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model the inverse of hasManyThrough relationship using a pivot model

I have the following models/tables: branch: id - integer department: id - integer teacher: id - integer branch_department_id - integer branch_department: id - integer ...
MOHAMMAD RASIM's user avatar
-2 votes
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Digital ocean - Laravel server memory is increasing constantly [closed]

I have a server at DigitalOcean hosting three Laravel projects. In the last few days, I've noticed that the memory usage is steadily increasing, and when it almost reaches 100%, it suddenly drops. It ...
Alberto's user avatar
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LsCache hits on Firefox but Not hitting on Chrome for Laravel Application

I have plesk+litespeed+lscache for laravel. My cache hits on Firefox but not on google chrome. What could be the reason? Here is my config files: the route group is like below Route::group(['...
Burak ER's user avatar
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Laravel Tailwind styles not loading on XAMPP with Apache on Windows 10 - How to fix ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT?

I’m new to Laravel and I want to run the project using Apache from XAMPP on Windows 10. What I did was copy the project to xampp/htdocs/, run npm run build, and modify the .env file, as well as httpd-...
Martin's user avatar
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Laravel's ORM query using with() not working with paginate()

I am grabbing the related meetings with each Department, hence I would like to have a pagination for each meetings list. I currently have this in my Inertia Middleware to have it available in my ...
Gerardo Topete's user avatar
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Calendar Events Not Reaching Laravel Controller or Database

I'm trying to save events created in a Calendar to my database using Laravel. I have a route, controller, and AJAX request set up, but the event data doesn't seem to be reaching the controller or ...
Dangelo Antoine's user avatar
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Laravel 11 with vite: Production net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

I got a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) error when deploying to the server. I have 2 servers, one has a public IP and a subdomain from my internet provider, and one is a local server for development ...
fufufafa's user avatar
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Why phpstan returns an error for a basic view?

I am using larastan 3.0 with laravel. The level is 9. In this code : return view('auth.change-password', [ 'user' => $user, ]); I have this error : Parameter #1 $view of function view ...
Dom's user avatar
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How can disable CSRF for some individual pages in Laravel 11

I'm using Laravel 11.3 to receive events from Issabel. When I sending data Via Curl in an Eventhandeler PHP AMI file from Issabel, it shows HTTP Code 419 as server respond. ChatGPT told me some ...
hamid's user avatar
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Laravel responsive admin dashboard with sidebar navigation using Bootstrap [closed]

I am using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and want to create a dashboard with a sidebar navigation in my web app. Using navbar-brand navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-light bg-white shadow-sm bootstrap classes but ...
Sadan Khan's user avatar
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How to Generate Refresh Token in Laravel 11 Passport?

public function login(Request $request) { // Validate the input $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ "email" => "required|email", "...
Virajsinh Nakum's user avatar
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how to update one column by adding interval to another column

I have been trying to update one column in a table by adding a 5 YEAR interval to another column, and always get syntax error exception. The following is my PHP script: \App\Models\MyModel::where('cl1'...
Zhiyong Li's user avatar
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How to preserve scroll in vue form with inertia

How do I get preservescroll working on a form? It works for the delete functionality with the Link but I can't get it to work on the form or the div. <template> <form @submit.prevent=&...
Marianne Hartigan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Laravel customize all exceptions thrown [closed]

Im trying to make a little change in exception log and render in laravel 11. I want to add an uuid to the errors.500 blade and log it right before the log, but i really dont know how to, laravel docs ...
mps's user avatar
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Why does my grouped array sometimes generate incorrect data for specific fields inside Foreach?

I have a Laravel function that processes an array of delivery items and groups them by DeliveryID to create a structured array of deliveries. Each delivery includes details such as items, subtotal, ...
LoveCoding's user avatar
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Laravel in how we can upload large size video with Repeater data with multi language

In the Laravel how we can upload large size data with multiple language video as well once video upload i need it on chunk how we can do ? Here is DB structure once specific program upload chunk data ...
Darshan Malani's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Properly Inject Service Account Credentials in Google Cloud Build for Cloud Run Deployment?

