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Using Infineon-S70FL01GS_1_Gbit(Serial Flash Memory) has problem. Can't read Device ID

I try to using serial flash memory Infineon-S70FL01GS_1_Gbit. It's a flash memory that has been in use for a long time and seems to work fine with existing code(Using IAR). But, now I try to ...
Jaekwon.Kim's user avatar
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This is a qustion about STM32F407VET6's Flash memory area over the 512kb

I'm currently using stm32f407vgt6 blackboard because the board using existing stm32f407vgt6 has been discontinued. I modified Lcd, touch, rtc, etc. and program ported normally. One of the differences ...
simon214's user avatar
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How to write protect a flash memory sector in STM32F407

I have been working with the STM32F407. When the device is flashed for the first time, I manually write some very important information to flash memory. I use the following function to write to the ...
TheBestPlayer's user avatar
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STM32F407VE erase sector issues

Never mind ... I shot myself in the foot. I didn't select all the options properly and the program ended up erasing part of itself. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I'm doing a bare metal ...
Bob K's user avatar
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Erase, Read And Write in Parallel Nor Flash of STM32F429NI

I am working on the erase, read and write of external nor flash in STM32F429NI. I am using CubeMx to generate the code. When only my nor pins are selected in the .ioc file and when I perform erase, ...
Paulson's user avatar
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How to make the bootloader in STM32F429NI to jump to external Nor Flash

I am working on STM32F429NI Evaluation board, I have a code to blink the led. I want the blink led code to be present in external nor flash and the bootloader residing the internal flash has to ...
Paulson Raja L's user avatar
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Suggest Possible ROM chips and RAM chip that can be interfaced to STM32F407 for TouchGFX

I have STM32F407 Boards like STM32F407 Disco board (without TFT) and some basic Chinese Boards. I have interfaced my TFT LCD with the board using FSMC interface and done basics like text, graphic ...
UB_Roy's user avatar
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Only 6 out of 8 16-bit data were written to the STM32 Flash Memory

I am trying to write 8 pieces of 16-bit data into the STM32F410 flash memory, particularly the 4th sector starting at address 0x0801_1000. The only initialization that I did involves changing the ...
Cimory's user avatar
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How to write to STM32 Flash

I want to write to flash Sector 11 of STM32F407VGT from my user code to store some data. I have used the stm32f4xx_hal_flash.c library. I first erase the sector using this code: void Flash_Init(void) ...
b7031719's user avatar
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2 votes
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Read/Write Struct to Flash Memory

I want to write the contents of a struct to flash memory in my C program for STM32F4 Discovery board using HAL libraries. This is my struct: typedef struct { RTC_TimeTypeDef time; ...
b7031719's user avatar
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5 votes
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DMA to Flash for STM32

I am using an stm32f40x microcontroller (UC), and I have to use its internal flash to store some data. The write operation, as you know, is very slow and occupies the UC for very long time. So I ...
gior91's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to write/read to FLASH on STM32F4, Cortex M4

I want to write a variable, for example an integer with the number 5 to the FLASH and then after the power goes away and the device is turned on again read it. I already know that in order to write ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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STM32, variable stored in flash could not be updated in other file

I use a STM32F411RE. Since I've no more memory in my RAM. I decided to store large variable in my flash. For that I created a section in section.ld. .large_buffer: ALIGN(4) { . = ALIGN(4)...
ttncrch's user avatar
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Not able to send a .bin file from computer to the micro-controller via UART, STM32F415

I am trying to send a file(.hex file) from my computer to the micro-controller's internal flash. For time being I am using Hercules terminal to send file. My UART responds to the data sent. My ...
abhi's user avatar
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Read/write data storage into Flash Memory in STM32f407 discovery using HAL

I am trying to store the data inside the Flash (non volatile memory) for further retrieve. So that when the power is off and on again , then I can read the data from memory. uint32_t address = ...
Aashram's user avatar
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