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Correlate traces for spans sent within Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor() for Springboot micrometer 3.4

We have a Springboot 3.4 web service with micrometer The endpoint is straightforward, the controller accepts an object, and inside the object, there is a list of messages to be sent via kafka. The ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Propagate/continue the traces from a client sending traces via custom headers in Springboot 3.4

We have a Springboot 3.4 web service with micrometer, serving traffic for two clients. Client one, we are lucky, is also using Springboot 3+. Like magic, Springboot is able to "propagate", &...
PatPanda's user avatar
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How to send traces to Elastic Cloud APM using OpenTelemetry OTLP (without using the Collector) in nodejs

I am trying to send distributed traces to Elastic Cloud APM and because I want to be able to send traces originating from multiple services, I cannot use elastic-apm-node as it only supports only a ...
Va5ili5's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry: Span for Message Delivery Time Between two Services

I'm trying to trace an application based on the actor model (independent units communicating using messaging). Each actor is modeled as a service, and I'm sending the SpanContext with each message. I'...
raphaelhetzel's user avatar
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trace_id is not passed to worker threads using opentelmnetry with jaeger

I am trying to integrate my service with opentelmentry to trace the service flow . Tracing tool : Yaeger Note : I cannot go with javaagent becuase yaeger-exporter is not supoprted in latest version of ...
mpsimham's user avatar
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.NET Azure Function Kafka Propagator

I am using latest .NET 9 for Azure Function and want to use distributed tracing accorss different Kafka messages that are created by Azure Functions and are read by other Azure Functions. So far I am ...
user3079834's user avatar
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Sending traces from Sentry to Otel collector, instead of the other way around?

I have a classic Flask/jinja2 web app that does some processing on the backend from an API call. There is something weird going on, and I'd like to be able to trace the request from the frontend to ...
Matanya's user avatar
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Datadog ingest only 1% of span, DD_SPAN_SAMPLING_RULES is not working

I am developing a microservice using ASP.NET Core. We are using Datadog.Tracer library for distributed traces & span. Currenlty it is collecting all the spans and traces. I only want 1% of spans ...
Arjun Vachhani's user avatar
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How to extend micrometer observation context in Spring Boot

I have read the Spring blog post Observability with Spring Boot 3 and Micrometer manual. But the examples are too simple, showing how to start a new observation: ObservationRegistry registry = ...
banterCZ's user avatar
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Spring Boot sleuth generating trace and span id as same

I am facing an issue with the sleuth distributed tracing. I have two applications: Consumer app and provider app When sending request from consumer app to provider app the trace and span ids are same ...
user2060536's user avatar
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.NET OpenTelemetry Distributed Tracing

I want to use the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) for distributed tracing using Azure Functions that communicate with each other via Kafka messages. First I did Dependency Injection (DI) with ...
user3079834's user avatar
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Tracing data consumption

I need to implement distributed-tracing for our applications hosted on OpenShift. We have many projects, some with a user count < 100 and some > 1000 and greater. We do need to estimate how much ...
Andrej Flieger's user avatar
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New Trace and Span Generated even after using TraceId and SpanID from Remote Context

I am injecting the spanId and traceId flowing via HTTP header to to build a remote context and creating new Span, however the new span does not get the parent trace and span but created its own trace ...
Neil's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 open telemetry how does the trace id propagation takes place

I am trying to implement observations and monitoring in my local application. I have a question that how is the trace id propagated from one application to another application. specifically how or ...
cjava's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry Java Agent extension not loaded

I have created a simple, dummy OpenTelemetry Java Agent extension. It contains only one class and it looks like this: import; import io.opentelemetry.sdk....
Harold L. Brown's user avatar
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Springboot micrometer Opentelemetry

I am trying to enable opentelemetry in a Springboot service using the approach here:
sg2000's user avatar
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Error in OpenTelemetry With Istio: sending queue is full

I'm using OpenTelemetry as a tracing collector in istio, but after running OpenTelemetry Collector for a while, the logs for istio-ingressgateway and the logs for Sidecar (istio-proxy) in the Pod keep ...
Mike Wang's user avatar
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Receive logs, traces and metrics from the same receiver and forward them to different backends

