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How to Get Stream Data from WebSocket which is in Background Service to Main App in Flutter?

I am working on a Flutter project where I am using a background service (with flutter_background_service package) to handle a WebSocket connection. The WebSocket receives updates even when the app is ...
Omkar Gharge's user avatar
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Search User in chat Channel List page like WhatsApp in getstream-io getstream-chat in Flutter

I am using Stream SDK in my app using flutter so in chat channel list screen I want to search user by name or number and Navigate to chat screen by clicking on the user like WhatsApp. I am trying so ...
Ramakrishna's user avatar
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How to accurately determine if a Firestore document does not exist using StreamBuilder in Flutter?

In Flutter/Dart, using Firebase Firestore, when setting up a StreamBuilder using a Stream of DocumentSnapshot objects like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ...
User45i6h45ih3455's user avatar
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StreamBuilder doesn't refresh automatically in my drawer

I build a drawer that contains friends requests and I would like to update it automatically when a new friend request is sent to my user. I build this Drawer widget: import 'package:flutter/material....
Julien's user avatar
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textfield editing with stream builder refreshing the screen automatically

final OrderEntity orderEntity; Map<String, List<OrderItem>> itemsGroupedByUser; late Future<Map<String, RegisterAccountModel>> userMapFuture; final Future<void>? ...
Hassan Amer's user avatar
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Accessing a firestore stream using streamBuilder in multiple pages not working

Here is a simplified situation: within my appPage, I have profilePage and dashboardPage as the page's body, and they're in an indexed stack. This appPage has a bottom nav bar to control which body is ...
Lincoln Clarke's user avatar
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How can I achieve connection check globally across the flutter application?

I would like to make my flutter application to be able to check the connection status and prompt a warning if the wifi and mobile network is turned off. However, I want to make this globally across ...
Jena.T's user avatar
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How do I get the value through streambuilder?

Language : Dart(Flutter) Problem : Unable to get value to Streambuilder Hello, Real-time data received via restapi through a web socket. And I wanted to show the received data in real time on the app ...
Zero Kim's user avatar
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How to get a stream in flutter from data retrieved from MongoDB database using Node server?

I want a mongodb query to return snapshots like how this firebase query returns: Stream<QuerySnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>> getChatMessages(String chatRoomId) { return ...
Hasti's user avatar
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I created a chat using Firebase Stream Builder in Flutter, but the app crashed because there was too much data

I made a chat using Firebase Stream Builder on Flutter, but as the number of chats increases, the number of data calls up and it goes down. The future builder has data pageing, but the stream does not ...
yohan park's user avatar
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Flutter StreamController.broadcast, weird behavior

I have a static StreamController. static StreamController<OrgSetting> setting = StreamController.broadcast(); void updateSetting(OrgSetting newSetting){ setting.add(newSetting); } I have a ...
March3April4's user avatar
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Caching images from Stream response in Flutter from Firebase

In my flutter application with firebase database, I am using stream response to get data from firebase firestore. Following is code of fetching Stream<List<PostEntity>> readPosts(...
Ahmad Tariq's user avatar
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How do I update selected value in DropdownButtonFormfield reliable when the list changes (shrinks) in a Streambuilder

Following code fills a DropdownButtonFormField with items (initial selection is null), when user selects a selections which is i.e. index of 15. All works ok so far. "Suddenly" Streambuilder ...
Roar Grønmo's user avatar
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"message": "Validation error of type MissingFieldArgument: Missing field argument DeviceID @ 'listApneAppsyncSubTests'" requesting wrong model

i am using amplify to subscribe the event and the subscription established but error in fetching real time data i am trying to get data from onCreateApneAppsyncSubTest but its requesting the model ...
Rahul Bhalerao's user avatar
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Flutter StreamBuilder does not recognize Firebase Auth login

I am implementing an email-first process to login to my Flutter app with Firebase Auth. For the user flow I am using a StreamBuilder that should recognize if a user is signed in or not. Depending on ...
soosmann's user avatar
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Firestore with flutter StreamBuilder widget causing unexpectedly large request on database

This how my database looks like I'm making a laundry timer for dormitory students in my school. But I'm facing some kind of weird runtime errors. I was trying to make my MachineCard widget ...
dev.esteria04's user avatar
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How can I animate UI changes from a stream in Flutter?