I’m deploying a Laravel application to Google Cloud Run using Google Cloud Build. During the Docker build process, I need to access Google Secret Manager to inject secrets into the application code ...
ristol's user avatar
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Filament PHP Form: default() not setting the value for specialization_id field in Select component

I’m using Filament PHP to build a form for managing users in my application. The specialization_id field in the form is a Select component, which depends on the user’s role (doctor). If the user’s ...
PrAzWaL Bns's user avatar
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Call to undefined method Dompdf\\FrameDecorator\\Page::add_line()

I am trying to send an email with 2 pdf attachments but when in the controller I call getRejectedReport method it return me error says that Call to undefined method Dompdf\FrameDecorator\Page::...
Hammad's user avatar
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Laravel Eloquent Model::save does not save objects in db, no error message

I work on a Laravel 9.0 project that uses Eloquent models to represent objects and store them in the DB. Most of the time, Eloquent works as expected. However when I need to load a list of objects ...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Docker image not showing laravel logs to stderr stdout in docker logs

I'm using the nixpacks template from coolify ( to build a docker image and run it. Everything works fine, except I do not see the error logs in the ...
Frnak's user avatar
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How to integrate PayPal Advanced Checkout in Laravel

I want to integrate the form with PayPal. This means that when someone fills out the form, chooses a payment method and fills in the payment details, their card balance will be reduced. I don't want ...
Hilmi Hidayat's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1148 Unable to parse: use `DB_Name`; [closed]

I'm encountering an error while trying to connect to a MariaDB cluster using a load balancer IP in my Laravel application. The error message is: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1148 ...
Jayan Dholariya's user avatar
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Error Broadcasting Event to Reverb in Laravel on VPS Hosting

I have successfully hosted my Laravel application on a VPS running Ubuntu. The app is up and running, and WebSocket connections are working fine. However, when I try to broadcast an event to Reverb, I ...
Divyes's user avatar
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How to avoid record duplication for an item?

The error, I am observing, I try to put the old value i.e already stored. However, the case is, the old value get plucked with its own id, eachtime. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: ...
Sadan Khan's user avatar
4 votes
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Login with Linkedin - not redirecting back to my app

Context: I'm developing a "login with LinkedIn" feature on Laravel 11 using socialite. This requires 2 endpoints: One that redirects the user to a LinkedIn login page One that LinkedIn ...
davidvnog's user avatar
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Trouble with File upload using service provider,controller and filesystem using user/workorder directory folder in laravel 11

I can create user folder on registration for each user and sub-folder for each work-order on order submit. Having trouble uploading files to path of work-order folder for files. Here is my store ...
user22859100's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does anyone have recommendation/comments on EloquentForSalesforce for mysql synchronization with Salesforce [closed]

I am trying to understand whether EloquentForSalesforce is sufficiently stable and be the foundation for the Salesforce synchronization [EloquentForSalesforce][1recent ] "is a package that allows ...
Stephen Shaw's user avatar
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JSON encoding failed: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded, composer error

I'm starting learning laravel, but when I try to setup the project with composer I get encoding error "In JsonFile.php line 328: JSON encoding failed: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly ...
Halifax's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.27.3 Laravel Herd PHP 8.2 macOS Sonoma

I have tried to deploy the Laravel application using Nginx web server. However, I get the 502 Bad Gateway error. What could be the reason? Is it permission issue or something else. Following code ...
Hassan's user avatar
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Razorpay Checkout Not Loading in Laravel Filament Custom View Field

I am trying to integrate Razorpay's checkout button into a custom view field in my Laravel Filament application. The Razorpay button and script work perfectly on a standalone Blade file but do not ...
bilal basheer's user avatar
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Method Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag::extractPropNames does not exist

I've been working on updating my Laravel 10 app to version 11, and after switching back to the working branch, I now get this error. It's occurring wherever a blade file uses the @props directive. As ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to customize multiselect input in Laravel to show option names or number of selected options?

