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Power apps - Send email with attachment error

Good morning, everyone! I am beginner and i am making a power app to send email with multi attachment. I have 5 attachment controls. It is work for send email with 1 attachment control, below is my ...
Alan Tse's user avatar
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Attaching Files from Google Drive to Email sent in Google Sheets

I have a script in Google Sheets that allows me to send emails with attachments found in a selected folder in Google Drive. It mostly works fine, giving a failed message if there is no email address ...
Michael's user avatar
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500 error reaching api endpoint when body object contains a property of System.Net.Mail.Attachment after upgrading to .NET 8

We upgraded our Web APIs from .NET 7 to .NET 8 recently, and now any of our endpoints that accept classes containing attachment properties (System.Net.Mail.Attachment) are unreachable. It doesn't ...
Chris Calvert's user avatar
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ICS file validates correctly but doesn't work with Google Calendar (web or mobile)

I’m working with an ICS file that imports correctly into Google Calendar via the web interface, but when attached to an email, it doesn’t display the “Add to Calendar” option in Gmail. The file ...
Sajjad Naraghi's user avatar
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Outlook Attachment VBA Variable Reference Object required (Error 424)

I have defined and assigned all variables correctly but still getting object required (error 424) at the loop through Attachments line below: Sub apscan() Dim objItems As Outlook.Items Dim ...
Abagnale's user avatar
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Create a new message with itemAttachment

Because Microsoft is phasing out EWS in a rather unusual fashion I am rewriting all of my code to use Microsoft Graph. Some things are quite easy and neat to rewrite. Copying a Message is not one of ...
Hielke Hoeve's user avatar
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Ews FileAttachment.Load returns empty file

I am using the Ews OAuth2 and I am getting well email and email information, but when I try to get the attachment files, returns empty files. Here is my code: SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter....
user2731015's user avatar
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SOAP Office.js EWS ReplyView getAttachments

I want to generate a SOAP request to download the attachments of the email I am replying to (so I am in a MessageComposeCommandSurface, not in MessageReadCommandSurface, I know there would be an API ...
0968FC1F126E85E51FBF0B43D0B02D's user avatar
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ServiceNow Create Attachment via File or Upload via Rest API?

As per the ServiceNow Documentation, there are two ways we can upload a file to ServiceNow via Rest Api :!/reference/api/xanadu/rest/c_AttachmentAPI#attachment-...
nikom's user avatar
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Add attachement to email with VBA

I would like to be able to compose an email and attach a pdf file to it. This pdf file is also generated by the same VBA code. Right now, I am able to open the email application and fill in the fields ...
Dani Valverde's user avatar
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Why doesn't hand over a file for a function of sending an email with attachment in Kotlin

I have a problem with my code. The file exists on the right path, like the toast message. And the chooser show me also my file name. But when I choose an email app, I receive an error. One app show &...
Pit's user avatar
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Remove attachments from a mail before saving it as eml file using EAgetmail package is not working

I want to remove attachments from a mail before saving it as .eml file using EAGetMail package is not working for me, here is my code: ` _mail = new("EAGetMailLicence"); _mail.Load(...
Said Saber's user avatar
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Quarkus Mailer Not Inserting Attachments When Sending Email

I have a piece of code that I hard coded in order to fix a silent issue that occurred while inserting attachments into my email. Basically when running my tests the email object comes back with the ...
Pmsmm's user avatar
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Django Email Sending Issue: Email Not Sent and Not Appearing in Sent Items

I'm working on a Django project where I need to send an email with an attached PDF file. My current setup is as follows: Django Version: 4.0.3 Python Version: 3.12.2 Problem: The code runs without ...
HizarSajjad's user avatar
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40 views 415

Can anyone help me with the below mentioned issue: @PostMapping(value = AppConstants.SEND_EMAIL+WITH_ATTACHMENT, consumes = { MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE }) @Respo nseStatus(NO_CONTENT) @...
CodeLearn's user avatar
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Issue downloading onedrive shared files to my gmail account using api

I've working on a process where files are auto downloaded on server from gmail account and processed further. previously i was working with google drive attachments. Added a feature to download the ...
FadiKhan's user avatar
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Laravel Mail Attachment: Error while sending attachment

