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postgres upgrade and migration with no downtime

I am looking forward to upgrade azure Postgres flexible from version 12 to 16. I can do it with downtime using pgdump but I want to do it in a way that there is no downtime. Postgres sql is in azure ...
Waseem Mir's user avatar
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AWS DMS failing on second run due to Athena permissions

DMS is producing this error on the second run. Can't work out why, I've not even said for Athena to be used. 2024-09-18T15:49:45 [TARGET_APPLY ]I: Key len for get: 17 for table `(null)`.`(null)` (...
Wev's user avatar
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PostgreSQL to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Online Migration Wizard

I'm trying to migrate a database that is on a virtual machine to azure database management, when I fill in the information, I get this error. Has anyone had this error? { "resourceId":"/...
roronoa's user avatar
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AWS DMS subscription SNS filter on body message

I'm looking to filter some DMS Event ID from an SNS subscription. They doesn't have attribute so I'm looking to using a filter on the body. I was trying something like this it didn't seem to work (on ...
alxsbn's user avatar
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AWS DMS Data Migration Issue: Persistent Failure to Load Data for Specific Table, Escalating Errors on Restart

I'm facing a persistent issue with AWS DMS where one of my tables fails to load data during migration. I’m using the latest version of AWS DMS, but I receive the error message: "Command failed to ...
Salman Habibkhan's user avatar
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SAP document extraction for Data engineering pipeline

I am trying to figure out a viable design to extract the documents (PDFs) from SAP document management service and store into Azure Blob. I have scoured the internet to understand which service is ...
vipul bhatia's user avatar
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Data Validation error - Mismatched Records

We are doing PostgreSQL to Aurora PostgreSQL data migration using AWS DMS. We are seeing the mismatched records error during the validation. We are seeing some extra space at source. [[{'user': 'xxxxx ...
Lakshmi Narayana's user avatar
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Last Error Failed in resolving configuration. Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL

When I tried in dms to load data from mysql to s3. Then task fail and show this Error: Last Error Failed in resolving configuration. Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL.
S_R_Ws's user avatar
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AWS DMS S3 Target Validation Stuck in "Records Pending"

I'm using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to migrate data from a source database (SQL Server RDS) to an S3 bucket. The DMS and the RDS are deployed in the same account but in different regions, ...
Ali Ourag's user avatar
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Getting only control record for some DMS Task TableMappings

AWS DMS Source endpoint: Aurora Postgres Target Endpoint: Kinesis Data stream Task with these settings MigrationType: cdc TableMappings: | {"rules":[{"rule-type":"selection&...
Starlord5107's user avatar
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understanding DMS cloudwatch logs

I am trying to create a DMS replication task using Terraform. The credentials for the endpoint are correct. When I start the replication task, it Fails but the cloudwatch logs aren't that helpful. ...
x89's user avatar
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AWS DMS "Load complete, replication ongoing" not working MongoDB to DocumentDB

I wanted to migrate data from mongo db ec2 instance to document db - ) Mongo db as a service is using ec2 instance - Same ec2 machine I have attached with document db. Mongo shell and db version ( ...
Aashir Zia's user avatar
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mysql server replicate to aws redshift thorugh aws dms

I am getting this error in AWS DMS while replicating the dataenter image description hereenter image description here Error output:- Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-...
Mohit Vishwakarma's user avatar
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DMS endpont Test endpoint connection Error

when i connect DMS source endpoint manually with servername, username and password . I am able to connect to postgres DB But when i try to connect with AWS Secrets Manager, Test Connection shows some ...
Starlord5107's user avatar
3 votes
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AWS DMS Serverless Replication - getting no permission to access custom kms key while processing a RDS source encrypted with custom kms key

Getting below error while running Serverless DMS with AWS postgres RDS source encrypted with custom kms key. Test connection failed for endpoint 'pgdb' and replication config 'otp-trig-rep'. Failure ...
bipin shakya's user avatar
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AWS DMS: the RDS is not seen for engine Oracle (same AZ, same VPC) [closed]

Have a Oracle RDS (19c Standard Two, CDB - which is supported) and I'm creating a Data Provider for engine=Oracle, but I can't see the DB to select it. It just says "You don't have any RDS ...
mariusi's user avatar
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AWS DMS and generated colums

i'm having problems with generated columns in my migration (DMS) process from on premise (MySQL) to aws (Aurora). Different blog posts for example:
Martin Laager's user avatar
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AWS DMS VS Oracle Golden Gate for object names (over 30 bytes)

