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gcloud app deploy and mvn package appengine:deploy generate app.yaml with generic skip_files JAVA 8

I am working on a Java 8 Google Appengine project with a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml configuration file. I am trying to setup a .gcloudignore file for deployment, however, both ...
Juan Sebastian Rivera Giraldo's user avatar
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How to use dynamically versioning in cloudbuild.yaml file?

This is my cloudbuild.yaml file. In this file i manually write the version of the new application, but i want to take this automatically by any approach, Is this possible anyhow? steps: Step 1: Build ...
Rishav Kumar's user avatar
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Cloud Build and Run my Goland with MYSQL app not working

I am trying to write a cloud build yaml file to be able to deploy my project on GCE. I have a go project that is running on VM with MySQL connected to it. I wrote my Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml ...
Hassan Shaitou's user avatar
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How to delete a service from all regions with gcloud run delete in cloudbuild.yaml

I deploy my service on cloud run, in several regions. My cloudbuild.yaml does this: Build a new image Push new image to Artifact Registry TODO: Stop service in all regions Run database migrations ...
Micka's user avatar
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gcloud storage rsync patching all files every time when syncing GitHub repository

I am using Cloud Build to keep the files of a Google Cloud Storage bucket in sync with a GitHub repository. My Google Cloud Build config yaml contains a step that executes this: gcloud storage rsync ./...
vpgcloud's user avatar
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Google cloud run showing wrong build history

I have a google cloud run instance build by a google cloud build trigger, but in the instance page is showing a wrong build history from another trigger ¿it is posible to change the assigned cloud ...
Matías Maturana's user avatar
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GAE deploy via Github Actions : Failed to create cloud build: IAM authority does not have the permission 'cloudbuild.builds.create' action CreateBuild

NOTE : For privacy purposes, I changed the project name to "xxx" in this post. I am working on a Github Actions workflow to deploy a NuxtJS app to Google App Engine, that fails on this ...
Guillaume Prévost's user avatar
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Creating GCS Signed-URLs in Cloud Build with Bash fails with cryptic error gce

I am attempting to create a file that contains a couple of signed URLs to GET and PUT files into Google Cloud Storage using Cloud Build. I have developed the process and everything worked as expected ...
nhenry96's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

GCloud Build Failure: ERROR: failed to initialize analyzer, No such object

My most recent builds with GCloud all started failing recently and I am not really sure why. I keep getting 404 errors from the build attempting to find an image that doesn't exist. Sample error: ...
Jasper Madrone's user avatar
1 vote
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Google Cloud Build Doesn't Work Properly on Git Hooks

Im using gcloud and I have a git server on a vm, where in a repository through a git hook (post-receive), Im calling cloud build to triggers the construction of a docker image and the deployment of ...
YosefMac's user avatar
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COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat requirements.txt: file does not exist ERROR

I am able to build my docker image and run it locally. But when I am trying to deploy same docker image on cloud run its getting failed during code build and giving below error. Step 9/11 : COPY ...
iamabhaykmr's user avatar
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GCP CloudBuild -> Failed to trigger build: unrecognized arguments

I want to run a trigger by passing some substitution values by using gcloud command. Here is my command: gcloud beta builds triggers run my-service --branch=test-deploy-of-history --project=dev-...
Md. Omar Hasan's user avatar
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Google Cloud Platform Cloud Build - permission denied (publickey) when using gcloud CLI to access Compute Engine

I Have a Cube.js application running on a GCP Compute Engine VM, through docker compose, and I need to setup automatic continuous deployment. The idea here is to always run a specific script on the VM ...
Rodrigo Magaldi's user avatar
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Cloud Build error: (gcloud.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[403], code=[Ok], message=[The caller does not have permission]

I've seen a few permutations of this question on SO, but none of the response so far have resolved my issue. I'm attempting to deploy to a gen2, pubsub-triggered function to Cloud Functions using ...
Matt's user avatar
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Why do I manually need to add !package.json in .gcloudignore when setting **/package.json in .gitignore

I would like both git and gcloud to ignore all package.json files except the one in the base folder. I've set **/package.json in the .gitignore file which works fine except that gcloud also ignores ...
sev's user avatar
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How can I update substitutions values of google cloud build trigger using bash script?

