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2 answers

Xcode 16 @IBInspectable properties not showing in the xib file

After updating to the latest version of the Xcode IBInspectable properties not showing up in the xib editor. You can see in the screenshots below that inspectable properties added both as extension ...
Roman Kovalchuk's user avatar
-1 votes
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IBInspectable stored property in extension

I would like all subclasses of UIView to have a stored property IBInspectable. Unfortunately I can't use an extension of UIView, because in an extension, an IBInspectable cannot be a stored property. ...
Michael Lee's user avatar
0 votes
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@IBDesignable preview in IB again broken under XCode 14.2 on M2?

I receive the error: .../Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib Failed to render instance of : dlopen(, 0x0001): tried: '/...' (no such file), '' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (...
Lego Esprit's user avatar
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Failed to render and update auto layout

I am using Xcode 13.4.1 in Rosseta mode on Macbook Pro (M1 chip) running macOS Monterey v12.0. Basically, IBDesignable views are not getting updated in XIB and throwing weird errors. All the details ...
dev gr's user avatar
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UIImage not resizing according to UIImageView size width and height

I am a Swift newbie and I am trying to add an UIImageView on the right of UITextField using Storyboard and @IBInspectable annotation. However, when I define my UIImageView with specific size and add ...
Cyril The Dev's user avatar
1 vote
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IBDesignable custom NSControl class - frame not resizing in Interface Builder

This is for macOS, not iOS ... thank you. I have a very simple custom slider control that has 2 @IBInspectable properties - trackHeight and knobHeight. I want my control's frame in Interface Builder ...
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how to correctly calculate corneRadius of a XIB in swift

cannot set calculated value for the roundedCorners of this xib. only works if Hard coded. So do you have solution? and more generally speaking, is this a good way to make a xib? this works, but is ...
biggreentree's user avatar
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Set UIView Border Color or width in swift using @IBInspectable

@IBDesignable extension UIView { @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? { set { layer.borderColor = newValue?.cgColor } get { guard let color = ...
Ios Developer's user avatar
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Create max character length in UITextField using IBInspectable [duplicate]

I want to create a max length to my textfield with IBInspectable, I see a answer to this on a question here but I'm getting an error saying Expression type '()' is ambiguous without more context, My ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Trouble with IBInspectable and loading a view from xib for Interface Builder

I have a custom class with its own .xib. I'm trying to incorporate IBInspectable to change the color of its background and subviews' backgrounds in IB. In IB, when I leave 'Custom Class' blank, and ...
Paul's user avatar
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Remove @IBInspectable error: Failed to set () user defined inspected property on (UIView)

I added an @IBInspectable property named style as an extension to UIView. I refactored it because it interferes with I am getting this error, I know exactly what the error means, ...
Matthew Mitchell's user avatar
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Xcode Storyboard Fail to show (render) ViewControllers (The agent crashed)

I'm running Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001) on MacBook Pro 2016 Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory: 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 Graphic: Radeon Pro 450 2 GB and Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB Storage: ...
Mohammad Reza Koohkan's user avatar
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Use @IBInspectable with any UIView subclass within storyboards

I have a class to use with @IBInspectable, to get the properties within my storyboard. Here is a small chunk of it: /// UIView subclass to allow creating corners, shadows, and borders in storyboards. ...
George's user avatar
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Xcode - Is there a way to disable all IBInspectable temporarily, to speed up Storyboard?

I really like IBInspectable and IBDesignable features, that allow to speed up things and have a better view of final result, directly in Storyboard. But Gosh…they slow down soooo much my storyboard ...
AnthoPak's user avatar
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IBInspectable: extracting data from value failed

I have built a library that adds a view to the screen and allows the developer to customize its appearance by entering custom values in IBInspectable fields. It used to work just fine, except when I ...
LinusG.'s user avatar
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Subclassing UISlider to customize thumb image using IBDesignable/IBInspectable?

