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Problems uploading PDF files for conversion using GroupDocs in Node.js

Description I'm developing a Node.js application that allows users to upload PDF files for conversion into Word documents using the GroupDocs library. However, I'm facing a problem where the file isn'...
Marcelo henrique's user avatar
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How to Fetch Stream of a specific page from a document using GroupDocs.Viewer 20.8 in c#

Hello I am currently using GroupDocs.Viewer 19.6 Version in one of my utility and now I planned to upgrade it to GroupDocs.Viewer 20.8. I had a code where I am Fetching a page as a stream using ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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How to show Documents on viewer when htmlmode: true in Configuration.yml file in Group Docs

In Group Docs, I’m facing issue in my application when i doing changes in Configuration.yml file htmlMode: false to htmlMode: true, my document is not view properly on viewer page. document is showing ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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Python Rest Api GroupDocs

I am trying to convert ppt file into pdf and then save it into a file. I am able to upload to the cloud of GroupDocs, Convert to PDF, but last step, download the file doesnt work. Some errors that ...
user22767461's user avatar
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How can I convert pdf to txt file with specific features?

For example,I have pdf like that : What is a Java? A)Programming Language B)Book C)City and true answer is highlighted in pdf. I need to delete (1. 2. 3.) from questions and select highlighted one ...
Yusif Zehmeti's user avatar
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Convert docx to HTML using GroupDocs.Viewer only reads first 2 pages

I'm Trying to convert word(.docx) file to HTML. GroupDocs.Viewer package is convert it perfectly within the document images and format, but just for the first 2 pages and I don't understand why it is ...
Noor Shaker's user avatar
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How to fix "This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support"

I'm facing this error while attempting to convert a CSV file to HTML using GroupDocs. The code for converting csv to html I copied from groupdocs documentation.can somebody help me out. Bellow is the ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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CSV is not converting in html using groupdocs

I am using the GroupDocs Conversion Cloud API to convert a CSV file to HTML in Node.js. I have followed the code provided in the GroupDocs documentation, but I am not getting the correct HTML output ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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stream is null on GetManifestResourceStream for

I already googled about my problem but sadly I am not able to succeed. So I have many desktop application in which I am using product, so what I usually do is I paste my .lic file in ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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A .net sdk/ api for doucment comparison (docx/pdf/pptx) with near ms-word functionalities

I'm trying to make a document comparison viewer for web browser that feels as same as Microsoft word's 'Track Changes' and 'Compare' (options available in Review Tab). I am already using Aspose.Words ...
Vipul Sachdeva's user avatar
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Conversion cloud module not found

Hello Stack Overflow friends! I'm trying to use this conversion cloud module (, but it's returning the module error: ...
Matheus Pombo's user avatar
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Requested ChangeOrientation operation for ‘Pdf’ document type is not supported groupdocs merger

I am creating a web application and I am using groupdocs for view pdf and other docs, in one of the scenario I want to change particular page orientation of pdf document, I found groupdocs merger with ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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Run mvn install command skipping selected jar

What I need to do is to build a jar without one huuuge dependency, which is a fellow below <dependency> <groupId>com.groupdocs</groupId> <artifactId>...
Robert Gardziński's user avatar
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Error on class SignatureHandler (The type or namespace SignatureHandler could not be found) : GroupDocs

I am working on a project in which we are using groupdocs, I recently updated the version to 20.1 from 19.8, and now I am getting the following error CS0246 C# The type or namespace name could not be ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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Can’t open file by dynamic POST filename (some type) Groupdocs Annotation

Groupdocs Annotation when default file powerpoint and exel show “Cannot open presentation.” Or “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: ...
Chokpaisan S.'s user avatar
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Verify Digital Signature using groupdocs signatures C#

I want to verify digital signatures of my customers using groupdocs Signature, here I am using This Link to get proper code, but the problem is when I initialize GroupDocs.Signature.Signature ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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cannot access a closed stream: groupdocs

I am using mvc with groupdocs, I am unable to view some files, when I am trying to view files, I am getting the below error, Cannot access a closed Stream. the error is coming on the below ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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Can I use GroupDocs to add e-signature functionality to CRM

I am investigating the possibility of adding e-signature functionality to a CRM SaaS. I am having some difficulty understanding the process, and how to use GroupDocs to accomplish this. The goal is to ...
Ben's user avatar
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Javascript: unable to execute init function

I am working on a groupdocs viewer, and want to re-create plug-in like that, groupdocs code below (function ($) { var methods = { init: function (options) { debugger ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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2 answers

GroupDocs.Compare result is working incorrectly

Comparison.Compare process Continues without error. Errors count (1) writes in (ICompareResult)compareResult. I think the error is caused by the license or products. The same process is working ...
noja's user avatar
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What causes a HTTP 404 error when using GroupDocs viewer?

I'm using an XPS file reader to produce HTML output via the GroupDocs Viewer, and it's giving a result in HTML format using the UseHtmlBasedEngine property but giving me error in top corner of viewer ...
naveen sanagasetti's user avatar
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Groupdocs conversion using streams

I need to be able to convert .pdf documents into preview/thumbnail images for later retrieval. It's working now in my solution, which currently involves dumping new files into a watched folder, ...
SCRawl's user avatar
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"Failure to find com.aspose:aspose-email:jar:" when running GroupDocs sample "Java Viewer - Sample Dropwizard"

I'm trying to run this sample "GroupDocs Java Viewer - Sample Dropwizard" download it from here it need these jar files: aspose-email- aspose-imaging-2.9.0.jar aspose-words-15.6.0....'s user avatar
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How to use GroupDocs Viewer for .NET in an ASP.NET MVC Project?

I get install GroupDocs Viewer in my project. and in global Groupdocs.Web.UI.Viewer.InitRoutes(); Groupdocs.Web.UI.Viewer.SetRootStoragePath(Server.MapPath("~/DietTemplate/")); and in controller ...
ar.gorgin's user avatar
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