I want to write a script where I will pass the values and the script will update all the substitutions values automically. In cloud build trigger, I am passing values like _DOCKER_IMAGE, _IMAGE_TAG, ...
Md. Omar Hasan's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Build and Terraform integration

I am running Terraform using Cloud Build. step { name = "hashicorp/terraform:1.0.1" args = ["init"] dir = env/dev } step { name = "hashicorp/terraform:1.0.1" ...
Sosh's user avatar
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Cloud Build fails due to Cloud Function container not being ready yet

we have a Google cloudbuild pipeline that does the following: Create a temp function Run some tests Deploy the production function However, the second step often fails due to the first container not ...
mijorus's user avatar
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gcloud functions deploy go runtime error "undefined: unsafe.Slice; Error ID: 2f5e35a0"

While deploying to google cloud function, I am getting this error: ERROR: (gcloud.functions.deploy) OperationError: code=3, message=Build failed: # projectname/vendor/ src/...
Purusottam's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build substitutions to Google Cloud Run env vars

I have the following cloudbuild.yaml file, and I'm trying to inject ebvariables from substitutions (I'll be re-using a Cloud Build trigger across multiple services, so I'd like to configure it to the ...
Micheal J. Roberts's user avatar
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looping inside cloud build for multiple deployments

I'm trying to create multiple deployments using Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy in GKE cluster. Below is my cloudbuild.yaml steps: - name: "" entrypoint: 'bash' ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Cloud Run deploy fails (gcloud run deploy) with error gcloud crashed (KeyError): 'images'

gcloud cli crashed after successfull image build right before deploy command with error: 2022-09-19T06:05:37.8347067Z Building Container....................................................................
Anton Komarov's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build and Deploy to Kubernetes environment variables

I'm currently migrating my rest API to Google Cloud. I'm trying to setup a CI/CD pipeline on Kubernetes. So far I managed to build my Docker image with Cloud Build via a Github trigger. I created a ...
Lucien Perouze's user avatar
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Access multiple private GKE clusters with Cloud Build private pools

I have two clusters in GKE (staging and production) and I've setup Cloud Deploy for deploying my web application to these clusters. So far I followed this documentation but I could only get cloud ...
Maiku Nakajima's user avatar
-1 votes
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gcloud scp in cloud build fails due to known hosts problem

One step in my cloud build is to copy files from a VM in another project. After a series of problems, I've set up the service account access, and can successfully do this scp from my own workstation. ...
James Wetterau's user avatar
2 votes
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How to restrict cloud build permission to all other buckets

I created a service account for devs, so they can use the "gcloud run deploy" command. I've manage to find the correct roles: Artifact Registry Administrator and Cloud Run Admin; but there ...
argdenis's user avatar
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Error in connecting to GKE cluster from Google Cloud Build

I am trying to connect to GKE cluster in Google cloud build, i performed below build step steps: - name: args: - container - clusters - get-...
raghu_manne's user avatar
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ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) INVALID_ARGUMENT: could not parse service account URL

I want to use a custom Service Account to build my docker container with Cloud Build. Using gcloud iam service-accounts list and gcloud config list I have confirmed that the service account is in the ...
d3f2's user avatar
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Cloudbuild can't access Artifacts Registery when building cloud run docker container

I'm using a package from Artifacts Registery in my cloud run nodejs container. When I try to gcloud builds submit I get the following error: Step #1: npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET https://us-east4-...
AmmAr's user avatar
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gcloud builds submit substitutions not working properly. (ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) INVALID_ARGUMENT.)

I have the following config: steps: - name: 'alpine' args: ['echo', 'B: ${_BRANCH}', 'T: ${_TAG}', 'C => ${_CLIENT}'] If I run with: gcloud builds submit --config=gcp/cloudbuild-main.yaml --...
Edmilson Santana's user avatar
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gcloud builds triggers create with bitbucket has no manual triggers event option

Trying to create a build with manual trigger using the gcloud utility but couldn't find it in options, while the option is available in console. I'm using below syntax: gcloud alpha builds triggers ...
Nurhun's user avatar
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GCP : Fetch CloudRun URL via Python client API

I want to fetch a CloudRun service's URL via a Python client if its possible in GCP ? Is there any API / sample code / python client that has the capability? Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks, ...
Raghav Arora's user avatar
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Alter 'status' request interval of CloudBuild submit