I have deployed an open-telemetry collector in Kubernetes with the helm chart. It takes data from several services running a java agent that ships logs, metrics and traces in otlp format. I want to ...
barmanthewise's user avatar
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Retrieve HTTP requests statistics with Grafana / Prometheus / Tempo

I'm trying to monitor a java application deployed on several Kubernetes Deployments. So far I've managed to ship logs to Loki using Promtail Kubernetes metrics to Prometheus using the operator ...
barmanthewise's user avatar
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How to log traces in Opentelemetry Collector to stdout

we're using an OTel collector to funnel and sample traces from several microservices. We would like to log those traces (the actual trace) as single-line JSONs, crucially including attributes, to ...
LAP's user avatar
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Set custom trace ID with Spring Boot 3, Micrometer and OTEL

I have two proprietary microservices (A and B) and a third-party one (C), both consuming and producing Kafka events. A produces event1, and B consumes it. B processes event1 and eventually delegates ...
Adrian Azoitei's user avatar
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How to start new span inside RabbitMQ listener?

I am trying to find out ways to add tracing when RabbitMQ consumer consumes message from queue and starts processing. Here is the flow: Webhook data received -> gateway server -> inbox-service -&...
Shrey Soni's user avatar
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Springboot 3 + Apache kafka - baggage propagation problem (only kafka headers with all lowercase characters are propagated)

I'm encountering an issue with distributed tracing and baggage propagation in my Spring Boot application (version 3.2) utilizing the Actuator and Micrometer tracing with Brave. My use-case: We have 3 ...
kubbo's user avatar
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How should I forward trace headers in distributed tracing with istio in a micronaut application

Our k8s cluster has istio distributed tracing enabled, I'm trying to get the traces for my micronaut application. I can see in istio docs that we need to forward x3 headers and the x-request-id header ...
philD's user avatar
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Grouping multiple traces in OpenTelemetry

I have a request 'Get a list of books', the request contains a uniqueId, the API creates a new Trace using StartActivity. I have another request 'Buy book', the request contains the same uniqueId as '...
Lordofdissapointment's user avatar
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quarkus opentelemetry not propagating the traces to the smallrye-messaging consumer of another quarkus microserice

I have 2 quarkus applications, microserviceA, microservieB. having below dependency with other required dependencies in both the services, implementation 'io.quarkus:quarkus-smallrye-reactive-...
APK's user avatar
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Exporting OpenTelemetry data in node.js to OTLP endpoint AND to local console

I am super impressed by the OpenTelemetry project and would like to learn more about it and experiment with it. This is super flexible and I am not even locked in to a vendor. Currently I am working ...
DevInSpe's user avatar
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Node.js - AWS X-Ray and Elasticsearch Client, are these compatible?

Is it possible to instrument a node.js application with AWS X-ray SDK simply by using the client wrapper without having to use segments and subsegments? The app is sort of legacy and it is using @...
RaptorPete's user avatar
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How to configure Badger DB for Jaeger all-in-one deployment using config file on Windows server

I am trying to setup jaeger-all-in-one on one windows server [without Docker] with Badger DB for persistent storage to test it. Used the following config file to run the Jaeger by command jaeger-all-...
saravana's user avatar
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Trouble integrating Sentry distributed tracing in NestJS microservices

I'm encountering difficulty integrating Sentry distributed tracing into my NestJS microservices architecture. My setup involves a NestJS API gateway communicating with multiple Nest microservices (A, ...
chirag thapa's user avatar
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why OpenTelemetry is not creating an Activity?

below is my sample code to setup tracing using OpenTelemetry: public static class CustomTraces { public static readonly ActivitySource Default = new ActivitySource("Service"); } ...
user22155685's user avatar
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Setting localhost in otel endpoint throws error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.”

I am setting up self-managed grafana & Tempo in my windows server. Open telemetry collecotr agent is running on my application server and sending the trace data to this local Tempo service. But ...
saravana's user avatar
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Grafana dashboard for tempo trace explore shows "Error (Gateway timeout). Please check the server logs for more details"

I am setting up self-managed grafana in my windows server and running Tempo services. Open telemetry agent is running on my application server and sending the trace data to this local Tempo service. ...
saravana's user avatar
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how does the first Activity instance from Activity.Current get created in web api?

if I try to get the activity instance by calling Activity.Current in a console project, I get a null class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var activity = Activity.Current; ...
user22155685's user avatar
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why Activity.Id has two leading 0s and trailing 01?

using (Activity activity = source.StartActivity("demo")) { Console.WriteLine(activity?.Id); } the output is something like 00-bbd8c75b04cda7f7fe9ee03b54b2d7ba-72dc8c0dc24fc406-01 and it ...
user22155685's user avatar
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What instrumenting module name should I use with Opentelemetry tracer provider?

