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ImageMagick - converting from RAW to PNG brightens the image, but using an online converter doesn't

I have a large number of .ARW images that I need to convert to .PNG files for further processing. Using convert myimage.ARW myimage.png works, but brightens up the image significantly. How do I ...
requiemman's user avatar
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Reduce PNG bytes by manipulating color type - not having success with ImageMagick

I am trying to see if I can reduce the bytes of a PNG by changing the png color type. I am trying to keep the dimensions as high as possible (100 or 150 ideally). The images are not complex and I ...
lcj's user avatar
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imagemagick convert does not produce alpha gradient for specific image

I'm using convert to generate images with a fade gradient, converting images like this: to images like this (note the fade at the bottom): The source images (e.g., first image above) are PNGs ...
richarddmorey's user avatar
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How to convert undefined/propriatary file with ImageMagick?

I am trying to execute this command on MacOS: convert -depth 16 -size 210x274 SCRSHOT5 \( -clone -evaluate RightShift 11 -evaluate And 31 -evaluate LeftShift 11 \) \( -clone 0 -evaluate RightShift 5 -...
Kctttttt's user avatar
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When I convert PNG images from 140x140 to 100x100, the image quality suffers

When I convert PNG image from 140x140 to 100x100, the image quality suffers. I have tried this command convert "image.png" -thumbnail 100x100 -quality 100 "out.png"
Rams's user avatar
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How to convert PNG to JPEG losslessly?

I've converted PNG to JPEG with both java and python PIL. Python code : from PIL import Image img ='input.png')'output.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=100) For converting the Java code ...
Neo Reeves's user avatar
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PNG metadata 0 dpi

Our printers are looking at the dpi of some of our formatted png files for the purposes of digital garment printing. The files show 300 dpi in Photoshop, but when the same png file is opened in ...
jtl1223's user avatar
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ICO file with PNG data

Looking at some ICO files that have PNG data instead of ICO and I am trying to create the same. Example: $ identify sample.ico sample.ico[0] PNG 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit sRGB 884B 0.000u 0:00.000 ...
Smorfph's user avatar
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Does ImageMagick have a frame limit when creating animated gif?

I'm trying to convert some 350 images into a single animated GIF, using ImageMagick's convert: convert -delay 4 -loop 0 *.png anim.gif However, for unknown reasons it creates a file with only 115 ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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ImageMagick: when cropping and merging multiple PNG images into a single PDF, pages are shifted out of view

I have multiple screenshots, saved as PNG, which I want to batch-crop and merge into a single PDF. Given the required offset and size, cropping is simple enough: mogrify screenshot01.png -crop 123x456+...
Oliphaunt's user avatar
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ImageMagick convert tif to png or jpeg producing larger images

I have a lot of tif images I would like to convert to a web friendly format. Ive been playing a little bit with imagemagick (and a couple other libraries) to try to convert them, but the resulting ...
gmm's user avatar
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How to generate proper PNG file having same font as in Source (SVG) file using Image Magick?

I have an svg file having image tag (url based source image) along with 2 text tags. Supporting fonts (Impact) are already linked within svg file using import attribute. Svg is previewed properly on ...
Mukesh Jain's user avatar
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ImageMagick: non-conforming drawing primitive definition `px'

I'm a beginner at using ImageMagick. I have a simple svg image from the file system, and I want to convert it to png file, so I ran: $ convert -resize 100% ~/image.svg ~/image.png And the error is: ...
Jasper Martin's user avatar
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How can I binarize an SVG without grays into PNG

Well, I am converting an SVG with ImageMagick and the output always has grays because when I binarize the image always aren't black and white completely translated. Sorry, I explained worst ever... I'...
Puffy's user avatar
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How to convert a folder with SVG files to PNG with inkscape linux?

I have in my image folders in my WordPress installation a few thousands of SVG files and I would like to convert all images now to PNG to display them instead of the SVG file on my website. I would ...
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How to fade images to blue with image magic?

