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Error while using stored procedure in distributed transaction

I am not good at databases and SQL and have not worked on complex tasks. I will try to explain as best as I can. Thanks for your help. We are performing proof-of-concept (POC) and we are facing some ...
Rushikesh Yadav's user avatar
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Oracle Flashback queries for massively-parallel scanning of a large distributed table

I'd like to perform a massive parallel scanning of a large table in a clustered Oracle database setup (with a master node and several replicas). All client transactions that read from the table need ...
Vitaly Isaev's user avatar
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How to achieve distributed transaction consistency in a microservices architecture without using 2PC?

In a microservice architecture, each service typically manages its own database and executes operations independently. However, when dealing with business processes that span multiple microservices, ...
Dustin Lee's user avatar
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Does Oracle JDBC Driver support Jakarta XA Transactions?

Is there a version of Oracle JDBC driver that supports Jakarta transactions (using the jakarta.transaction package rather than javax.transaction)? I'm trying to build an XA, 2 Phase Commit solution ...
Michael C's user avatar
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Why is read repair not sufficient in making dynamo-style database linearizable?

I am reading DDIA. It says "possible to make Dynamo-style quorums linearizable at the cost of reduced performance: a reader must perform read repair (see “Read repair and antientropy” on page 178)...
Zack Light's user avatar
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Handling custom transaction failures

I have a use case where to mark a create entity operation as successful in my service, I have to write some metadata to DataBase 1 (my service has direct access to DB), internally call another api of ...
do5's user avatar
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Transaction flow for distributed transaction in Spring Batch

I am relatively new to spring batch. I have a spring batch which fetch's an event from oracle DB and perform business validations and updates business tables for example - generates new entries in ...
Arjun Aujla's user avatar
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Avoiding distributed transactions from UI

The meat and potatoes of how our website works is that users create an "Activity" when they receive a call from a patient. An activity is essentially documenting what the patient is calling ...
Logan Cooper's user avatar
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Oracle XA support - ORA-17023: Unsupported feature

I am trying to both administer 2 Oracle 21c databases and write a Java app that uses XA transactions against them. I've never administered XA support on databases and have had a hard time finding ...
Michael C's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 6 and EF Core - distributed transaction

We have upgraded recently from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET 6.0 and we encounter several issues. One of them is related to using System.Transaction which somehow is being upgraded to distributed transaction ...
herme 0's user avatar
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Update trigger for SQL Server linked server

Update trigger doesn't work while using SQL Server linked server. I created a linked server on my local SQL Server. I can query this linked server (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT etc.) from my local machine. ...
Farhad Aliyev's user avatar
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I have a deadlock on a distributed transaction in a .NET 8 environment, but I don't understand how to resolve it

I have created a console application using the .Net 8 environment and there is this code in Program.cs: TransactionManager.ImplicitDistributedTransactions = true; var transactionOptions = new ...
Maksim Perevoshchikov's user avatar
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Distributed Transaction Handling on single Database (SpringBoot, JMS, JPA)

I have a setup which I can scale by adding nodes listening to a JMS Queue. All resources (nodes) write into the same database and work together on one or many "Jobs" in parallel. Job A -->...
jhemm's user avatar
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Java spring boot 2PC protocol implementation

In my new microservices arch we are planning to 2PC protocol to handle distributed TX mgmt as we are using Oracle shared DB. I am unable to find any right implementation over the web. Is there any ...
CodingBee's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 with Atomikos

Spring Boot 3 doesn't support Atomikos. Support for the following dependencies has been removed in Spring Boot 3.0: ...
simyaci's user avatar
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Configure conditioned replication between databases in a single instance of Cloud Spanner

im working on a school project about replication in databases. I created a cloud spanner instance with 5 databases. The "main" database is named electores_nac and i want to replicate only ...
André Gelabert's user avatar
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TransactionScope in Azure SQL Database with primary and failover database server

Am creating some utility tool with c# code for DBA(run Background job to get some metrics), for that am using failover database server(dbserver-fa) for read data and primary server(dbserver) for write ...
Kalaivanan2k4's user avatar
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How do distributed locks work in Spring Data JPA repository level?

