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Pandas: Conditional partial replacing based on different columns using a dictionary

I'm not familiar with the use of dictionaries in Python in its entirety, but I believe they can come in quite handy for my issue. Say I have the following dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame({'NATIONALITY': {...
Ben's user avatar
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Pandas : retrieve mapping of pair of column values to replace value in 3rd one

I've been wasting a shit ton of time on this so here I go: my dataset from the terrorism data of University of Maryland, has some variables 3 of which are basically: country_name, region_name, ...
Zuko36's user avatar
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Mapping values with a condition, Pandas

State City 0 California 1 1 California 2 2 Lousiana 1 3 Virginia 2 dic = {1 : LA, 2 : SF} I am trying to map the dictionary I have on the table with the condition that ...
xtc_'s user avatar
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2 answers

Replace column values in python dataframe using dictionary based on condition

I have below dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': {0: '4', 1: '4', 2: '2'},'col2': {0: 'USA', 1: 'England', 2: 'Japan'}}) >>> df col1 col2 0 4 USA 1 4 England 2 2 ...
AB SEA's user avatar
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How to replace dataframe column values with dictionary list keys?

Supose I have a dictionary: dic = {'1' : ['A', 'B', 'C'], '2' : ['D', 'E'] , '3' : ['F']} and a data frame df = pd.DataFrame() df["ID"] = pd.Series(["A","B","C&...
joss's user avatar
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5 answers

Python: replace columns using dictionary

I have a DataFrame that looks like this: df: date price region currency 2022-01-01 1 NorthAmerica UnitedStatesDollar 2022-01-01 1.28 NorthAmerica CanadianDollar 2022-01-01 1.42 ...
MathMan 99's user avatar
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pandas: replace column value with keys and values in a dictionary of list values

I have a dataframe and a dictionary as follows (but much bigger), import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['can you open the door?','shall you write the address?']}) dic = {'Should': ['can','...
zara kolagar's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Using a dictionary that looks like {'x':'y'} to look for 'x' in column A, if found, replace it with value 'y' in column B [duplicate]

Here's my df: data = {'Country':['France', 'Spain', 'Japan', 'South Korea', 'South Africa', 'Egypt'], 'Region':['', 'Europe', '', 'Asia', '', 'Africa']} df = pd.DataFrame(data) I also have the ...
Vincent Tep's user avatar
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Map two dataframe base on a column and create a new column. Also match partial matching

I have two dataframe One with codes and values need to map to other dataframe B = pd.DataFrame({'Code': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'e','b','b','c'], 'Value': ["House with indoor pool&...
rra's user avatar
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1 answer

how to replace substring of column values with dictionary keys in pandas

I know I can replace column values with dictionary keys in pandas with dictionary={'A': 'Y'} df[col].replace(dictionary, inplace=True) but what if I have a column value "A;B" and I want to ...
Helena's user avatar
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Replace Pandas DataFrame column values based on containing dictionary keys

Here is an example, where column is assigned when the row is a dictionary key: What I am looking for is case, where column is assigned when the row ...
bakunet's user avatar
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pandas: replace with a dictionary does not work with string of sentences

I have a dataframe as follows: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'text':['Lary Page is visiting today',' His boss, Maria Jackson is here.']}) I have extracted the names in the list below. and ...
zara kolagar's user avatar
-2 votes
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DataFrame replace multiple keys in a column

Given 2 DataFrames : DF1 (a Serie) : Col_Name_1 [['A, B'] ['B'] ['A, C'] ['B, C']] DF2 : Col_Name_X, Col_Name_Y [['A', 'Paris'] ['B', 'London'] ['C', 'Mexico']] In DF1, I need to replace all values ...
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3 answers

Iterate over df and replace values with a dict

I have a similar situation as this example. I have a pandas dataframe with 5 rows and 5 columns. I have in this df only 0 and 1: And i have a dict that tell me that for example that the value in the ...
RandomX27's user avatar
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map replace between two dataframes python

I need to replace values of a column in a dataframe with values from another dataframe based on if condition. Here is sample example of my question: Let's say,I have two data frames like below. first -...
goals's user avatar
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Replace values in columns of dataframe based on dictionary not working [duplicate]