I'm using this code from to customize my UISlider's thumbImage. It builds correctly in the storyboard but when I build and run it does not show my image? Could it be because I have it hooked up as an ...
GarySabo's user avatar
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3 answers

CornerRadius and Shadow on a UIView using @IBInspectable Swift 4.2

Is it possible to have both CornerRaduis and a shadow on a UIView? I set up a Custom class for a UIView which uses @IBInspectable to set a cornerRadius and a addShadow which can be true or false. ...
Matthew Mitchell's user avatar
-1 votes
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Interface Builder show all @IBInspectable in cascade

I'm maybe too complicated, but here is what I want: @IBDesignable class A: UIView { @IBInspectable var title: String = "" { didSet { setNeedsLayout() } } } @...
Dam's user avatar
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IBInspectable variable value is not changing in interface builder and simulator

I am creating custom parallelogram view and view is rendering fine with default offset value. But when i change the offset value from ib it's not working @IBDesignable class CustomParallelogramView: ...
azhar's user avatar
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@IBDesignable not rendering UILabel and UITextField texts

I've created a @IBDesignable subclass of UIView The view has couple of labels and a text field. When I try to change their value in the storyboard, the changes are not rendered. In constant changes ...
Luda's user avatar
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Create custom action in a class for use in Interface Builder

I want to create a custom action connection in a class, which should be visible in Interface Builder. For example - I add action / target properties to NSView class just like this: weak open var ...
Ivaylo Nikolov's user avatar
3 votes
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@IBInspectable property doesn't show up in Interface Builder

I have a class like this, and this IB doesn't show the property foo1 in inspection pane. @IBDesignable final class Foo: UIView { @IBInspectable var bar1 = CGFloat(0) } What's wrong? (Xcode 10....
eonil's user avatar
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IBDesignable for UIButton, IBInspectable vars are nil

I am having a strange problem with UIButton. I have the following custom class: import UIKit @IBDesignable class ToggleButton: UIButton { @IBInspectable var state1Image: UIImage = UIImage() ...
Kex's user avatar
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How can you give design-time layout support to a custom UIView?

Just playing around to see if something can be done. I know I can give design-time support to certain properties by adding @IBInspectable to them, and I'm also aware of making the view itself support ...
Mark A. Donohoe's user avatar
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At which order Interface Builder evaluates IBInspectables?

I have custom UI element designed with a help of IBInspectables, so that I can use and modify it in the Interface Builder. There are 2 inspectables which effectively change the same property of the ...
markvasiv's user avatar
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Unable to see the IBInspectable custom properties in Storyboard of the custom view class

I have created custom UIView class with IBDesignable method enable in it. Inside the class, I have added few IBInspectable properties looks something like this, Swift 4.0 - Snippet: @IBDesignable ...
Abilash Balasubramanian's user avatar
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how to corner Radius some edges in IBInspectable in swift 4?

so here is the code that is working well let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect:viewToRound.bounds, byRoundingCorners:[.topRight, .bottomLeft], cornerRadii: ...
Saeed Rahmatolahi's user avatar
2 votes
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Swift IBInspectable didSet versus get/set

I am relatively new to IBDesignables and IBInspectable's and I noticed that a lot of tutorial use IBInspectable in this fashion. @IBInspectable var buttonBorderWidth: CGFloat = 1.0 { didSet { ...
Saik's user avatar
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Use of setter getter from another view controller

I've already created a CustomView(.Xib) with it's class(.Swift). In order to reach it's views (widgets) property I've defined several getter and setter and for now I need to call them to modify but ...
Mamad Farrahi's user avatar
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Set UINavigationBar's gradient color using IBInspectable

So this is my custom class for UINavigationBar : import UIKit @IBDesignable class GradientNavigationBar: UINavigationBar { @IBInspectable var firstColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear { ...
Nitish's user avatar
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Value of @IBInspectable set in storyboard not propagated to the code

Without any experience with iOS, I have been asked to upgrade to Swift 4 an application that is using Swift 3. I updated the language to use in "Swift language version" and I followed the ...
eqtèöck's user avatar
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IBInspectable run setup function every time IBInspectable value changes

I have an IBDesignable class which has an IBInspectable value: Int value is basically the number of balls shown within the IBDesignable class so I have a setup() func which adds the correct ...
TheBearF8's user avatar
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Add RightView UIButton in UITextField Using IBInspectable

Is it possible to add rightView UIButton to a UITextField to StoryBoard using @IBInspectable ? I want to create a uiTextfield like in this image using StoryBoard so that it will be easier in the ...
alpha47's user avatar
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Swift @IBInspectables with priority choose the order are they executed in

I am playing a bit with @IBInspectables. I have created a reusable custom View which has some @IBInspectables. Is there no way to give priority to the @IBInspectables to get executed? In the ...
Pablo Sanchez Gomez's user avatar
9 votes
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How can we create IBInspectable like checkmark?

