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-1 votes
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How to retrieve the name of an Object passed as a Key to a Map?

I'm a newbie to Javascript. I wish to know how to get the key as 'personObj', 'carObj, 'workDetailsObj', 'displayFunction' and 'primitiveValue' and print those values in console? Also, how to print ...
TEC_Abode of Learning's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Extracting keys of nested json in PowerAutomate

I'm trying to use Microsoft Power Automate to extract the values for the property "name" from the JSON object shown below: {"sites": { "1": { &...
Alex Merson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Although the Azure Key Vault Secret has been shared with me as a Reader, I am unable to retrieve the secret inside Power Automate

I do not have a license to create Azure Key vault, where I will get this message when I tried to create a new key vault:- So our IT admin, has created a key vault for me and a secret >> and he ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is the pre-increment operator overload not being called for my custom iterator class in C++?

I'm trying to implement a custom map container class that uses an AVL tree data structure. I have all the basic functionality in place, and it all works fine. But when I try to create the necessary ...
Komal Shashank's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Dictionary mapping via range, use value as output

Hope you can accomodate my question this is all about dictionary key range. Here's my dictionary pattern CB = {range(1,16):16, range(17,20):20, range(21,32):32, range(33,40):40} ...
Kram R's user avatar
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0 answers

E11000 duplicate key error collection: ShopCart.tokens index: sellerId_1 dup key: { sellerId: ObjectId('66af901a089b822f1dc3ff7d') }

First time mail successfully send but if i send mail again then showing this error E11000 duplicate key error collection: ShopCart.tokens index: sellerId_1 dup key: { sellerId: ObjectId('...
Vishal Hariyani's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

MySQL Query with 2 Qualified Key Value Pairs

I want to return the id 100 when ONLY BOTH of the pairs exist. This does not return a value but only using one of the pairs does return a result. How to make both pairs qualify for returning id of 100?...
user2568374's user avatar
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0 answers

How to find group pair duplicates in Excel (creating graph nodes)

I have a class of 40 students performing 5 group activities. Each group having 3-4 students per activity. My goal using Excel is to find and minimize the number of instances where students have the ...
Shawn Janzen's user avatar
-3 votes
4 answers

Get all the values of a particular key from Json file [closed]

[ { "id":"0001", "type":"donut", "name":"Cake", "ppu":0.55, "batters":{ "...
user2132124's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to check if a KeyValuePair<string, int> contains a specific Key in a Dictionary in one line?

In my code I have a Dictionary, which at first was just <string, int>. However, I needed a way for two things with the same string to be separate elements in the Dictionary, so I made the Key ...
polelord's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Key-value “sub-parameter” with Python’s argparse

I want to make the --new-entry parameter be able to process a key-value sequence with space as statement separator. As example: --new-entry name="The Republic" author="Plato&...
fauve's user avatar
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0 answers

RocksDB Put binary data

RocksDB claims to support "arbitrary byte array" insertion. However in C++ implementation I only see the following declaration of key Type Slice: Slice(const char* d, size_t n) : data_(d), ...
Yufei Zheng's user avatar
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1 answer

Storing JSON data in Bigquery as nested dictionary

Consider some data: WITH sequences AS ( SELECT 0 as primary_key, 0 AS key1, 1 AS key2, 3 AS value1, 4 AS value2 UNION ALL SELECT 0, 1, 0, 8, 5 UNION ALL SELECT 0, 1, 1, 1, 2 UNION ALL ...
abhiieor's user avatar
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1 answer

Trigger DAG with config

Hi everyone, I am using Airflow v 2.9.0 on my Windows 11 PC using Docker Desktop, but when I click on Trigger button, I can't find Trigger DAG with config option I want to pass input parameters as ...
Thota Tarun sai's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Call JavaScript method taking a PHP value when clicking an HTML button with a value

My problem is that I want to pass a value of an element to get the new value of $datosGraficas. Then, I want to update the graphs. I dont want to reload the page. List of : <a class="nav-...
user25254645's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Extracting Key-Value Pairs from Differently Structured PDFs Using Apache PDFBox

