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Trading veiw Lightweight graph set timescale at one hour

I am currently using lightweight chart for my candlestick graph but i am facing an issue . How can i set my data in candle stick. My data. "data": [ { "open": "1.18384&...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Lightweight python to execuable?

I have been using pyinstaller as my method of turning a python file into an executable. However, the executable's size is over 6mb for even a small application such as printing "hello world" ...
Andy_ye's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Access WebMail(i.e:"") Emails Over Basic HTML Version WebSite From Basic/TB WebBrowser [closed]

QUESTION(s) : (1) How can users or I have direct-access (aka: view, send, receive, etc capabilities) for  web-emails/web-mails (i.e:"") , from  simple/basic/lightweight/mobile  web-...
atErik's user avatar
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Extended events capture bare minimum events for better performance

We are having legacy application, where there are so many users connecting to our legacy system. We know about our jobs and our DB maintenance activities. But, we see so many different users also ...
Venkataraman R's user avatar
4 votes
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Convert webm to mp3 using python?

Yes I know that this has been asked many many times, but the libraries on every single answer just ends up needing ffmepg. The problem with that is that the file size increases dramatically when I ...
Andy_ye's user avatar
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0 answers

how to run LightWeight parallel java JAR file in linux

i need to run a program called Node that will run the the same program with different parameters. This has to be done in school linux machine so it does not have enough memory space. So the professor ...
mama's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What differ CoAP and LwM2M?

I study about IoT protocol CoAP, MQTT, LwM2M. I was able to know a little about CoAP and MQTT. But I do not know what LwM2M is. I do not know what's different from CoAP. I just thought that LwM2M ...
NWOWN's user avatar
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1 answer

Does TLS support lightweight cryptography defined by IOS/IEC 29192 standard?

does TLS support any of the lightweight cryptographic primitives defined in IOS/IEC 29192? like Clefia, Present or any others?
Serhat's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to update my DBModel with lightweight migration but nothing happens

So the categories from my db model got updated ( before there was like 4 now they are 7) and I want to update the core data as well with the new objects. I tried to apply this : https://developer....
Mohamed Lee's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Lightweight Rendering Pipeline error

I downloaded the lightweight rendering pipeline using Unity's package manager, but I cannot create a lightweight pipeline asset. When I try to create the asset, the console throws me: Invalid ...
Benjamin Ciccarelli's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Code=134110 - Validation error missing attribute values on mandatory destination attribute

Context: app using CoreData some lightweight migration successfully performed in the past (reached the 4th iteration of the model version) client wants a new feature created a 5th model version ...
Florin Odagiu's user avatar
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How to kill Java LWP (Light weight process) Linux

Is there any way to kill LWP. I have a web application and two LWP and running continuously from last 16 hours. And those process consuming lots of core because of that cpu consumption gone 100%. I ...
ROHIT's user avatar
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Erlang - map each "erlang process" to new kernel thread

I am studying an erlang based system, and trying to analyze the sequence of events that take place in the system. Is there a way to force erlang run-time or the elang vm to create a new kernel thread, ...
mac93's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Strange behavior of clone

This is fairly simple application which creates a lightweight process (thread) with clone() call. #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <sched.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #...
lstipakov's user avatar
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Light/Easy weight font for slow internet connection CSS

Could you advise me which font I should use in CSS file if we guess that user would have a slow internet connection to my site ? I've connected local file of font: @font-face { font-family: '...
Artfaith's user avatar
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5 answers

Which is the lightweight linux for virtualbox?

I am completely new to Linux and I want to download and practice linux commands without letting go of my windows pc. I have a Dell Inspiron with 500 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB RAM and Pentium CPU B980 (2.4 ...
ThisSiteSucks's user avatar
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Lightweight Process Stack Allocation

Linux lightweight processes share the same memory descriptor as referred here. This includes all the segments including text, data, heap, stack. I wanted to how this shared stack segment is managed ...
jada12276's user avatar
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Cassandra: Providing atomicity and preventing "dirty reads" at the same time

I need to atomically insert multiple rows in a Cassandra table that have different partition keys. At the same time, I need to make sure for each query that the state of data user is updating/...
Ilia Abashin's user avatar
14 votes
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What does BEAM stand for in iex for the Elixir programming language?

