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Nav On Click - Previous + Next

Apologize in advance as I'm inexperienced to web coding. I have a slideshow on my website where I'm hoping to have the following: Clicking on left side of window will go to previous slide Clicking on ...
 webnoobpleasehelp's user avatar
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Flickity.js clicks the link when dragging

So I've created a slider using Flickity, and it works fine, but my slides are links out of necessity. The problem arises when the draggable option is enabled. When I click and drag, instead of just ...
benxha's user avatar
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flickity: how to use contain: true with wraparound

I have an image carousel, I want the carousel start with the first image aligned to the left using contain:true but at the same time I want to be able to use wrapAround:true so that it creates a loop. ...
Coco Yuan's user avatar
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Flickity js | Images keep overlapping one above another until resize screen

I am trying to make a dynamic Flickity slider so that when you click on the template image, it opens up a slider. I have an issue with the images that are overlapping one over another so the slider ...
lennoxe92's user avatar
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changing flickity styling through js

I have a flickity Issue with accessing the styling, in my case, of the indicator dots, through js. I want the dots to be colored from an array (in my project it should be a dynamic array but for the ...
inso1's user avatar
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Flickity doesn't load on a shopify section

I am trying to modify a shopify section so that it's images are a carousell with flickity but for some reason I can't get it to load. I want to input it via html so that i can modify settings ...
Blye's user avatar
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flickity slider ref undefined

So I have this react flickity slider component. On first render the flickityRef returns undefined. If i change something in the file and the dev server updates the component. The flickityRef gets the ...
ComCool's user avatar
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display none on flickity-slides not working as expected

I would like to know if adding the .is-visible and .is-hidden dynamically still makes the added classes visible to flickity. I dynamically add using $('[data-thumbnail-color],[data-image-color]')....
Manju Chaudhary's user avatar
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Get Flickity instance from slider initialized in JS

I'm trying to access a Flickity instance with JS that has already been initialized in other JS code which I don't have access to. I have tried using'.slider'), as well as just creating ...
Deejpake's user avatar
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How to (re)initialise flickity carousel inside accordion items?

I am trying to get one flickity carousel to work in each of my accordion items and my lack of knowledge in js gets me unfortunately to a dead end. What happens is that I see my carousels broken (not ...
ale_scu's user avatar
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is-selected class in flickity can't detected in javascript

I'm creating slider using flickity and what I'm trying to do is when slide is selected the background color of body change (each slide has a specific color.. the problem is (is-selected) class can't ...
Nora's user avatar
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Flickity AsNavFor producing error in the console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')"

i'm using flickity as the instructions, but got this error warning in the console anybody know how to solve this? Here is the current bundle package <script src="
billy ponto's user avatar
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change image property when is-Selected in flickity

I've been trying to get the image filter change from grayscale(1) to grayscale(0) when it's selected but it doesn't work for me :( The following CSS is what I have so far. .main-carousel img { ...
DT DT's user avatar
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Need to target a div in js but query selector giving null even the div is present on inspect but that is coming from a jquery library I am using

I am trying to target a div in plain javascript code but querySelector is giving null because it is not present in hard coded i.e. my written code in HTML but it is coming from flickity plugin but I ...
Kumar Kelash's user avatar
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If i not using v-for in flickity then carousel is working fine but if used then all item align verticaly

When i am using carousel without v-for it is working fine but when i am using with v-for it align item vertically. I am putting code below: <div class="main-carousel"> <div class=&...
Shashi Singh's user avatar
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Flickity slider issue

Hi i'm using the flickity slider but there is a problem when i drag the items of the carousel: when i drag and move the slider and release it the cells are auto-aligned and the result, for me, is very ...
user avatar
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Vertically Centering All Photos on Flickity Slider

Building out a flickity carousel to look like this and having some issues w/ spacing on my CodePen. codepen looks good but want to make spacing between slides less and also the spacing is fairly equal ...
Churchill's user avatar
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Flickity carousel doesn't work if used (ngfor)

I'm using a carousel called flickity when I'm using static data the carousel works normally normal behavior code: <div class="carousel" data-flickity='{"autoPlay": "...
Emad Naeim's user avatar
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Flickity Slider – Slides out of alignment

I'm struggling to work out why the slides within a Flickity Slider are out of alignment? Gif of slider being out of position Technically the slider is working. So this must be either a option I haven'...
Grant Smith's user avatar
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Flickity-fade slider not working after following the installation docs from github; flickity just run like the regular slider

I'm following this flickity slide fade docs FlickityFade Installation Here is the css cdn package <link rel="stylesheet" href="
billy ponto's user avatar
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Add class only on first carousel-cell (flickity)

i would have the class "opacity" inserted only at the first "carousel-cell". For the rest in the loop, they should not be there. <div class="main-carousel"> ...
marlxnw's user avatar
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Flickity images wont load properly when the image sources are fetched via an http request using axios. (React.js)

I was able to get Flickity working as expected. But for some reason when I made it to where the image sources are fetched from an external database, the images stopped loading properly and broke ...
Jackson Valdez's user avatar
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Flickity sync and nav hover event

I'm looking to change the main carousel on the hover event of a nav item, using asNavFor. I am a beginner with jQuery and I can't get the code below to work with my installation. I don't know how to ...
Christophe's user avatar
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Flickity transform issue

Before the holidays my client's site was working fine with the Flickity carousel. But after returning it has completely crashed, but it starts working when I resize the window. I had a look at the ...
ryan.'s user avatar
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How to recreate this unusual 3D flickity carousel style

I've been searching for a way that I can figure out (and learn) how to recreate this 3D carousel slider style used in the Salient theme (as seen in the "What they've said about us" and "...
LosHantos's user avatar
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Flickity carousel doesn't work when <div> are generated with js

i have found a carousel based on Flickity, you can check it here: thanks to atelierbram now i want to generate the containing the images with JS and i made ...
Vincent Van Klaus's user avatar
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Flickity on change event not firing in Vue component

