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5 votes
2 answers

maven update in Eclipse: Could not update project

I am doing first steps in REST with Jersey following here using m2e. It works fine deployed on tomcat 10.1, after a few adaptions to tomcat 10 and Java-17. Now, I'd like to do a next step and put ...
ngong's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Tomcat server in Eclipse : the war in target directory is not deployed correctly

I build my project with Maven (command -> mvn clean install -Pdev) to generate the war file for dev environment. The value of the variable backdoor is equal to true with the profile dev dev....
mrdoogees's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Deployment Assembly configuration not working with mvn package

Below is the maven project structure I have in eclipse: And the deployment assembly configuration is as shown below: If I package the war with maven command (mvn clean package) and deploy the war on ...
ktgirish's user avatar
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I can't find which Tomcat m2e is running

In Eclipse, I have a Maven project which is a web app. When I click on Run -> Maven build (and inside the run configuration I have set the tomcat:run goal), a Tomcat is started. The problem is, I see ...
Neets's user avatar
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Dynamic web module in Eclipse Mars with M2E unstable config when changing versions in project facets

I have a dynamic web module project configured to be a Maven project with M2E. I only use Eclipse's embedded maven to do anything with the project, so no command line cleans etc. I'm using Tomcat 7 ...
Adam's user avatar
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m2e default lifecycle when adding webapp to tomcat server

I'm using m2eclipse for a while, and I suddenly ask myself this very basic question: Which maven phases are part of the lifecycle when I drag and drop a webapp into my tomcat server? I assume it ...
Etienne's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Maven package structure changed after build Eclipse

I created a Maven project in Eclipse. Initially my package structure was like -src/main/java ---com.package1 ---com.package2 -src/main/resources When I build the project successfully and got war ...
isahilarora's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NoClassFoundError runtime at tomcat

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gwt/event/dom/client/HasClickHandlers at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at ... However at the WEB-INF/lib there is the jar which contains ...
czupe's user avatar
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Make Eclipse Respect Maven-Dependency-Plugin

How can I have Eclipse recognise my use of the maven-dependency-plugin and execute it before deploying resources to Tomcat via WTP? In a previous question I configured Maven to copy some artifacts ...
DeejUK's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for a class in external JAR

I have a maven project in Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. When running Tomcat, I'm getting an error for a class that I can see that I have included. My question is - do I have to add these ...
AllieCat's user avatar
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3 answers

Running Maven Struts2 app on tomcat

I created a Struts2 App using Eclipse M2 Maven plugin but there is no option to run the project on my tomcat server. I tried including the server runtime libraries in the projects build path but that ...
user2054833's user avatar
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tomcat-maven-plugin: Server returned HTTP response code: 403

I'm trying to automatically deploy a Maven webapp from Eclipse Java EE to my local Tomcat server. I'm using Windows XP. This is the error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:tomcat-...
chelder's user avatar
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0 answers

SEVERE: Exception sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.ResteasyBootstrap

I'm trying to configure the development environment for a homework. I've installed Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat and Eclipse Juno (Java EE), and the needed plugin. I've followed the wiki provided with ...
Roggia's user avatar
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Maven plugin for Eclipse Juno -> can't find conf directory under .m2

I am new to Maven plugin. I have downloaded latest eclipse juno and Maven plugin from eclipse MarketPlace. I can see .m2 directory under C:\Documents and Settings\usernam.m2 I want to configure maven ...
devOpsTools's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Running Maven web application to Tomcat

I have a problem with Tomcat when I run my web application. Here is the relevant part of my pom.xml : <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven<...
simonTifo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

ClassNotFoundException when I try to deploy to Tomcat / tc Server in Eclipse / STS

I'm new to Eclipse/STS, and I am having deploying to Tomcat / tcServer. My project builds just fine and deploys to Tomcat fine both in Netbeans and directly to Tomcat, but it will not deploy to Tomcat ...
SGT Grumpy Pants's user avatar
10 votes
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Tomcat-Maven 401 Error: Cannot invoke Tomcat manager

Went through most of the errors shown in StackOverFlow and still couldn't solve it. I'm trying to deploy a SpringMVC application. But, I just can't get it to work. Maven Deploy Error: [ERROR] ...
AppSensei's user avatar
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How to automate the deployment of a lib with Maven (m2e plugin) to Tomcat?

I'm trying to deploy from Eclipse to Tomcat using m2e. Thing is I'm using a connection pool and I need to deploy the MySql driver to the /apache/bin dir and the context.xml to the /apache/conf ...
eduardohl's user avatar
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Cannot run maven project in Eclipse with Tomcat 7

I'm trying to run my Maven project in Eclipse with Tomcat 7 by rickt click -> Run as -> Run on Server. But getting this exception: 05.07.2012 14:38:19 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener ...
dtrunk's user avatar
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Running a maven project on an application server

i want to create a web project that i can run on an application server . So what archetype and groupid i have to choose? Thank you in advace
Amira Manai's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I run a Maven webapp in Eclipse when I need resource filtering for properties files?

I need to get some updates on this issue, I found this thread back in 2009 here, but the answer was to use maven 2, I'm not sure if Q4E works with maven 3 or not. I need to have some properties files ...
David Zhao's user avatar
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2 answers

Eclipse, Tomcat, m2e and War Overlay from artifact

I think this is a change precipitated by the move to automatic publishing in Tomcat?, but basically, it looks like when I have a project in eclipse that uses the war overlay, the resources are being ...
chrismarx's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why Tomcat library folder WEB-INF/lib is empty?

