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Add Microsoft account login in Laravel application

I currently have a web application made with Laravel, which already has the standard login system provided by Laravel. I would like to add the option of being able to log into the application also ...
Omar Mohamed's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does re-signing in after a Visual Studio update "keep my account and data more secure"?

After every (minor) update to Visual Studio, I get the following screen on the first start [name and mail address on the right-hand side of the window redacted by me]: I can click "Skip this for ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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1 answer

Login with Microsoft External Account -Issue when the user cancels the consent prompt during authentication

I'm using Microsoft external authentication in a .NET 5 Razor Pages application, and I'm encountering an issue when the user cancels the consent prompt during authentication. The behavior works as ...
Prakash Rajput's user avatar
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Get with PowerShell if the local account was changed to a Microsoft account

I have a Windows 10 computer where I created a local user account used by multiple people. Occasionally, users sign in with their Microsoft accounts, and these accounts remain signed in. I can see the ...
y y's user avatar
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Power Automate - Unable to send an email using outlook account's alias

I need to send an email using Power Automate. For that - client already had one email e.g. [email protected] which has a two below email address aliases: [email protected] no-...
Pratik Soni's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

git commands faild because could'nt log in with git credentials [closed]

I can't login to my azure devops repo over git. I removed the windows credentials for this case. Then i type in the git command and the login in for the microsoft account is opened. After click next ...
christiantippner's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I retrieve a Microsoft account profile photo using MicrosoftAccountOptions in ASP.NET Core?

I am trying to claim a Microsoft account profile photo using MicrosoftAccountOptions in an ASP.NET Core application. I have built an example app following the guide on "Facebook, Google, and ...
serdarsen's user avatar
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I cant access my authenthicator app so ı cant access my microsoft work account

I am trying to log in to my Microsoft account but the thing is it wants me to access my authenticator app however, even that ı access it ı can never get the notification that Microsoft sent. Also ı ...
Hüda Hacıoğlu's user avatar
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Azure AD B2C - Unable to sign in existing users in custom policies

My company is transitioning from Azure AD B2C user flows to custom policies to accommodate more complex scenarios, such as account linkage. In our directory, we have users with Microsoft accounts (e.g....
1584SO's user avatar
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Multiple Microsoft account login in ASP.NET Core web app

I'm building a web app that calls MS Graph to get a logged in user's data, and it's working fine with one account, but I want the user to be able to log in to subsequent Microsoft accounts without ...
Sania García's user avatar
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AADSTS50011 Error when trying to login to my react native app using Azure AD

I have an issue when I tried to use my code that I found on expo go website using Azure AD on react native to let users login with a Microsoft Account. However, whenever I tried to login with a test ...
Kim's user avatar
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Render Error occurs when I launch react native app using expo go

I am trying to implement a login authentication using Microsoft Account with 2 FA using Microsoft authenticator app for a project but I run into issues when testing the application. It will show me ...
Kim's user avatar
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Any information on using the Windows "Directory Object Picker" with Azure AD etc.?

Windows has a builtin standard dialog (the "Directory Object Picker") that Win32 applications can use to let the user choose from all system-recognized user accounts for further processing ...
jb_dk's user avatar
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Microsoft Authentication doesn't recognize redirect url property

I have a problem with my asp .net webapp Im developing right now. I added the possibilty to login with a microsoft account. But I have the problem, that it doesn't take my custom redirect url. In my ...
Padrophil's user avatar
1 vote
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External Connection With MicrosoftIdentityWebApp And Identity

I try to login User from Microsoft account into my app. First : I'm following this info, and that'a working well.
TyDialexno's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hashicorp Vagrant - How to authenticate against SMB if I have Microsoft Account on my windows host

I have a windows 10 host and I would like to set up Synced Folders for my vagrant box. In my Vagrantfile I have: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "hashicorp/bionic64&...
ThomasMX's user avatar
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C# finding all Microsoft Accounts on machine

I am trying to get the UPN and Microsoft Accounts for all users on my machine using C#. I am currently logged into an Azure account, and whoami returns details as expected and that I am looking for (...
morleyc's user avatar
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Authenticating a Minecraft Microsoft account with Python