I'm trying to setup the CI/CD setup of a mono repository using Google Cloud Build. We have a single Cloud Build trigger that starts a build on a new commit, it does some general steps and then then ...
Simon Karman's user avatar
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Cloudbuild recursively creating multiple builds for app engine deployment on GCP

hope this question helps others struggling to use GCP. I am trying to automate deployments of my strapi app to Google App Engine using CloudBuild. This is my cloudbuild.yaml: steps: - name: 'ubuntu' ...
Omkar's user avatar
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Gcloud comportament differ from shell to cloudbuild.yaml

I have been trying to list all the API gateways config on gcloud, and something wrong is happening. When I run the following command on the terminal with my user logged in, it works like a charm. ...
Rômulo Gatto's user avatar
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gcloud builds submit of Django website results in error "does not have storage.objects.get access"

I'm trying to deploy my Django website with Cloud Run, as described in Google Cloud Platform's documentation, but I get the error Error 403: [email protected] does not have ...
Sander Vanden Hautte's user avatar
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run gcloud script in cloud build

I would like to have a cloud source repo which contains:- The cloudbuild.yaml file. A gcloud shell script (to create infra, eg a VM). Is it possible to set things up where on a push to that repo, ...
Indrid's user avatar
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Google cloud or Docker not recognizing folder

I have a project with the following strucure : vineetkalghatgi@vinux:~/personal-projects/bertQA_server$ ls bert-server-env cloudbuild.yaml Dockerfile mymodel Procfile __pycache__ README....
Vineet Kalghatgi's user avatar
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using gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories doesn't working with --dockerfile-image

I'm working on a auto devops workflow only based on the dockerfile using Cloud Build on GCP, when I try to use the following command it seems is not using the flag: --dockerfile-image gcloud beta ...
karluiz's user avatar
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How to identify cloudbuild child tasks

I have a CloudBuild cloudbuild.yaml file which defines a task to export a GCE Image to a Bucket in .vmdk format. gcloud compute images export \ --image=$IMAGE_NAME \ --destination-uri=$...
Saul's user avatar
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Including a subfolder from an excluded folder in .gcloudignore

I'm trying to deploy a Node project with a Dockerfile to Google Cloud Run with the gcloud beta run deploy command. Long story short, I would like to copy my local node_modules/my-module after running ...
Seeven's user avatar
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How to use relative dependencies when deploying to App Engine with Cloud Build

I have a full stack project that have some common modules, mostly type definitions. I want to keep them in the same repository to keep a consistent state of my application. However, the deploying ...
Maroben's user avatar
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Do I need to add node_modules to .gcloudignore when running "gcloud builds submit ./project-folder"?

This is my project structure: project/ node_modules/ src/ .gcloudignore cloudbuild.yaml Dockerfile package.json Here is how I'm building it: gcloud builds submit ./project --config=./...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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How to increase the cloud build timeout when using ```gcloud run deploy```?

When attempting to deploy to Cloud Run using the gcloud run deploy I am hitting the 10m Cloud Build timeout limit. gcloud run deploy is working well as long as the build step does not exceed 10m. ...
Andy Merlino's user avatar
4 votes
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How to deploy Laravel 8 google cloud run with google cloud database

Iam looking for help to containerize a laravel application with docker, running it locally and make it deployable to gcloud Run, connected to a gcloud database. My application is an API, build with ...
megaman's user avatar
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Gcloud cloud build local component failing with error "Error loading config file: unknown field "availableSecrets" in cloudbuild.Build"

Greetings stackoverflow community! First time asker, long time user. I am testing out my cloudbuild.yaml file locally using Cloud Build Local component and Secret Manager and it is failing on "...
Dan Doyle's user avatar
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gcloud app deploy failed with timeout in AppEngine Standard Env

I tried to deploy with gcloud config set app/cloud_build_timeout 1600 && gcloud app deploy but I got a timeout error after 10 minutes. ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Cloud ...
Shun Shimizu's user avatar
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Cannot find module '/workspace/use' on Cloudbuild

I am attempting to make a deployment to firebase using cloud build triggers, everything seems to work fine until it reaches the use command in my cloudbuild.yml and cannot find the workspace/use ...
Jeff Voss's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build does not ignore file when using Github App

I'm using Google Cloud Build with Kaniko (for docker layer caching). I wanted to add a first step before running kaniko and realised that my .gcloudignore is not taken into account when Github app ...
Samuel Bodin's user avatar
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GCP cloudbuild git push trigger

I have a trigger to run a build job everytime there's a push to a specific branch of my repository. If I try to run the build job "manually" (without the trigger) with the command: # Submit ...
Amorim95's user avatar