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Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems: Deadlock victim not recognised when using two different SQL-Server on different machines

I have a reproducible case where NO deadlock victim is detected. The configuration is as follows: Database 1 runs on SQL Server 1 on Machine 1 Database 2 runs on SQL Server 2 on Machine 2 The MSDTCs ...
Stefan Vettiger's user avatar
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Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) not honoring timeout

A test method that is responsible for testing different SQL Server instances database combinations against each other for DTC support during startup of a windows server is shown below. However we want ...
crokusek's user avatar
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Is there any way to rollback transactions in SSIS for SQL Server 2012?

Cannot successfully execute an SSIS package with BEGIN TRAN functionality. I'm at a loss with an SSIS package I inherited. It contains: 1 Script Task 3 Execute SQL tasks 5 Data flow tasks (each ...
DB787's user avatar
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Reliability of distributed transcations

Can someone please explain to me how this works? what would happen if upon commiting, one of the participants of the distributed transaction loses it's connection? How would the other participants ...
Alex's user avatar
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MSDTC Error - Call to RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName failed. The partner does not support secure calls

I'm trying to get MSDTC and SQL Server to work together on Windows 10 Pro. I started the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service and it is using the Network Service account. Whenever I begin a ...
Warren Reed's user avatar
7 votes
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.NET TransactionScope and MSDTC

In my code there are transactions to handle: using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { repo1.SaveSomething(); repo2.SaveAnythingElse(); scope.Complete(); } Inside repo1 and repo2 functions ...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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Azure failed to marshal transaction into propagation token for elastic transaction (Works for MSDTC)

In windows azure we have hosted two webapi project as app service. We need to enable distributed transaction here. We initiate transaction inside one api. Then inside that transaction scope we ...
Anup's user avatar
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I am trying to set dataflow tasks in a sequence container from SourceDb(exists on my local machine) to TargetDb(exists on azure & can be accessible from SSMS). I am getting following error ...
Pavvy's user avatar
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Entity Framework struggling to recover after Distributed Transaction

Working on a WebApi project that's backed by mssql with EntityFramework, and also Oracle (12c) using oracle's ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection. We use autofac to inject an instance of our ...
JWrightII's user avatar
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Why is my MSDTC transaction not correctly rolling back on my localhost environment?

I am currently trying to write a simple C# application against SQL Server 2016 to use Microsoft Distributed Transactions (MSDTC). I am trying to get it working on my local machine (Windows 10 Pro) ...
Dangerous's user avatar
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The MSDTC transaction manager was unable to push the transaction using AmbientTransaction

I have a BizTalk solution that would call a stored procedure that will query and update table. Apparently I'm encountering this error each time I test my solution in a load balanced servers. The ...
Artline157's user avatar
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unwanted distributed transaction escalation while using two different providers

I am using entity provider & sqlclient provider targeting same sql server in a single transaction scope. I am getting below error: Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has ...
user1103378's user avatar
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The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025)

I'm using NServiceBus as a transport layer on a project. Currently both endpoints are on my local machine. I'm getting the follow exception :"The partner transaction manager has disabled its support ...
Hughie Coles's user avatar
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MSDTC error when running query in a transaction for a Linked SQL server

I have a linked SQL server (the two servers are on two separate continents and connected via VPN). When running the following sql, it returns the data without issue: Select TOP 1 * from [LinkedServer]...
ricky89's user avatar
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How to use MSDTC with the same netbios names?

I have a database storage in a windows server 2003 and multiple databases in different windows servers in different cities. I want to collect data from different servers in to my database storage. I ...
Raymond Morphy's user avatar
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Distributed Transaction with SQL Server and Websphere MQ

We have SQL server 2012 as the DB server and Websphere MQ on Redhat Linux as the MQ server. Our applications are on a Redhat Linux server and implemented in C++. We need distributed transaction ...
Yash's user avatar
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WCF Distributed Transaction Flow using normal return values

I have got a service that should use distributed transactions. [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = true)] public bool ServiceMethod(int parameterPlaceHolder)...
nvoigt's user avatar
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Msg 7391 The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider for linked server was unable to begin a distributed transaction

There is 3 Sql Server. Example Server A, Server B and Server C. -DTC is running in all the machine. -Local DTC Properties in all three machine: -Network DTC Access -Allow Inbound ...
DeepakMak's user avatar
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The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server was unable to begin a distributed transaction [duplicate]

I'm trying to run a distributed transaction from my machine (SQL Server 2012) to a client server (SQL Server 2008). I'm trying to run: begin distributed transaction select * from [].master....
Cameron Castillo's user avatar
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Using distributed transaction for a single wcf service method call

I implement a WCF payment service with methods like Deposit(amount) and Withdraw(amount). I want to garantee that payment transaction will not be performed if a service method call throws an exception ...
Nuf-Nuf's user avatar
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Distributed Transaction Coordinator - The underlying provider failed on Open

I have application A and application B, both on the same server. Application A is calling WCF service, located in application B using netmsmqbinding and a private queue. B's service method, which is ...
user3590123's user avatar
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Is it required to start MSDTC service on database server along with web server? Also should it be running on mirroring server too?

