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How can i get filePath from Gallery image Flutter?

i have just save an image by using : final result = await ImageGallerySaver.saveImage( Uint8List.fromList(pngBytes), quality: 100, name: "...
anhs le's user avatar
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Fancyapps slider gallery is not working with fancybox

Im trying to create a fancyapps slider gallery that on click opens fancybox gallery (lightbox). Fancybox is working fine but my slider gallery is displaying as a grid not as a slider. Any help is much ...
grabarzo's user avatar
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Issue with gallery image loading randomly

I have a problem loading a fetched gallery: when I load the gallery page, images load as expected, but when I go to a different page, for example home page followed by coming back to gallery page, the ...
Mario's user avatar
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Need Help making a gallery

I am trying to make a gallery in a website i am working on for school. I have tried a bunch of different methods and ways of doing it, none of them are giving me what I want. I tried all the ways ...
Ariel Jackam's user avatar
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How to update list of items (reinitialize)?

I am using Blueimp gallery for one of my scenarios. I have a search box (on the same page above the gallery) and logic that takes this search term and gets some image links (based on the search term) ...
Girija Beuria's user avatar
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Removing the lightbox feature on Image Gallery in Get Response

Hello I'd appreciate some help! I have this landing page made on GetResponse: and we want to remove the lightbox feature on the images is there any way we can achieve ...
Bianca Ruiz's user avatar
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Why does GridView in Flutter discard previously loaded images when scrolling back

I'm facing an issue with image loading performance in my Flutter app using a GridView.builder and CachedNetworkImage. Even though im using CachedNetworkImage, I am still experiencing noticeable lag ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Resize Height IMG on Wheelzoom.js

I'm trying to make a zoomable image on a modal and I'm using wheelzoom.js It's almost perfect, but I need to resize the image Height that is auto, by default, when the orientation of the img is ...
Lucas Caires's user avatar
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How To All Images And Videos Get Folder Wise In Our App In Android Kotlin?

All images and video not show in folder wise i want all images and video show folder wise and working very smooth working in application application in all images and video show but not show with ...
Dark Light Moon's user avatar
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How to fix my modal gallery on how to better improve the succeeding images

I'm still learning JS and wanted to make a small modal gallery with the inside having its own gallery for a brochure for a wedding salon. Below is the link to my Codepen: Codepen I managed to open the ...
user25737164's user avatar
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Limited access to photos giving full access on iOS, when using image_picker on flutter

I want to upload user's selected photo to server using image_picker plugin for flutter. But, when user is selecting limited access to photos and selecting photos that can be visible to app, it is ...
Muhammet's user avatar
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Image Sorting (Drag & Drop) from the collection - ASP.NET Core MVC

I have an image gallery implemented with the below simple class. Until now it was displaying in the order it was being uploaded on the server, so it will sort by uploaded date in the table. But now ...
Rajiv Ranjan's user avatar
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My css gallery images are going lower than expected when entering a row of images underneath the first one (SOLVED)

I found a CSS gallery code, and wanted to try running it on my own to see if it actually worked. The code is Moodboard with Masonry by shinya1992 on codepen. I copy and pasted all the code and ran it, ...
linkrot's user avatar
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Nav On Click - Previous + Next

Apologize in advance as I'm inexperienced to web coding. I have a slideshow on my website where I'm hoping to have the following: Clicking on left side of window will go to previous slide Clicking on ...
 webnoobpleasehelp's user avatar
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ImageGallery independent swping

Well, I have used in my project ImageGallery library and everything works well, although there is one annoying thing. If I want to fast slide between images in component, I need to wait image_count*...
Realman's user avatar
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I'm trying to create an Image gallery as a blocklist Item in Umbraco 13

Hi I have the code that works for a single image but I'm stuck on modifying the code for the multiple image picker. This is what I've tried but it gives me a blank page. t@inherits UmbracoViewPage<...
N Morrison's user avatar
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Image Gallery for Upload/Maintain Images in .NET Core

