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Helm installation failed for Overleaf; executing "common.controller.ports" at <.enabled>: can't evaluate field enabled in type interface {}

I'm trying to install Overleaf in my kubernetes cluster using helm, I'm stuck at this error and really don't know how to continue. error calling include: template: overleaf/charts/common/templates/lib/...
Carlos's user avatar
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How to deploy ExternalSecret using Flux + Helm?

I have Kubernetes (EKS) version 1.30 Flux v2 external-secrets latest version installed using the Flux guide I don't understand how to integrate external-secret with ExternalSecret built using Helm. ...
itaied's user avatar
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Leave a Variable in a string using Kustomize

I am having a tricky issue. Working with kibana, I have a UI element, that, within said field for path is the literal value: /var/log/containers/*${}.log this is the end result ...
Sh3perd's user avatar
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How to patch only one key(hosts) of array element(spec.tls[0]) in flux kustomization?

Here is my ingress.yaml file that I'm trying to patch. apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: notesapp-ingress namespace: default annotations:
QuantPilot's user avatar
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AKS flux extension with azure ad rbac enabled - unauthorized

I created an AKS cluster with an authentication option (Azure AD authentication with Azure RBAC enabled). When I try to install the flux extension I receive an error: The extension operation failed ...
user3737584's user avatar
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Flux failed to clone repository

Im trying to update my flux via bootstrap by following this documentation: Im running this code, enter my password, and run ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to run CouchbaseBackupRestore only once

I define a CoucbaseBackupRestore resource for my kubernetes cluster. Managed with flux and kustomize (gitops) The restore goes well. But when it is finished it starts another restore. I want it to run ...
Fundhor's user avatar
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Flux can not seem to apply Kustomization

I have recently been trying to get flux to work on an AKS I made from scratch. using this script that I made: $rg = "fluxtestingaks" $aks = "fluxaks" $acr = "fluxaksacr" $location = "uksouth" $...
Jason's user avatar
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AKS w Azure RBAC - Flux-Applier cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding apparently not working

I have an AKS cluster configured with enableAzureRBAC=true I am trying to install the ingress-nginx Helm chart through Flux It throws the error reconciliation failed: failed to get last release ...
Josh's user avatar
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Azure AKS fluxconfig-agent 401 causing unhealthy

I have an AKS environment based on the AKS-Construction templates At some point fluxconfig-agent started reporting unhealthy. I checked the logs and it looks like there is a 401 when it tries to fetch ...
Josh's user avatar
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Flux not decrypting using SOPS

I have configured Flux to use SOPS to decrypt. Here's a brief highlight of what I did. In the gotk-sync.yaml file I have added the decryption property. apiVersion: ...
RajV's user avatar
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2 answers

Argocd image updater giving Could not get tags from registry: denied: Failed to read tags for host '' Error

I am trying to use the ArgoCd-image-updater , but it is giving me the below error time="2022-09-13T15:40:02Z" level=debug msg="Using version constraint '^0.1' when looking for a new tag&...
gaurav agnihotri's user avatar
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Encrypting secret to read GitHub source in Flux

In my Kubernetes cloud I do have FluxCD to manage all components. FluxCD is using SOPS to decrypt all the passwords. This is resulting in a declaration like this: --- apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd....
Marc Enschede's user avatar
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flux with linkerd and cert manager has issuer error

I am installing linkerd helm verison with flux and cert mananger for tls rotation cert manager holds default config so there isnt much to talk there flux and linkerd with this config: release.yaml ...
Diego Alejandro Llanos Gareca's user avatar
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Why does Kubernetes Flux need multiple configuration intervals?

I am new to Flux. I struggle to understand the interval configuration. I am following the original doc Flux flux create source git podinfo \ --url= \ --branch=...
toto''s user avatar
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flux cannot find kustomization path, stat /tmp/XXXXX/kustomize/monitor-nats/overlays/dev: no such file or directory

I'm getting this error while trying flux reconcile kustomization monitor-nats. here's more info local k8s cluster version v1.23.4 created using kind create inside main flux repo: apiVersion: kustomize....
CallMeLoki's user avatar
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FluxCD sync application from AWS Codecommit not work

I create a AWS codecommit repository that use for flux sync application but sync failed. The deployment.yaml I create did not produce pods in EKS as I expected. But in the flux log that looks great. .....
Chacha's user avatar
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getting error "Invalid value" when trying to use secret value in flux Kustomization patchesStrategicMerge

I am getting the error dry-run failed, reason: Invalid, error: Deployment.apps "server" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: "": may not be ...
Thomas Einwaller's user avatar
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Flux V2 is unable to clone a repo

I'm trying to use flux v2 for continuous deployments on my K8 cluster. But when I try to create my flux source is gives the following error ✚ generating GitRepository source ► applying GitRepository ...
lp_nave's user avatar
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Is it possible to add Kubernetes manifest as a dependent of HelmRelease?

I started using Flux two weeks ago and everything is going great, so thanks! To the issue now... We are installing cert-manager as HelmRelease and we encountered with an issue with fresh AKS install. ...
yershalom's user avatar
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Pod is not visible

I followed Kubecon Seattle 2018 Gitops Tutorial everything was working fine till 4th step, but in 5th step podinfo pod is not visible. watch kubectl get pods NAME ...
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Flux write tag in pipeline

Right now I am getting this error. I am getting this error when I set up flux with Terraform and also with command line. What can be the problem? Thanks
Jozef Vrana's user avatar
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Kubernetes secret with Flux and Terraform

I am new to terraform and devops in general. First I need to get ssh key from url to known host to later use for Flux. data "helm_repository" "fluxcd" { name = "fluxcd" ...
Jozef Vrana's user avatar
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Flux doesn't automated pull deployment of new container images

i want to ask about flux for gitops in kubernetes. i have a problems about "Automated deployment of new container images" using flux I use ecr as my image repository, but when i push a new container ...
Risky Feryansyah P's user avatar
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Get details of Kubernentes + Flux workload error?

When I use fluxctl list-workloads, I can see that there is an error with one of my workloads: fluxctl list-workloads WORKLOAD CONTAINER IMAGE ...
David Wolever's user avatar
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Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image auto CI/CD

I am using gcp and kubernetes. I have gcp repository and container registry. I have a trigger for build container after pushing into the master branch. I don't know how to set some auto-trigger to ...
lukohep's user avatar
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