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Can I inspect the rootfs from this QSPI dump?

I was messing around with a cheap IP camera from Amazon. The board uses an Ingenic T20, which seems to be very common for this application. I desoldered the QSPI NOR Flash and dumped it with another ...
user3630570's user avatar
-1 votes
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Read data from Teensy 4.1 memory chip W25N01GV

Please help with the code. Reading a file from flash memory. The file contains only 4 numbers in two lines: 254 128 and 0 127. The program must also read these 4 numbers: 254 128 0 127 This is what ...
Igor's user avatar
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How to read the Flash Memory Partition Wise using ESP32-IDF Tools?

I am having the ESP32-Wroom Module and code has been into my FlashMemory I want to read the FlashMemory partition wise. Like I searched in google there are total 7 partitions Reserved Bootloader ...
Khushi Sanghvi's user avatar
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Using Infineon-S70FL01GS_1_Gbit(Serial Flash Memory) has problem. Can't read Device ID

I try to using serial flash memory Infineon-S70FL01GS_1_Gbit. It's a flash memory that has been in use for a long time and seems to work fine with existing code(Using IAR). But, now I try to ...
Jaekwon.Kim's user avatar
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Can only write to FLASH after rebuilding project, otherwise nothing - STM32F413ZH

I am trying to write a value to flash just to test any basic flash writing functionality. I was able to successfully write to memory, and it persists through resets, however I am encountering a very ...
b-rad90's user avatar
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Writing a sector in a flash device

I have written a C++ code with Visual Studio 2022 on Windiws 11, which writes a sector into a removable flash device (D:) #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> ...
A. Amori's user avatar
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Write Custom IDs to specific address with OpenOCD (BlueNRG-2)

Hej Folks, I try to store unique IDs (serialnumbers) of my BlueNRG-2 into there flash. Currently I program my controllers using OpenOCD. ".\bin\openocd.exe" -f .\scripts\interface\stlink.cfg ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Storing user data in a flash memory without versioning issue during firmware upgrade

Context I work on an embedded system (STM32) that needs various configuration to work properly. The config data looks like a key/value dictonnary. Values can be INT, UINT, FLOAT, CHAR *. I have a ...
David's user avatar
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Flash memory code migration from STM32F4 to STM32L4+ series

I have a function that was implemented for STM32F4 discovery board and needs to be migrated to STM32L4R9I. static void hal_flash_bank_stm32_write(void * context, int bank, uint32_t offset, const ...
atta's user avatar
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STM32 internal Flash Status register reset value is not 0x0000 0000

I am trying to write to the internal Flash of STM32L476. Using STM32CubeIde, when I run the debugger, I observed that FLASH->SR = 0xC0. I am using this code to write to the Flash if(FLASH->...
midnight_rambler's user avatar
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Write data to mtd and mtdblock

I'm trying to write data to MTD device like this topic: Write on a mtd block device But when I use /dev/mtd0, I just read right first byte, another byte still 0xFF, like: MTD Type: 3 MTD total size: ...
Sang Nguyễn Hoàng's user avatar
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Stm32 Problem with reading from Flash memory (incorrect data)

I am working with STM32U575ZIt6 micro and I have a problem with reading data from Flash (one of the last pages) to RAM. Basically what happens is when i execute the code, the checksum of the data read ...
Oskar's user avatar
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ESP32C3 Flash memory overflow

I 'm using ESP32C3 to develop function including: connect to wifi and bluetooth as well. So far, With Wifi connection function, It worked well and available update OTA via websocket And now, I'm ...
Huy Bui Quang's user avatar
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How can I learn How much KB do we use (fill) our Flash Memory in Keil uVision?

As I mention from title of the topic. How can I learn How much KB do we use (fill) our Flash Memory in Keil uVision?
user avatar
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How to Store User Data to NOR Flash Memory using Xilinx ISE Impact?

I'm working with Spartan-6 FPGA and Winbond25Q64FV flash memory. I want to store some data(e.g. .txt file or mem file ...) onto the flash memory using Xilinx ISE Impact. Can anyone help me with that?
MH.AI.eAgLe's user avatar
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Is there any other way to write to Flash memory other than PROGMEM?