I am planning to use AWS DMS to migrate Oracle data with the CDC option. It has a limitation on "AWS DMS doesn't support long object names (over 30 bytes)". As renaming the column will ...
Prakash Panjwani's user avatar
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How to show Documents on viewer when htmlmode: true in Configuration.yml file in Group Docs

In Group Docs, I’m facing issue in my application when i doing changes in Configuration.yml file htmlMode: false to htmlMode: true, my document is not view properly on viewer page. document is showing ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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Dynamic tables via DMS -> Kinesis -> Iceberg (Transactional data lake)

Using a Glue Streaming job, receiving events from DMS via Kinesis how do I take those events and push them into a Iceberg table in S3? The problems I'm running into is when I get the event from the ...
Chris's user avatar
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AWS DMS: Resuming the AWS DMS CDC after migrating DB to another server

We are in the process of migrating our Oracle 19c DB to another server. The DB is a source DB for AWS DMS replication. After the migration of our DB to another server ( using Datapump Export/Import), ...
Sanjay Dharmadhikari's user avatar
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How to mask PII data using DMS without adding a column

I am replicating data from source db to target db within two different AWS accounts. I am using transformation rules for this but unable to do it. Because I don't want to add new column and delete the ...
Abhijeet Kumar's user avatar
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AWS DMS: Unable to See RDS Instances from Multiple AWS Accounts

I'm currently facing an issue with AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) across multiple AWS accounts. My goal is to use my RDS instances as source endpoints and create new RDS instances from them. ...
tafa's user avatar
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Can we automate AWS SCT data extraction agents?

Planning a data migration from on-premise to aws RDS. Do we need to run the AWS SCT data extraction agents manually everyday. Is there any method that allows to automate/schedule please? Do we need ...
Sudhi's user avatar
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Using Atlas MongoDB as an AWS Data Migration Server Data Provider

I am trying to follow the AWS instructions and create an import/conversion service from an Atlas Mongo database to and RDS instance of Postgres. Working my way through the instructions, I have found ...
SzS's user avatar
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AWS DMS - what is best way to replicate fewer fields from RDS MySQL to AWS S3

I want to setup my DMS replication task such that I only want to replicated 5 of the 100 source columns (from RDS MySQL source end-point to AWS S3 target). Can I just only mention the column names (...
Balakrishna Chittari's user avatar
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AWS Account Migration using DMS (Data Migration Service)

We are planning to a cross account migration using DMS, where we would need to do migration of data from one aws account to another, in which the data from the source account will just be added to the ...
RandomDevDude's user avatar
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AWS DMS Converts Source PostgreSQL TIMESTAMP column to different value in S3

DMS details: Source Endpoint is PostgreSQL DB. Target Endpoint is S3 - Parquet file. Source DB has a column paymentdate with datatype timestamp. There is a row with value stored as 0002-11-30 00:...
Kalpit Joshi's user avatar
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AWS DMS giving same timestamp to different rows with the identical keys

I have a DMS doing on-going replication from SSMS databases to S3 folders. The source rows do not have a timestamp column for changes. All operations on the source are either row creation or updates....
stevenr's user avatar
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AWS DMS CDC replication task not migrating the data and showing "Unchanged-toast-datum" instead of real value in LOB columns

I am using AWS DMS in which I am migrating the data from Aurora Postgresql DB to Amazon S3. When I perform a full load operation I am getting whole data including LOB columns but in case of CDC ...
Ahteshaam Shaikh's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'ir.ui.view' object has no attribute '_render'

I succeeded to install Odoo 15 module DMS (Documents) ex. OCA in Odoo 16, but get error when running the module: File "/Users/Karunia/odoo16/odoo/addons/dms/controllers/", line 33, in ...
Jmm36's user avatar
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DMS task to migrate from Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift

Not a question I was working on a task to migrate the data from Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift serverless. I created the connections, setup the IAM roles including dms-access-for-endpoint and created ...
soham mukherjee's user avatar
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AWS DMS endpoint cannot talk to RDS instance

I'm scratching my head here trying to understand why my endpoint on DMS cannot talk to a RDS instance. This is the error I get Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: ...
Waldemar Neto's user avatar
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DMS Serverless replication fails to connect to Redshift Serverless endpoint

I am trying to replicate data from an RDS MySQL instance to Redshift Serverless, using DMS Serverless. Following AWS docs, I have set up the following: Prerequisites for AWS Database Migration Service ...
aqm's user avatar
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How to Schedule a start of DMS task by AWS EventBridge via CloudFormation template?

