on each Update Maven Project

I have been having numerous problems with Eclipse on two different Macs since Eclipse upgraded to 2022-09 (4.25.0). After many fresh installs and imports, I am still having an issue with with the ...
Thad's user avatar
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How to enable search in add dependency in latest version of m2e maven integration

Latest update of m2e plugin changed how indexing works and the method described in Eclipse : Maven search dependencies doesn't work will not work, since Maven Repositories View is marked for ...
Julian's user avatar
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loader constraint violation error when adding maven dependency in target defination

I am trying to add third party libraries in target definition of an xtext project. Could you please provide some hints about the probable cause for this issue.
vks2106's user avatar
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How to debug a Maven application in Eclipse

Let me start by clarifying I have check every possible resource, tutorial, video, other stackoverflow questions that I could get my hands on that are related in order to try and find an answer to this....
After_Sunset's user avatar
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Got This Error after Installing Darkest Theme from marketplace in STS Spring

An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling". Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.m2e.jdt.internal.BuildPathManager.getSavedContainer(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject)" ...
Purushottam's user avatar
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Disable Eclipse warnings programatically in single Maven module generating sources?

I have a multi-module Maven project, in which one module is responsible for invoking OpenAPI generator on our openapi.yaml file resulting in a lot of Java sources under target/ which is then compiled ...
user18619318's user avatar
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Rest assured with Testng - Error coming in delete request

"contacts": [ "Expected a list of items but got type "int"."
Rajat goel's user avatar
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Maven Build Unresolved Compilation Problem Missing Type

I am converting my application to Maven and I have hit a problem I'm not able to figure out. The project has no errors in the workspace (eclipse, using m2e plugin), no errors in the build log, and no ...
Reed Simpson's user avatar
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Maven dependency tree / hierarchy not showing the truth

I was going to migrate an old Ant project existing of multiple single java projects to a multi-module maven project. All the libraries have been stored in one local folder. For building up the ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Unable to import javax.sql.Connection in groovy script and unable to run groovy within Eclipse

How can I import javax.sql.Connection in a Groovy script? How can I configure m2e to work in eclipse I have a dependency on a jar file I created which uses classes with javax.sql.Connection and I can ...
user939857's user avatar
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How to make M2E (Maven for eclipse) include required eclipse projects in WAR

I'm starting to use Maven (M2E) on Eclipse. I have two projects ->Tools ->Main The Main project requires the Tools project. I add "Tools" under the "Main"->"...
Alberto Marchi's user avatar
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Installing m2e 1.8 into oxygen eclipse

I am trying to install Oomph 1.8 into an existing eclipse install (oxygen) under Linux (CentOS 7). When I installed Oomph 1.8, I get an error due to missing dependency on m2e. I am trying to resolve ...
lmnca's user avatar
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