The documentation suggests: instrumenting_module_name (str) – The uniquely identifiable name for instrumentation scope, such as instrumentation library, package, module or class name. __name__ may ...
greatvovan's user avatar
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Recommended way to deploy Otel collector agent based on regions

We are using Open Telemetry SDK in our ASP.NET & WCF application [.NET Framework applications]. In my test server, run the Otel collector agent and configured to send traces to Grafana Cloud. The ...
saravana's user avatar
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Filtering Azure API Management Logs for Ingested Tracing in Dynatrace (2xx-4xx-5xx Response Code)

I'm successfully collecting ingested traces from my Azure API Management (APIM) using Application Insights and OpenTelemetry (OTLP) integration with Dynatrace SaaS. However, I'm unable to filter the ...
Sachin Som's user avatar
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Running OTEL agent as windows service is not working

Want to run Otel collecor agent as Windows services. So downloaded latest windows release package and run the following command to create service and start the service. > sc.exe create otelcol ...
saravana's user avatar
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Include metric source when streaming metrics from cloudwatch

I'm streaming metrics to honeycomb following this docs: When receiving metric, they don't seem to include they're source i.e. which ...
Omar Odaini's user avatar
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TraceId and Span are empty in async task logs

I have a REST endpoint in springboot which calls an external api async multiple using CompleteableFuture. The external api is called using resttemplate in Completeablefuture.supplyAsync(() => ...
Aditi's user avatar
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Does quarkus reactive sql client support tracing?

I was trying to enable jdbc tracing in my quarkus service. I had quarkus.datasource.jdbc.tracing=true in the property file, and implementation "io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-jdbc:0.2.15"...
GeauxEric's user avatar
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How to create a recording Span given a parent Span's traceId and spanId?

The data flow I am trying to instrument has a variety of in-band mechanisms for propagating context (SQS, Kinesis messages, entries written in a DB, etc.) In the process of manually instrumenting some ...
kenny_k's user avatar
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How to extract the zerolog event fields in the hook

I wrote a code for integrating Azure app insights with Zerolog, one thing I'm not sure about is how to get the event fields inside the hook function so I can publish the data fields into the Azure app ...
Hariharan Sivakumar's user avatar
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How do I use a tracer with Auto Configuration?

I am following the tutorial Manual instrumentation for OpenTelemetry Java, trying to make Auto Configuration to work. After a few tries I managed to see the metrics sent to an OTel Collector. ...
ganduser's user avatar
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How to implement distrbuted tracing in .net environment with opentelemetry?

I have applications: api api with mass transit consumer And configure tracing on each application with opentelemetry when I send request from first api to seconnd everything ...
Samat Yeshenkulov's user avatar
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Spring micrometer tracing not propagating x-correlation-id correctly

I have moved my applications to spring boot 3.1.5. I am using spring-boot-starter-actuator-3.1.5 which pulls in io.micrometer specific dependencies of version 1.11.5 I face the following issue while ...
sunny-java-dev's user avatar
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Manually setting a trace-id for 2 separate traces, results in no root span

I'm currently writing a python program that is generating some synthetic trace to replicate what we will have later in our distributed environment. The code generates the correct 2 traces, using the ...
J Ed's user avatar
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Possibility to "scrape" or "forward" traces (not logs, not metrics) for Spring Boot 3

I would like to find a way to scrape or forward the traces generated by Spring Boot 3 app. We have a Spring Boot 3 app that does not make outbound HTTP calls. The app only takes requests and saves ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Keep trace/span across CompletableFuture in Micrometer (micrometer-tracing-bridge-brave)

I am using Micrometer tracing library with Spring boot for distributed tracing. It works great with normal execution when we have execution in single threaded environment but when we use ...
Arvind Kumar's user avatar

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