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LTPA2 Token Issues in WebSphere WAS 9(Liberty) Post-Migration, Only Resolved by Docker Restart, Not by Automated Deployment

Stack Overflow Community, I am facing a perplexing issue with the LTPA2 token in a Dockerized environment running WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version 9, following a migration from WAS 6. The ...
CastPer's user avatar
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JSF user logs in successfully even after user account was locked by LDAP

I use JSF 2 deployed on Liberty server. My FORM based authentication is against LDAP using j_security_check. It is working and my user can log in/authenticate and get LTPA2 token back. And ...
pixel's user avatar
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Keycloak 15.0.2 Integration with IBM Websphere Portal server version 6.1 using JDK 6

In Current production we are running Two Applications one on WebSphere Application Server 7.0 and one with WebSphere Portal Server 6.1. User currently login to WebSphere Portal and can redirect to WAS ...
RSharma's user avatar
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How to request LtpaToken2 from an application hosted on WebSphere

Can anyone please let me know if it is possible to request a LtpaToken2 from an application hosted on WebSphere? I have a client application which is using a REST API hosted on WebSphere. I ...
user12566716's user avatar
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Why is LTPA Cookie missing in my WAS Liberty environment?

I have configured OIDC authentication (external OP) with WAS Liberty Profile version WebSphere Application Server While testing, the OIDC authentication is ...
Jatin's user avatar
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The LTPA token that is used to login is invalid - Maximo Rest API

I'm building an application that accesses Maximo Rest API, and I this is the code I use to call the API. I'm using .NET Framework 4.5 C# public class MaximoClient { private string ServerURL; ...
Kenny Togunloju's user avatar
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Custom TAI not generating LtpaToken2

I'm using WebSphere Application After switching to custom Trust association interceptor (TAI) from webgate, IBM Websphere does not generate LtpaToken2 for Single-sign on. The TAI is loading ...
sayhaha's user avatar
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Decrypting LTPA2 token in tomcat and achieve SSO

We are implementing a SSO between WebSphere Application Server and Tomcat Using LTPA2 Token. As our client will be sending us the LTPA 2 Token once the user is Authenticated. And on the other hand we ...
Noob of All Arts's user avatar
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Generate Ltpa Token for SSO in Websphere Application Server 9.0

As this is the first time I am working with Websphere Application Server, And with the LTPA token. I am having multiple issues . I have installed the WebSphere Application Server 9.0 , And created a ...
Mr.R0bot's user avatar
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How to Generate a LTPA token from the Application that has been deployed in Web Sphere Application Server

I have a Spring Application, That authenticates the user name and password, And uses the JWT token for the SSO, I have deployed it in the Web Sphere Application Server, (**I have used the WAS 9 )I ...
Mr.R0bot's user avatar
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LTPA Token in Tomcat (Spring security)

I need to create a sso(Single Sign On) based on the LTPA, is there a way to use the tomcat server to accept the LTPA token or the spring security can decrypt the LTPA token and authorize the user. And ...
Mr.R0bot's user avatar
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Ignore LtpaToken in WebSphere Liberty

My organization already has some web applications deployed on a liberty server, using its SSO, which sets an LtpaToken cookie for the entire intranet domain. Now we are switching to openidconnect ...
rslemos's user avatar
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Spring security - Websphere token authentication along with Spring security

I have a spring boot application with simple database authentication Spring security. In lower environments, we use this and for higher environments(deployed in Webpshere application server) the ...
user418836's user avatar
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HCL Domino: how to drop users logged in with LtpaToken

Before I start here: this is a duplicate from another post at (""); I first felt that ...
Lothar Mueller's user avatar
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SESN0008E when login in ibm/console at the same time with login in application

Environment: WebSphere AS I am trying to log in in my app(http://myhost:9080/myapp/login.xhtml), that deployed at WAS and next log in WAS administrative console(https://myhost:9043/ibm/...
Dmitry Zorin's user avatar
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Websphere 9, how to check incoming ltpatoken2

Good day I have an incoming request to my application based on websphere 9 with ltpatoken2 cookie. Previously, the ltpa key was exported from my websphere and add to another server. The option ...
Adares's user avatar
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Need to do SSO between IBM Websphere and my custom application

I am trying to do an SSO between IBM and my own custom application. Now, from what read I understood is LTPA is a mechanism used by WebSphere and other IBM products (e.g lotus products) as a means of ...
shv22's user avatar
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How can I read the LtpaToken2 token from my XMLHttpRequest response?

