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implementation of mtls with php

I want to achieve mTLS on dummy php webpage from a guest to my Openldap Server. I have issue and it seems my php never sends client certificate to my server even then I specified the options ...
Balobiana's user avatar
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Hashicorp Vault

While I am trying to create Static role in ldap secret Engine i am encountering this Issue. Command: vault write ldap/static-role/Developers dn='CN=Jhon,ou=SMDEV-Users,dc=smdev,dc=com' username='Jhon' ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Unable to fetch search results from OpenLdap

I am trying to fetch all results from OpenLdap for the below search query, but I get zero results. My java and Spring Boot code: `LdapQuery query = query().base("cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,...
Arnold Oscar's user avatar
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Why the need to `decode_utf8` LDAP attribute values in an UTF-8 enviromment?

I wrote a Perl program (5.18.2 using NET::LDAP (perl-ldap-0.44-10.3.1.x86_64), both from SLES12 SP5) in an UTF-8 environment (LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8", Emacs displays "UUU") that ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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pg_hba.conf for openldap doesn't work. In ldap server two seemingly similar commands have different result. Why?

I'm currently debugging why my postgres database cannot authenticate against openldap (slapd=2.4.57*). In pg_hba.conf I have the following line: hostssl all all all ...
Fedor  Petrov's user avatar
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OpenLDAP password policy not working on Openldap version 2.5.18 running on Ubuntu 22.04

Openldap password policy is configured as below ldap password policy module is loaded as below vi load-ppolicy-mod.ldif dn: cn=module{0},cn=config changetype: modify add: olcModuleLoad olcModuleLoad:...
Tushar's user avatar
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LDAP with Gitea doesn't find user

I have some troubles with configuring LDAP into app.ini file. After putting all the configuration attributes, I try to access with my username, which is into our LDAP directory, but with no success. ...
neurothingy's user avatar
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Integrate LDAP with elasticsearch it's works but once i add role_mapping attribute, my elasticsearch container goes down docker-cluster http.port: 9200 xpack.license.self_generated.type: trial true xpack: security: authc: realms: ldap: ...
Vivek JS's user avatar
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Dscl authenticate OpenLDAP user for MacOS network account

I want to use an OpenLDAP server to authenticate Network Users for MacOS. My database entry looks like this: # jdoe, Users, dn: uid=jdoe,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: ...
Knyq's user avatar
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How to debug WebLogic 12c OpenLDAP authentication issues?

I have OpenLDAP 2.4.44 running on an Oracle Linux 7.9 server. I have multiple WebLogic 12c plus OSB installation on different machines, all on the same LAN. There is a physical firewall, so firewalld ...
Hussain Akbar's user avatar
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Rundeck group membership problems with OpenLDAP

I have followed the instructions on to authenticate from my OpenLDAP server. The rundeck version is ...
Hussain Akbar's user avatar
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Bugzilla and ldap integration issue

I have local ldap with below settings. I have bugzilla ldap config as below, "LDAPBaseDN" : "ou=users,dc=XXXX,dc=com", "LDAPbinddn" : "cn=admin,dc=XXXX,dc=com:...
Puneet Naik's user avatar
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Ldap attribues for testing in Spring Boot with ApacheDS

I am trying to simulate a real Microsoft LDAP tree. The application is working against a real LDAP, but using an inmemory LDAP server (ApacheDS) for testing in Spring Boot but it doesn't work. I can't ...
sergiopf's user avatar
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Importing ldap data throws issue with memberof

I exported my openldap using slapcat -n 1 -l directory.ldif When I import to my newer openldap using slapadd -n 1 -l directory.ldif I get the following error: register_at: AttributeType "( 1.2....
James Korden's user avatar
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Multiple LDAP configuration on sonarqube server

I am trying to configure multiple LDAP servers on my SonarQube server. Each LDAP server works properly when configured individually for testing. I tried to configure multiple servers using the method ...
Saurabh Patil's user avatar
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OpenLDAP authentication acts very slow when Active Directory is unreachable

I am currently struggling with my OpenLDAP configuration. I want my OpenLDAP server to host a local database and to act as a proxy to an Active Directory database. Both databases should be merged to ...
Krisix's user avatar
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How to make an existing structural objectClass auxiliary?

