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1 answer

Why doesn't the option to rebuild Maven index show up when right-clicking central in Eclipse?

Recently, I've been working on a maven project in eclipse. When I try to search dependencies to add in the pom.xml, nothing shows up. So, I went online and saw that a solution was to rebuild the index ...
SpartanCao's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How inform the maven dependency point to .m2 without close the project

my project consist of 3 module project, they are pom, war and jar., menu -----war, ---pom. photo helps describe the problem when project still ...
vincent's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

eclipse imported maven project cannot resolve symbols in other imported maven project

I imported "flink" projects from its git clone and configured related settings. I can compile/package it successfully in command line with "mvn". Several projects report errors that symbols cannot be ...
frankli22586's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Maven Eclipse multi-module shaded dependency

In a multi-module Maven project, one of the modules is a shaded module (e.g. no source, but generates a jar during package phase). Other modules reference this module as a dependency (all under same ...
Sonny Heer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Adding hibernate dependency in Eclipse with Maven and m2e plugin

I've created a Java project in eclipse and added hibernate 3.5.4 dependency to pom.xml file, but the only jar that appeared in Maven Dependencies tab is slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar. How should I configure ...
Marcin Nowak's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add .jar file dependencies to pom.xml file using m2eclipse plugin

I would like to add junit 4.10 to my dependencies for my pom.xml and also 2 other denpencies found and here
letter Q's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

m2e eclipse maven plugin depedency management

I have the m2e maven plugin installed on Eclipse (Kepler 64bit). I have created a new project using a archtype. I then open up POM file using the 'Maven POM Editor'. I then go to the dependencies tab. ...
Quest Monger's user avatar
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2 answers

Maven dependency Hibernate library cannot be read

I'm getting the following error in eclipse. Archive for required library: '~/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.2.1.Final/hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar' in project I've done Maven->...
captain_soban's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Maven project compiles but there are missing imports in the workspace

I'm using eclipse Kepler with the m2e plugin and I want to modify a maven project and compile it. I first converted it to a maven project with Configure -> Convert to maven project, but there were ...
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build path contains entries not specified by dependencies

after importing a project into eclipse using m2e plugin, the build path contains entries not specified by the dependencies in the pom.xml file. Why? The dependencies are shown in the following file. ...
ahmehri's user avatar
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2 answers

Why maven causes dependencies errors?

Why some maven dependecies in the .pom file are causing errors like: Missing artifact nonfree-lingpipe:lingpipe:jar:2.3.1? All dependencies are listed in the .pom file. In .m2 folder I have all ...
Alina's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

For which Maven dependency scopes is the dependency included in the compiled project?

E.g. if I make the BukkitApi jar a dependency for a maven project with depenecy scope set to provided,compile,system, runtime or test In which scopes will the bukkitAPI be included in the compiled ...
Ryan Leach's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Missing Maven dependencies in Eclipse multi-module project

I’m using STS 2.9.1 (build on Eclipse 3.7.2) with m2e plugin bundled with STS (v1.0.200.20111228-1245). I have a problem regarding missing dependencies in Eclipse project that contains several modules,...
efesjan's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does m2e add dependency always zero

When I try to add a dependency in pom.xml, the result always zero. Like, I input "log4j", the select dependency UI show results for 'log4j' (0) How can I search the result from the central repository? ...
ZhenFang's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

How To: Eclipse Maven install build jar with dependencies

I am using Eclipse Maven (m2e) inside Eclipse and I am running my project like this: My pom.xml looks like this: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Alex's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How to exclude a Maven test-scoped dependency from Eclipse (but keep it in the path for unit tests)

I am having some problems getting Eclipse to honour a test-scoped Maven dependency - it is showing up on the build path and messing with eclipse's compilation / javadoc resolution. An example with ...
Ryan Bennetts's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

maven plugin for eclipse, proxy issue

I use m2eclipse to integrate Eclipse (Indigo) and Maven. I also use a proxy, so I have a Settings.xml with the correct host and port. I've configured the LAN Settings of the OS too, so Eclipse is ...
ariveirab's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

m2eclipse: Multi-module and parent build exception

I am new to m2eclipse, and I created a dummy java project (mytest4) and checked enable dependency management, after that, the plugin created a pom.xml file. I manually added parent information, such ...
user553710's user avatar
1 vote
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m2eclipse can't find any dependencies

I have created a new Maven project in eclipse, using the Nexus Indexer Archetype. I am trying to add dependencies to this project via Maven -> Add Dependency. But whenever I search for anything, no ...
kwh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can't add Java Project nature to nested m2Eclipse project

I have a nested m2Eclipse project in Indigo. The parent project contains the src folder that is used by the nested modules (see structure below). parent src pom.xml module1 pom.xml ...
user899509's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Adding POM type dependency using m2eclipse, unable to resolve

I am trying to add Hector dependencies to my POM. My IDE is Eclipse, and I am also using m2eclipse. Adding dependencies of JAR type is not a problem, but this dependency is of type POM. I have tried ...
Walker's user avatar
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25 votes
14 answers

m2eclipse says "Missing artifact" but I can build from cmdline!

I'm trying to use this Sonatype Eclipse plugin for the first time to handle an existing (huge) software that I can build with maven form the command line. I have configured the plugin to use my maven ...
Pino's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to deny maven to use open projects in Eclipse instead of jar from repository

Currently if i have dependency project opened, then maven use it instead of specified jar from repo. Is there Eclipse setting (or conf for pom), so maven will always use specified dependencies non-...
Konstantin Petrukhnov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Maven missing transitive dependency

I have a maven project with a dependency (datanucleus-db4o). This dependency has itself a dependency on db4o (db4o:db4o:jar: Now maven says: 09.09.10 19:43:09 MESZ: ...
PageFault's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't add project from local Maven repository as a dependency

I've written a new Maven project and for now let's call it Utils. I've installed it successfully in my local Maven repository. At least the targets clean install print BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the end. I ...
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2 votes
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m2eclipse - after pom and dependencies definition - no libraries on classpath / Maven Dependencies

I've been doing just simple archetype projects until now, and always after dependencies definition and saving pom.xml, immediately after that the Maven Dependencies library was full of libraries. But ...
lisak's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Problem with dependencies in m2eclipse

I have a problem with m2eclipse and Nexus. Normally, when you create a new Maven Project in Eclipse, you can select an Archetype like maven-archetype-quickstart from the Nexus Indexer. Unfortunately, ...
MH.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

m2eclipse workspace resolution

I am using m2eclipse for managing maven projects in eclipse. It seems that in the previous release that I was using (0.9.8) the workspace resolution did not work at all, but right now it also does not ...
Bartosz Radaczyński's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How can I add source code to my dependency libraries in Maven?

For instance, I have included into my dependencies junit-addons : junit-addons. But in the maven repository there isn't any source code. And I know it exists (I have downloaded it). How can I modify ...
monzonj's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

m2eclipse : Maven dependencies as JAR's not projects

I'm having maven project on Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin. This project has some dependencies. Some of them are libraries as slf4j, apache-commons etc. But there are also mine libraries, that I'm ...
Arek's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to tell M2Eclipse to install jar file as a maven dependency

I want to add jpoller.jar as a maven dependency, so I edited my pom.xml file to include it: <dependency> <groupId>org.sadun</groupId> <artifactId>jpoller</...
Kaleb Pederson's user avatar