Much like this question 3, im trying to achieve a fade but to a constant color rather than fade to transparent, how can the fade at all the edges, go to blue rather than to transparent? I have tried ...
user22866's user avatar
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ImageMagick redraw svg image before convert

I have a script, which create svg diagram. After creating I use ImageMagick to convert svg to image. $image = new Imagick('image.svg'); $image->setImageFormat("png24"); $image->setCompression(...
user3774771's user avatar
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get "convert: improper image header" error when convert gif to png using ImageMagick

I am using ImageMagick to convert a gif to multiple png data. But I get this error: convert: improper image header /misc/lmbraid11/jingl/webscraping/dataset_2018_05_18/image2018_5_4_10_34.gif' @ ...
Jing's user avatar
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A portrait photo (JPG) is turned sideway after imagemagick converts it to a png file. How to stop this change of orientation?

The original photo looks like this: I convert the it to png using this command: convert -strip -quiet -limit memory 2072580096 -quality 100 -alpha off -density 165% -scene 1 -colorspace sRGB ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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How can I fix PNG's gamma using ImageMagick?

I'd like to fix a PNG's gamma value to 1/2.2. For example, let's say there is a png image whose gAMA value is 1/4.4. For some reasons, I have to fix the value to 1/2.2. So I try convert command like ...
ueneid's user avatar
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Why does rendering a png from this pdf using imagemagick create these streaky artifacts?

I'm running ghostscript 9.22, libpng 1.6.34, and imagemagick 7.0.7-11 Q16 Here is the command that replicates the issue: convert -density 400 icon.pdf -scale 1024x1024 ./appicon-1024x1024.png Here ...
jrlocke's user avatar
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Huge whitespace appearing when converting .png to .gif with bash convert

I have a directory called "plots_for_gifs", which contains 105 files, whose names are identical apart from they end in ...000.png, ...001.png ... etc. up to ...104.png. I am trying to convert them to ...
co323's user avatar
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convert multiple pngs to bmps from stdin to stdout

I need to to convert PNGs coming from chrome-headless to BMPs to work with them, and I also need to do this through pipes without saving those images somewhere. Chrome is set up to just screencast ...
haxti's user avatar
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SVG does not open properly in vector editors or convert properly using ImageMagick

I've been mightily struggling with being able to properly size and scale an svg image in a web page and have it flow properly. I've decided to give up and convert it to a png. <svg xmlns="...
abalter's user avatar
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Convert a bunch of images from svg to png

I need to convert from svg to png all the images in a folder. Lets say that images are called test1.svg, test2.svg, ... , testn.svg. Using the following script: for i in *.svg do convert "$i" ...
TheRevanchist's user avatar
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Convert .png into "lossy" .pdf

I would like to convert a .png into a .pdf (I guess it's actually being embedded) whilst reducing the filesize. So I thought, jpeg-compression might be a good choice. So far it works well with ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Tiff convert to png Node js

i have to convert multiple tiff to png. For example tiff which include 3 pages i should convert to 3 png's.So i am using tiff-to-png module and i have encountered with this problem. Error: Command ...
So_oP's user avatar
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how can i add an alpha channel to this image using ImageMagick

I tried adding an alpha channel to this image using this command convert az.png -alpha set temp.png The resulting temp.png still has no alpha channel. What am I doing wrong? The image was ...
Mike Hogan's user avatar
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Animated gif created with ImageMagick has glitchy block color background

I am trying to stitch together a bunch of .png's which contain some alpha (transparency) but which have a uniformly white background. The png's look fine individually, but in the resulting .gif some ...
S E Clark's user avatar
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Adding label to exisiting png picture, using convert

I need to add a label onto a png picture, also I need to do a command substitution in order to get a number from a file. I have something like convert image.png -background red label:'input + `...
Sam's user avatar
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Resize indexed PNG image with ImageMagick while preserving color map

I am using custom batch script to make resized copies (33% and 66%) of all PNG images in folder. Here is my code: for f in $(find /myFolder -name '*.png'); do sudo cp -a $f "${f/%.png/-3x.png}"; ...
Juraj.Lorinc's user avatar
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convert pixel alpha channel when alpha > 90% using imagemagick

I need to convert existing png 2 areas files : one area is transparent and the other is red or blue opaque (one sample here : I want to keep the first area tranparent and to ...
Etienne Kordos's user avatar
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PNG to PGM conversion without quality loss

So, I have a PNG image file like the following example, and I need it to be converted into PGM format. I'm using Ubuntu and Python, so any of terminal or Python tools would suit just fine. And there ...
Romitas's user avatar
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Convert svg image to png with transparent background [closed]