I am setting up a new OpenLDAP server running Alma 8 to replace the function of an existing OpenLDAP server running CentOS 7. On the original server, there are group entries with the following ...
loris's user avatar
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rackslab/slurm-web can't vertify the user through openldap

slurm-web comes from the project When i configure authentication with openldap, and i use user/password as authentication, the login web page always says " ...
emalovecode's user avatar
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Openldap user does not inherit write permissions from the group to which he belongs

I have created a group with administration permissions, and 1 wsadmin user, within the group. dn: cn=admin_group,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames cn: ...
tolai del to's user avatar
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Integrating and Synchronysing Active Directory on Windows Server and OpenLDAP on Ubuntu

I'm actually working on a project, which is based on the centralized management of servers... I've installed and configured Active Directory on Windows server 2022 and equally installed and configured ...
Genuis Nouroul's user avatar
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Authentication fails after enabling RequireGroup in

I use as an authentication plugin for openvpn I only want to allow members under cn=corevpn,ou=tech,ou=group,dc=openldap,dc=example,dc=com to be able to log in openvpn My ldap-...
cier dev.'s user avatar
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wildcard is not working in Ldapsearch filter with ms active dir server

I wanted to bring to your attention an issue we are facing with the LDAP filter in MS Active Directory. It has come to our notice that when applying a wildcard (*) filter to the group attribute in the ...
Arm's user avatar
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get all entries that do not have a specific child entry

I have this ldap scheme. dc=company, dc=com - ou=users - uid=aaaa - ou=car - brand=audi - brand=chevrolet - uid=bbbb ...
user2602584's user avatar
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Unable to install module "auth_ldap" because an external dependency is not met: Python library not installed: ldap

i already installed pip install python-ldap but the error persist im not sure if its working into windows might someone here's know how to fix the issue for odoo v16 using windows i already installed ...
Rcoder's user avatar
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Java LDAP client connect OpenLDAP server(startTls) failed:( LDAP: error code 13 - TLS confidentiality required)

There was an error when config ldap(startTLS) for gerrit. I have configed ldap server with startTLS and it works well. ldapsearch -x -W -ZZ -H ldap:// -D cn=admin,ou=manager,dc=test,dc=com -...
user24830391's user avatar
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ldapsearch: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

We have two forests - each forest has one DC i.e DC - and respectively. I've set up a transitive trust between the forest. I'm able to login into the DC using the username ...
Sagar Rana's user avatar
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Deploying dotnet ldap application to Fedora 39

I have a webservice working perfectly on Windows but which fails with the following errors on Fedora 39. Apr 21 15:59:09 gambit dotnet[197588]: Unable to load shared library '' ...
Hugh Jones's user avatar
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Openldap sync issue in multi-master replication

We are facing a synchronise issue in openldap setup we have. Following are the details: We have 2 openldap servers configed with dynamic configurations and those are setup with multi-master ...
koko's user avatar
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nslcd myldap_bind(): binddn buffer too small

Host with OS Linux 5.4.17-2102.201.3.el8uek.x86_64 For user authentication use nslcd service # nslcd -V nss-pam-ldapd 0.9.9 config: # cat /etc/nslcd.conf uid nslcd gid ldap uri ldap:// ...
Nikolay Baranenko's user avatar
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LDAP - 389ds - FluentD - Filter plugin - type record_transformer - can it have more than one <record> stanza entries?

Can FluentD 1.16.3/+ have more than one record entries inside filter plugin for type record_transformer? I have the following configuration, but it seems like it's keeping ONLY the last record entry. ...
AKS's user avatar
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Configuring OpenLdap for high concurrency

We have used docker image of openldap from below link: The ldap is being run ...
Deepanshu's user avatar
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OpenLDAP SASL/GSSAPI: Invalid credentials (49) SASL(-13): authentication failure: GSSAPI Failure: gss_accept_sec_context

Trying to configure my OpenLDAP to use SASL/GSSAPI (kerberos) authentication. My KDC server is up and running and I am able to create all of my principals and SPNs, and can kinit just fine. But when ...
Zach Hein's user avatar
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openldap: add simple attributes to users via ldif?

