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Update Pandas DataFrame slice row-wise using dictionary

Question I am trying to update the values in a pandas (version 2.2.3) dataframe by row (such that each row has the same values) using a dictionary with row indices as keys and row values as values. In ...
Ouroboroski's user avatar
-2 votes
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Arbitrary depth tree represented by a nested dictionary of lists to pandas DataFrame

I am trying to get a pandas dataframe from a nested dictionary that contains lists of children nodes. The depth and amount of nodes is completely uneven. Here I put an example of the dictionary that I ...
A2er's user avatar
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flatten dictionary with dataframe value to a dataframe

This encoding process will generate a mapping between each categorical value and its corresponding numeric value: import category_encoders as ce cols_a = ['group1', 'group2'] dfa = pd.DataFrame([['A1'...
user6703592's user avatar
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Store iteration result in dict

I have this code and I face a problem: # Prepare the DataFrame to store results columns_accuracy = [ 'method', 'accuracy_mohr_F1', 'accuracy_non_mohr_F1', 'accuracy_mohr_F1_total', '...
alirezausefi's user avatar
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Attempting to flatten a list of dictionaries to a Dataframe but can't get to the lowest level information with json-normalise [duplicate]

Below is the output of an API call - it is a dictionary which contains a list of dictionaries I'm interested in under 'response' I filter fixture_ids for 'response' because the rest is not useful ...
David27's user avatar
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Apply pandas dictionary with gt/lt conditions as keys

I have created the following pandas dataframe: ds = {'col1':[1,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8]} df = pd.DataFrame(data=ds) The dataframe looks like this: print(df) col1 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 ...
Giampaolo Levorato's user avatar
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Assign multi-index variable values based on the number of elements in a dataframe that match a selection criteria

I have a large csv dataset the looks like the following: id,x,y,z 34295,695.117,74.0177,70.6486 20915,800.784,98.5225,19.3014 30369,870.428,98.742,23.9953 48151,547.681,53.055,174.176 34026,1231.02,73....
Troy Rockwood's user avatar
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How to merge dictionary of dataframes and make key values a column in merged dataframe

I have a dictionary of about 600 dataframes for connectome metrics for those 600 participants. I'm making a dummy dictionary though for conciseness. The dataframes all have 1 row. Ignore the fact that ...
florence-y's user avatar
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transform an exploded data frame into a deeply nested dictionary, with headers

The function I am using to convert my data frame into a nested dictionary strips the column names from the hierarchy, making the dictionary diffictult to naviagte. I have a large dataframe that looks ...
nick_craft's user avatar
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4 answers

How to create a dictionary with distinct values from pandas dataframe?

I have a dataframe which looks like this: col_a col_b a 1 a 2 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 c 1 c 2 c 3 I want to create a dictionary which looks like this (distinct/unique value for every key): {a:1, b:...
frogseer's user avatar
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Pandas Map Dictionary with Multiple Values to Dataframe

I have the following dataframe: data = [['BALANCED', 'Corp EUR'], ['YIELD', 'Corp USD'], ['GROWTH', 'HG CHF']] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['STRATEGY', 'ASSET_CLASS'] df STRATEGY ...
Ben's user avatar
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Converting JSON list with multiple nested dictionaries to csv or excel

I have a JSON that I download from a website that has multiple nested dictionaries inside the main list. This is a very simplified version of it. [ { "id": 1, "...
TxHemi's user avatar
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Unpack values from column, which consist of list of dictionaries

I have dataframe, which looks like this: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({"item_id": [1, 2, 3], "item_properties":[ ...
Artem's user avatar
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find value in column, which contains list and take another value from next column and put it in first table to new column

I have two tables df1 = pd.DataFrame([{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, {'a': 8}]) df1['b'] = "" df2 = pd.DataFrame([{'e': [1,2,3], 'f': 1},{'e': [4,5,6], 'f': 2},{'e': [7,8,9], 'f': 3}]) e f I ...
Joe Dhirk's user avatar
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Can't access local dataframe from dictionary comprehension expression [duplicate]

I am using dictionary comprehension to compare each dataframe from within a dictionary to its corresponding dataframe in locals(). For some reason, I am getting a key error when accessing the locals()...
user2153235's user avatar
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Why does converting a nested python dictionary into a pandas dataframe result in "has no attribute 'items' error?