My project supports nested transactions and thus we have MSDTC service running on web server as well as on database server. The project is working fine. However, we have database mirroring established ...
Mahesh Padekar's user avatar
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.net ContextUtil TDC object

According to the following link: Is there a differences between the following options: Call only: ContextUtil....
Nati's user avatar
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Distributed Transcations, DTCPING, How to set NetBIOS

I'm the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator to write to two different databases on separate servers that are not on the same network. When I attempt to execute the code inside a C# ...
Adam Levitt's user avatar
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How does the MSDTC log file (MSDTC.LOG) work?

Recently I encountered an error : The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction It was mentioned in one of the replies in a forum , that one of ...
Vandesh's user avatar
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How to retrieve error code and message when distributed tx fails? (MS DTC)

We have got a stored procedure that starts a distributed transaction via a linked server with different MS SQL 2008 databases. We use SET XACT_ABORT ON; and also BEGIN TRY / CATCH blocks ...
spse's user avatar
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Distributed transaction in .NET program (MS-DTC config?!?) or rather in stored procedure via linked server?

We have two databases on different database servers (MS SQL Server 2008). We need to insert data in two tables, one on each of the two database servers, and it all needs to be within a transaction, ...
spse's user avatar
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MSDTC: TransactionManagerCommunicationException after changing IP address of MSSQL server

after we moved our Win2k8 MSSQL2008 server to different IP address, we have troubles running unit tests against database on that SQL server from out build agent. Everything worked before we moved the ...
Mikee's user avatar
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WCF MSMQ Duplicate Messages Received from Transactional Queue With Multiple Receivers

I am experiencing a problem where a message from a transactional MSMQ queue, in rare occasions, is received twice. Here is my setup (3 Windows 2008 R2 x64 Servers): MSMQ Server hosting private ...
Mas's user avatar
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InvalidOperation in NHibernate AbstractBatcher on DTC Transaction close

I'm working on an application that is multi-threaded and using NServiceBus and NHibernate with SQL Server 2008RC (using DTC). The process has one session factory. Each thread has it's own Session ...
PBe's user avatar
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SSIS DB2 and Distributed Transactions

I am using Microsoft OLEDB Provider for DB2 to connect to DB2 data base. I have a sequence container and two execute SQL tasks inside that. When I set the container transaction option to "Required", ...
sebastso's user avatar
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nhibernate and transactionscope transaction aborted spontaniously

I am working with Nhibernate and TransactionScope in a large application. The application is supposed to modify 3 databases and support a distribuited transaction across them. This is the code that I ...
Para's user avatar
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Can I run distributed transactions in ASP.NET in medium trust?

I was trying to determine the hardware and software requirements for developing an app and I was wondering if you can run a distributed transaction (through MSDTC) to two different SQL Server ...
Andrei Rînea's user avatar
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Inserting row from MSSQL to MySQL

I have set up a linked server with the MSDASQL provider in MSSQL to connect to a MySQL instance. I have installed and configured the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver connector. Everything seems to work fine to ...
ses011's user avatar
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Testing MSDTC between 2 machines

Is there a utility in which you can provide 2 machine names and determine whether or not they are configured properly to handle transactions back and forth? (If this is a better question for another ...
Brian David Berman's user avatar
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when exactly does the wcf autocomplete execute?

I would like to know if I have a WCF service that has a TransactionScopeRequired but I don't use a transactional binding... Is possible to return a message first and later the transaction could make ...
Pablo Castilla's user avatar
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Unable to begin a distributed transaction

I'm trying to run SQL against a linked server, but I get the errors below : BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Sessions OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
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Does ObjectContext.Connection.BeginTransaction() use MSDTC?

I want confirm if the Transaction that Entity Framework's ObjectContext.Connection.BeginTransaction() method returns uses the support of MSDTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator) or not? ...
Baig's user avatar
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(MSMQ) mqsvc.exe doesn't release memory

MSDN Thread Hi, all. First of all, please excuse any english language mistakes in the following description, because, I'm not a native speaker and well, I can't write it perfectly. I'm trying to ...
Vincent Mahay's user avatar
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Force MSDTC to orphan a SQLServer distributed transaction

When shutting down my project's WebSphere-based JavaEE application, distributed transactions are sometimes left alive in the SQLServer 2005 database. These retain their locks forever and must be ...
Synesso's user avatar
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WCF Custom Message Writing With Transaction Support

I'm using a custom message that inherits the System.Servicemodel.Channels.Message. My custom message get IEnumerable collection which pulled from a database. The WCF service is transactional (which is ...
Tamir's user avatar
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MSDTC attempts to enlist client machine in a distributed transaction

We're seeing the following intermittent warning logged by MSDTC: A caller has attempted to propagate a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC network DTC access is currently disabled on ...
Ken's user avatar
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Reliable test for MSDTC promoting transactions to distributed?

How can I reliably check that MSDTC has promoted a transaction to a distributed transaction? This is when using TransactionScope in .net. Currently a co-worker is testing this by shutting down the ...
Oded's user avatar
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Security risk of enabling MSDTC

MSDTC is disabled by default (windows 2003 - onwards) and I want to have it enabled for an application I'm developing that requires distributed transactions from .Net C#. I don't believe there are ...
AwkwardCoder's user avatar
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MSDTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) slow first-time startup

I've noticed that very simple distributed transactions take a good amount of time (3-4s) to complete on a first run. But if the same transaction scope is called again, it's much faster (30ms). It ...
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