What even am I doing So, as Minecraft Java has been slowly switching over to using Microsoft based accounts instead of solely Mojang accounts, I have been trying to put together an authentication ...
kanennn's user avatar
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Microsoft Graph API does not return all received mail for family and personal accounts

Using the following endpoint returns all mail (both sent and received) for a work account: GET /me/messages However it doesn't return all received mail for personal/family accounts. Both the v1.0 and ...
Monty123's user avatar
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Minecraft fabric using Intellij, cannot authenticate

I am developing a mod for Minecraft Fabric 1.16.5 and I need to log into servers. However, I cannot authenticate and log into my account. My account has been migrated, meaning it is a Microsoft ...
KingsDev's user avatar
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signInManager.IsSignedIn return false but SignInAsync was called

I'm try to add oAuth to my .net core application. I have that code in Startup.cs services .AddAuthentication( options => { options.DefaultScheme = ...
Alex's user avatar
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How can I use authentication handlers for both Microsoft Account and ADFS in the same application?

We have a .NET Core web application that we have installed on several clients. We use the appsettings file to configure slight differences between clients, such as database connection. And we have ...
Andrew Casey's user avatar
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How to check the scopes of a Personal Microsoft account access token via Microsoft Identity Platform or Graph API?

My app authenticates users in via Microsoft accounts: both personal and business (Azure AD) accounts are accepted. The authentication is performed via the .NET AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect ...
thankyoussd's user avatar
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How can I return a result from inner anonymous class before the function returns the result?

I'm using Microsoft's msal library to have users sign in to their account. I'm using MVVM so I need to the function to return a Resource<String> but the function is returning a value before the ...
Matt Casey's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot connect to Azure DevOps repository from Visual Studio using Microsoft Account already added to Organization Project

My work email address was added to a project in Azure DevOps in an Organization by my Client. At that time I did not have a Microsoft account. So whenever I tried to login into Azure DevOps through ...
devanalyst's user avatar
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should sign in occur in the front-end or the back-end of an project

I am trying to build a web project that will include user sign in. It will have an front-end, and an back-end. I am trying to figure out how this should work with user context and ...
nedrobme's user avatar
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Running Microsoft Graph Toolkit for development purposes from github repo causes HTTP 431

First I prepared the repo as described in the contributing guide by cloning it, restoring and building it. When running yarn start the app starts on localhost. I sign in using a Microsoft account (no ...
bashdx's user avatar
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Azure App Registration for personal MS accounts without adding external users

I have created an user App Registration to enable authentication of both AD users and personal MS accounts with my app. I believe the most relevant settings in the manifest file are: 'signInAudience': ...
ejlouw's user avatar
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3 answers

Microsoft oidc in AWS Cognito allowing multiple tenants

I'm trying to implement social login using Microsoft account in AWS Cognito User Pools. I followed documentation and the solution mentioned in this thread:
Dragan Velkovski's user avatar
1 vote
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Using MSAL in CloudShell

I've validated the MSAL auth path using the desktop PowerShell 5.1 and 7.0 applications. However, all of the authentication paths which worked on the desktop are not working in CloudShell - PS /home/...
Michael Luong's user avatar
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Microsoft Azure notebook

How do I upload a CSV file for my data science project which is of 100MB in Microsoft azure notebook? Whenever I try to upload it it says that the file needs to be less than 10MB.
john snow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Microsoft Store app with private audience - Can't always see app

I recently uploaded a windows app to the Microsoft Store via Microsoft Partner Center. I decided to keep it private, so chose "private audience" for my application and put all the microsoft ...
Tiu's user avatar
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7 answers

"Remote machine is AAD" but "The logon attempt failed"

I setup Remote Desktop Connection and the computer says: AzureAD\username already has access: Very good, let's try to connect using AzureAD\username: Unfortunately it says: Your credential did not ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
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"Tenant does not have a SPO license" for Application Permissions on a OneDrive Consumer

I have a Microsoft Graph & MSA/AAD v2 daemon which is exclusively for Server Side API access. In the Azure Portal I have granted admin consent for my Microsoft account (MSA) for User.Read.All and ...
ShaneC's user avatar
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Microsoft sign in works without redirect url

When I sign in with Microsoft OAuth in my Blazor app, authenticateResult.Succeeded is true, even if I don't specify a redirect URI. It's failing as intended for Google, if I don't add my URI to the ...
Heinzlmaen's user avatar
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Update Microsoft Azure account password from php as Organization

I am currently trying to sync the password a user is using on my website (simple Php and Mysql) with the password of an account on Microsoft that I have created for them. So basically they all have a {...
OpenStudio's user avatar
2 votes
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What has changed in Microsoft oAuth 2.0 implementation?