You can read the exact problem below, but this is essentially what I'm trying to do: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A':['A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3'], 'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3'], ...
JamesDockett's user avatar
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how to map and concat value two data frame python

one dataframe as first = pd.DataFrame({'Code': [1,2,3,4],'Value': ['Apple','Ornage','Bannana', 'Graps']}) and another data frame is second= pd.DataFrame({'Code': ['1','2','1','2,4','3'],'Product id': ...
Inder's user avatar
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1 answer

Replace values of a DataFrame with values of a dictionary

I have two DataFrames with many thousands of rows. The columns all have the dtype string. A snippet looks like this: DF1: ID SUCCESSOR 0 0001234 3620031 1 ...
Alfonso's user avatar
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Dictionary Unique Keys Rename and Replace

I have a dictionary format structure like this df = pd.DataFrame({'ID' : ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'CODES' : [{"1407273790":5,"1801032636":20,"1174813554":1,"1215470448":...
Santoo's user avatar
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2 answers

Pandas replace with dictionary doesn't work for CSV file

I want to replace abbreviations with full words in a single column in a csv file. The csv file has 2 columns (separated by a pipe symbol) with thousands of rows, no headers, looking like this: ...
MareikeP's user avatar
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python3 - apply a regex map to column

How to apply a regex to a data frame column? import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['negative', 'positive', 'neutral', 'neutral', 'positive']}) cdict = {'n.*': -1, 'p.*': 0} df['col2'] = df['...
lucky1928's user avatar
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Can't retrieve data from Pandas DF, can't replace values in column in Pandas DF

I'm working with I wrote this code: data = pd.read_csv('', sep = ";") data[data['salary'] == '>50K']['marital-...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

How to replace pd.Series list values with dictionary values

After stemming words with NLTK, got dictionary: > {'golden': 'gold', 'wonderfully': 'wonder', 'damaging': 'damag', > 'useless': 'use', 'toys': 'toy', 'ducks': 'duck'} So I want replace ...
unkind58's user avatar
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Python replace error: replace() argument 2 must be str, not Series

I want to update a string with html code. The string is something like this: textHTMLextract = 'Hello, my name is name1 name2' And I have a dataframe with variables like this: import pandas as pd ...
KrackenK's user avatar
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compare two columns and keep difference between strings

Before upgrading pandas from 0.25.1 to 1.1.3 , I was able to strip strings in a dataframe from this: +---+------------------+------------------+ | | strip_me | pattern | +---+-------...
pljvp's user avatar
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How to replace data in pandas by using values in dict?

I have a series which contains several numbers. I want to replace them to other string type data by using dictionary values. But I don't know how to do that... GDP_group['GdpForYearPer$1M'].head(5) 0 ...
Giseok Ryu's user avatar
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how to replace list of columns with condition on one col by dict\df

i like to change my the values in list of columns by condition on one col use dict\df i got df\dict the Something like this list_of_cols=["col1",.."col5"] df[list_of_cols]=where[df[...
matan's user avatar
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1 answer

map column according to nested dictionary accorging to second column

Using vectorization, I want to remap a column according to a nested dictionary depending on the value of a second column. In iteration logic, I would go through the rows; depending on the value in the ...
Ivo's user avatar
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Using a dictionary to replace strings not working

I am trying to use the following code to make replacements in a pandas dataframe however: replacerscompanya = {',':'','.':'','-':'','ltd':'limited','&':'and'} df1['CompanyA'] = df1['CompanyA']....
Manesh Halai's user avatar
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How to replace value in whole dataframe based on dictionary when part of string match?

Hi I have 2 dataframes where i have to use 1 dataframe to replace the value in other. I can normally create the dictionary to replace values in whole dataframe but I have a bit different value in ...
s_khan92's user avatar
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Issues replacing text in Pandas DataFrame where apostrophes appear

I'm using a Pandas DataFrame, which I have read in from Excel I and want to find and replace contractions in text (e.g. don't -> do not). The code I'm using works when replacing text which doesn't ...
PhilTD's user avatar
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2 answers

How to merge two dictionaries and replace values based on key?

dict1 = [{"names": 'john, will', "age": 2, "score": 4.1}{"names": 'tom, sam', "age": 3, "score": 6}] dict2 = {'john': '001','will': '002', 'tom': '003', 'sam': '004} dict1 is a nested dictionary in a ...
winnieeliz's user avatar
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Replace strings using a dictionary without deleting characters in a pandas dataframe

