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How should I configure a pathfinding algororithim for my new level generation program

my problem is that I have a 2D array like this: [["#", "#", "#", "#", "#", "#", "#", "#", "#", "#&...
gaskutiy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unity 2D: new input system issue with JUMP Action via CallbackContext canceled

This is my code for Jump Action using the new input system: /// JUMP action callback public void Jump(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (context.performed) { //hold down button:...
Mr.T's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make an algorithm for tracing lines given a set a points?

I need an algorithm to position lines on a set of points in a 2D environment. The algorithm should identify collinear points within a specified tolerance and place lines accordingly. Each resulting ...
aziz's user avatar
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Paint bucket algorithm [closed]

Does anyone know the fill color paint bucket algorithm, like the one used in Microsoft Paint? I have a canvas that was created using raylib, like this: # Create the canvas as a render texture #--------...
wildan wildan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unity Find all Gameobjects with certaint maintag, not having to specify the subtag?

I´m making a simple Unity 2D Idle game rigth now with a lot of balls jumping around and making money. I am currently using subtags to declare them( For everyone who doesnt know that, you can make ...
Moritz's user avatar
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circle moves too far through a collection of points

Long story short, I'm making a trench warfare game. Trench walls are represented by an array of points, and I need my game characters, using a circular colliders, to stop when they hit a point, and ...
Skindin's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Replace dash and increment for number of mines adjacent [closed]

I'm trying to replace the dashes in this 2d list for number of mines adjacent grid = [["-", "-", "-", "#", "#"], ["-", "#",...
mworthington1's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unity 2D sidescroller Raycast ground detection problem

I have a character with box collider 2d attached to it and 2 raycasts facing down to check if the character is grounded (if it collides with groundlayer it sets isGrounded= true). But there is a ...
Мкртич Айвазян's user avatar
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Mesh doesn't render in Unity 2D

I'm just starting in game development and I'm working in Unity, 2d. I worked through a tutorial to make a simple mesh, in order to make a field of vision of the player and npcs. All of my code and ...
Dweezle's user avatar
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2 answers

2D Canvas JavaScript | How do I draw a circle in canvas that is set to a defined number of degrees?

I simulate an interactive view for a player. As long as a component of the game is within the view width, it should be possible to interact with it. With my code, it is not a problem to play the ...
RoyBlunk's user avatar
-2 votes
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I am currently working on a scoring system for a game using a TMPro, but it will not work [duplicate]

When I play the game in the Unity Engine, it runs well, but does not show the score. When I looked at my TMPro, it said that its position on the Y axis was -36.39999, another asset was positioned ...
Gettingthere577's user avatar
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2 answers

IEnumerator Not Taking Input Value

I'm making a turn based RPG in Unity and I have a slider that pops up when the player attacks. A runs down the slider and the closer the player gets the slider to the center and presses Z, the more ...
Mike the Scripter's user avatar
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Player swinging slowly with Distance joint in Unity 2D

I’m making a grappling hook with a distance joint in my 2D platformer game. However, the player is supposed to swing fast when they hook onto an object, but instead, they are swinging slowly. I tried ...
ElisCap's user avatar
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Unity2d Custom Made Sprites Imported In The Engine Lose Quality

I created a PNG image of slime with a size of 360x360 pixels in Krita, dragged it into Unity2D Editor, resized it to 0.3 on the X and Y axes, and it immediately got pixelized... How can I fix that? I ...
Andrei Vechar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Masking and SortOrder Text in 2D game

I'm creating a 2d game in Unity with simple cards that can be dragged from hand to be played in the middle of the game space. The cards are created from multiple sprite GameObjects along with their ...
JFRApplications's user avatar
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How to make player stick to collider in Unity

I'm trying to make a gameplay where you can jump between asteroids in a 0 gravity space. I want my player to stick to the asteroid and be able to walk along its surface until he jump to go away. I was ...
Borhink's user avatar
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How to get distance between an object and viewpoint after rotating projected 3D coordinates on a 2D plane?

