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Change Ceedling output of failures for eclipse to jump directly to it

I managed to start Ceedling as a c-build project and the complete log is written to the console window. I also created an error parser, which works for the most of the warning/errors. But for the ...
cSharpStarter's user avatar
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Eclipse Setup issue with include library

On MacOS using Eclipse with g++ and c++17 dialect. When trying to build my project there is an issue with the library. The library isnt found, which in turn doesn't let me include basic headers such ...
Jls Wlf's user avatar
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Must use Virtual Framebuffer to run Eclipse 4.5 Headless Build on Ubuntu 24.01 LTS

I am working with the Tasking IDE a proprietary fork of Eclipse 4.5. I am trying to setup a CI pipeline. I am using Eclipse from the shell to automate build of project. However, when I run the ...
Spice_Weasel's user avatar
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changing the icon of windows app using Tycho not working

<launcher name="idealized"> <linux icon="icons/linux.xpm"/> <macosx icon="icons/macos.icns"/> <win useIco="true"> ...
Ahmed Bilal's user avatar
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An error problem about using eclipse CDT to debug C language in Ubuntu system: Can't find a source file at "./stdio-common/./stdio-common/printf.c"

The following problem occurs when using eclipse CDT to debug C language in Ubuntu system: Whenever debugging enters the print line, an error program appears, causing debugging to be interrupted. As ...
user23343178's user avatar
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Run Config on eclipse ide

I'm writing code in eclipse cdt and I want to make a run configuration that includes every project. So for example, you made configuration and it could run project a and b in one configuration. I am ...
zxyv's user avatar
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Eclipse CDT (C++): Organize Imports mangling file comments

Until recently, Eclipse CDT did a fairly good job of organizing imports (Ctrl+shift+O) and Add Include (Ctrl+shift+N). It would find undefined labels, search for matching headers, and insert them ...
wdtj's user avatar
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How to generate a readable report from the xml output of Cppcheck/Cppcheclipse?

I am using Eclipse CDT for embedded development. I installed Cppcheck and the Eclipse plugin cppcheclipse for static analysis. When I run cppcheck in the IDE it generates xml data in the console. I ...
tiger19tony72's user avatar
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How to fix error code 137 with Eclipse CDT on docker

I'm using Eclipse on Windows for C++ development. As my software developped is in Linux, I'm using a container for compiling, not debugging yet. I've configured the setup in february 2024, it was ...
Alexandre Lavoie's user avatar
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Eclipse 2023-09 indexer failing to validate "map" template arguments using MinGW (MYSYS64-11.2.0 version) but compiling/linking properly

The project was moved from Eclipse 2020-12 to Eclipse 2023-09 and the indexer works fine in the 2020 version. It compiles in both versions. All the other standard containers (vector, list, etc) are ...
SaintJob 2.0's user avatar
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cant find source file

I compiled and executed the main function using a compiler on Windows, and after the return was completed, a gcov_do_dump() function appeared with an error message. The error message was "can't ...
Touchorse's user avatar
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Error in the code when compiling an empty project for stm32

I'm trying to compile an empty project created automatically by Eclipse with the toolkit that allows me to write code for Arm, I additionally installed the Arm GNU ToolChain compiler, as well as MinGW ...
Денис Фолюш's user avatar
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Eclipse gave me an error saying it couldn't find the file.. How can I resolve it?

18:08:58 **** Incremental Build of configuration Release for project LED **** make all Building file: ../src/lib/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/Legacy/stm32f7xx_hal_can.c Invoking: GNU Arm Cross C Compiler ...
예은박's user avatar
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"an error has occured. see the log file."

I have a problem with the STM32Cube IDE app. I don't know why I can't get into it. I try to open with another way, but i still don't find my solution. Can anyone help me? I am still very new to this ...
Mochamad Zaky Pradana's user avatar
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how to use org.eclipse.cdt.utils.pty.PTY in eclipse 2024 03 version?

