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Flutter Listtile hover color is not working

I'm trying to add a hover effect to the list tile. I have tried wrapping it up in a Material widget to enable it. Tile color works perfectly but hovercolor is not working. Please suggest some ideas. ...
keerthana s's user avatar
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Unexpected horizontal margins in ListTile

In this screenshot, I've got a ListView with three empty ListTiles. However, in the iOS version, the ListTiles have large horizontal margins (shown in purple), which I don't want. I've tried adding ...
BerkoBob's user avatar
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Assertion Error in Custom ListTile Using Flutter FormBuilder's CheckboxListTile in Debug Mode

I have forked the Flutter ListTile and created my own custom list tile widget. Inside this custom list tile, I am using a checkbox from the flutter_form_builder package, which internally uses ...
Omair's user avatar
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4 answers

How can i put copy in the ListTile?

I want if Someone long press on ListTile, than copy the Text.. Here is snippet of my code, Card( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 25.0, vertical: 10.0), child: ...
Alpesh Jasani's user avatar
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How to add the lines on the List tile

How do I add the three lines on the list tile in flutter? I imagined using a stack, like so to get the desired effect Card ⬇️ Stack ⬇️ [Card with three lines, ListTile] Is there a better way to ...
Obiajulu's user avatar
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ListTile not appearing correctly in flutter

I want the list tiles to appear on top of the background, the text is appearing just fine but the color of the tiles is appearing behind the logo. I tried putting it in a stack so it's positioned ...
blank's user avatar
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Vertical viewport was given unbounded height. flutter

I'm trying to generate a list of ExpansionTiles that has another list of ExpansionTiles as children. The lists are generated by receiving data from the database. The problem is that when I click on an ...
stego's user avatar
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ListView.builder within ExpansionTile children is not showing when tile is expanded in Flutter

Right now I am generating a List of ExpansionTiles using a ListView.builder. Each ExpansionTile can be expanded to view an additional list of items which is generated with a ListView.builder as well. ...
TheCoolest2's user avatar
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Creating a Widget containing Text and calculations

I want to create "Swipable Cards" (Carousel) Containing some Text and at the bottom a field where I can choose some numbers to give points to the specific tasks (given points divided by ...
Val's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement this list with listview.builder?

I am using an API endpoint where I am getting following type of List in: [ [ { "productName": "Chicken Biryani Half" }, { "productName": " Chicken Momos&...
Prasenjit Das's user avatar
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ListTile with shape is not hidden on scroll

I have a ListView.separated with ListTiles which contains a shape: RoundedRectangleBorder. Everything is displayed as I want. But when I scroll the ListView, the content within the ListTile is hidden ...
cwhisperer's user avatar
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How can i change a Listile background color, leading icon color, trailing icon color by clicking onTap event?

actually i have a listile. i want to change its background color, leading icon color and prefix icon color when i am tapping on it. ListTile( leading: AppIcon.PERSON, ...
Shafi Munshi's user avatar
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Flutter How can I open URL that I input on textfield?

I am trying to make a bookmark app that you can input a title and URL on a dailog and list these on ListTile. I can see passed value (title and URL) on ListTile now but I cannot open URL that is ...
John's user avatar
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How to show a alertbox before disming a Listtile in Flutter

I was trying to do a Listview.I want to delete a each row and on sliding (dismissible widget). Before dismising i want o conform using a alertbox. Also there is another problem that is i want ...
Aswanth Rusoe DS's user avatar
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TileItem selectedtileColor keep shown when not in user view

I have this problem with ListTile widget. shown in this picture: Image of the issue and i don't have any clue how to prevent this from happening, selectedTileColor must be invisible when the user ...
baha 's user avatar
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Can valueNotifier and CircularProgressIndicat may work "separately " for different ListTile in ListView?

I have a problem with assigning/updating a single SimpleCircularProgressBar contained in a ListTile. Hello, let me add at the first place that I am just a beginner in this topic. I am trying to get an ...
Saito Shirogane's user avatar
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Flutter : how to remove leading,trailing spaces in ExpansionTileCard

In my android application I used flutter ExpansionTileCard to list a list of items with its child elements.My problem is the the leading and trailing area in ExpansionTileCard taking to much space and ...
KJEjava48's user avatar
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not able to use conditional statement within listview onTap

I have a problem regarding if statement in dart, I want the user to tap the list tile and go to a new screen if that list tile contains doctor then it will go to doctor screen if selected list ...
Mrunal's user avatar
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Can I add other widget below list tile

I am trying to achieve this: But as I m new to this don't understand how to implement. I check many code but nothing help me so please help me. I am beginner in the coding. In this code I use json ...
Sanjal's user avatar
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i need to add check box to every values in the realtimedatabase that is shown in the ui

i need to add check box to every values in the realtimedatabase that is shown in the ui this is an attendance system in this program if i click on any check box all check box will be selected . i need ...
yadhu krishnan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flutter firebase: Delete from listview

I have an app with a collection 'users' and a subcollection 'Documents'. The 'users' has fields which includes 'Status'. The field 'Status' may have different values. The values include 'Not Verified',...
Eben Oasis's user avatar
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Query documents in a Firestore subcollection based on a field in the parent document

My app has a collection(users) and a subcollection (Documents). The 'user' collection has the usual user's info including the field 'Status'. The status is dynamic though. It can be 'Not verified', '...
Eben Oasis's user avatar
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2 answers

Invalid constant value for a list item value that I am trying to determine its Boolean value to decide Font weight of list tile

Invalid constant error message for item.header. It is a boolean value representing if the list tile is going to have a bold or normal font-weight. child: ListTile( key: ValueKey(item.stuffId),...
fluttergogo's user avatar
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Flutter firebase: Method "??"can't be unconditionally invoked

I'm trying to create list of users with Flutter Web. The list is ready. But I want that when I click on the listTile it should show the details of that particular listTile in a container next to the ...
Eben Oasis's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase : Show details of listTile in container

I'm trying to create list of users with Flutter Web. The list is ready. But I want that when I click on the listTile it should show the details of that particular listTile in a container next to the ...
Eben Oasis's user avatar
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Flutter ListViewBuilder Listile Header Text

I have a set of tabs, within one of the tabs i have a futurebuilder that has a listviewBuilder and ListTile. How do I add a header container/Sizedbox above the listtiles. I have tried adding columns, ...
jamie1231's user avatar