I have a set of PDF files with varying structures, and I'm trying to extract key-value pairs from them using Apache PDFBox in Java. I've encountered difficulties due to the different formats of the ...
Narayan Jee Jha's user avatar
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1 answer

How to load values from a SOPS file into a Java Spring Boot application

I have a Java 21 Spring Boot 3.2 application that needs to load a bunch of properties. In the application, several files use: @Value("${some.value}") private String someValue; I also have a ...
Ebad's user avatar
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0 answers

I've Problems with ANTLR4 to parse key-value-pairs

I want to parse this with ANTLR4: ; this is a comment dummykey=dummy string 100 #!; this is a comment firstname=peter mike name=mc miller This is the grammar: grammar KEYVALUE; COMMENT: ';' .*? ('\...
Bafoeg's user avatar
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1 answer

how to create Mwaa/airflow dynamic sequentials tasks

I have a requirement to create a dynamic mwaa/airflow which needs to create sequential tasks (not dynamic task mapping ) dynamically based on task list. example1 : Task list =["task1",&...
dewdrops's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I find formula used in html calculator

I have searched and unable to find formula for this calculator. Open source page and locate formula then use to create custom ...
Tim Dalby's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

javascript find value by key in nested object

I am trying to make a function for recursive searching an object by key and valule. I can't figure out how to this and tried different examples. Can anyone help me out? I have this object: var menuObj ...
poashoas's user avatar
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2 answers

Python - Converting Date:Price list to new rows

I am trying to convert the following column into new rows: Id Prices 001 ["March:59", "April:64", "May:62"] 002 ["Jan:55", ETC] to id date price 001 March ...
Itachi07's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Awk print a value in a column that corresponds to key values

I want to add a column to a file depending on a key value. I have infile_chr"N".txt (where N is a number from 1 to 22) and I need a single output file (outfile.txt) in which the first column ...
Gio.Mode's user avatar
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Convert element tags to key value pair in OIC map

Currently i am getting my input payload in this format. <Marks> <Math>87</Math> <Science>92</Science> <History>85</History> </Marks> Can this be ...
SasiS's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How would I make an "object" (key-value pair) in C++?

I'm working with Arduino. I want to make an "object". By that, I mean a key-value pair (I'm used to Javascript, all you JS programmers know what I mean). Basically, I want to use something ...
OnyxWingman's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to list all entries in Deno KV?

I don't see an example on Operations | Deno Docs. I don't know where I've missed.
Ooker's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Create new array using values from another array

I've simplified the below array to prevent confusion. Here's my progress up to now... I've attempted various methods to generate a fresh array, but haven't succeeded yet. I've even scoured Stack ...
Damian C's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to combine items from a Dictionary into a list of dictionaries based on matching key/value details

I have a list of dictionaries "tor_vlans": [ { "switch-ls01": { "Vlan1": { "id": "1", ...
piercjs's user avatar
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1 answer

Object property has different many string values

I have objects, that has different properties, one of them is programingLanguage. So, with the function, I want to check if the object property - programmingLanguage has a value of "Java". ...
Zuka Kharati's user avatar
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Using jsonlite in R to output json in a specific format [duplicate]

I'm trying to output some data as json in a specific format to be used in other processes. I've got it mostly correct, but I'm having trouble with one specific key/value pair. Here is a simplified ...
tractor287's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Output of a multidimensional array as a grouped key=>value list [duplicate]

Given is a multidimensional array like this: array(51) { ["ACTION"]=> array(4) { ["key1"]=> string(6) "Item 1" ["key2"]=> string(6) ...
Armin Hierstetter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Keys and values in separate columns, I want to create columns with corresponding values

Sorry for the confusing title! I have the following columns in my dataframe: Column A Column B ['Dogs','Cats','Horses'] [0.5,0.25,0.25] ['Dogs'] ...
lunapie's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How is the Foldable instance of (,) useful?

