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2 answers

How to clone a (second gen) 2nd Gen Google Cloud Repository from Cloud Build?

I need to write a bash script to run inside my Google Cloud Build's build process. This bash script needs to clone a 2nd Gen Repository (since now former Source Repositories is deprecated), but I can'...
Mauricio's user avatar
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automate the mirroring from bitbucket to google cloud repo when a repo is created

I have multiple repos mirrored from bitbucket to Google Cloud source repo. I'm trying to find a way to automate the process for doing this since right now I have to do it every time manually. Since I ...
orbee's user avatar
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1 answer

Trouble initializing Google RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient

I am trying to add reCAPCHA to my website. Following the from, I have used composer to install google/cloud-recaptcha-...
BrettOC's user avatar
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1 answer

Dataform git connection using Google Source Repository

I am trying to connect a git repository hosted on Google Source Repository with the Dataform environment. The dataform documentation states that use of personal access tokens that is accessed by ...
angkirat sandhu's user avatar
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CD for google cloud functions using google cloud repository - how to automate deployment?

I am new to GCP however did some read up of docs regarding deploying from google cloud repo however I stil miss some automation bit to don't have ...
andilabs's user avatar
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Semantic release with google cloud CI/CD using git annotation tag

I am releasing the artifact to the Artifact registry in the Google cloud. I want to have a semantic versioning release cycle using the git annotation tag to the master branch. steps: # This step ...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter build steps by branch google cloud plateform

I have the below steps steps: # This step show the version of Gradle - id: Gradle Install name: gradle:7.4.2-jdk17-alpine entrypoint: gradle args: ["--version"] # This ...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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How do I programmatically download a file from a private Google Cloud Source Repository with a service account?

I have a Google Cloud Source Repository I want my application to download files from. I have a specific use case where I want to get files from a Google Cloud Source Repository programmatically- not ...
red888's user avatar
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1 answer

Mirror repository from BitBucket Cloud to Google Cloud Repository for App Password changes

with the upcoming changes as outlined in How does it affect mirroring a Bitbucket Repository to ...
C C H's user avatar
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Cloud Source Repositories - Git Push code to the default branch or switch branches

I am new to git repositories. I tried my best to learn about it. I need to push a automation project to google repositories .I executed following comments to perform this. $ git init $ git add . $ git ...
Siraj's user avatar
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1 answer

Visual Studio Code push to Compute Engine

I have Compute Engine running in Google Cloud. I want to be able to push code changes from Visual Studio Code to Compute Engine, so that the changes reflect on the website hosted in CentOS 7 on ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

google cloud source repositories are not in sync

I'm new to google cloud source repository and confused to why code pushed in one of the repository is not syncing up with another repository. is it because all of the cloud repos need to be connected ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code git active account

I'm trying to run a 'push' from Visual Studio Code to my Cloud Repository. I have changed my account, but when I do the push the following message appears: " Your current active account [OLD ...
Alfredo Asensio's user avatar
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Why the history in gcb is not able to sort by branchname?

I'm able to sort by source but, unable to sort by branch, it shows only few branches for all sources. I used it like Source:[source_name] OR Branch:[branch_name] in the history tab. can anyone tell ...
Shashikumar KL's user avatar
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Python cloud function is not updated after rebuild

Steps to reproduce: Enable these APIs: Cloud Repositories, Cloud Build, and Cloud Functions Create Repository and push content from here there. This is a simple Python Flask app returning simple Html ...
Stanislav Livotov's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Pull request or Merge request on Google cloud repository

I'm having trouble finding where is the Pull the request feature of Google Cloud Repository. I need it to setup the project that I'm currently working on for other developers, by having a code review ...
onecompileman's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to deploy multiple cloud functions that are newly pushed using google cloud build and Source Repository?

I have a project folder with different cloud functions folders e.g. Project_Folder -Cloud-Function-Folder1 -requirements.txt -cloudbuild.yaml -Cloud-...
Hsn's user avatar
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Pulling images from private google container registry with kubeflow on minikube

We are having trouble giving a container within a pipeline uploaded to Kubeflow access to a private custom docker image stored in a google container registry. We are running kubeflow on top of a ...
Federico K's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

How to access a GCP Cloud Source Repository from another project?

I have project A and project B. I use a GCP Cloud Source Repository on project A as my 'origin' remote. I use Cloud Build with a trigger on changes to the 'develop' branch of the repo to trigger ...
ci_'s user avatar
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google cloud build - functions@: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "10"

I'm setting up cloud build trigger, how to set node version properly? this is what I get: Already have image (with digest): yarn install v1.9.4 info No ...
Rehan's user avatar
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How Do I Publish Shiny a Shiny App to GCP?