I have a nested dictionary stored in the variable nested_dict_variable. The dictionary is retrieved by using SPSS valueLabels Property (Python) type(nested_dict_variable) results in dict. print(...
xChillout's user avatar
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Creating a column based on column values and dictionaries using vectorization in pandas

I have three columns in a pandas dataframe A, B, and C. I also have 3 dictionaries, dict_A, dict_B, dict_C that have all values of A, B, and C as keys in each respective dataframe. I am trying to ...
nickbagley's user avatar
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Pandas Dataframe apply function multiple columns

product_code base_price promo_type q_bef q_aft 0 P11 190 50% OFF 34 52 1 P03 156 25% OFF 393 322 2 P07 300 ...
Sudha Rani Devarakonda's user avatar
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Fill Column Values using a dictionary and pattern matching

I am working on categorizing credit card transaction. Right now I am using a dictionary combined with as follows: def cat_mapper(frame, targ_col, cat_col): ...
canconfirm24's user avatar
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how to get list of values from nested panda dictionary and insert it in to a column [duplicate]

I have a nested dictionary which looks like following: {'NSE_FO:NIFTY28DEC21000CE': {'ohlc': None, 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 1, 'price': 3.0, '...
mona's user avatar
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3 answers

CSV data format to nested dictionary

I have below csv format. I want it to convert some nested dict. name,columns,tests ABC_ESTIMATE_REFINED,cntquota,dbt_expectations.expect_column_to_exist ABC_ESTIMATE_REFINED,cntquota,not_null ...
snowflake_user's user avatar
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How to get the values of a dictionary type from a parquet file using pyarrow?

I have a parquet file which I am reading with pyarrow. In [83]: pq.read_schema('dummy_file.parquet').field('dummy_column').type Out[83]: DictionaryType(dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ...
In78's user avatar
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converting a dataframe to dictionary in python?

I have a dataframe like below: id|title|url|timed 2|xyz||2024-02-01T00:00:00Z| 3|ghy|NaN|2024-03-05T00:00:00Z| 4|None|NaN|2024-04-05T00:00:00Z| 56|ghy||2024-05-05T00:00:00Z| ...
emiley mille's user avatar
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Convert a dataframe with lists to a dictionary [duplicate]

I have a dataframe that contains a identifier and list in each cell. The idea is to create a dictionary in which the keys are the identifiers and the values are a list with the elements that appears ...
Fernando Quintino's user avatar
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Unordered txt file contents: How to design in proper dictionary

I have txt file and it's contents are unordered like below sample. I must select first row because it has train run exact time. my txt file has couple of summary 1, 2 and so on. hence, keys are same ...
eric's user avatar
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How to merge dictionaries contained in a Pandas dataframe as a groupby operation

Let us consider a pandas dataframe df containing dictionaries in one of its columns (column mydict): mystring mydict 0 a {'key1': 'value1'} 1 a {'key2': 'value2'...
Sheldon's user avatar
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Iteratively source a value from a dictionary

I have a data set where I know a limited number of values and based on other values in a data set I can figure out what the subsequent values are. I could do this with a huge if function, but I know ...
James Oliver's user avatar
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Dyamically Update Column in Python DataFrame using substrings

Lets say I have a data frame lets call it A Key_Word Code Market A1 Theater A2 And I have another Data Frame lets call it B Sentence Components_from_A John went to the theater Mary went to the ...
Thomas Short's user avatar
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Is there a parameter problem, or not working with this method?

I wanted to predict the disease type using a function with a given string parameter. The parameter can contain more than one string. But it always gives an error message: KeyError: 'skin_rash' This is ...
crm revesz's user avatar
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How do I create a multi-indexed DataFrame from a double-nested dictionary?

I am trying to create a pandas multi-indexed DataFrame from a double-nested dictionary but am quite stumped as to how to do this. As some background I have scraped some data from a website and put it ...
InvestingScientist's user avatar
4 votes
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Python: MultiIndex Dataframe to json-like list of dictionaries

I want to store this data frame df = pd.DataFrame({ 'id':[1,1,2,2], 'gender':["m","m","f","f"], 'val1':[1,2,5,6], ...
HOSS_JFL's user avatar
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Creating a dataframe from a column

I have a dataframe df which has a column prediction in it. The column prediction has values which are list of dictionaries. A typical row of the column prediction looks like this : [{'answer': 'My ...
d_b's user avatar
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Pandas Map Multiple Columns With A Filter