All examples of animated widgets I can find require a stateful widget and animate a change when setState is called to change the value of a field. Is there a way to combine a StreamBuilder with an ...
Paul Wells's user avatar
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Firebase, Streambuilder and animated list in flutter

I am building a todo app, in which I use firebase to store my tasks as documents that I retrieve later using stream builder and store them in a list, I am also using an animated list to load the data ...
Tharun kumar's user avatar
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Flutter StreamBuilder keep updating the widget even when it's not on the screen

I'm using StreamBuilder to load data from the Firebase Firestore database and keep track of it, and it works fine. The problem is that I keep receiving updates even when the page is not visible to the ...
Hamid fadili's user avatar
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Optimal use of StreamBuilder?

The FutureBuilder doc says The future must have been obtained earlier, e.g. during State.initState, State.didUpdateWidget, or State.didChangeDependencies. It must not be created during the State....
barcolounger's user avatar
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Why doesnt the StreamBuilder update the PDFView widget?

Im new to flutter and stuck at the following problem, hope someone can help: I am trying to build an App where the Presenter opens a pdf file and the Viewer can join the Presentation. The viewer gets ...
Florian Meier's user avatar
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How can I fix this stream in my Flutter app?

I am working on a Flutter app and I need to send a stream of data from my DatabaseHandler class to a stateful widget, but the listener isn't working (print statements confirm stream is being ...
RJrules64's user avatar
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Flutter Stream Builder does not update screen

I am facing a problem in redirecting user to dashbaord screen after login or register. Here is scenerio with I am having issue. Screen A has two button Login & Register. As I click any of the ...
Gaurav Khatri's user avatar
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Flutter streambuilder not updating UI when listening to changes in a single firestore document

I have a screen that listens for changes in a document using a stream builder. If the document has data then it shows Widget1, otherwise it will show Widget2. The problem: When the stream builder ...
Pratyush's user avatar
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how to handle data reveived from firebase realtime database using stream

I am trying to retrieve data from firebase realtime database and I want to add it to a local variable and want to add some more data to it then again want to push it back at same location. here's my ...
Rohit Prajapati's user avatar
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Multiple StreamBuilder using a static Stream and associated firebase reads cost?

For a single app instance (i.e. one user running a flutter web app), what would be the number of reads for the below example? My app has firestore as database where a collection has 10 docs. I have ...
pbs_mhl's user avatar
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how to make bloc stream listens all the time?

i am made an api for login and trying that on flutter using flutter_bloc i have success fully connected api and is working . for the first time state is being reactive and i see the result on my ...
Harris's user avatar
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The following _TypeError was thrown building StreamBuilder<User?>(dirty, state: _StreamBuilderBaseState<User?, AsyncSnapshot<User?>>):

In my streambuilder - first time i am getting snapshot null value. and shows me error. Null check operator used in a null value. Here is my main widget that shows me error. Main app state: home: ...
Shafi Munshi's user avatar
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How to avoid flutter StreamBuilder skipping data?

It seems as if flutter StreamBuilder omits data if more than one data event occurs before the builder method gets executed. I tried the following code which I expected to show "1;2;3;4;5;6;" ...
thmint's user avatar
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Flutter: Stream shows results in a flash

In my app, I have a home screen which has a BottomNavigationBar. In one of the bottomNavBars I need to stream a ListViewBuilder. But the StreamBuilder shows the results in a flash and disappears again....
EBENEZER OCANSEY's user avatar
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Create a stream builder for JSON data Flutter

I'm getting JSON data from API using stream and the shows null. It works fine on FutureBuilder but I need Streambuilder for continues data. Here is the full code: Stream: (my current ...
iamrishan's user avatar
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Flutter streambuilder not updating its sub child widget

Im trying to create authentication for my flutter app, for now I have two pages, loginpage and homepage. When the user has logged in, the application must automatically display the homepage. If not ...
Deven Valisten's user avatar
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Which State Management approach is more preferable to update the data in real time? [closed]