What do the letters B. E. A. and M. stand for? I recall seeing an explanation of the acronym "BEAM", but I have not managed to find it again. It comes up in error codes: ➜ gentoo iex Erlang/OTP ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
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Confused about using buffers in C

For my assignment, I have to solve a simplified Conway's problem using lightweight processes and constant size buffers. The program reads a stream of characters, packages the stream into 10-character ...
kemotoe's user avatar
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Can't multithread but works with a for loop or single thread

I'm trying to get multiple threads to perform parallel calculations on a 2D array. The user specifies how many threads they want so on a 25*25 2d array if the user wants 5 threads then each thread ...
MikeC's user avatar
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15 votes
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threads and LWP in Linux

Is this sentence correct: "All threads in Linux are LWP but not all LWP are threads". Actually, I try to understand thread realisation in Linux. pthread_create call clone syscall, but in man clone, I ...
user275402's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does LLVM provide any facilities for implementing "green threads"/lightweight processes?

I am looking into designing a concurrent language with support for lightweight processes ("green threads") in the vein of Erlang using LLVM as a native code generator. Lightweight processes are ...
Ricky Stewart's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Python generator function/object naming convention

I have a few logical processes implemented in the same class. A class instance get a generator for each process, and run() advances said generators. In my case generators don't end. How would you ...
Dima Tisnek's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are threads referred to as light weight processes? [duplicate]

While going through most java tutorials, they mention threads as light weight process. I know what's happening in thread creation, but I didn't get the definition of thread. In stackoverflow most of ...
Maduri's user avatar
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In a many-to-one threading model, when does the mapping actually start?

From my understanding on the many-to-one model, all user threads are bound to a LWP which is then bound to a kernel thread. The threading library is responsible for scheduling the threads onto the LWP ...
ccnaflic's user avatar
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Why two threads in NPTL have different pid in Ubuntu12.04

I tested some code in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server x64(3.2 kernel), which I think is using NPTL. when I run $ getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION I get NPTL 2.15 The following is the test code. I compiled ...
Chen Kaien's user avatar
32 votes
8 answers

What is the difference between lightweight process and thread?

I found an answer to the question here. But I don't understand some ideas in the answer. For instance, lightweight process is said to share its logical address space with other processes. What does it ...
Allok's user avatar
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2 answers

How are light weight threads scheduled by the linux kernel on a multichip multicore SMP system?

I am running a parallel algorithm using light threads and I am wondering how are these assigned to different cores when the system provides several cores and several chips. Are threads assigned to a ...
rreyes1979's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

Haskell lightweight threads overhead and use on multicores

I've been reading the "Real World Haskell" book, the chapter on concurrency and parallelism. My question is as follows: Since Haskell threads are really just multiple "virtual" threads inside one "...
user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Erlang-style light-weight processes in .NET

Is there any way to implement Erlang-style light-weight processes in .NET? I found some projects that implement Erlang messaging model (actors model). For example, Axum. But I found nothing about ...
alexey's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between "green threads" and Erlang's processes?

After reading about Erlang's lighweight processes I was pretty much sure that they were "green threads". Until I read that there are differences between green threads and Erlang's processes. But I don'...
Daniel Rikowski's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What other systems beside Erlang are based on "Green Processes"?

I was reading this informative page on Green Thread (Wikipedia) and I wonder: what other programming systems rely on "green processes" beside Erlang? Edit: " Green Thread != Green Process " Green ...
jldupont's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

How, if at all, do Erlang Processes map to Kernel Threads?

Erlang is known for being able to support MANY lightweight processes; it can do this because these are not processes in the traditional sense, or even threads like in P-threads, but threads entirely ...
Rob Lachlan's user avatar
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