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AWS DMS ongoing replication task getting failed as source SQL tables are compressed

I am trying to run an AWS DMS ongoing replication task with Microsoft SQL server as source and S3 bucket as target. After some time the task is failing with the following error: Last Error Task '...
Anoop G Nair's user avatar
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AWS DMS skips certain table columns from SQL Server

There are table columns with data type TEXT from our SQL Server, and when DMS runs to load data into S3 from the SQL Server, those columns with the data type are dropped. I've tried following the ...
Young's user avatar
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AWS DMS CDC SQL Server Source fails to start when calling sys.fn_dump_dblog

AWS DMS ongoing replication from SQL Server 2014 Standard edition. Reduced the task down to just one simple table. All tables have primary keys and replication is enabled on the server. The task is ...
Andrew Melvin's user avatar
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Anyone replicated a sql server db into AWS using NATIVE replication NOT AWS DMS

Just a yes / no hopefully. Can you replicate into a sql server rds multi az aws instance from an on premise sql server (standard edition 2008r2) I know there is aws dms and im not asking about that. ...
AdiFatLady's user avatar
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AWS DMS limitation when using SQL Server as a source - replicating rows with more than 8000 bytes of information

I am thinking of creating a read only DB in Amazon RDS, using their DMS to replicate the data from an on-site database. On the Amazon DMS list of general limitations, one of them are: Changes to ...
TheTor's user avatar
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Document Management

I'm writing a simple document management system for my work. I'm only a hobbyist but have been programming for a while now. My problem is this. When I delete a number of documents through my app, I ...
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