I created lots of IBInspectable. But today, I observed that Xcode having some properties like this: In the link, I marked rectangle box. I want to create custom IBInspectable like that. I don't know ...
Sanjaysinh Chauhan's user avatar
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extend class with IB_DESIGNABLE obj-c

I found IBDesignable and IBInspectable very usefull to bring setter possibility directly to the storyboard. I use it in a swift projet that way import Foundation import UIKit @IBDesignable ...
Keuha's user avatar
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@IBInspectable: Property cannot be marked

I keep getting this error: Property cannot be marked @IBInspectable because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C .. why does its type need to be represented in Ojective-C? And is there ...
user3138007's user avatar
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Apply IBInspectable to all view types in iOS

I'm trying to apply IBInspectable to all types of view like UIView, UIButton, UITextField, UIImageView, etc. Here's what I did: @IBDesignable class BaseView: UIView { override func layoutSubviews(...
D4ttatraya's user avatar
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8 answers

IBDesignable Build Failed

I have Created IBDesignable and IBInspectable custom class to give shadow and corner radius for view But When I assign Designable class to view, I get Designable Build Failed This is my code ...
VishalPethani's user avatar
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How can I add section names in the Attributes inspector in Xcode?

Is there any way to add section name in newly added @IBDesignable properties for better readability. // //MARK: - Badge // @IBInspectable var badgeColor:UIColor = UIColor.darkGray { didSet { ...
iamVishal16's user avatar
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I'm trying to add a custom property to my subclass of UIImageView. The property type is of UIImageView. I have success with other data types, UIColor, int, etc. But UIImageView just doesn't appear in ...
noodlez's user avatar
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Custom UIButton @IBDesignable

I created a UIButton subclass that looks like a checkmark. Here is the class: import UIKit @IBDesignable class CheckedButton: UIButton { // MARK: - Properties @IBInspectable var checked: ...
Frederic Adda's user avatar
11 votes
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Asset Catalog named colors are not available to @IBInspectable properties

For my iPad app that I'm creating, I have an Asset Catalog in my project containing several color sets. I know that I can drag and drop these into the code itself and have done so for the default ...
H. E. Becton's user avatar
12 votes
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Xcode 9: Using named colors with IBDesignable and IBInspectable results in Interface Builder error, but compiles without issue

I use UIColor.named("myColor") throughout my app since Xcode 9 came out. While having a shot at a custom implementation of UITextField as an IBDesignable class, I kept getting the following error: ...
Fulco's user avatar
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@IBInspectable in Swift 4.0

While migrating to Swift 4.0, I am facing an issue with @IBInspectable, open class SVContactBubbleView: UIView { @IBInspectable open var dataSource: SVContactBubbleDataSource? //ERROR..!! @...
PGDev's user avatar
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custom SKSpriteNode classes for use in .sks file?

I'm making a custom SKSpriteNode Class, which I want to use in my .sks file. I want it to have @IBInspectable property. Is it possible? And how can I implement its init(coder:) method, or there is no ...
Fayyouz's user avatar
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Add attributes for UITableViewController

I'm developing a custom class. The goal is user will add a UITableViewController to the storyboard and set its class to mine. and my class will fill the tableView. Here's my question: I want to give ...
Hosein Abbaspoor's user avatar
11 votes
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IBInspectable Properties not showing up in Xcode 8.3.3

While attempting to modify the Apple tutorial found here on IBinspectable properties for my own project I have run into a major roadblock. I defined a simple button subclass: import UIKit @...
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5 votes
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How to control an UIView's rounded corners separately using @IBInspectable in Swift 3?

Here is my current code: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let rect = Draw(frame: CGRect( origin: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50), size: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))...
amin sadeghian's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change the cornerRadius of button from storyboard with custom IBDesignable class created

The class given below is working fine @IBDesignable class iButton : UIButton { @IBInspectable var cornerRadius : CGFloat = 0.0{ didSet{ layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius } }} But ...
Hurdler's user avatar