I have been exploring the Image Gallery control available in themarket. I have been using Aurigma, but this product is distontinued. Could someone recommend Image Gallery control in .NET Core. I am ...
Rajiv Ranjan's user avatar
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React Gallery With Image Selection

I am trying to build an alternative to Google Photos, and I want to be able to display a Gallery, select files and display them. I used react-grid-gallery which might be able to do both (image ...
Adrien Chapelet's user avatar
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javascript and twig: show/hide items by clicking a checkbox

I've got a gallery with items sourced from different folders, each with a data-id-name attribute equal to the folder name. Each folder also creates an input type="checkbox" item in a list. I'...
Povrrrrr's user avatar
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I have a script to zoom/full screen an image. But it has a big problem

I'm an astronomer, and I'm trying to build a small website for family/friends/myself to store and display my different night sky pictures. Right now, I have some JavaScript that handles zooming, de-...
Astrokevin's user avatar
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Can I order my CSS columns horizontally instead of vertically? while using column-count

I want to order div row by row insated of filling column first then new column while using column-count. column-count:3 enter image description here It is giving output : 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 ...
nemish's user avatar
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html popup modal gallery crashes when looping around

I know some JavaScript/JQuery and for the most part I can figure out any issues within reasonable amount of time, but this one is a noodle scratcher. So, I have a gallery script that supposed to ...
ThN's user avatar
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onclick JavaScript button in image description not working in WordPress

I am using and I want abutton below each image with an onclick JavaScript event, but it's not working if you insert it as an image description. Why? It is working if it's inserted just in page, but ...
Artūrs Kalugs's user avatar
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Rotating image gallery from tutorial not working when converted from javascript to react

I was following a guide for making a rotating image gallery. The github for it can be found here:
sephiroth's user avatar
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How to open image gallery in android 14 (Api 34) to pick image?

I have used following code for pick image from gallery. It is working till android 13 (Api 33) but it not working (gallery is not opening) on Android 14 (Api 34). Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(...
Harry's user avatar
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Why isn't the grid gallery Multi-filter not working?

The two main problems is that the subcategories are not being shown and the filtering of the images according to the classes is not working as well. I was expecting to fiilter the images as follows:...
Farah Anany's user avatar
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How to get index of Image on mouse hover in angular

I'm trying to implement below points in my project. I'm trying to implement same image box and functionality like the below link. Demo Implemenation link In my code I've already implemented the side ...
ADeveloper's user avatar
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How to change to content of second html document when clicking on a link in the first html document? (similar to artstation website)

I'm making an art portfolio website where contents of my image gallery are dynamically added with JS (JSON file) because there are a lot of images to be added manually through html tags. When I click ...
pooria1998's user avatar
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Why my imageUri change when I pass as a argument to another screen in jetpack compose?

I have a screen to select a photo from the gallery, and on this screen, I select the photo from the gallery and transfer the imageUri I selected to the screen I want to display. So, we can think of it ...
NewPartizal's user avatar
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How to change wallpaper to the image on the thumbnail when Double-clicked?

I have been tinkering with image gallery's and draggable icons, I would like to change the background image to the image on the thumb when it is double clicked. how to do that? I rewrote this html to ...
Jedininja28's user avatar
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Can I move Image positions around in a tiled image section?

I have an image gallery where as you scroll the four tiled image section appears. After it reveals itself I want the user to be able to hover over each image and for the image that is being hovered ...
Nick Romano's user avatar
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website - rotating gallery (CSS / Javascript)

I'm fairly new to coding and as a first project I'm creating a website for my employer. As the third section of this website I have a photo gallery - when Image is clicked (directly or with button) it'...
Adam Nečesaný's user avatar
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Flutter : save image in gallery

I wish to store images in the gallery. However, this functionality only seems to work during debugging when I build the APK and test it on my phone. Once I install the APK without debugging, the image-...
AYMANE's user avatar
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Flexbox layout with flexible image gallery and scrollbar