I am using Attiny1616 with Microchip Studio. I want to store many results obtained from the code calculations in FLASH memory. I found that the PROGMEM, which preserves constants, does not enable me ...
Takeru Tsuji's user avatar
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ESP32-c3 Flash encryption is acting not as intended

I was trying to implement Flash encryption on my ESP32-c3-mini-1 project using VScode and esp-idf extension. The task was to lock flash, so no one could read the firmware. After doing some research on ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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Reading from Flash: TMS320F28069M

I'm using LAUNCHXL-F28069M containing TMS320F28069M ti microcontroller, I've developed a code to derive various parameters like RPM, Direction, etc and displaying it on OLED, the code is all fine ...
Anubhav Shriwastava's user avatar
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This is a qustion about STM32F407VET6's Flash memory area over the 512kb

I'm currently using stm32f407vgt6 blackboard because the board using existing stm32f407vgt6 has been discontinued. I modified Lcd, touch, rtc, etc. and program ported normally. One of the differences ...
simon214's user avatar
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ESP32-C3 FLASH encryption using Platformio

I am trying to encrypt my FLASH on ESP32-C3, but can't seem to find any explanation or examples, how to do that on Platformio using esp-idf framework. Is it possible to encrypt flash and program ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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How to store Audio files like MP3,WAV & AMR in Flash memory W25Q64FV(winbond)?

Need Help in storing Audio files (MP3, AMR, WAV) in 16MB flash memory and play using ESP32 wroom 32D, what's the software and programmer I need to use to store Audio files on W25Q64FV or similar ...
aXr amaR's user avatar
-2 votes
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C program initialize flash memory and detect it was initialized

I want to save some values in external flash memory to a microcontroller. These values are typically going to be incremented every time I run the program. I would like to initialize them to 0. Before ...
ugh's user avatar
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How to write variables to stm32 flash memory

I want to declare a variable in flash memory in stm32 so that the variable value I modified remains when the board is powered off and on, how can I write a variable in flash memory? Chatgpt told me to ...
spino's user avatar
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Use hex file to manually load code on stm32

I am looking to manually load a project from a .hex file (output of cube ide build) directly into the flash of my uC (I am using stm32L431). I used a bit of code from an example in st's youtube ...
Oren.P's user avatar
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STM32 Cannot Erase Flash Memory - HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGS

When I try and erase the flash memory on my STM32L451 using HAL, the erase operation fails and the when I get the flash error it returns HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGS. This is a programming sequence error. I'm ...
bluscape's user avatar
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How to write protect a flash memory sector in STM32F407

I have been working with the STM32F407. When the device is flashed for the first time, I manually write some very important information to flash memory. I use the following function to write to the ...
TheBestPlayer's user avatar
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Why does data get corrupted while reading from internal flash memory of STM32 Blue-Pill

I am writing and reading from internal flash memory of STM32 Blue Pill. Writing is successfully done. but while reading data, only specific bytes of data get corrupted. Code block for reading data ...
Diracx's user avatar
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How to Enable M25P80 Flash Device Emulation on QEMU x86_x64

I am trying to enable the ST M25P80 emulator on QEMU (Linux) for access using MTD/mtd-utils: The ST M25P80 allows you to emulate all SPI flash devices based on the m25p80 command set During QEMU ...
tcpham14's user avatar
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STM32F407VE erase sector issues

Never mind ... I shot myself in the foot. I didn't select all the options properly and the program ended up erasing part of itself. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I'm doing a bare metal ...
Bob K's user avatar
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warning: cannot find entry symbol Reset_Handler; defaulting to 0000000008000000

I am trying to build an STM32 application with my own CMake file. I have been able to compile and link a static library with a project and build the executable. I am using this .ld file: /* Entry ...
dahko37's user avatar
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How can i list all partitions available on a Flash SPI ESP32 microcontroller

I have an ESP32 pcb electronics and I need to list all partitions the onboard SPI Flash has. I've googled it however I could not find it to this date.
Miguel Tomás's user avatar
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Error creating a custom partition on a ESP32 microprocessor

I have an ESP32 S3 MCU with 8Mbytes. And I want to have a custom partition to store EEPROM static data. However, I'm getting the following error: Partition ota_0 invalid: Offset 0x1dcccc is not ...
Miguel Tomás's user avatar
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Why should I typecast a 32 bit address to 16 bit to store a 16 bit data

I am working on an STM32 Flash, I came across this function that writes 16-bit data to an address that is 32-bit. Why should I typecast this address like *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; which expands ...
Paulson Raja L's user avatar
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When writing to flash on a STM32G031 Page erase enable occasionally causes hardfault

When writing a value to flash on a STM32G031 Page erase enable occasionally causes hardfault. Some times it works ok, some times it faults on the page erase enable line FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PER; ...
Henrik Rune Jakobsen's user avatar
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Flash NOR: 1-1-2 mode vs 1-2-2 mode

I am working on a Quad-SPI driver that communicated with a Flash NOR device. I am trying to understand the differences between various modes like 1-1-2, 1-2-2, 4-4-4 etc. The x-y-z stand for the ...
Divine Cosmos's user avatar
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How can I find the command line program STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe to write into the flash of STM32F429?