I'm trying to debug another developers code which looks like this:"POST", url, true, this.state.userid, this.state.password); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onload =...
szaske's user avatar
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what should be the User-Agent header for this call?

this code snippet is taken from Postman. cURL taken from the postman works fine and java code generated from postman gives a 200 response for the particular call. but the response body is not there. ...
senura's user avatar
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How to resolve Websphere web application login delay due to LTPA token expiration?

I am running a web application on Websphere application server BASE Websphere security is configured with standalone LDAP registry(OpenLdap), which is also registry for application users. ...
asmoljo's user avatar
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Spring security with LTPA token

we have a web application using Spring Security to do authentication. Now we have a project need to deploy the web application in WebSphere and use LTPA for SSO between other applications. How can i ...
stanicmail's user avatar
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Unable to get the LTPA token using Rest assured

I am new to rest assured, I want to perform some get and post for test data generation using rest assured. But I am unable to get the LTPA token and pass them to post. This works with postman but I ...
arul k's user avatar
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Apache CXF non Spring WS-Security with LTPAToken on IBM WAS 8.5

I am trying to implement WS-Security with LTPAToken using CXF without Spring on IBM WAS. WAS provides a callback handler that does auth and returns the “Run As Subject”. This handler is called com....
SatyaS's user avatar
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Custom cache key missed authentication cache. Need to re-challenge the user to login again

Using liberty set up in a collective. I have a custom TAI that creates a subject with a custom cache key. This works out of the box with WAS Classic Cell, but in my collective, when ...
bwa's user avatar
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Securing LTPA Token in WebSphere Liberty Profile

We are using WebSphere Liberty Profile ( to run our JAX-RS REST services. We are running our applications through Contrast, which is a scanning service. It is flagging our cookies as having ...
Westy's user avatar
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get ltpatoken2 expiry time

I am currently testing a web application deployed on IBM Websphere Application Server. I understand that I can set the LTPAToken timeout via the console configuration. However, is there any way I can ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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From SAML to LTPA2 Token for IBM BPM 8.5.6

I am building a TAI Interceptor for Websphere 8.5.5.x, the aim is to intercept the request and send it for 2-Factor authentication which will then return a SAML token. I am doing this by implementing ...
Nniol's user avatar
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Automatic login of User without entering credentials (LtpaToken)

What I am trying to achieve: Automatically login a user by creating a LtpaToken (No user id, password) Before the request comes to Domino server, the user will be already authenticated with an ...
Rajeev Menon's user avatar
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Generate a LTPA2 token from SSO Login in a NodeJS Application

I have a node application which is SSO enabled. I need to call some REST API's which are implemented in a IBM Websphere Java project with Liberty Profile. For security reasons, the REST API's are ...
Olinda Sequeira's user avatar
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How does LTPA works as a SSO(single sign on) mechanism

I've got a basic knowledge of SSO principle from a good blog article Visit And I think to realize SSO, we use a central domain(such ...
Jiddu.K's user avatar
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Convert SOAP based to Restful application

I have to covert a SOAP based into RESTFul application. We are using IBM websphere and LTPA token for authentication. I have 2 ideas about it. Manually convert into restful application. (Not sure how ...
Raghuveer's user avatar
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Liberty LTPA SSO configuration failing with

I am building the SSO between IBM ISAM & LIberty profile using LTPA token, The ISAM is configured with LDAP authentication and i have added same LDAP users into liberty server.xml basic registry. ...
Mkm's user avatar
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LTPA ChallengeHandler Javascript MFP8

I'm working on the new Platform MFP8 and I want to implement an LTPA Authentication in an hybrid application. Searching in the web I found a Swift implementation of LTPA ChallengeHandler (https://...
Stefano's user avatar
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Export and import key file for SSO between WAS and Liberty

