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How to convert a CompletableFuture to a synchronous Flux stream

I'm using BedRock AI SDK of Java, the stream function is this: default CompletableFuture<Void> converseStream(Consumer<ConverseStreamRequest.Builder> converseStreamRequest, ...
Doraemon's user avatar
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TYPO3 Flux - flux "Page Configuration" tab missing on translated pages

We have an old project running on TYPO3 7.6 with Flux 8.2. The translation is running for the rest of the page but if we want to go to translated version, in the page configuration the flux' "...
Christian's user avatar
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Use ENV variables in flux helmrelease as variable substitution

I am looking for a solution to update the env variable in flux helmrelease. I have tried multiple ways but nothing is working. I tried passing env as configmaps and tried to pull it into helmrelease ...
N Avi's user avatar
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replicate flux api image missing "src" property

I've been having problems while generating a flux's image on NextJS. I have the Image is missing src property error. I've tried to look at Replicate's Flux documentation and they don't mention ...
Guillem's user avatar
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Helm installation failed for Overleaf; executing "common.controller.ports" at <.enabled>: can't evaluate field enabled in type interface {}

I'm trying to install Overleaf in my kubernetes cluster using helm, I'm stuck at this error and really don't know how to continue. error calling include: template: overleaf/charts/common/templates/lib/...
Carlos's user avatar
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How do I submit requests to REST api in batches in SpringBoot?

I have a list of bulk request objects like List<BulkRequests> bulkRequest; I want submit them one by one to an external REST API I have already built a FiegnClient for that. Is there any ...
user1220373's user avatar
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How to debug the below flux code when expected log is missing?

I have this code logic which sends a message from one server to another server using R-Socket and the entire code is written using reactor (Flux/Mono). Sometimes I notice some of the messages are not ...
Hari's user avatar
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Lora training on FLUX.1 dev

I have one huge problem of training Lora on Flux.. So, I was using kohya, simpleTuner and want to train a LoRa with my images (dataset of my photos) and my problem is that any character (woman, boy, ...
Victor Kozykin's user avatar
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Flux HelmRelease valuesFrom behaviour

How is the Flux valuesFrom applied on the chart? It seems that valuesFrom will not override existing values in the Helm chart values.yaml. See example below. When I check the release then it shows the ...
Max Koschnick's user avatar
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WebFlux flux of Mono<webclient> same uri (restfull parameters) different parameter (it's a rest that call another rest for a massive load)

public Flux<Entity> getRatesFlux(String hash, String apiUrl) { // url is a restfull parameters in path return RatesReactiveRepository .findAll() .flatMap(rate -> { ...
SkyBlackHawk's user avatar
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Can Flux be used to visualize music like the Deep Music Visualizer?

(Sorry if that’s a silly question. I don’t have prior knowledge on this subject.) I came across the Deep Music Visualizer project on GitHub, which uses BigGAN to visualize music. The project maps ...
George Cheng's user avatar
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Flux notifications for Teams in parallel to Slack notifications

SysAdmin wanted me to do the following: We need to setup Flux notifications for Teams in parallel to Slack notifications. It's easier to add developers to Teams channels as they already have Teams ...
woba's user avatar
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Spring WebFlux loading large amount of data without encountering OOM

I am new to Spring WebFlux, lately i have encountered OOM in a Spring WebFlux project. Inside this project, there is only one scheduled job runs one time per day. The job contains the following ...
JIA ZENG's user avatar
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SubscriberContext state in case of concurrent HTTP Request in spring reactive

I have an HTTP API written in Spring Reactive which fetches user details from the datastore. I am adding the description for the API below. @Configuration class Routes { @Bean fun router() = ...
nitin's user avatar
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How to deploy ExternalSecret using Flux + Helm?

I have Kubernetes (EKS) version 1.30 Flux v2 external-secrets latest version installed using the Flux guide I don't understand how to integrate external-secret with ExternalSecret built using Helm. ...
itaied's user avatar
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How to Include Sensor Value in InfluxDB Check Alert Message Template

I am transferring data from a sensor to InfluxDB. If the read value exceeds a threshold, I want to issue an alert message. I created a check for this purpose. The following status message template (...
birdalugur's user avatar
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how does Azure AKS GitOps decides which cluster directory to bootstrap from?