Let's imagine we have an application that has 3 instances and 1 DB (there might be more synchronized DBs) and we have a withdraw method that basically selects the account from account table with @...
Aksoy's user avatar
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Mismatched number of SQL Server Transactions in LinkedServer

I have a linked Server connected from ServerA to ServerB. In each server there is an SP that initiates a transaction and it is necessary for one ServerA.SP to be executed within ServerB.SP. My problem ...
Moises Hernandez's user avatar
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Running two JDBC transactions for different databases - will it work?

I want to make transactional update in two databases. Given I have following pseudocode: try { Connection conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://HOST1", "postgres1&...
MiamiBeach's user avatar
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How to replace atomikos in distributed transaction in spring boot 3

I try to follow migration guide when atomikos was removed in spring boot 3: but I can no see information about it. ...
hudi's user avatar
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Multi-master data replication across different AWS regions

We need to synchronize data stored in different AWS regions that may reside on different databases(MySQL, Postgres, DynamoDB etc.). For example, we may have a user that has a profile in both us-east-1 ...
Meghan's user avatar
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CQRS Inventory management how to manage eventual consistency when getting stock balance from read store?

How can I manage eventual consistency when getting stock balance (or like bank account balance) from read database when implementing CQRS? I dont want to playback events as I believe it will be a ...
AKBK's user avatar
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is there any way to use Rollback the DB operations performed by set of consecutive API's network calls to Help Automation

is there any way to use Rollback the DB operations performed by set of consecutive API's network calls to Help Automation For instance if i have a test script to test my application so my test script ...
ksk's user avatar
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AWS QLDB multi region support

I am working on QLDB from last 3 months on a single region using it as a leisure database. Now, business wants to move applications in multi-region support. I found many of the AWS services support ...
bakshay's user avatar
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How to rollback all the insert and update that are done in different tables from different function calls that are called through the single api

I am calling an API to save the production data, I need to save various details like batch no, machine no, and process in different database Class ProductionImpl{ public Long saveProduction(...
YJ_'s user avatar
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Applying SAGA pattern in situations where immediate feedback to user is required

Imagine there is an app where a user has a wallet which they can top it up with cash, cash it out or make purchases from an external system, when the user creates a new purchase order, we first deduct ...
MistaOS's user avatar
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5 answers

.NET 7 Distributed Transactions issues

I am developing small POC application to test .NET7 support for distributed transactions since this is pretty important aspect in our workflow. So far I've been unable to make it work and I'm not sure ...
Bola's user avatar
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How to handle in Saga pattern implemented with execution coordinator, if a service completes its transaction, but does notify the next service

Consider order processing which consists of multiple micro-services each for: Create order. Make payment. Update inventory. Deliver order. Let say saga execution coordinator is used to implement ...
ankit's user avatar
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Narayana Transaction Manager configuration - Not rolling back

I am trying to configure the narayana transaction manager with camel and spring. I have created two data source objects and inserting two records in to two different databases. I am throwing error ...
chandrahas g's user avatar
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Strict serializability example clarification?

I am trying to learn the different consistency models and I ran into these slides. However, I can't interpret the slide below on strict serializability which slide 4 of the slides says that a read ...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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MSDTC over network does not work in Azure Pipeline Microsoft hosted agents

I have the following scenario. I am running a pipeline in Microsoft Hosted agent windows-2022. In the pipeline process, I run a sql server container, which serves as my database server. My application ...
Manas's user avatar
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Does MassTransit Transactional Outbox Work with Multi Bus scenarios

There is a situation that I have separate CommandBus and EventBus, I have a consumer that listens to the commands in the command bus and after the operation is handled it publishes related events to ...
Saeed Ganji's user avatar
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Atomikos transaction timeout when insert into huge table

