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Delphi 12 isapi dll loading runtime package memory leak detection

I have a Delphi ISAPI DLL application that loads my actual web applications as package (BPL) files at runtime. I’d like to report memory leaks in my packages when the ISAPI DLL unloads. However I don’...
Steve Kramer's user avatar
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Cannot Load OpenSSL in IIS

I am using xmlsec to sign XML documents. This works fine on my development machine when I'm running a local executable. However when I compile this to run as an ISAPI dll (under a local instance of ...
David Moorhouse's user avatar
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Why is file access in WebBroker-ISAPI-Module only working in separate thread?

I'm developing my first ISAPI web module with Delphi 11.1 and WebBroker, and want to write logs to the file system. For testing purposes I made the following procedure TryWriteFile, testing if I can ...
headfime's user avatar
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Module svc-ISAPI-4.0_32bit is returning 404

I just started to see a 404.0 (i.e. a regular 404) response being reported from this handler. However, I can find nothing wrong--there is no file permissions issue and the failed request log does not ...
Tevya's user avatar
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TWebRequest issue when parsing filename with a percent symbol (%) in the name (Delphi 10.3)

Using TWebRequest (isapi application) to receive a POST/multipart/form-data request with one or more files. When the filename contains a % symbol (for example, "Sales % by date.doc") an ...
AngryViking's user avatar
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I have ISAPI DLL project in Delphi 10.2, i need to ***read ***all header items, exactly the Authorization Bearer to accept or not the POST request. With exe DatasnapBroker, this is a success with ...
Bill.Parish's user avatar
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How to get actual value of global variables in ISAPI?

I want to make ISAPI dll for Apache with Delphi (10.4) WebBroker. It works fine. But then I want to add some kind of sessions monitor: the idea is to add idTCPServer on WebModule and get by it some ...
JBD's user avatar
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An ISAPI reported an unhealthy condition to its worker process in Blazor Entity Framework App

I use Entity Framework in a Blazor Server App to access data in an SQL Server database. The app runs fine in the IDE against the SQL Server database, but when I deploy to a test web server running IIS ...
BookTrakker's user avatar
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when i try to run open http://localhost, an error displays

when i try to run open http://localhost, this shows up "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. If you are the system administrator ...
Yoshi's user avatar
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Sending URL to ISAPI module in IIS

So I have an ISAPI module running my website. I would like to get the URL to be forwarded to my ISAPI module so that it can parse it and display things accordingly. For example, if I navigate to www....
Altainia's user avatar
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IIS 10 32bit ISAPI DLL giving 404.0 error on dll file after enabling it

I've been working with isapi.dll files on IIS for years, up to IIS 7.0. I am now trying to migrate my Server 2008R2 to Server 2019. I have done everything I know, but nothing seems to work. Here is ...
Wouter's user avatar
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Unable to configure ISAPI Redirector with Tomcat 10 and IIS 10 using anonymous authentication

I am trying to configure Tomcat ISAPI for Tomcat 10 on IIS 10 with anonymous authentication. I have added local ISAPI Filter, created jakarta application, granted execute permission to ISAPI module, ...
Omar S's user avatar
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C# web app can access network shares but my ISAPI extension cannot - why?

Our C# web application on Windows/IIS v10 can access files on network shares without doing anything special. An ISAPI Extension that I wrote in C++ cannot access the same files. I am wondering why one ...
Roland Smith's user avatar
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Access to TWebRequest.Content throws a ERangeError exception in an ISAPI DLL but not in a console application

I'm writing an ISAPI dll that handles POST requests from an IoT device. In parallel I have written a console application that shares the same TWebModule. The action that handles the requests needs to ...
GuillaumeB80's user avatar
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Delphi Intraweb ISAPI DLL failed to connect with server using TLS/SSL

I have a Delphi Intraweb application which is hosted on IIS using ISAPI DLL. This application internally connect with a Windows service application through IndyClient. Windows Service acts as an ...
Deepak kumar jain's user avatar
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IIS Tomcate deployment error : Request Entity Too Large The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large

I have the following configuration : IIS v8.5 -> Tomcat9(IIS used as web server). I have ISAPI Connector installed with Tomcat in order to process requests. Everything works fine and I am able to ...
vs777's user avatar
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IIS Tomcat connector, AJP configuration

I setup ISAPI connector to have IIS web server communicate with Tomcat Servlet container. However I am getting an error while trying to access Tomcat application : ***Service Temporarily Unavailable! ...
vs777's user avatar
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Tomcat IIS integration on Windows Server 2012

I am trying to integrate IIS with Tomcat9 so IIS will be a web server and Tomcat will process servlets. I followed an instructions outlined at :
vs777's user avatar
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Can ISAPI dll for IIS be written in managed C++?