I have communication service to handle/send all the communication throughout the application. When I try to send an e-mail with attachment of size more than 100KB gives me below SQS exception. I am ...
Masood Khan's user avatar
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GraphMailer Microsoft handling of cid as inlined images without needs of uploading them on onw server folder

I would like to ask how CID images are handled by the email client provided by Microsoft, especially in the case of GraphMailer. To my knowledge, it should work like this: A unique CID (Content-ID) ...
PBT's user avatar
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Sending Multiple Attachments to an E-Mail

The following line of code will attach a file to an e-mail: objMail.Attachments.Add AttachmentText AttachmentText is a string variable with the path and filename to a PDF file. I want to send more ...
Ian Bateman's user avatar
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Find files in folder with specific size, attach files to email

I am trying to create script which will check source folder if it is empty and if it matches size. Then it will find files with specific string in those folders and then it will send those files to ...
Tomas's user avatar
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How to add my PDF file which I have placed in my folder to this SMTP mail?

I want to send my attached PDF with message to the user. I have my website files in my server in Public_htm folder. There I have created folder with name "wp-regpdf". in this folder when ...
jitender kumar's user avatar
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Add attachments and Embed Image in Email body PowerApps

I am trying to utilise Office365Outlook.SendEmail but having issues passing attachments and embedding an image in to the body of the email. Firstly, I have an attachment control DataCardValue4 that I ...
user3599946's user avatar
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Powerautomate Escapes all characters in my Array. That way its not usable as E-mail Attachment

I´m trying to send multiple E-mail Attachements via Powerautomate. I prepare Content by creating an Array just like E-mail Attachements usually are formed. But when i want to use this array ...
Christian Hilz's user avatar
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How to get attachment's headers from eml file?

Suppose I have a eml file with the following structure (got with print(_structure(parsed_email))): multipart/mixed multipart/alternative text/plain text/html message/rfc822 ...
giacom0c's user avatar
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How to let users add an attachment to a SendGrid form (Wix velo code, javascript)?

I see plenty of answers around the internet, including the Wix community forum: BUT they require a .js setup, while I already ...
JohnOle's user avatar
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smartlead automation restAPI

I badly need some help with using Airtable and SmartLead. How can I utilize the SmartLead API to send email replies with attachments from Airtable to a lead in SmartLead? Thank you all for your help. ...
anon's user avatar
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Power Automate, convert email attachments to PDF and reattach to email

I need to create a flow to do the following: For Emails that are received into a group inbox with attachments that are non-PDF... xlsx, docx etc I need to Convert all the attachments to PDF Then Re-...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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How do I find the message ID of a mail from the attachment ID, using gmail APIs

working with get message attachment method, which has both message id and attachment id as parameters, I found that the attachment id is unique, and the message id parameter is not required to get ...
Aswin Jose's user avatar
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Why the Failover First Driver Fails and Inline Attachment Image Path is Wrong in Laravel 10

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Symfony community for your unwavering dedication and perseverance. Background I was using the Laravel 10 mailer along with Symfony Mailer and encountered a bug ...
Rick.Xu's user avatar
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CodeIgniter 4 does not send attachment

helper('inflector'); $pdfFileName = underscore(WRITEPATH.'uploads\invoice '.$invoice_number.'.pdf'); file_put_contents($pdfFileName, $dompdf->output()); if (file_exists($pdfFileName) &...
Steve Arnold's user avatar
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Send email with Attachment from Azure Automation Account RunBook

Can any body guide me with this issue. i'm trying to create a runbook inside an Azure Automation Account, that runbook is a Azure Resource explorer query, i want to sent the result in a .CSV file to ...
Brayhan Castro's user avatar
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Auto download attachment from Outlook to local folder via VBA

Below code is to save email attachment to a local folder. The trigger is by outlook rules. However, occasionally there will be “An unexpected error has occurred.” from Rules in Error and the code will ...
user25441505's user avatar
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Sending an email with an attachment in a contact form using Resend

I'm trying to create a contact form where the user enters their details and then attaches a file. For this I'm using Resend and followed one of their examples found here but I keep getting a POST http:...
Jack's user avatar
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Unable to attach a file in Gmail using Selenium automation using Java