I am using a multiselect dropdown in a Laravel project, and I need to customize its behavior. Specifically, I want the input field to show the following: If fewer than 4 options are selected, display ...
ABHISHEK JETANI's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to solve this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory? [closed]

Masuds-MacBook-Air:core masudrana$ php artisan migrate In Connection.php line 760: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory (SQL: select * from vehicle_types where status = 1 order by name asc)...
Bite Softsolution's user avatar
-1 votes
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Add Microsoft account login in Laravel application

I currently have a web application made with Laravel, which already has the standard login system provided by Laravel. I would like to add the option of being able to log into the application also ...
Omar Mohamed's user avatar
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Vue to Laravel page redirect is not working in Vite.js

I am using laravel 11 with vue3, When I am trying to redirect from Vue page to a Blade page then it's not working, I mentioned /profile route in web.php like this: Route::get('/profile', [...
Syed Abbas Naumani's user avatar
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Option to Log Exceptions Only on Final Retry When Using FilamentExceptions

I am using Laravel 11 with Filament v3 together with bezhanSalleh/filament-exceptions to manage and log exceptions in my application. My notifications and some other Jobs are dispatched using a Redis ...
Jan's user avatar
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Laravel middleware for every toMail notification

My application sends a lot of emails to users. Just recently, I created a new database table to add the user ids for email addresses that are bouncing or getting rejected. Now that I am recording the ...
Micah Sklut's user avatar
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Laravel on Windows Server (WSL/IIS) with TrendMicro/CrowdStrike Causes Slow Response Times

I'm running a Laravel application on a Windows Server environment using WSL and IIS, with TrendMicro or CrowdStrike as the antivirus/security client. The issue I'm facing is unusual latency. When ...
ZeroOne's user avatar
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How to stop testing after important test failing

in need my PHPUnit testing to stop if my test fails. No more Tests in this file and any other files. This was my attempt. But it does not stop any further tests. public function ...
Nils's user avatar
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Laravel 9, a specific cookie gets immediately deleted right after i create it

We are trying to build a filter system for a list of wines, so we built a step-by-step wizard to set the right filtering. In order to do so, inside the controller that effectively filters wines called ...
Dariustime's user avatar
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Laravel Cashier for Paddle Webhook Event Problem

How do I listen to Cashier RecievedWebhook Event for these events Transaction Completed Subscription Created Subscription Updated Subscription Canceled And secondly when I create the checkout session ...
Efon godstime's user avatar
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Laravel Inertia.js SSR Error: “All Inertia requests must receive a valid Inertia response”

I’m trying to deploy a Laravel application using Inertia.js with server-side rendering (SSR). However, when I navigate between links, I encounter the following error: All Inertia requests must receive ...
Adam's user avatar
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Target Class [config] Does Not Exist When Running Unit Tests After Upgrading Laravel from 6 to 11

I recently upgraded my Laravel application from version 6 to 11, and after upgrading all the libraries, I'm encountering an issue when running unit tests. Specifically, the error states that the ...
devchid's user avatar
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Laravel Sum Main Table and Relation Table

column pups_born is in Main Table Delivery column weaned_male and weaned_female in Relation table Weaning on group by date_of_delivery in the main table I want result of sum pups_born,weaned_male and ...
B L Praveen's user avatar
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How to solve the problem of split pdf with DynamicPDF\Api\Pdf?

I have set up a pdf split process using the DynamicPDF\Api\Pdf package according to their documentation and everything was going well. Recently I imported a 36 page pdf and I am facing this error: An ...
Patrick Aimé's user avatar
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throttle error when migration laravel 8 to 11

I made a migration from laravel 8 to 11 following the guides proposed in the doc, I find myself with a throtter problem when I try to reach my api sanctum and fortify : error is : [2024-12-11 10:47:30]...
Tchoune's user avatar
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How to create hasOne relationship from hasMany but with conditions?

I am trying to create a HasOne relationship out of HasMany relationship but with added conditions. These are my models Document.php class Document extends Model { public function approvals(): ...
Kenneth's user avatar
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Livewire Search doesn't work correctly - always returns the same result

I'm facing an issue using Livewire and Laravel. I'm trying to implement search functionality for products on a page, but typing into the search bar always returns the same result, even if the search ...
d.shved's user avatar
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Laravel or codeigniter, which project is easily deployable on shared hosting such as hostinger? [closed]

My problems are- Among these 2 projects (laravel and codeigniter) - which one can be easily deployed on hostinger? Are these both projects (one built with laravel & other with codeigniter) can be ...
John's user avatar
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