Can ISAPI dll for IIS be written in managed C++ or does it have to be written in native C++ ?
user2368632's user avatar
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ServerSupportFunction ask DWORD for null-terminated string, how to do on 64 bit?

I need to call the windows api : BOOL WINAPI * ServerSupportFunction( _In_ struct _HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT *pfc, _In_ enum SF_REQ_TYPE sfReq, _In_ PVOID pData, _In_ DWORD ul1, DWORD ul2 ); ...
zeus's user avatar
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Delphi 10.4 ISAPI Printer.Handle

I created a very simple ISAPI DLL with the following code on the default handler: procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; ...
Jeff Cope's user avatar
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ASP Net Core app recycle as ISAPI reported an unhealthy condition

I'm getting a System event log entry: An ISAPI reported an unhealthy condition to its worker process. Therefore, the worker process with process id of '<processID>' serving application pool '<...
Daniel's user avatar
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edit web.config to pass parameters [duplicate]

Using Delphi, I have created a ISAPI .dll file called myISAPI.dll It is in a virtual folder on IIS called myISAPI, the default document of the folder is myISAPI.dll Thus, I can call my dll by ...
thrutch's user avatar
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IIS ISAPI-DLL Handler gives internal 500 error in attempts to access the replaced DLL

We have an issue with our web site (IIS and ASP) and an ISAPI DLL. We had to restore our web site (on an VM) from old(er) backup and ISAPI DLLs had to be replaced. We have also enabled 32 bit programs ...
CUR1OS's user avatar
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Delphi ISAPI : which WebModule is currently running?

I was testing a simple Delphi ISAPI application in order to see how it internally works when IIS receive multiple/parallel requests. I know IIS can span multiple "IIS Worker Process" ...
user14889477's user avatar
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View win32 debug output in Azure App Services

We have an isapi service running in Azure App Services. It uses OutputDebugString to output debug messages. Is it possible to view this stream anywhere in Azure?
Jonny's user avatar
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Tomcat/IIS isapi_redirect connectors not working

Versions/OS Tomcat 6 IIS 10 Java jdk1.6.0_23 Windows 10 Server I've been trying to connect a Tomcat served web application to IIS following the applications step by step instruction for getting ...
craneman00's user avatar
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How to configure IIS to map an ISAPI DLL off of a domain root

I have an ISAPI DLL installed under a directory like: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\emsserver\emsserver.dll This is a Delphi RAD Server app. In IIS Manager (Windows 10), under Root (computer name) -> Sites -...
GrandmasterB's user avatar
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Earliest inspection of request before entry to application

Before hitting the application itself, is there a way to respond to requests, preferably based on URL, and return a response? Possibly a web.config server (IIS) configuration or a static page kinda ...
AnimaSola's user avatar
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Why I get access violation error from TBitmap.LoadFromStream method in datasnap ISAPI dll?

I've developed a datasnap rest server application in RAD Studio 10.3.2. In one of my server methods I receive an image from the client app. The image data is a base64 encoded string as a json value. ...
Moj.H's user avatar
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Delphi use TTask in TWebModule (ISAPI - IIS)

I have a ISAPI dll on IIS built with TWebModule. I have an WebModule action that perform 5 separate tasks. I want use TTask from system.threading and perform this tasks in parallell before send the ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
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SSAS Data Pump - IsapiModule could not be found

The data pump was previously running on an server with IIS and SQL Server running on the same server. It was working fine. We've been provided a new SQL named instance and we're trying to re-setup the ...
riekertv's user avatar
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Cannot extract custom HTTP request headers

Is it mandatory to add prefix like http_ , x_ or header_ to custom headers which we want to include in http requests? I am using GetServerVariable API to extract the value of custom Http headers sent ...
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Isapi redirect dll for IIS 10