I am creting a cloudformation template. it is creating Database Migration Service Task. I need to do a scheduling of this DMS taks via EventBridge. I've created following resource in CloudFormation:- ...
manish soni's user avatar
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How to parse validation result details from AWS DMS in PHP

In AWS Data Migration service, you can turn on validation. This will create a table on your target server called awsdms_validation_failures_v1 (in the awsdms_control database). This table will be ...
onok's user avatar
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Create configuration backup of AWS services

Currently, we are mainly using DMS, RDS & IAM AWS services. Now, if we want to use those services in different region / account then how to take only configuration backup? Like - DMS - ...
Krishna Pagar's user avatar
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RDS to Neptune DMS task translates all rows into a single vertex

I have a table in RDS defined as follows: | id | first_name | prime_faculty | etc...| My GraphMappingConfig json is defined as follows: { "rules": [ { "rule_id&...
John's user avatar
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AWS DMS s3 target folder appear and disapear

I have a DMS replication task on-going from RDS Aurora (MySQL) to S3. My S3 endpoint settings are { "CsvRowDelimiter": "\\n", "CsvDelimiter": ",", &...
alxsbn's user avatar
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Syntax for DMS Transformation Rule For Arithmetic Expression

I needed some help with my DMS migration. Basically, I have a source and target database with a condition to add a new column to the target table where we do some arithmetic computation on the source ...
Sam's user avatar
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DMS Transformation For Creating New Column But Storing Value With Pre Existing Data

I had a quick question regarding Amazon DMS transformation capabilities. So basically, I have a source database (MySQL) that I need to migrate to destination database (Aurora). During this migration ...
Sam's user avatar
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DMS partioning tuning in S3 target

I'm pushing data from a RDS MySQL to S3. My S3 target endpoint have this settings: { "CsvRowDelimiter": "\\n", "CsvDelimiter": ",", "AddColumnName&...
alxsbn's user avatar
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AWS DMS doesn't migrate the some special characters in data properly

I'm trying to perform a homogenous migration (both source and target DB is AWS Aurora MySQL) using AWS DMS. After running the task, it executes properly and migrates whole data. Since, I've turned ...
Ayush Jain's user avatar
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AWS DMS inserts duplicate records into kinesis and S3

I have configured a DMS migration instance that replicates data from Mysql into a AWS Kinesis stream, but I noticed that when I process the kinesis records I pick up duplicate records.This does not ...
Pregz's user avatar
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AWS DMS Mongodb to S3 Getting in Loop Error

I have an AWS migration task that extracts data from mongodb and send to s3 in csv file. After running the tasks for some days, I noticed that DMS was running without errors in the interface but the ...
Renan Nogueira's user avatar
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AWS DMS Removing LOB Columns

I'm trying to set up a Postgresql migration using the DMS to s3 as target. But after running I noticided that some tables were missing some columns. After checking the logs I noticed this message: ...
Renan Nogueira's user avatar
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AWS DMS Task doesn't apply inserts, updates, and deletes on Elasticache Redis cluster target

I have a full load and CDC DMS task configured to replicate data in Aurora MySQL cluster to Elasticache Redis cluster. For some reason I see that change come to task but are not applied to Redis ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Getting "Failed to upload file" error in DMS task

I see below error in cloudwatch logs while running the DMS task. MYSQL RDS is the source endpoint and Redshift is the target endpoint: Error - "Failed to upload file '/rdsdbdata/data/tasks/...
Sumant Kumar's user avatar
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schedule a DMS task thru task scheduler- first we need to stop the running task and then start it

I have setup a DMS task with "FULL LOAD + CDC ". as far as i know if we have created a new table in our source MYSQL RDS then that would be migrated to the target REDSHIFT cluster only when ...
Sumant Kumar's user avatar
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Newly created tables are not being migrated to Redshift in dms

I have set up a DMS with RDS MYSQL as source endpoint and REDSHIFT as target endpoint with "full and CDC". setup is working fine and even update, delete stmts are being replicated to ...
Sumant Kumar's user avatar

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