We are working on Parking Management Application for our university where we are receiving the vehicle information. And if the entered vehicle is not registered, security guard have an option to ...
Vansh Shah's user avatar
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StreamBuilder, Flutter and Firebase

I'm making a Reddit clone and I've just finished the chat part. Everytime I send a message to someone, the database is structured in this way: users/$userid/chats/$receiverid/messages/$...
BlackCult666's user avatar
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Using Stream Builder and for loop error in flutter

This is suppose to update scream using a stream builder but i keep getting: The following _TypeError was thrown building StreamBuilder(dirty, state: _StreamBuilderBaseState<dynamic, AsyncSnapshot&...
Okanlawon Gideon's user avatar
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Convert from FutureBuilder to StreamBuilder? [Flutter]

can anyone convert this function and body to stream builder i want to get countinous updated data instead of one time calling (Streambuilder instead of Futurebuilder) issue: with this future builder ...
iamrishan's user avatar
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Unable to preserver the state of nested Tab with streambuilder and futurebuilder

Previously my AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin did work well to preserve the state but with this code below it is not working. Firstly i have a Main tab.. inside the 3rd tab there are 3 tabs (nested Tab ...
Pannam's user avatar
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Riverpod and JustAudio

I am currently trying to make a music player using flutter. I wanted my now playing screen and miniplayer to all have the same content and be in sync with each other throughout the entire application (...
Proud boy's user avatar
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Flutter StreamSubscription works with listen, but not in a StreamBuilder widget

Sure! Here's the fixed message to ask for help on Stack Overflow: I am working with flutter_blue_plus and flutter_foreground_task packages. I have a Bluetooth handler class called ...
Lorenzo S's user avatar
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How to call get API with passing header and body without streamed response in flutter

Here is my code. I'm not able to store streamed responses in model, so I want response in any other manner, or I want solution for how to store response in model. List<dynamic> dataList = []; ...
Jaini Shah's user avatar
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why Map<String, dynamic>.from((! as Event).snapshot.value) is giving an error says "Event" is not a type

StreamBuilder( stream: reffVehicles.child('users').orderByKey().limitToLast(10).onValue, builder: (context, snapshot){ final ...
Classic Programmer's user avatar
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does Flutter firebase auto paginate with stremBuilder?

I am using Firestore snapshots as a stream builder and loading widgets with listwiew builder. will it auto-paginate? does Flutter Firebase auto paginate with StremBuilder? class twatter extends ...
sahil karni's user avatar
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why is asyncsnapshot.error always returning

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../...
Serhat GENÇ's user avatar
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Why does StreamController not work properly when initialized inside function

Hoping someone(s) can help explain to me why this happens cause it's not making sense to me and has been annoyingly taken days to figure out what was causing this issue. The basic situation is when I ...
Bernardin Dezius's user avatar
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Flutter Pagination with StreamBuilder Firebase

I am trying to make a Chat Application in Flutter with Firebase Firestore. I want to show 10 messages with every "Next Load"; while updating the stream with all new incoming messages. (I ...
Uraam Asif's user avatar
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Why does the stream in websocket close?

I have server in python and clients in flutter. When I try to send message from one client to another (that message would be sent to the server before ofcourse) it close the stream in flutter for the ...
Man3331's user avatar
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i need to add check box to every values in the realtimedatabase that is shown in the ui

i need to add check box to every values in the realtimedatabase that is shown in the ui this is an attendance system in this program if i click on any check box all check box will be selected . i need ...
yadhu krishnan's user avatar
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RenderFlex error unsolved by shrinkWrap, SizedBox or Expanded

I am currently building an AlertDialog to show reviews for a specific dish. I get the following errors: The following assertion was thrown during performLayout(): RenderShrinkWrappingViewport does ...
flutterfly's user avatar
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Firestore query with where and orderBy returning null when using in Streams in Flutter App

I am trying to get some document and sort them but when I am doing it with .orderBy it is returning null. If I use only .where and don't use orderBy, it is working fine. I want to get some documents ...
YatharthDixit's user avatar
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how to make sort data using buttons with stream builder (to make filtrations )

I want to make filtration bar to filter the prices and the location. I am making a function at the end of the code that is checking wather the button is pressed or not to make retern the firebase ...
ISLAM IS LIFE's user avatar

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