I deploy my Maven webapp using Spring MVC in Eclipse Tomcat. Everything works OK for quite a week. Suddenly, today I modify a properties file, rebuild and redeploy the webapp. There's a class not ...
bnguyen82's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Eclipse WTP / m2eclipse - can neither clean nor publish to tomcat

I'm working on a pretty complex project (Java / Spring / Maven multi-module) with WAR overlays in Eclipse Indigo Java EE (heavily using m2eclipse) on Ubuntu 11.10 / 64bit All good till this morning: ...
Jan Groth's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Eclipse WTP not publishing Maven dependencies

I'm trying to set up a basic hello world project using Eclipse Indigo and a Tomcat server. I created a dynamic project with a simple servlet. Tested the servlet and that worked fine. Then I enabled ...
dcompiled's user avatar
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5 votes
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Deployment to tomcat from eclipse via M2eclipse and Maven

I'm using M2E to create Maven archetype projects (in this case a simple web app) with the aim of using Maven to deploy to a remote tomcat server. I've added the tomcat-maven-plugin to the POM.XML ...
user1176516's user avatar
1 vote
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Merve builds Maven project on every launch on Tomcat

I am using Eclipse, Maven 2, Merve (Tomcat launcher plugin for Eclipse), maven-eclipse plugin and m2eclipse. My problem is that every time I run a launch with Merve, it invokes the Maven Project ...
blitzqwe's user avatar
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Eclipse generates my classes three times in wtpwebapps

i had an issue with PrettyFaces framework that a class is found more than once when using eclipse to run application on server (tomcat 6) what i found is that eclipse generates the class more than ...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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ClassNotFound W/ Spring using Eclipse Tomcat Maven M2Eclipse

Sorry I am new to this stack overflow stuff so pardon the long error message at the bottom. I am trying to deploy a project called BroadLeaf to a Tomcat 7 server using eclipse. I have installed ...
Jackie's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to make Maven overlays working in Eclipse/Tomcat "Serve modules without publishing" mode?

We are developing JavaEE application using Eclipse (3.7/Indigo), Tomcat (6/7) and m2e-wtp (0.13.1). The application is using Maven overlay to reuse resources provided by another application. Current ...
Das's user avatar
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m2eclipse and tomcat

I started to use m2eclipse. After install, i download some archetype, maven install, package, clean works ggreat. Now i wanted to start my application and make it show in my browser. My first problem ...
zax's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What can't I see the run-as server option in eclipse

I'm working on a project in Eclipse Version: 3.5.2 My colleague and I both checked out the same maven project from svn. I'm trying to debug it by running it in Tomcat. He can see the run-as server ...
jeph perro's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Eclipse + Maven + Tomcat: testing web apps when the WAR is built with custom options

I am using Eclipse (Helios), with the "m2eclipse" plugin. I am working on a Maven-based web application project, which I test on a local Tomcat server that is setup inside Eclipse. Generally, this ...
Steve Perkins's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Tomcat throws ClassNotFound exceptions for classes in other open eclipse projects

I have an eclipse project structure that looks something like this: eclipse project a project b All of these projects are Maven projects. Project B is an Eclipse WTP project and contains ...
Ben J's user avatar
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2 answers

Set shared.loader with MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER

Is there a way to set the shared.loader variable with the MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER value? I want to add the library dependencies of a maven eclipse project to that variable. I ...
Jotschi's user avatar
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Eclipse Helios Integration of Maven 2 and Web Projects

I have m2eclipse and its extras installed and am using Helios/Mvn2/jdk6/Tomcat 7/MacOs. I've been able to create a test maven webapp and run it on Tomcat 7 in Eclipse. But I can't get an existing ...
Mars's user avatar
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7 votes
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Setup Tomcat libraries dependencies in maven POM

I am currently migrating our build process from Eclipse/Ant to Maven/M2Eclipse/Artifactory. I have a Webapp as a WTP project in Eclipse. I have migrated it to Maven with m2eclipse. The compilation ...
Raphael Jolivet's user avatar
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Error when i deploy war (TomCat)

when i deploy my war into TomCat i have this error: 14 sept. 2010 11:48:07 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart GRAVE: Exception au démarrage du filtre struts2 Unable to ...
Scandolous's user avatar
3 votes
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eclipse: Run on server disappear

I have a maven project created with maven-archetype-webapp. As i use on Windows machine, the project generated by Maven has a "Run on Server" but when i create it on Linux machine, it doesnt have. ...
robinmag's user avatar
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Integrate War-Plugin for m2eclipse into Eclipse Project

I set up a small web project with JSF and Maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat server. Is there a possibility to automate that like a button in Eclipse that automatically deploys the project to ...
Sven's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Deploying project, created with Eclipse and Maven, to Tomcat

I'm using Eclipse 3.5, Maven 2, m2eclipse and Tomcat 6. So i create Maven project for archetype webapp. This is pom.xml: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www....
user348267's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

ClassNotFoundException when running a Spring + Maven2 project on Tomcat 6 from within Eclipse 3.5

When trying to launch a Web project from within Eclipse I get: SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener java.lang....
Elliot Vargas's user avatar
0 votes
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Issue in executing Spring Web project in Eclipse on Tomcat server

I have a Spring web project that uses Maven to compile/build. There is no issue in building the project. I am trying to run the project in Eclipse (3.3.2) on Tomcat (v6) server. As part of Spring ...
Viral Patel's user avatar
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Eclipse, maven and wtp

I've installed the m2eclipse plugin with WTP integration in my eclipse workbench. When I use to run the project on a server, the dependencies which has to be provided at runtime (e.g. spring) are not ...
onigunn's user avatar
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