I'm working with the ST demo board NUCLEO-F429ZI and I'm studying the example Nx_WebServer to develop a my own project. The readme file of the example explains how to write the binary file web_demo....
User051209's user avatar
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The STM32G0 series microcontroller enters undescribed mode

I have been sitting with this question for more than a week, I have already run out of strength, I cannot understand how it works and what I am doing wrong ... And so, I have an STM32G030F6P6 ...
red15530's user avatar
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Double Flash on ESP32-S3 Board

We have designed and manufactured a new board. We have 8 MB of flash inside the ESP32-S3 (FN8 Model). We also have 16 MB of flash (WINBOND W25Q128JVSIQ) on the board next to ESP32-S3. Our problem is ...
Canik01's user avatar
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STM32 Crash on Flash Sector Erase

I'm trying to write 4 uint32's of data into the flash memory of my STM32F767ZI so I've looked at some examples and in the reference manual but still I cannot do it. My goal is to write 4 uint32's into ...
Hugo Pontes's user avatar
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dsPIC33 Flash Erase broken

I am having a lot of trouble when it comes to flash erasing on the dsPIC33EP64GP503 and I am hoping someone on here will be able help. I am wanting to store a data struct in the flash program memory ...
A Mir's user avatar
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Cypress S25FL256S Flash memory read delay issue

I am currently using an s25fl256s flash memory, but when I try accessing it (using an SPI master on an Artix7 FPGA) the first read access has a delay of 19 clock cycle (more or less) and afterward the ...
Yan's user avatar
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Dynamically build STM32 application but for two different partitions of flash

I'm using the STM32L496 and have a bootloader at 0x08000000 of flash. After that, I have two partitions for applications, one at 0x08040000 which is the main application, and one at 0x080C0000 for a &...
nickf's user avatar
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How does JTAG flash memory programming work?

I am currently using Xilinx ZCU106 board, and I am curious about How does JTAG support flash memory programming. I can upload the boot images or hardware logic just by connecting JTAG USB cable to USB ...
Jisung Kim's user avatar
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64-bit Global Variable Memory Issue [duplicate]

In the beginning I would like to mention that this issue occurs for one application, and it does not occur for another application with the same configuration and accessing the same source code. In my ...
DEVTOIMPROVE's user avatar
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Industrialization: How to write specific NVS value during the flash process

I wrote a firmware to run our ESP32-based custom PCB. The firmware holds a unique S/N (serial number) in the NVS thru Preferences API which is set thru the bluetooth app I wrote. But now I have to ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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How far is it safe to regularly write to the ESP32 flash, considering the flash MTBF?

What would be the best practice for writing to the flash on a regular basis. Considering the hardware I am working on is supposed to have 10 to 20 years longevity, what would be your recommandation? ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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Why is my Arduino code to Write to an external Serial Flash Rom not working?

[Edit: I've added a diagram because the image I uploaded doesn't line up with the rows of the bread board because of the perspective] I'm trying to write program code to Read and Write to an external ...
emonegarand's user avatar
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STM32F767 flash programming issue

We are trying to program the MCU flash memory to write and save some data on it. After a single write to a single sector(that might have failed), when we try to write/overwrite the same sector we fail....
Guy Sarusi's user avatar
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STM32G030F6 starts program in Flash and after a while it ends up unintentionaly in System Memory

My board have PA14-BOOT0 pin connected to SWDCLK and PA13 to SWDIO. The BOOT0 pin is not pulled up/down. According to documentation when nBOOT_SEL bit = 1 and nBOOT0 bit = 1 the BOOT0 pin is ignored ...
killdaclick's user avatar
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Writing and Loading Code from QSPI Flash Memory from RP2040

I bought an RP2040 board with 16MB QSPI Flash Memory in the board: The Flash Memory w25q128 is connected to QSPI dedicated pins of the RP2040: I was finding out how to access this data from the ...
Chandler Klüser's user avatar

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