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Using SDL2 with the DRM of the Linux kernel

I'm currently writing a minimal Linux distro for personal use with the Linux kernel and BusyBox. I use QEMU for debugging and no fancy build system like CMake, just basic shell scripts. When the I ...
Gkcrafting's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get Linux based system in QT5?

I am developing an application on qt5 using C++ which will support all popular distros, for this currently I am using QSysInfo qDebug() << "currentCpuArchitecture():" << ...
Shahzain ali's user avatar
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2 answers

How to access Linux's downloads folder using python?

In ubuntu the downloads folder is located in home\ubuntu\Downloads, but I don't know if different distros have the same "style" (eg. home\arch\Downloads). Is there a "universal path&...
wateroverdose's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best linux distro to use - if the ultimate target is AWS

I'm doing a pilot project to port a bunch of AIX apps over to linux - with the ultimate goal of deploying the results on AWS. For now, I'm just messing with it on my Kubuntu 18.04 desktop system - ...
littlenoodles's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distro'

I am trying to install a library ( . I am running a script for installation( I am using python version 3.6+ I tried pip install distro. Still it's ...
Shivam Kumar's user avatar
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0 answers

Ubuntu distro always start in setup mode

We have our own distribution of Linux based on Ubuntu Server 18.04 with a lot of customizations. We have a .sh for generating the ISO. Everything works good. What we want is that ISO to start always ...
Jaime's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing distro to compute engine

I want to import Linufix to the compute engine. Anyone knows the steps to import a distro from the ISO image file? Will it give me X window access to load the GUI from remote or just an ssh console? ...
Reza's user avatar
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0 answers

Simple and quick oozie installation steps on unix

I am trying to install ozzie on my Unix machine, however i am getting error while executing the distro file. I have tried making changes into pom.xml of oozie, but that also did not worked. I hvae ...
Mohit Rane's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I build a Linux distro? [closed]

Disclaimer: This is my first time delving into the embedded Linux world (Ubuntu and Debian), despite being a Linux user for some time and having used distros such as Raspbian, Armstrong(beaglebone)...
morcillo's user avatar
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0 answers

lvmetad is not up in systemd even though enabled in lvm.conf file(use_lvmetad=1). lvmetad is not coming up by default

Trying to bring up system with systemd. If I start lvm2 manually it comes up, but not coming up by default at booting time. If not enabled manually getting warning "/var/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: ...
Shail Gautam's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

which is lightest linux distro to install utility softwares in vm environment?

My application is running on ubuntu 14.04 vms. And it is decided that we install utility software like security Gateway , imq on individual vms. I think it is overkill to run a security gateway on ...
inlineMacro's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Build failure Oozie distro creation failed

/mkdistro -DskipTests -Dhadoopversion=2.6.0 to build oozie distro and I am getting the following error. Please help. BUILD FAILURE [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------...
Kms's user avatar
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5 answers

Which is the lightweight linux for virtualbox?

I am completely new to Linux and I want to download and practice linux commands without letting go of my windows pc. I have a Dell Inspiron with 500 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB RAM and Pentium CPU B980 (2.4 ...
ThisSiteSucks's user avatar
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How do I make a linux image which is of my current system?

I want a really minimalistic version of linux to run on my raspberry pi. I need nothing on it apart form the tools to make it work. I can then install the things I need such as python, nano, ssh etc. ...
cross's user avatar
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Apache Oozie 3.3.2 Build error | Plugin resolution exception

I have been trying to install Oozie with Apache Hadoop version 1.2.1 on Centos 6.4 Maven 3.2.1 has been installed. While trying to build a distribution with the below command, I got the following ...
Balaji V's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Compiling Qt5 project without QT Creator

We have built a large-ish program using QT Creator 5 on Fedora (easy install). We now have to compile for older distro's including RH5 and RH6. I realize that QT Creator doesn't support the older ...
TSG's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Will Linux programs\games from one distro run on another Linux distro? [closed]

I know there may be issues with libraries from one OS not being available for another, like say Android and Ubuntu, but can programs from one or the other OS run on the other without recompiling? If ...
Jim Kieger's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing the default directory structure

If I start a new distro (e.g. LFS): How can I change the directory structure? What should I expect after it's ready? (probably can't install most of the packages without modification, right? But, ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Launching a program straight from OS

I am developing a program similar to xbmc but only for movies. I was wondering if there is any very simple operating system that will basically just boot and run the program I am developing? Similar ...
user1585542's user avatar
1 vote
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Linux Mint make Kohana's logs and cache writable

I can't properly install kohana on my mint distro, because the cache and logs aren't writable. I've tried chmod 777 cache and same for logs, but it just won't change. chmod a+w didn't help either. ...
RnD's user avatar
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Which distro to use for learning linux(job perspective)? [closed]

Which distro to use for learning linux(from job perspective). Which distro is used by most software companies? I was wondering about whether to go for RHEL or Ubuntu or any other. What would be the ...
kunal18's user avatar
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12 votes
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Multiple package manager [closed]

Is there a pitfall of using multiple package managers? Could I use Redhat's yum with Debian's aptitude at the same time? I came across this article and this infographic - I was inclined to choose ...
Lord Loh.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Web Browser Boot-Only Operating System

Is it possible to create an operating system that loads a web browser without menu bars, tabs etc. and that is all it loads. I do not mean like Chrome OS but I mean all it loads is a html page which ...
Xplane's user avatar
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3 answers

programming my own kernel

I need some directions to start learning about programming my own operating system kernel. Just for educational purpouses. How can I write my own Kernel?
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Creating software for Linux with Qt: distros, desktop environments and other decisions

I want to start working on a personal project and I want to make it cross-platform. All of my Linux work was done for business customers, so the target distro was specified in advance, but this is ...
rpg's user avatar
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3 answers

Setting up Environment for Buffer Overflow Learning

I am currently reading several security books(my passion) regarding secure programming, however either the distro's they provide on disc are faulty, or non-existent. Books:Hacking The art of ...
theraven's user avatar
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5 answers

What is a good live-cd distribution that could be used as the base for my linux program?

There is an upcoming programming challenge (forensics challenge) that asks the entrants to write a program that runs on a bootable cd that helps format attached media to that computer. I'm ...
KingNestor's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to create your own linux distro? [closed]

Is there any resource or book for creating own linux distro.Only good resource i found is this And also what specialities need to start project like this?
Burak Dede's user avatar
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4 answers

LAMP setup on elderly hardware?

My former roommate agreed to host my web site for a while on his server while I got situated at my new apartment with my wife (also new). He is looking to move soon and wants to retire his web server,...
Matt Poush's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Which distro is best for hosting LAMP + memcache? (answer gets a Linode or Slicehost referral)

Despite having very little Linux experience, I'm too enticed by VPS (and too sick of cPanel/shared hosting crap) to not give it a try. I'm a smart kid and pick up things pretty quick. I took a ...
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5 votes
7 answers

Best/Easy way to set up a quick booting Linux

Hopefully this still falls within StackOverflow's umbrella! I'm looking to create a quick boot linux laptop for my wife. All it really needs is to be able to do is browse the internet (with flash and ...
Brent's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Does every Linux distro ship with gcc/g++ 4.* these days?

I'm considering dumping boost as a dependency... atm the only thing that I really need is shared_ptr<>, and I can get that from std::tr1, available in gcc suite 4.*
17 votes
19 answers

Linux distros for Java Development [closed]

Simply, are there any Java Developer specific Linux distros?
Ande Turner's user avatar
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