In eclipse 2019 version used in this class of CDT org.eclipse.cdt.utils.pty.PTY, specific method of use is as follows: boolean is*UsingPTY = ((properties.get("process") == null) &&...
lpp's user avatar
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Eclipse auto format: C indentation setting of #define as function call parameter

when using the Eclipse auto format feature in C function calls the identation is messed up for me when I'm using a #define as function parameter. On the first hit of the auto format everything looks ...
Karl D.'s user avatar
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Debugging: Restart application at specific address in Eclipse

I have a C-Application which isn't located at the default start address of the microcontroller. When starting the debug session in Eclipse, I am using the option "Specify vector table", ...
mostrich's user avatar
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Build issue in my STM32-NUCLEO project using the Eclipse IDE

I am reading Mastering STM32 by Carmine Noviello and got to the chapter where I am about to work on the hello-nucelo project. I followed everything to the letter and still got the following error (see ...
atcoyb__'s user avatar
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Eclipse can not seem to understand newer features of C++

Eclipse's editor does not seem to understand newer features of C++23. Even though the build and run are successful. Eclipse information: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (includes Incubating ...
feeling_lonely's user avatar
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Adding new enumerators to an Enum specifier using CDT ASTRewrite

I have a header file with an Enum with a set of enumerators, e.g., typedef enum MyEnum{ A = 0, B = 1 } I want to add a new enumerator like C = 2 to the end of it. So I tried to do it using the ...
faezeh's user avatar
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the expressionType and includePath of CDT parser

As we all know, we can retrieve the ExpressionType in certain cases. However, I am currently facing an issue where I need to retrieve the return type of functions like scanf and printf. I believe ...
milo's user avatar
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Problems setting up an AVR MCU programmer in Eclipse 2024-03

I installed Eclipse 2024-03 with the plugin to manage AVR MCUs. But when I try to indicate which MCU programmer I intend to use, using the Windows->Preference->AVR window, although I can see ...
SJB's user avatar
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eclipse cdt change object file extension for C++ files

I have two files in the same folder, foo.c and foo.cpp (not my code and cannot easily be changed). Eclipse CDT compiles them both to foo.o, which obviously causes problems. I'd like to change the ...
TazMainiac's user avatar
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Is there a way to port an Eclipse project settings to CMake?

I'm currently looking to migrate off Eclipse at work to manage projects -- we use a variety of projects with common configurations, which becomes difficult to upkeep among all the different projects. ...
prz's user avatar
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Eclipse CDT doesn't stop at GUI breakpoints, but does stop at gdb breakpoints

I've just installed 2023.09 on Ubuntu 22.04, using a snap, and then installed the CDT from inside Eclipse (not the whole CDT; just enough to do debugging). On this setup, breakpoints aren't working. ...
EML's user avatar
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GCC+STM32: missing one element in array

I have faced with a strange problem. I have moved my project from Keil to STM32 IDE. (based on Eclipse and GCC). In Keil I don't have any problems. But in Eclipse there is. The CPU is STM32F030xC I am ...
zulunation's user avatar
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Eclipse C, OpenSTM32 Systems Workbench: Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project

I'm trying to run some example code for the with the DWM3000EVB board and STM32F429ZI Nucleo board. I'm working with a M1 mac (not sure if this matters). The API for the DWM3000EVB module: https://www....
Jeffrey Yang's user avatar
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Import CMake Build Tree into Eclipse

I have a C++ project which I cross-compile for many different HW platforms (x86_64, Raspberry Pi OS, Alpine arm64, ...). As build system I use cmake. Currently I generate an Eclipse project while ...
Totschi's user avatar
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Did GNU ARM Eclipse plugin is deprecated?

I tried to install GNU ARM Eclipse plugin on windows. But the sourceforge updatesite links are not in use, all are saying deprecated. Does eclipse supporting GNU ARM plugin currently or not? Previous ...
ramya lakshmanan's user avatar
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Speeding edit-compile cycle in Eclipse CDT: Build file in active editor first then entire project

I am running a vendor IDE on Windows that's a fancy fork of Eclipse CDT. (Actually the same behavior is desired in several such vendor IDEs). When editing C++ code, I like to make a few changes, then ...
Ben Voigt's user avatar
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v8 and CDT debugging javascript code, how to pause in the function?

I can place a breakpoint anywhere outside the function, but when I place a breakpoint inside the function and try to execute there, it will fail Or if I just try to step into the function, it also ...
ngiokweng's user avatar
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How to prevent Eclipse CDT from compiling / building again?