I'm using atomikos to handle global transaction between 2 different databases. I ran before with more than 1 billion records and this problem just appeared couple days ago. I guess the reason is my ...
leetrinh's user avatar
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Tracing using Correlation-ID/etc when one service A makes multiple calls to service B

If a user calls service A, and service A then calls service B, tracing is simple using the correlation ID. Now if service A calls service B multiple times, the same correlationID gets used for each of ...
Jerald Baker's user avatar
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Atomikos - Working with two databases and single repository

I'm playing around with Atomikos. Using this as a starting point: In ...
Haris Hajdarevic's user avatar
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Is Distributed transaction still not support is efcore and .Net6

Dears, I am going to use multiple databases in my application but as you know, distributed transactions is not supported in efcore yet. So is there any work around to save multiple transactions across ...
Alaa Adel's user avatar
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How to save result of executing command in link server

I need to execute same command in different server using linked-server. INSERT #Result EXEC ('command') AT @linked_server Because Insert statement opens an Implicit transaction and I can not enable ...
Meyssam Toluie's user avatar
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Spring boot "no transaction is in progress" with 2 datasources

I have two databases and i'm trying to save some records to both of them inside a service method. This gives me the error: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: no transaction is ...
InspectorGadget's user avatar
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How to correctly mix JTA and JPA transaction in Spring application

My Spring application was using JPA transaction manager but for some situations I would like to use JTA transaction manager. Therefore I updated Spring config to something like that: <beans> &...
Radu Dumbrăveanu's user avatar
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Read uncommited data using transaction id in postgres after prepare transaction

I have a use case as below: Prepare a transaction and keep this transaction id. Do some operations in multiple sessions using the same transaction id. Do some operations in any external system. Do ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Number of Messages Per Transaction in Kafka

Are there guidelines on how many messages and/or partitions can be involved in a Kafka Producer Transaction before performance really starts to suffer? Obviously, the more partitions are involved, the ...
cmcnealy's user avatar
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Couchbase attempt context transaction not working as expected

When there are multiple requests for updating same document in a AttemptContext transaction block, data becomes inconsistent because of concurrent threads trying to update the document. Also a warning ...
Maninder Chhabra's user avatar
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Can Distributed SQL tools be applied as alternatives to 2 phase commit or sagas patterns for distributed transaction coordination?

I am currently reading the Microservices Patterns and it says there are mostly two approaches for distributed transactions: two phase commit (2PC) and sagas pattern. Also, I've heard about currently ...
Alexander Bashkirov's user avatar
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Problem with Queue browsing when upgrading from 5.15.14 to 5.16.2

Has anyone also noticed an issue with queue browsing with 5.16.2? It happens when using an XA connection and starting a session without a transaction context. This always worked fine but no longer ...
Ramden's user avatar
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Design / Implement Transactional Outbox pattern in schema isolated multitenant application

I have a multi-tenant application. The tenants data is isolated based on schema. I want to implement a transactional outbox pattern, where I want to store the events in a table (in same transaction)...
Kumar's user avatar
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Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems: Deadlock victim not recognised when using two different SQL-Server on different machines

I have a reproducible case where NO deadlock victim is detected. The configuration is as follows: Database 1 runs on SQL Server 1 on Machine 1 Database 2 runs on SQL Server 2 on Machine 2 The MSDTCs ...
Stefan Vettiger's user avatar
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How to rollback child transaction if any exception in parent transaction?

I have two transaction manager for two database. I need to persist same data into both databases. If one transaction failed, other one need rollback. I have done like below public interface ...
Sangeetharaj's user avatar
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Two Phase Commit vs Three Phase Commit

I am currently studying 2 phase and 3 phase commit. The 3PC protocol tries to eliminates the 2PC protocol’s system blocking problem by adding an extra phase, preCommit. As mentioned here According to ...
HKIT's user avatar
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what are the essential differences between SAGA and TCC for the distributed transaction problem?

I am reading the SAGA pattern to solve the distributed transaction problem. Although the names of the concepts in SAGA are different from those in TCC(try-commit-cancel), I don't find essential ...
maki's user avatar
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