I have a kind of lookup problem where I have tried to use functions replace dict zip (see below) but that does not exactly produce my desired result because characters (underscores) are removed in the ...
Per Stattin's user avatar
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Replace specific column values in pandas dataframe [duplicate]

df = pd.DataFrame({'Tissues':['a1','x2','y3','b','c1','v2','w3'], 'M':[1,2,'a',4,'b','a',7]}) df.set_index('Tissues') The dataframe looks like: M Tissues a1 1 x2 2 y3 a ...
DPdl's user avatar
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alteration of use values in dictionary to replace values in column

This question is a followup to use values in dictionary to replace values in column. The following dataframe is a modication of the dataframe and dictionary used in use values in dictionary to ...
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use values in dictionary to replace values in column

import pandas as pd df= pd.DataFrame({'Data':['Hey this is 123456 Jonny B Good', 'This is Jonny B Good at 511-233-1137', 'Wow that is ...
user avatar
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Replacing values in a df with values from another df

I have a data table df1 that looks like this (result of a df.groupby('id').agg(lambda x: x.tolist())): df1: id people 51 [125, 126, 127, 128, 129] 52 [302, 303, 128] 53 [312] In ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Number formatting after mapping?

I have a data frame with a number column, such as: CompteNum 100 200 300 400 500 and a file with the mapping of all these numbers to other numbers, that I import to python and convert into a ...
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Pandas replace from dictionary and regex not working

I am noticing a strance bahavior in the pandas replace function when trying to pass a dictionary with dictionaries as so: mutual_format = {'col1' : {'(?i)o':'0', '[^\d)]':''}, 'col2'...
callmeGuy's user avatar
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4 answers

How to replace group of strings in pandas series based on a dictionary with values as list?

I couldnt find a solution in stackoverflow for replacing based on dictionary where the values are in a list. Dictionary dct = {"LOL": ["laught out loud", "laught-out loud"], "TLDR": ["too ...
GeorgeOfTheRF's user avatar
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Replace pandas column values using a key on another column and value from a dictionary

I have searched stackoverflow and gone over a few questions which are related to this, i.e Remap values in pandas column with a dict The key distinction is these questions answer how to replace ...
ZeroStack's user avatar
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Text substitution using Python

I have two datasets. One contains text description and another that contains a table with two columns from_value and to_value. The idea is to replace all occurrences of the word in the text ...
Mouad's user avatar
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Pandas: change column based on dataframe [duplicate]

I am trying to fix my df as it has some wrong values (that are not NA/NAN, just wrong), with the values from another dataframe (df1). I already know which ones are wrong and I got the all sorted in ...
srx's user avatar
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7 votes
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Replace words in pandas Dataframe using dictionary

I have a pandas dataframe id text 1 acclrtr actn corr cr 2 plate corr aff 3 alrm alt and dictionary dict={'acclrtr':'accelerator','actn':'action','corr':'corrosion','cr':'chemical resistant'...
Ranjana Girish's user avatar
1 vote
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How to replace a number with another number using a dictionary of replacements in python?

I have two columns of numbers: one column a record of student SAT scores, and another, their corresponding scores on the ACT test in a python pandas dataframe. SAT Score ACT Score 0 2160....
Haebichan Jung's user avatar
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Replace values from pandas dataset with dictionary

I am extracting a column from excel document with pandas. After that, I want to replace for each row of the selected column, all keys contained in multiple dictionaries grouped in a list. import ...
xzegga's user avatar
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pandas - pd.replace and TypeError

I have all_data dataframe. I want to replace some categorical values in certain columns with numerical values. I'm trying to use this nested dictionary notation (I've checked that the brackets and ...
P. Prunesquallor's user avatar
-1 votes
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Replace is producing weird answers in pandas python

i am using dictionary key value pair to replace some string. dict= {'MAA':'MADRAS', 'MAD':'MADRID'} now using .replace(), it replaces MAA to MADRAS but MAD of MADRAS is again replaced by MARDRID. ...
anandpran's user avatar
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Use dictionary to replace a string within a string in Pandas columns

I am trying to use a dictionary key to replace strings in a pandas column with its values. However, each column contains sentences. Therefore, I must first tokenize the sentences and detect whether a ...
owwoow14's user avatar
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