This is my code, where After clicking on attachment symbol it's not taking the path and eclipse is not showing any error. Please help me how to resolve this. // compose button //div[@class='T-I T-I-KE ...
Jyotsna Bhakale's user avatar
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Email attachments being added inline after smtp host change

I have a Codeigniter 3.1.4 site that worked fine until the hosting company changed their email host. I send emails from my site with PDFs attached, but the smtp provider was changed and I have updated ...
greebstreebling's user avatar
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Problem with email attachment Woocommerce PDF Invoice plugin

I'm encountering an issue with the WooCommerce PDF Invoice plugin. I've configured it to generate an invoice upon order completion. On the thank you page, I want customers to see two buttons: one to ...
Mina's user avatar
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Save email attachment giving it a name that consists of text found in email body

I want, with text found in the body of an email, for example, "order-33", to look in the attachment (DOC and PDF files) for order number 12345. The words "order number" are always ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Send email with inline attachment using ABP EmailSender QueueAsync

Using Abp IEmailSender, I try to send an email with an attachment. I want this attachment displayed inline. Previously we were using SendAsync with a MailMessage, the Inline property were set on the ...
Sylv21's user avatar
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Extract e-mail addresses from msg files -Python

I am trying to write a script that will extract e-mail address from Outlook .msg files. However, some .msg files could have another .msg files attached in it. def extract_emails_from_folder(...
SS22's user avatar
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Can EmailJS turn a submission form into a pdf before it sends? Fill in a couple fields and hit send instead of plain text it emails as PDF

I had someone ask me if it is possible to send the submission form as a PDF instead of a standard email. They want the attachment to come through with the questions and answers to show in the PDF and ...
Kameron  Farshchian's user avatar
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Send PDF file as attachment using php mailer

i want when a user clicks on the button a pdf is generated "not downloaded" and sent to the email of the current logged in user unless the the user is not using an email then download this ...
Jonas's user avatar
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"Content-Disposition: attachment" via SQL Server mailing possible?

We have the request, that an attachment, which was sent by SQL Server Mail is missing the definition Content-Disposition: attachment if there's an attachment sent with the mail. In the source code of ...
Marc M.'s user avatar
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Sweep Network folder for a daily file

I have written a macro to execute in Outlook to find a specific .csv file and attach it to an email and send to specific individuals and it works great. However, I need to modify it so instead of ...
mclawler's user avatar
-2 votes
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SilverStripe 4.12 Email->addAttachment() from input file form

I'm using silvestripe 4.12 and I'm trying sen email from form but i need send email with attachment from input. But when I send contact form its throws server error: Sorry, there was a problem with ...
Zuzana Šimová's user avatar
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Forward email with its attachment and text from template

I need to forward a selected email (which I call origEmail) with its attachment and additional text. The code leaves off the attachment of origEmail. The body of the forward email is taken from a ...
Christian's user avatar
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Add multiple files to Outlook email using Python

I want to send an Outlook email with multiple attachments from Python. I referenced the following code Automate Outlook on Mac with Python def add_attachment(self, p): # p is a Path() obj, ...
S. Kartik's user avatar
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Image embedded in email also becomes an attachment

A script that is correctly embedding inline images in HTML emails, is also adding the images as attachments. How can I eliminate this second copy of each image? If any intended attachments are ...
JAC's user avatar
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Setting File Type for Emailed Attachments

A Python script for sending email with attachments is working, but all attachments, if any, are arriving as .eml files rather than as jpg, pdf, txt, etc. They do open correctly, but I would prefer ...
JAC's user avatar
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Outlook Web Add-in: Getting unreadable attachments from selected email to a new one

I want to create a new email with attachments from the selected one and I can create a new email with mailbox.displayNewMessageForm() but when I open the attachment, that I gave the new email, it says ...
astroNika's user avatar
2 votes
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Android email Intent doesn't attach files with certain suffixes (eg .xml), throwing java.lang.SecurityException

I am trying to attach a file to an e-mail Intent but get a SecurityException in the Logcat and the e-mail client (gmail) reports "Unable to attach file": java.lang.SecurityException: ...
T Clulow's user avatar
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