Most "flux boostrap" CLI examples show the usage of a parameter "--path" to point to a directory like `/clusters/staging" to bootstrap the config from. When using the Azure ...
user2976698's user avatar
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Flux always returning null or empty

I have this GET controller @GetMapping("/test") public Flux<String> test() { return Flux.just("Test1", "test2") .delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .log(...
Maverlck's user avatar
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How to implement reactor Flux in expediagroup graphql like Mono?

I am trying to write datafetcher for Flux in similar fashion as Mono and used the below code to return a CompletableFuture, but this always returns null.? HOw to support Flux in graphql expediagroup ...
Bharat Jain's user avatar
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FluxCD - Technology autodetection

Just a simple question. In ArgoCD I can point to a directory and it automatically detects weather I use kustomize or helm or even simple kubernetes manifests. Can Flux autodetect as ArgoCD does which ...
Andrej Flieger's user avatar
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i am working a fluxstore app template to my own app and it says like below

🐛 [⌛️Slow-139514ms]CACHE ISSUE: ClientException with SocketException: Connection timed out (OS Error: Connection timed out, errno = 110), address =, port = 52184, uri=https://...
Conmart Technology's user avatar
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Error in webflux webclient with response 200

I am creating an example usisng spring boot webflux that is super simple. Two services and one of them call reactively two times the service of the other. Bascially one controller of the flights "...
Gabriel García Garrido's user avatar
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How to code `RealNVP` using `invertibleNetworks.jl`?

I am using invertibleNetworks.jl as a library for normalizing flows. However, the examples included are for the GLOW architecture and others, but I would like to use the RealNVP architecture, and I ...
Jose Manuel de Frutos's user avatar
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Iterate the contents of a flux in a method until a non-empty list is found. Spring WebFLux

I have difficulties in raising this problem because I did not find a use case similar to mine, I am just starting to use WebFLux. I have a method getIdEntrevista that returns a Flux with a list of ‘id’...
DESTROYER GG's user avatar
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Java Reactor Flux exception thrown via flatMap can not be handled

I try to handle exception after flatMap (Commented as // Error handler after flatMap). This handler handles only one excetion and then i get [ERROR] (boundedElastic-5) Operator called default ...
Максим Цюпко's user avatar
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Mono switchIfEmpty with generics

Mono.switchIfEmpty expects a Mono<? extends T> as its parameter, where T is the type of the original Mono. How to use switchIfEmpty if actual and alternate are both ? extends T ? Eg. Mono<? ...
gsm1986's user avatar
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FLux Query with stateDuration. It does not seem to disaplay the actual duration of the change of state

I wrote this code on InfluxDB UI: from(bucket: "name_undisclosed") |> range(start: -10h) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "merge_requests") |> ...
Chantal Deguire's user avatar
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Why is Flux.share() not sharing its subscription?

I want to share (i.e. split) my flux, but share() doesn't seem to cause my subscription to be shared. Why? I have a Flux emitted by an expensive database call. I want to split that flux and process ...
Christian's user avatar
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Leave a Variable in a string using Kustomize

I am having a tricky issue. Working with kibana, I have a UI element, that, within said field for path is the literal value: /var/log/containers/*${}.log this is the end result ...
Sh3perd's user avatar
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How to rectify this mismatch error in the case of Neural Surrogates BatchNormalization

x_train = 100-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}: (0.1875, 3.1875) (4.1875, 7.1875) (6.1875, 1.1875) (2.1875, 5.1875) (3.1875, 0.1875) (7.1875, 4.1875) (5.1875, 2.1875) (1.1875, 6.1875) ...
MRIDUL JAIN's user avatar
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Add variable in Grafana Dashboard

I want to add a custom variable that allows me to filter the data where tag value for "process" equals to the variable value in grafana dashboard. I am able to add a custom variable to the ...
Pratiyush Kumar's user avatar
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Perform operation on a flux element based on previous element result

I have three classes of type Work like below. interface Work{ boolean execute(); } class Service1 implements Work{ @Override boolean execute(){ //some ...
inderd's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Select Start and End Times for Flux Query in Grafana?