How can I convert svg images to png with transparent background. I have almost 4000 svg images to covert. I tried to use many converter but they can't supply transparent background. i saw imagemagick ....
Faisal Ahmed's user avatar
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ImageMagick convert - Label text over alpha background

I'm trying to place a copyright message on a large batch of PNG images. I'd like to place the message in the bottom-right corner in black text on a semi-transparent white background. Here's my Windows ...
Warren Vick's user avatar
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ImageMagick convert creates white output

I try to convert an svg to png with ImageMagick ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q8 under Windows 7 (64-bit) I tried this code: C:\>convert -monitor -define registry:temporary-path=D:\ sourceSVG.svg targetPNG....
Selphiron's user avatar
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Imagemagick: replace alpha pixel with color-shade pixel

In previous question I made false assumption that I need to remove pixels with alpha, but I actually need to use alpha percentage as shade of white. Because just removing alpha-pixel changes lines. ...
Paul Verest's user avatar
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Imagemagick convert tif to rgba16 png

So here is my source tif image: $ identify -verbose source.tif Image: Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Class: DirectClass Geometry: 512x512+0+0 Resolution: 72x72 Print size: 7....
Greg's user avatar
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ImageMagick, replace semi-transparent white with opaque white

I have an icon with a fully transparent background and a semi-transparent, white foreground. I would like to make the foreground fully opaque, can this be achieved with ImageMagick? I have tried ...
EvenLisle's user avatar
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How to create PNG image with color_type=3 and bit_depth=1

The source is an RGBA PNG image (color_type=6 and bit_depth=8). I need an image with indexed color and 2 palette items (color_type=3, bit_depth=1). I tried with ImageMagick, but was able to reach ...
johnfound's user avatar
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Convert PNG image to a PDF without margin

I've a lot of PNG image (width: 3488px - height: 2116px), and now I need to put it in a pdf file to print over 500 pages The problem coming when I convert the images, the PDF file has some margin and ...
Helixior's user avatar
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ImageMagick to convert SVG to PNG with transparent background

I'm using ImageMagick via command line to convert a simple SVG to PNG with a transparent background, but for some reason it's not working. I've already tried some of the suggestions noted here (both ...
Calyo Delphi's user avatar
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ImageMagick: Lossless max compression for PNG?

I'd like to achieve a maximum amount of compression when saving to a lossless PNG using ImageMagick. I'm doing batch conversion of many PSDs. I tried a few things, but it looks to me like the ...
Mladen Adamovic's user avatar
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ImageMagick Set Background Colour

I am attempting to use the following line of code to set the background colour of Image 1 to white. (I.e. The first image 'Image1.png' needs to be cleared and become a blank white image. I then ...
samb90's user avatar
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Black background (instead of transparent) after drop shadow in ImageMagick

I'm trying to drop a shadow to a composition of two images: one JPEG/PNG and one SVG vector. With the PNG image everything works seamlessly. Now, trying with the JPEG, I get a black background instead ...
nandilugio's user avatar
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Convert multipage PDF to PNG with transparency

in the moment i run into several problems by converting a PDF file to PNG. The transparence is lost from the source pdf file. I have tested the following terminal tools to create the png: GhostScript,...
Chrisz1982's user avatar
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Image Magic convert svg to png issue

I have installed ImageMagick on My OS X 10.9.1 by using following brew install wget brew update brew cleanup brew doctor brew link libpng freetype brew install imagemagick brew install ghostscript ...
Urvish's user avatar
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ImageMagick/Convert - SVG opacity not taken into account

I want to convert the SVG file below with ImageMagick's convert to an PNG file. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to call convert so that the opacity value of the rectangle is taken into account. ...
dorjeduck's user avatar
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ImageMagick treating JPG and GIF differently in -alpha shape

I just encountered unexpected behavior in ImageMagick, which I'm hoping someone can explain to me. Version numbers $ convert --version Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2013-02-25 Q16 http://www....
rmunn's user avatar
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Converting SVG to PNG with python sometimes results in non-smooth curves

The goal: SVG to PNG in python application I'm converting SVG files to PNG's and having a strange problem. For most files, the PNG renders perfectly, but for some, the curves are rendered as straight ...
Geremy Good's user avatar