I mistakenly applied length to a (pa,ir) and took a little while to find out, because the code would compile! So I looked up :t length, which told me that its argument is only required to be a ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Database Design for storing Key-Value Tags per Item

I want to build an online shop where the products don't follow a specific schema, so the attributes can be quite different for each product. My idea is to allow the sellers to define custom tags with ...
zabzze's user avatar
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Python error occurred during crontab scheduled launch

I have python script df2['segm'] = df2.apply(lambda x: x.idxmax(), axis = 1) and error occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/workspace/notebooks/crontab_procedures/...
Дмитрий Коростелев's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

extract correlations of sub-sets of genes based on a key -> value data frame

I have two data frames. The first one contains a gene-gene correlation matrix, 1484 x 1484 (each cell corresponds to the correlation value between I and J genes). The second one contains a key -> ...
Mauricio Oliveira's user avatar
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parameters do not show correctly

Kotlin can`t recognize values for parameters like merchant_id , amount , description , callback_uri. I tried to fill all keys by proper values but I got this error : {"data":[],"...
Ali's user avatar
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0 answers

Not able to map multiple child in array using core php in excel spreadsheet

I have excel sheet with list of types and each types has labels and each labels has values in excel I am trying to collect in array as Key & Value so that I can upload in server enter image ...
TechlogixIT's user avatar
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Optimal Data Structure for Storing Structured Text Data with Bounding Boxes

I have a structured dataset containing text segments with associated bounding boxes, and I need advice on the optimal data structure to store this information efficiently also to convert them into a ...
scarecrow's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Python function to get value (str or object) in deep nested dictionary

I'm sharing a working function that is able to return a value from a dictionary disregarding the depth of the nested object. For example: my_dict = {"People": [{"name": "Alice&...
Daya Frenkiel's user avatar
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How to compare default struct value (no null)? Why this code does not work? [duplicate]

How to get the default value of a struct, why this code does not work? KeyValuePair<DateTimeOffset, Alarm> kvpAlarmDuplicate = lastestUniqueAlarms.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Value....
Eric Ouellet's user avatar
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Angular keyvalue pipe and looping trough 2 objects

I am trying to refactor some code I have inherited but not quite sure to understand how. In my ts file I am declaring the object of the keys I want to include: keysInclude = { property1: 'Property 1', ...
JackOrlen's user avatar
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2 answers

If i code a function to create a key-value pair, what will the Object it belongs to be?

I'm new to coding and i'm just learning some JavaScript. I'm learning about using return versus console.log and how you can use return values in other functions. Anyway, I see that you can create a ...
user23294079's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I add a new key to a jq array whenever a a key/value repeats itself

This is the input json. In this example json the key/value... "foo:bar" keeps repeating randomly. Order is not important eventhough it looks to be repeating alternately. [ { "foo&...
anantha's user avatar
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1 answer

Snowflake query to create json - multiple results for single attribute

I have a table in snowflake that has three different columns being used as name type/values. These need to be mapped in an MDM tool using json. Of course, I cannot use the same attribute name more ...
Scott J's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create object-based form-data when there are multiple, equally named form-elements?

I'm trying to write a form_to_json serialization function in vanilla JS in order to create valid JSON. But I'm stuck on parsing multiple inputs, all featuring the same name. Here is my current ...
Source Matters's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get an array element value repeated based on another array element

I am trying to get a value repeated number of times the value of an array element I have the following arrays <?php $a = array(1, 2, 3); $b = array(3, 2, 5); foreach ($b as $x) { for ($i = 1; $...
Modbus's user avatar
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iCloud Key-Value storage does not work for users with full iCloud

I have a flutter app I developed and some of the users cannot use our backup system which uses iCloud Key-Value storage. These users all have one thing in common. Full iCloud. If they turn off the app ...
1210saad's user avatar
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3 answers

Trying to check if key present in array of objects inside of an array of objects

I need a way to return true or false if in changeFields array "printLogs" key is present or not. The object is shown below. I have tried looping but somehow cant get my head to wrap around ...
myaubullion's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Dictionary values change when filling with a list when this list is being iterated over a loop

I am trying to fill a dictionary where the keys are integers and the values are lists. The lists are simply a list of integers that gets longer with each position in the dictionary, so I am looking ...
Matthew Rhys Dixon's user avatar

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