Is isap_redirect.1.2.40.dll compatible with IIS 10? I am trying to start integrating iis 10 with tomcat 9.0.31 and looking for the right dll to be used?
sandeep's user avatar
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Is it possible for an ISAPI Extension to disconnect from the client

I developed an ISAPI Extension for IIS in C using VS 2019. A desktop application performs a GET to a URL which triggers the extension. The business user asked if it is possible for long running tasks ...
Roland Smith's user avatar
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IIS 10 is adding an unknown password to PDFs served via ISAPI web service

I have a web service written in Delphi. One of its functions is to return PDF documents that it has generated. The exact same code-base can be built as an EXE (no IIS required) and as an ISAPI DLL. ...
Maya's user avatar
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ISAPI Redirect a URL to another URL

I am new to Rewrite ISAPI and need help redirecting a URL from am existing to our standard IIS page. Current page: Redirect to
John D's user avatar
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Installed ISAPI and CGI, but both are disabled in IIS

Installed ISAPI and CGI with the IIS role, but they are disabled as seen in the attached image.screenshot of Roles and IIS windows Scratching my head a bit here.
Mark Gregory's user avatar
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Edge case: Can you configure Net.Core 3.1 to run in the same folder as Asp.Classic?

I am looking at migrating a huge Asp.Classic (3K files) to Net.Core 3.1 in steps (i.e. folder by folder migration). We have figured out issues with sharing sessions and prefer not to go parallel sites ...
Ken Lassesen's user avatar
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how Iis USES saml2.0 to access adfs

How does IIS use saml2.0 to access adfs? In my opinion, IIS needs to deploy a web application to access adfs by sending the request with saml 2.0. But until now, I haven't found the way to deploy a ...
dayao's user avatar
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IIS is throwing HTTP Error 500.0 - IsapiModule

I've created one VM windows 2016 on Azure and installed Weblogic and SQLServer2016. Deployed an ear file and can get to the application login page. I've configured IIS with this my ...
Hassan's user avatar
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Issue in deploying website with .srf files on IIS

I am facing an issue in deploying website with .srf files on IIS. Getting an isapi module error. Installed, extensibility, CGI and ISAPI restrictions as required. HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal ...
Krishna's user avatar
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Dynamically Set Database Parameters For RAD Server

I have developed an application that uses RAD Server over IIS. So far I have successfully created my Server and client applications. The app provides some information that needs to be verified against ...
Leonard M.'s user avatar
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Use a Client Certificate from IIS

I have an IIS website that needs to retrieve data from a 3rd party web service. The website is an ISAPI dll writren in Delphi XE 10.2. The web service has created a self signed client certificate for ...
John Runyan's user avatar
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How to deal with websockets on IIS on port 80 in general and when using ISAPI

We are using IIS and ISAPI DLL's to deliver our web application. We can see the websocket upgrade request coming from the browser in our ISAPI application. We could accept the request and pass the ...
DavidClarke's user avatar
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ISAPI Extension

I am writing an ISAPI Extension on Windows 10 using VS 2017 and regular C. It works great but now I am having trouble with error handling. I am purposely encountering an error to make sure the error ...
Roland Smith's user avatar
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isapi dll force download

I have a legacy ISAPI dll, that generally fulfills requests just fine, but occasionally I will get prompted to save the dll from my browser. This is a known issue, with some good workarounds. IIS 8....
sse's user avatar
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html document truncated in iis using jakarta connector to tomcat

We have a website which is hosted via IIS (Version 6.2 Windows Server 2012) and uses a jakarta connector isapi filter (isapi_redirect.dll) to route traffic to a Tomcat container on an application ...
cditcher's user avatar
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Getting 500 error with Grails 3.3.8 app using Tomcat ISAPI configuration with IIS 10

I followed this guide to configure Tomcat 8.5.12 to run behind IIS 10 on a Windows 2016 server. After I deploy my Grails 3.3.8 app to Tomcat, I can access it at http://hostname:8080/app_name/ through ...
Tim Boyden's user avatar
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Character problem in ISAPI application (ő,ű)

I have a windows 2016 server OS and a MSSQL 2017 DB. My table is the following: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_table]( [varchar_250] [varchar](250) NULL, [varchar_4000] [varchar](4000) NULL, [varchar_max] ...
tecza's user avatar
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