Can I export a LTPA key file from a WebSphere Application Server 8.0.x, then import the file to an Liberty Profile Server and use the SSO functionality? ( I tried it out and it seems not to ...
Karsten's user avatar
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3DESKey and LTPA password from IBM Bluemix cloud

How to get 3DESKey and LTPA password from IBM Bluemix cloud? I need it to decode user info from LtpaToken2 cookies. In Websphere I can get it from application server key file. There is
Jaroslav Holaň's user avatar
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How to generate LTPA token for WebSphere Liberty Profile

Is there any utility that can be used to generate LTPA token keys for the WebSphere Liberty Profile. I am aware of the Liberty generating token by itself whenever we start the liberty server. Also I ...
krckumar's user avatar
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Websphere: set user for LTPA token

Running under WebSphere 8 I have an EJB that calls a SOAP web service (using JAX-WS-generated client code). The authentication to the web service is done via LTPA token. Currently Websphere is ...
Thomas Stets's user avatar
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Unable to deserialize the Subjects in this Context, cause: SecurityName is null

I recently implemented LTPA (LDAP) authentication for a WebSphere application. I've since seen the following error when attempting to make a web service call to an endpoint on a different domain: &...
Will's user avatar
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Invalidate LTPA token on Websphere

I am working on Integration project not on web based project, deployed on WebSphere Application Server having version As I am not working on web project, I cannot use ibm_security_logout for ...
Shailesh Yadav's user avatar
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Authenticate to website in Javascript to access back-end

I am currently developing an application for my company that is essentially a phone book application. Let's say that you are a manager - named Alex - and have 3 developers reporting to you: Mike, Matt ...
Michael Amato's user avatar
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Caching/Storing the LTPA token generated in datapower

I'm generating an LTPA token in datapower after the authentication. I want to store this token for further processing.(to validate against another request) How can I store/cache this token in ...
heisenberg's user avatar
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Use of LTPA user data collection

I saw the LTPA token contains the following: "... token expiration time, the user identity (usually the LDAP distinguished name), and a digital signature. The signature covers the user data collection ...
Court's user avatar
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LTPA Timeout Handling In Application Level

In one of a project, a client asks to extend the LTPA timeout for a project. We can not extend the LTPA timeout in server level. Because the server(WAS 7) has more projects. So I have googled and in ...
Arunkumar's user avatar
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Validate LTPA token in nodejs

IS there any way to validate LTPA token previously generated from IBM Tivoli federated Websphere Application Server in my nodejs application. I have checked "ldapjs", but I could not find something to ...
sreejith sasidharan's user avatar
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A user authenticated as anonymous has attempted to access a session owned

Before I log in I can hit anything outside of my security constraint directory. If I try to go to a location inside of the security constraint directory it redirects me to the form login page. As you ...
Justin Brew's user avatar
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Login to MobileFirst server with Facebook/Twitter

What is recommended way to Sign in / Log in to MobileFirst Server with e.g. Facebook, or Twitter? My MobileFirst Server is associated with WebspherePortal (LDAP). Now I'm using WebSphere LTPA-based ...
3squad's user avatar
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Websphere7 - Spnego logon fails (LtpaToken2 parsing exception)

I'm using WebSphere and I've problem with SPNEGO authorization - WAS returns HTTP Code 401 in second response and logon fails. This is because (as I suppose) it can't parse LTPA Token (...
Buffalo's user avatar
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IBM Websphere Application Server and LTPA token generation

I have set up the SSO between 2 WAS cells and its being verified. LDAP is being configured in both WAS cells. My question is how to generate the LTPA token which contains the mail or the employee id ...
Anupam K's user avatar
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LTPA using IBM Security Access Manager and MobileFirst 6.3 throwing exception

Here is the setup for LTPA token based authentication between ISAM and MobileFirst 6.3: ISAM appliance is hosting Login page and generating LTPA token using the ltpa.keys from MobileFirst 6.3 server. ...
msobhani's user avatar
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CORS and LTPA token from local domain

I'm struggling with CORS and a SSO configuration between two WAS servers using LTPA key share. CORS calls from server1 (domain1) to server2 (domain2) work fine if I don't have authentication on ...
Guillaume Delory's user avatar