I am new to influxdb and I am trying to send data from my bucket to an MQTT, I already tried it with telegraf but it didn't work, so I tried it with flux and I get the following error.
could not execute task run: runtime error @9:8-22:6: map: failed to evaluate map function: Dialer.Dial called on an error dependency
This is the code I am using
import "experimental/mqtt"
option task = {name: "EnvioDataToMqtt", every: 1m, offset: 0m}
from(bucket: "recepcionDatos")
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "medida")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "value")
|> map(
fn: (r) =>
({r with sent:
broker: "tcp://miservidor:18083",
topic: "dataInflux/prueba",
message: string(v: r._value),
clientid: "mqttx",
password: "02342321223113",
qos: 0,
username: "publicador",
If you know of another way to send data from influxdb to MQTT, I appreciate your collaboration.
Find a way to send my influxdb data to MQTT