How can I add some simple attributes to users in openldap using ldif and ldapadd/ldapmodify? I would like each user/person to have optional mail, middle_name and city attributes. using the follwing ...
Udi's user avatar
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SASL GSSAPI: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind : Other error (80) no credentials supplied

ldapsearch or ldapwhoami results in # ldapwhoami SASL/GSSAPI authentication started ldap_sasl_interactive_bind: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80) additional info: SASL(-1): ...
Zach Hein's user avatar
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Zeppelin is not allowing LDAP authentication

I am trying use Open LDAP to add user authentication in Zeppelin but even I created a user "test" and added it into the primary group "datalake_admin" and the secondary group "...
Jorge Mugarte's user avatar
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Unable to import module 'lambda function': cannot open shared objectfile: No such file or directory

I've been dealing with this issue for the past few days now. I am trying to create a lambda layer with the following modules: cryptography, ldap3, and bonsai to use in my lambda_function that has a ...
Lee Cavazos's user avatar
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Authenticate MISP with Openldap

I am trying to authenticate MISP through LDAP, but I am not able to do it. I havve tried to look into the logs but I did't get anything. What should happen is the following: Connect to the misp web ...
Ainhoa's user avatar
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OpenLDAP: how to add a date attribute in schema

Can't find a solution on the internet. I tried this but it does not work. I would appreciate any help (LDAP really is a headache). root@9ae33b5bc07e:/# ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ...
user23537799's user avatar
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shibboleth 5 with slapd integration login

I have spent 2+ weeks trying to get a Shibboleth 5 IdP stood up for our dev environment. The players: Shibboleth 5 IdP configured to run inside Jetty 11 servlet (no apache) openldap (on same server) ...
Christopher Biessener's user avatar
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No such object (32) error is occuring:ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://IP -D "cn=admin,dc=mynewdomain,dc=com" -W -b cn=config "(objectClass=*)"

i have configured OpenLdap server and client, connection is successful, becouse i created a user and i logged in to that user account on ubuntu desktop. But when i type command like: ldapsearch -x -...
Farziddin Doniyorov's user avatar
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How to efficiently collect all (string) values for all attributes of an LDAP search in a `char*[]` using the OpenLDAP 2.6 C client library?

I am implementing a specific LDAP search in C using the OpenLDAP 2.6 C client library. I know that the search only returns a specific set of attributes (namely mail, mailAlias, and mailAccount), ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Blazor Server Webapplication: Can't contact Active Directory via LDAP when hosted as Docker Container

We have a (Mud)Blazor server application. We host it as a Docker Container. To run the Application, we use as a runtime. This works fine. Now, we want to add user ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Prevent searching mail=* in OpenLDAP

As an OpenLDAP admin, how can I prevent anonymous (non-authenticated) users from searching for e.g. mail=* with a single Asterisk? ldapsearch ... "mail=*" must be disabled, but ldapsearch .....
VangDev's user avatar
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Openldap: how to set and use TLS1.2

Is it possible to specify which TLS version to use in OpenLDAP 2.6.3? We migrated to that new version of OpenLDAP, but now most LDAP clients do not want to work with it because it automatically ...
Teodor Mysko's user avatar
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OpenLdap: mdb log clean up

We are migrating from OpenLDAP 2.4.44 which had HDB as a database to OpenLDAP 2.6.3 which now has MDB as a database. In older version to cleanup DB logs we used olcDbConfig attribute with value "...
Teodor Mysko's user avatar
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Troubleshooting TLS Handshake Failure after OpenSSL and OpenLDAP Upgrade

I have encountered an issue while upgrading OpenSSL and OpenLDAP on our Windows 2019 server. The upgrade involved transitioning from OpenSSL version 1.1.1 to version 3.0.10 and OpenLDAP version 2.4.47 ...
Maria's user avatar
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python-ldap coudl't be installed

I'm trying to install python-ldap, but this raise an error: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\bin\HostX86\x64\cl.exe" /c /nologo /O2 /...
Eliezer Reuven Ramirez Ruiz's user avatar
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Openldap Meta Database Root Naming Context No Candidates

I built an openldap meta database to aggregate my different active directory domains for applications. If I search the individual paths (see configuration below) then I get results. But, when I ...
NickH48226's user avatar
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OpenLDAP filter not returning empty OUs

I've tried the recommended filter as well as various variations and still, I cannot get a list of the OUs with no child entries. Search Base: ou=compay,ou=drivers,dc=core,dc=com Filter: (&(...
Connie DeCinko's user avatar
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Add Attributes and objectClasses to OpenLDAP server over LDAP using .ldif file

As the titles is worded: I am looking for a way to run an ldapmodify / ldapadd command with bash and by said command it will run an .ldif file and it shall modify the schema of the server. I have ...
VladC's user avatar
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