I'm using InfluxDB to store time-series data and Flux for querying. I have a scenario where I need to dynamically select start and end times based on specific conditions for each sensor and motif. ...
Madhurima Rawat's user avatar
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How can I send data from influxdb to MQTT?

I am new to influxdb and I am trying to send data from my bucket to an MQTT, I already tried it with telegraf but it didn't work, so I tried it with flux and I get the following error. could not ...
FaMolano's user avatar
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I have the following error in Telegraf when sending data from influxdb to mqt

I am a beginner in telegraf and infux db, and I am trying to send information from a cube, but I get the following error. E! error loading config file plugin inputs.influxdb: line 79: configuration ...
FaMolano's user avatar
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How to add consumer to Flux publisher on first api call

I am using the below api code for returning the Flux<BiteEventsResponse> , but seems when I start my application and do the first API call from postman due to no consumer for the Flux publisher ...
JDGuide's user avatar
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Influxdb not sorting by time (cannot group float and string types together)

I want to sort rows by time. Below query is throwing error called runtime error @9:6-9:30: sort: schema collision: cannot group float and string types together. I do not want to group anything. This ...
Jantoma21's user avatar
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Set date and time in the RANGE PARAMETER in InfluxDB

I am querying InfluxDB for a value that needs to return the total for the entire day from 3 days ago. In the query below, it returns the value for one day, but from the time of the query (e.g., 03/02 ...
Lucas Alves's user avatar
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Update helm Release on changes to values file

I'm trying to deploy an application from a helm chart with flux, to which i only need to add my values.yaml file. So I have : a HelmRepository pointing to the publicly available chart A HelmRelease ...
Chirlo's user avatar
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Spring webflux not streaming instead gives response after the processing is complete

I am trying to stream the data line by line, obtained from reactive MongoDb using spring webflux, but its not streaming instead it gives the response at bulk once the processing is complete it gives ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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Trying to create a stream (Flux) of strings with create method but it doesn't work

I am trying to create a Flux by querying some API endpoint multiple times. The payload I receive has a variable that indicates if the data is exhausted, meaning in this JSON payload there is a done ...
Dusko's user avatar
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Why doesn't the loss calculated by Flux `withgradient` match what I have calculated?

I'm trying to train a simple CNN with Flux and running into a weird issue...during training the loss appears to go down (indicating that it's working) but despite what the loss curve suggested the &...
kirklong's user avatar
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freeze layer parameters in Flux.jl alternative

I am trying to train a generative model for MNIST. To speed up the process, I plan to use the latent space layers of an already pretrained discriminator and incorporate them into my model. This ...
Jose Manuel de Frutos's user avatar
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is there kustomize version used by flux kustomization

I'm new in flux, I wonder what kind of kustomize version used by flux kustomization to do the build? where I can find this information? or I'm totally wrong, there is no such thing? thanks for help
Maple Wang 's user avatar
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Blue/Green Deployments for Monolith Application w/Multiple Kubernetes Deployment Manifests

first time asking a question as I've usually been able to find answers to everything from here or elsewhere, but I think I have finally found a blocker. Situation: we have a monolith application, ...
Alex Towers's user avatar
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How can I change the bandpass filter of fluxes/magnitudes to a synthetic filter?

I have a data set containing Supernova light curve data in u, g,r,i, z and y bands - AB mags similar to SDSS (flux, times and some metadata like redshift and distance modulus). I would like to ...
cosmogirl's user avatar
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Flux deployment issue

I am triggering a pipeline and there is buildspec file which contains image build command and also after build and image is pushed to ecr and also with help of AWS Signer and platform type "...
AWS's user avatar
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InfluxDB - query for current week

How can I use the boundaries.week() LINK function from the "@influxdata/influxdb-client"? The docs say I need to import import "date/boundaries but I don't know where. I need to query ...
larz's user avatar
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How to validate flux elements that are later buffered?

I have the following code which throws error and no flux elements is "processed" so printed on the screen: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Flux.just(...
user3848246's user avatar
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JUnit testing a method that returns Flux<String>

The method in the service layer that is being tested below...: @Service public class Service{ public Flux<String> methodBeingTested () { Flux<String> fluxOfTypeString = Flux.just("...
unknown1101's user avatar

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