I want to include an image gallery with scrollbar into a flexbox layout, so when the browser page size changes, the gallery should scale too by the flex-grow index, so that all images in the gallery ...
Emil's user avatar
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Flutter/Dart: /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera Path doesn't return files

I am trying to get all the photos and videos stored in Android Phone's Gallery. I tried below code but it doesn't return any Files. Future<void> getCameraDirectoryFiles() async { List<...
Deeps's user avatar
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How to get more than on tab gallery on a single pag

I followed a tutorial on W3 schools to create an image gallery. There are small thumb nails and when you click on one it it supposed to open in a larger image. This works well if you only have one ...
Arryanna Wilson's user avatar
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forEach loop in JS is only selecting one image from my gallery?

I have a image gallery with some JavaScript that shows a specific image from the gallery in a larger format whenever you click on a magnifying glass icon. The button itself seems to work fine but it ...
overflowed's user avatar
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Build error using Astro framework & react-image-gallery

I am using "astro": "~2.3.0" with "@astrojs/react": "~2.1.1" (using "react": "~18.2.0", "react-dom": "~18.2.0") & &...
menepet's user avatar
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Divi Gallery customization (Wordpress)

I did a website with Divi and I use the divi gallery. I want to customize the gallery a bit, but I don't know how to do it. The Images are here in my case "projects", each image one project. ...
Jasmin's user avatar
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React.js changing image sliders content based off the URL

Im working on an image slider, where the content changes based of the location.pathname import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import './slider.css'...
Martin Svendsen's user avatar
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Add a video to the product gallery in Woocommerce without plugin

I'm trying to add a video to the product gallery in Woocommerce. The workaround I found to keep the speed good is to add the thumbnail for the video as an image and make it clickable so that it links ...
xavierde's user avatar
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React Site wont render as soon as button is added around <img/>

I am trying to make a dynamic and good looking picture gallery but i am having a problem. Since i want the images to be clickable (so i can expand them) i need to wrap a button around the images. For ...
Lipe's user avatar
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Bootstrap Gallery Search / Filter Function

I have created a Bootstrap Gallery and have added a search / filter based on some code I found here: It works to a degree but I ...
Damian de Villiers's user avatar
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Is there a way to adjust scrollbar-thumb to represent element width (Image Gallery)

I am trying make an image gallery with a slider bar. Mostly with CSS and I'm choosing to use a simple scrollbar as the slider. On mobile I am displaying one image at a time, therefore I have no ...
eyyMinda's user avatar
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jquery filtered gallery - photos from the "all" class are loaded only after refreshing the page

I made a filtered gallery, it works almost as I wanted. All photos are displayed, then after clicking on a given category, only the selected group of photos is displayed. So far it's ok, but when I go ...
Dorota's user avatar
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CSS: flexbox gallery that proportionally scales its contents until they fit, without overflowing?

I am trying to make a gallery of 16:9 images that constrain to both the width and the height of their container. They should automatically wrap into however many rows or columns best scales them. I ...
Avoyt's user avatar
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How to make landing page for separate html site that is linked to main?

how can I make landing page for separate site (in my case "gallery") which is opened in different bookmark. Here how it looks: ( I already made my main ...
SlaV0's user avatar
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Position page indicator dots above figcaption, or bottom edge if figcaption is not present

I'm using this Wordpress plugin (WP Slider) to allow me to create carousel/sliders as Gutenberg blocks — specifically image gallery sliders. To facilitate this, I have a WP Swiper block and inside ...
David Mallis's user avatar
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How to fix choppy animations in HTML/CSS/jQuery Flexbox Image Gallery?

I'm trying to make a filterable gallery using CSS flexbox that has smooth animations using HTML, CSS, and jQuery (JS). Everything works but the animations are sometimes choppy when filtering. Here is ...
CodeZinx's user avatar
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How can i display correctly my image-gallery using h2

So im working on a gallery of image that can be scrolled vertically with centered and equally espace images, and when the mouse pass hover, the image scale up and a title show up. To make it work, i ...
SkiBoxing's user avatar

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