I use Eclipse 2023-12 and CDT 11.4. I experience the following behaviour: After I compiled a single file I start building the whole application, then it will always compile the just compiled file ...
Martin_from_K's user avatar
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eclipse plug-in development breakpoink listeners

in eclipse plug-in development i want print something When use cdt debug the program stops at the breakpoint , Does cdt have any related listeners? public class RunTimeDataView extends ThinkTechView ...
jack huang's user avatar
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Cannot find "Paths and symbols" in Properties->C/C++ General in Eclipse 2023-12

I'd like to use a library from akshayvernekar on github : After I imported the project, directly after double-click on "main", here is my error message : Message : An exception occurred ...
Yolnit's user avatar
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Add other MCU to Eclipse Project wizard

Could someone advice me, how to add an extra family devices to project wizard in Eclipse? I've installed fresh version of Eclipse with CDT for embed. I need to work with other MCU than listed in ...
kriptonus's user avatar
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Storing Eclipse Launch Configurations in Git

I'm building out some embedded tooling using the Espressif ESP-IDE (mostly based on Eclipse-CDT set up to use their toolchain). I've got enough run and debug configurations that I'd like to be able to ...
rsaxvc's user avatar
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Issue running eclipse CDT build without GUI when not logged in (e.g. with jenkins or nohup)

When running a headless build for an eclipse CDT project (attempted through nohup, detached screen session, and jenkins) the build fails with the following error (shortened to first relevant line): ...
Ian Ooi's user avatar
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Why does Eclipse complain about this use of C++ templates? [duplicate]

In Eclipse, I’m looking at code which is essentially the same as the example posted in the codereview.SX question “C++17: Boost.Hana based compile-time plugin registration”, just condensed into one ...
Socob's user avatar
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Eclipse on ubuntu can't resolve simple libraries like stdio

I used the following code code and it gave me this warning: "Unresolved inclusion <stdio.h>" #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello world!\n"); return 0;...
Tamás Jakab's user avatar
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Is there a way to syntax highlight constexpr variables in Eclipse CDT?

When I create an enum, the members of it are in blue and italics in my code. I would like something similiar for a constexpr variable (C++ 14 or later). Is that possible somehow?
Martin_from_K's user avatar
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C++: can't get eclipse to work. I need a library

So I downloaded eclipse, and put in this simple "Hello World" code: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; return 0; ...
Neal Conroy's user avatar
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Parse value defined macro in C header file using Java CDT parser

For example, I have a header.h file which has a few value defined macro: #define MACRO1 value1 #define MACRO2 value2 I would like to parse these macros using Java CDT parser and store its name as ...
hyvuonggia's user avatar
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use shared library with eclipse on windows

On Windows 10, using eclipse for c projects I have installed the MinGW compiler. I've been able to add a static library (*.h, *.c files). I can't for some reason get a shared library to work. I ...
DCR's user avatar
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Eclipse flags C++ string literal as "Invalid Argument"

After moving all my code to a new M2 MacBook, my old Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09) now flags string literal arguments as "Invalid Argument". I've since updated to the latest Eclipse 2023-06/AArch64&...
Danny's user avatar
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How can I fix the Eclipse error "Unable to execute MI command: -exec-run" (path error) that occurs debugging a CygWin64 app?

When I try to debug any application - even hello.c - using Eclipse 2023-06 under Windows 10/11 I always get the error: [![Failed to execute MI command: -exec-run Error message from debugger back end: ...
SJB's user avatar
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Eclipse: Build variable as string in C code

I try to use a build variable as a string in my C preprocessor code to make a compiler switch. Build variable: VER: A Preprocessor/Defined Symbol: VER=${VER} Code: #if VER == 'A' #define VERSION (1) #...
Rtk's user avatar
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Eclipse .cproject programmatic creation

I've got Eclipse plugin code that programmatically creates an Eclipse project. The gist of it is here: Programmatic creation of Eclipse project in the Eclipse workspace (the code shown on this post is ...
majixin's user avatar
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Can the eclipse ide invoke cmake, with different options, from within the IDE when the configuration is changed?

I have been trying to get this question answered for several years and people keep answering slightly different questions. I have a working cmake with CMakeLists.txt. It supports both Debug and ...
brtip's user avatar
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Eclipse IDE: Using Find references only shows the first occurrence of a variable in a file

I execute the Find References command in the Eclipse Platform Version 3.4.1, this outputs only the first occurrence of the variable in the project file: How to make it so that in the Eclipse Platform ...
name's user avatar
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Cant build C project in Eclipse

I want to dump a simple Hello World code in a Cortex M4 microcontroller.(Nuvoton M487KM) All the tool, board support files and IDE are provided on the website which are installed with the Eclipse IDE (...
Harshal Chavan's user avatar

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