What I Have Successfully Accomplished I have a shiny app that runs locally. I have set up a Ubuntu 19 server on a GCP VM instance I have installed RStudio Server & ShinyServer, and [EXTERNAL_IP]:...
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

Service account does not have storage.buckets.lists access to project while pushing images to GCR via Gitlab CI

I am using Gitlab CI to build docker images and to push them to GCR. My Script goes like this - build: image: google/cloud-sdk services: - docker:dind stage: build cache: script: - ...
Bharat Chhabra's user avatar
5 votes
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Google function source not refreshed after git push

I defined a source of a google cloud function as a google cloud repository. I changed my function source code, commit it and push into the repository by "git push --all google". I see a new version of ...
BT3's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to clone repo from Google Cloud Source Repositories using SSH authentication

I am trying to clone an empty repository from the Google Cloud Resource Repositories. So far I have: Created an empty repository on Google Cloud Source Repositories. Generated an ssh key (default ...
Glenster's user avatar
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403 "Error: Forbidden" when opening the URL of my Cloud Run service

I built my container image and then deployed to Cloud Run using the Cloud Console. However, when I open the endpoint URL of my service, I get a 403 "Error: Forbidden" page
Steren's user avatar
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NPM Dependency from google repository

I have a Google Cloud Repository, let's say: now I wanted to add this repo as a dependency to another project, so i ran npm install ...
No Idea For Name's user avatar
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Not able to push/pull to google repository

My colleague cloned my repository on google cloud and I was able to push/pull properly and now he is gone. On google I accidentally created new credentials and I lost my access to repository which I ...
Sana's user avatar
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How to use Google Cloud Repositories with Eclipse?

I'm trying to use Google Cloud Repositories from Eclipse, but when I try Push or Pull Eclipse show me an error message: I'm putting my gmail credential(Google Cloud Platform account) but it doesn't ...
Heberth Deza's user avatar
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Google Source external repository with Bitbucket IP Whitelisting

I have a corporate bitbucket repository where IP whitelisting is enabled. I want to mirror this repository to Google Source but it doesn't work since i don't have Google source IP to enable that in ...
Philippe B's user avatar
2 votes
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Best way to download Google Cloud repository

I am trying to find a solution to download my private Google source repository directly to a docker container. It's a more useful and easy method compared to git clone as most systems support wget ...
b4d4r's user avatar
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15 votes
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Import module from parent or sibling directory in Cloud Functions?

I have a repository structure hosted in a Google Cloud Repository that looks like this for Google Cloud Functions: . /common /cloudfunction1 ...
Mike's user avatar
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Simple Google Cloud deployment: Copy Python files from Google Cloud repository to app engine

I'm implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery for a large enterprise data warehouse project. All the code reside in Google Cloud Repository and I'm able to set up Google Cloud Build ...
F Hansen's user avatar
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Package.json file not found when using kubernetes

I trying to setup kubernetes on my local environment using docker. I've built the necessary docker image with this Dockerfile: FROM node:9.11.1 WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package.json /usr/src/app/ ...
Christofer Johnson's user avatar
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how to authenticate correctly to Google Cloud Source Repositoriess with sdk

I've followed the steps provided by Google Cloud Source Repositories in gcloud init && git config --global credential. ...
John Balvin Arias's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build: Clone Private Repository on google Cloud Repository failing

We are testing Google Cloud Repositories with Google Cloud Build. We created a basic cloudbuild.yaml and the build itself is started (we are using Go). Our Go Programm has some imports that are in ...
Mou's user avatar
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Clone project from a google cloud repository as member

I used A1 google account to create one repository on Google Cloud. And I grant B1 access as reader and writer to this repository. But now I can't find any way to use B1 account to clone this ...
PA. Tsai's user avatar
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Deploy container images to kubernetes to google cloud from java/node js

I am trying to do some experiments with Kubernetes in google cloud. I have docker image in google cloud registry and need to deploy that image to a kubernetes cluster. Here are the steps I need to ...
p_nair's user avatar
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2 answers

Git Large File Storage with Google Cloud Storage

I am part of the project, where we use git repository hosted on google cloud source repository. Right now we use google cloud storage to store raw and processed data. Everyone involved in the ...
jo9k's user avatar
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How do I use Github and Firebase together?

I'm a Git novice, but I've managed to create a local repo on my PC of my Firebase project and to push it to a cloud server. I now want to pull that down onto a second machine, my laptop, but I can't ...
Ads's user avatar
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Grant access to multiple users in Google Cloud Repository?

I have recently created a repository in Google Cloud Repository under a project in my Google Cloud Platform account and generated manual git credentials to clone it and commit changes. Everything is ...
Gagandeep Singh's user avatar
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Do we need three cloudbuild.yml files for a simple setup in Google Cloud Container Builder?

On Google Cloud Container Builder we want to: Push any branch to REPO:BRANCH Push any tag to REPO:TAG Push master to REPO:latest Do we need a separate cloudbuild.yml file for each? Is there a ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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docker push denied: Unable to determine the upload's size

I have created application image on google cloud and while trying to push through google cloud shell, getting following error: 08db9ff34fc6: Pushing [==================================================...
user1662655's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Google Cloud Repository push fatal: remote error: Forbidden

I have just signed up to try google cloud repository and am trying the getting started list and failed on the git remote add google*name-xxxxxx*/r/default ...
Nefarious's user avatar
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503 error from Google cloud repository - unable to clone

I have not been able to access (clone) google cloud repos since this evening. Getting a 503 service unavailable error. The UI (cloud console) seems to work though. Anyone facing similar issues ? Was ...
snagjot's user avatar
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Google cloud source repository - Control access to master branch

How would one control access to the master branch in google cloud source repository so that developers don't have access to commit to master branch ?
snagjot's user avatar
2 votes
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How to keep storage bucket synced with Google Cloud Source Repository

Question: Does Google automatically update storage buckets with changes pushed to a project's Cloud Source Repository? Example: I create a Google Cloud Platform project called Cooking and store the ...
Ashwake's user avatar
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Authentication failed while using git pull

I am trying to clone Remote repository into Local repository from Google cloud repository. I am working on Kubuntu 14.04 system First i have create empty local git repository using git init test ...
Rajesh Jadav's user avatar
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