I have a web site that has been using Microsoft accounts for authentication for more than three years. It is a Node web app and is using the passport-windowslive package. Lately, when users return ...
u936293's user avatar
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When Building VSCode From Source, How to Enable the Experimental Settings Sync?

VSCode v1.43 has experimental support for settings sync using Microsoft account: The "Turn on Sync..." option exists in Insiders, but not when ...
Chayim Friedman's user avatar
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What is the difference between MicrosoftAccount, AzureAD and OpenIdConnect authentication?

I got absolutely confused when trying to understand the differences between MicrosoftAccount, AzureAD and OpenIDConnect authentications. I am trying to build a .Net Core MVC app that allows some ...
Jakub Krupa's user avatar
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Why is Windows 10 not letting me set my Windows Admin USER name? [closed]

when I reset my Windows 10, when I open cmd, the user path shown there is C: \Users\nitis> however my name is Nitish and I want that to be shown and windows 10 nowhere asked me to set my user name. ...
Nitish Prajapati's user avatar
2 votes
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Single-SignOn for multiple apps using MSA (AAD)

I am creating a new android app and I don't want users to again enter the credentials for my app. I want to use the already logged-in MSA account for logging-in to my app also. How can I do that? Does ...
Ankit Garg's user avatar
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How do I enable oganization ID logins in my AADB2C application?

I have followed the instructions on this page to add the ability to sign up / log in to my application using a Microsoft Account. Personal accounts seem to work fine, but organizational IDs do not. ...
Andrew Miller's user avatar
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Workarounds/drawbacks for lack of combined consent in Azure AD + Microsoft Account Applications

The documentation for the Azure AD on-behalf-of flow indicates that combined consent does not work for personal Microsoft accounts. It says that "other strategies present themselves." It only ...
Auth Infant's user avatar
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Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'UserVoice, Inc.'

I'm trying to login and vote on While using my personal microsoft account, it says "...
Danila Polevshchikov's user avatar
2 votes
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AAD and NuGet vs. MSA and NuGet

We're working in a shared repository where we're not the owner. Our AAD accounts have been invited - [email protected]. We have no issues accessing the Git repo. THE ISSUE: We can't access the ...
Auri Rahimzadeh's user avatar
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Get MicrosoftAccount login from SQL Server

I found some strange information in log for login auditing. I am using Windows authentication and there are 2 different entries for same user. Sometimes there is ComputerName\User and sometimes ...
Rodjaaa's user avatar
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What is the currently working and correct way to set up an Azure Application that allows MSA signin?

Scenario: (Azure-hosted) Web App. Users should be able to sign in to my app using a Microsoft Account (i.e.,, etc accounts) that has one or more Azure subscriptions. The ...
user avatar
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Xamarin OAuth2Authenticator Microsoft Account returns malformed JWT token for Azure App Service

I am building a Xamarin.Forms app to learn the framework and working on the authentication services while using an Azure App Service for an API (also new to me). And trying to authenticate against a ...
aszalacinski's user avatar
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Dotnet Core 2.2 Authentication Builder: AddMicrosoftAccount vs AddAzureAD

What is the difference between AddMicrosoftAccount and AddAzureAD in the Authentication Builder in DotNet Core 2.2?
The Eagle's user avatar
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How can I use different user accounts for different versions of Visual Studio at the same time?

I have 2 different versions of Visual Studio. VS 2017 which I use for work stuff and the new VS 2019 Preview which I am using for fun stuff, I would like to log in with my work user account into VS ...
Clement Siby's user avatar