I have a dataframe like so (simplified for this example) Site LocationName Resource# 01 Test Name 5 01 Testing 6 02 California ...
Bijan's user avatar
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Creating Pandas Series from Dictionary

I'm going through the Python Data Science Handbook to learn about the Pandas library. The book says, and also shows an example, that when a Series is created from a dictionary, the index defaults to ...
tara's user avatar
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converting a dictionary of nested lists into a row in a data frame

I have some data (shown below), which is a dictionary of nested lists of dictionaries. I want to make the whole dictionary into one row. A very wide row. At present I can get my desired result. It is ...
Lavacave's user avatar
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Use json_normalize with extraneous dictionary layer with single key?

I have automated identification system (AIS) data as nested dictionaries in a pandas dataframe. Here is an example: dfAIS Out[18]: Message ... ...
user2153235's user avatar
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How to create a dataframe of counter.keys and counter.values

I want to create a dataframe from 1 column that contains 1 of each variable in one column and the count in another. This is what i have tried, i know zipping a and b is useless because its already a ...
Daisy's user avatar
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How to parse nested dictionaries into Pandas DataFrame

I have a pretty crazy dictionary that I'm trying to parse out into a pandas dataframe. Here is a smaller version of what the dictionary looks like: import datetime from decimal import * test_dict = [...
user2813606's user avatar
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Row bind multiple data frames in dictionary using dict.keys() as column 1 of output pd.df

i found a way to concatenate my pandas data frames in a dictionary. Que; how can i use the dictionary keys as first column in the final dataframe? i tried but thar didn't work pd.concat(test_list....
sahuno's user avatar
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python dict is giving key error even if initialized with some values

data={} vega={} for coin in ['BTC']: vega[coin] = {} data[coin] = {} data[coin]['columns']=['27-Apr-24', '28-Apr-24', '29-Apr-24', '03-May-24', '10-May-24', '17-May-24', '31-May-24'] ...
Madan Raj's user avatar
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How to Explode the Key value pair of dictionary into multiple rows of dataframe in Python

I have a column in dataframe that contains value in the form of dictionary. Now I want to explode that into multiple rows of the dataframe? For example: This is my input dataframe I want something ...
Zikra Noman's user avatar
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Add column to existing dataframe based on condition to a few rows

table.loc[sub_table_condition, col_name] = value i want to extend this condition where my value is a list of dict, it can have 1 dict, multiple dict or empty list. i tried using table.loc[...
sameer's user avatar
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How to match pandas column of lists to a dictionary [duplicate]

I have survey results that have output numbers rather than the countries they correspond to. So I have a data frame like this: company geography ABC [1,3,5] DEF [8,9,12] I have created a dict like ...
ESL's user avatar
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How can i insert x dictionary in a DataFrame?

I have to insert a series of dictionaries into a dataframe that I generate via a for loop, I would like to make the keys of the dictionaries become the labels of the columns of the dataframe and ...
Michael Testini's user avatar
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Create Dict in Python from excel data

I want to create a dictionary from the values from excel cells. For example, the table is below: Column 1 Column 2 Column C3 a b c d e f and I want to create a dictionary, like below, that ...
yan's user avatar
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create columns dynamically depending on string structure in Python

To give background on my project, comparing two documents which has nested JSON structure using deepDiff in python. During comparison, if values of a field are changed, those are written to a ...
Kavya shree's user avatar
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Is there a function in pandas which lets you create columns for dictionary key + value pairs efficiently?

I have a list of form [[[key1,value1],[key2,value2],...,500],...,n] - aka L2 orderbook data with 500 levels. I want to translate this list into a dataframe, containing columns key_1,...,key_500 and ...
Dontwannausemynormalnick's user avatar
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Python - Converting Date:Price list to new rows

I am trying to convert the following column into new rows: Id Prices 001 ["March:59", "April:64", "May:62"] 002 ["Jan:55", ETC] to id date price 001 March ...
Itachi07's user avatar
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Converting a List of Dictionaries to Pandas Dataframe

I have this code: import urllib.request, json url = "" hdr ={ # Request headers 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Ocp-...
prashanth manohar's user avatar
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Concatenate the rows of each column being grouped by identify

Welcome Help. I would like to merge multiple rows of each ID of a dataframe into a single cell, Below is input format: I have the following list of columns and Dataframe in pandas respectively dict1 =...
kamel Derouiche's user avatar

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