I'm using Flickity for a carousel component in a Nuxt / Vue project. I have created a custom page dots / navigation for the carousel and it works fine except when I drag / swipe the carousel the ...
hendy0817's user avatar
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Nuxt app throwing "Cannot read properties of undefined" when child component renders with a carousel by Flickity

I am trying to link my own custom buttons to a flickity carousel in a nuxt application. My parent component set the default value for the prop direction to left. <CarouselBase class="w-screen ...
Maxime's user avatar
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Custom buttons throwing "Flickity is not defined" in Nuxt application using carousel

I am trying to wire my own custom buttons to a flickity carousel in a nuxt application. In my carousel component I have this code <template> <ClientOnly> <Flickity ...
Maxime's user avatar
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Nuxt application throwing error message when using Flickity

I am trying to implement a carousel in a Nuxt application. This is my package.json "dependencies": { "@nuxtjs/i18n": "^7.0.3", "core-js": "^3.15.1&...
Maxime's user avatar
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Flickity Slider Animation and Gsap

The slider I am building have the active slider bigger than the others. I managed to make it work without the animation with flkty.reposition(). However, I am trying now to add the animation where the ...
stemon's user avatar
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Flickity carousel is overlapping dropdown menu. How can I fix this?

I'm building a website with Flickity image carousels on the homepage. It's more customized than a regular nav menu, and now I'm starting to question my choices in life. The dropdown menus I crafted ...
ApplePieGuy99's user avatar
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How can I get the number/actual number of slides in a slider wordpress

I am trying to show the actual number / total number of slides shown, in a custom carousel script for a wpbakery widget in wordpress. The original code is using some flickity options, and I am using a ...
tonywd's user avatar
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flickity groupCells functionality in react based carousel

Can you please share a React carousel library that has same functionality as flickity's groupCells, client requirement is to differentiate active slides styles while still having inactive (satellites) ...
seven's user avatar
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Flickity.js before change event

Is there a way to execute code just before the slide is changed in Flickity.js? In my test case you can see, that it returns location.hash of changed slide. For example, I am swiping #page1 slide to #...
Haruki Murakami's user avatar
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Flickity - Flexbox Issue

I have an issue with my images within flickity slider with flexbox using @media only screen and (min-width: 1000px) It seems it applies the flexbox width 50% which it should on the flickity slider/...
menso22's user avatar
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OWL Carousel or Flickity? Which one is better?

I've been searching online to which library to use, If there's any difference, maybe one is better for perfomance but offers fewer options. I've found some information but didn't go deep into these ...
Thaís Fraga's user avatar
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Flickity Events + Vue3 + TypeScript: Error - this$refs.flickity.on is not a function

I've created a custom Flickity.vue object for Vue 3 and TypeScript support, following the accepted answer here. When I try to listen for events on my flickity carousel however, i'm plagued by runtime ...
Cody's user avatar
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Flickity CSS Styles not Being Applied

Pretty simple issue, I think it may be related to this question but in Vue instead of Angular. The CSS styling I try to apply to my Flickity carousel doesn't render for my Vue 3 app. In the IDE the ...
Cody's user avatar
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TypeScript + Vue 3 - ReferenceError: variable is not defined

I declare a variable to have type any at the beginning of my <script> and I later reference it in one of my methods in this same <script>. My IDE doesn't complain at all but surprisingly I ...
Cody's user avatar
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Flickity API with Vue 3 and Typescript

I've been working with Flickity in my Vue 3 app, and it works fine when I use a hard-coded HTML carousel with static cells. I need to add cells programmatically at runtime, however, and I can't get ...
Cody's user avatar
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Flickity: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelectorAll' of null

I have been debugging my js codes for hours, I cannot remove the error. Did I miss anything or added some codes which are incorrect? The error says: consultationSlider.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: ...
Kirby Tan's user avatar
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Show "X" number of page dots on Flickity plugin

I using the flickity plugin for a slideshow on my website and I want to show the dots on the image to allow the user to navigate the images. Here is a link to the plugin ...
Smac 's user avatar
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Why my flickity slider made in full CSS need to be manually resize to work?

I have a problem, I use flickity and every time i refresh my page, I have to resize my window for the slider work, and i don't know how to fix it.. I use flickity with the CDN and only in CSS. I tried ...
Quentin Serda's user avatar
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Flickity & Swup - destroying flickity

I am trying to destroy and re-load my Flickity slideshow while using Swup for page transitions, and I am not having much luck. This is my js file: import Swup from 'swup'; var Flickity = require('...
Mike Harrison's user avatar
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Scroll history timeline navigation left or right on click with vanilla JavaScript

I have setup a history timeline using Flickity and HTML/CSS. The core functionality is working as highlighted in the snippet, but I am needing to add "scroll to" functionality to the ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Flickity doesn't always load (Shopify)

I am using flickity to make carousels in my Shopify store. An odd thing happens when it sometimes does not load. It happens sometimes, not always. I could not find anything in the console to help ...
David Kong's user avatar
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Flickity stops working the moment i use *NgFor

I am trying to use Flickity in an angular app that i am building. Here is the link I am also aware of the ngx-flickity but i do not want this as it isn't production ready. This code below works <...
gables20's user avatar
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How do I remove/hide image container on error

I have been looking here for answers and tried a lot of different things that I found on here but unfortunately none of them have worked 100% for me... I am using a Flickity image carousel. What I ...
Sonja's user avatar
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I want the text of the carousel to stop moving. How can I do It?

Here is the HTML doc with a carousel : <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/flickity.css"> // it Could be ...
jeno's user avatar
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