I have a question related to projecting 3D xyz coordinates to a 2D representation in a window. So far, I have succesfully created a 3D world where the coordinates are happening correctly. I have also ...
im-not-a-robot's user avatar
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How to convert point cloud to textured mesh model or colored mesh model in python

I'm trying to convert a 2d image of a leaf into a 3d textured mesh model or colored mesh model using python in colab. I followed this guy tutorial. But i am facing some problem when trying to convert ...
Laika's user avatar
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Polygons on 2D plane: Calculate the exact shift to resolve overlaps

I'm working with polygons on a 2D plane that have Tetris-style gravity. Each polygon can rest either on the X-axis or on top of another polygon. If a polygon overlaps with any other polygon(s), it ...
aldin's user avatar
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Unity 2D following the enemy behind the player, avoiding obstacles

I'm having a problem using this script. Could you help a newbie? I need the enemy to chase the player and avoid obstacles. Game from above using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; ...
Kokotrek Youtube's user avatar
-1 votes
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The trigger doesn't stop the enemy from walking

I'm having an issue with my light system in my game made with unity, where I'm trying to stop the enemy when he touches the light emitted by the player, but when he touches the light, the enterTrigger ...
Kaio Barbosa's user avatar
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Platformer game collision detection not working

I'm trying to implement collision detection into a platformer style game in XNA/MonoGame. I'm following two separate tutorials, one for an animation manager, and another for adding collision. I'm ...
user27786866's user avatar
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How to Convert 2D Lines from a DXF File into 3D Walls in Unity?

I'm working on a Unity project where I need to automatically generate 3D walls based on 2D lines extracted from a .dxf floorplan (AutoCAD format). I'm using the IxMilia.Dxf library to read the DXF ...
Badal Patel's user avatar
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Unity 2D IK character Help(holding 2H weapons)

My IK character that have arms that follow my cursor How can I connect arm on the right to the weapon? When I swing weapon to left, because right left arm is closer right arm cannot reach there and ...
Bora's user avatar
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Sorting 2D points clockwise

I found a way to sort clockwise 2D points in Unity, but for some reason that i don't understand there are sometimes points still in the wrong order. On the first picture the red sphere is the center ...
Coortex's user avatar
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2D Top Down Slime Jump

I am trying to make a Top down game with the main character as a slime. i am trying to get it so when the player clicks with the mouse the slime jumps to that location and actually looks like a jump. ...
RedSkull's user avatar
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Finding the intersection of two lines a given perpendicular distance from the line of intersection

I'm looking for help to solve the following situation. I have a line segment defined by two points P1 and P2. And I have a ray that starts at P3 and intersects segment P1P2 at P4. I want to calculate ...
jpwrunyan's user avatar
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Regions bounds (created from a Path) are not as expected

I need to check if a point lies inside of a Path describing a 2d shape. As Path object doesn't have contains function, but Region does and we can construct a Region out of a Path I tried it. But the ...
Teddy's user avatar
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Getting uniform coordinates from a 3D plane projected as a 2D plane

3d plane projected to a 2d polygon I have the coordinates of the vertexes P1, P2, P3 and P4 that define a rectangular rectangle. Those coordinates always define a regular rectangular area and the ...
Rui Batista's user avatar
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camera project image onto CAD object

I am trying to project on image onto a CAD object using python. I know it is possible in Blender or other 3d softwares, but was trying to find a way to do it in python. Does anyone have any ...
Nikita Belooussov's user avatar
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frame rate and delta time my sprite animation with SFML in C++

I am studying 2D animation using C++ and SFML library. I use a png spritesheet. The code I wrote as a starting point is the following: #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <iostream> int ...
blowup's user avatar
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I was basically trying to make my function bounce when it hits the end of the window's sceen but instead it only stops and doesn't bounce

So here, I am trying to implement a Bounce logic whenever the object called Poo (followed a tutorial) hits the end of the screen. I copied my implementation for making any object not go off the screen ...
Jayden Steiner Sable's user avatar
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Calculate Moving Average Window over 2D grid in Python - in the top there is a white horizontal area which grows bigger the bigger the chosen window

when I calculate the mean over a 2D moving grid window in Python, but there is a white line just in the top, not on the bottom, right or left, but horizontal, after which there's just white in the ...
Superior Academy's user avatar
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Hard dropping blocks isn't instant and doesn't put it in the correct spot

Godot Version: v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8] I'm trying to add the ability for blocks (frozen RigidBody2Ds) to be hard-dropped instantly (they get placed on the closest surface directly below them) ...
DragonAero's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does my dragging logic in Unity not work? (only once)

I have a script attached to a GameObject with a Collider2D attached to it as well. The script should enable me to drag the GameObject while holding down the mouse and "dropping" it by simply ...
SoggyEyeball's user avatar
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Python opencv draws polygons outside of lines

[edited] It appears there is a new bug in opencv that introduces an issue causing fillPoly's boundaries to exceed polylines's. Here is humble code to draw a red filled polygon with a blue outline. ...
Fnord's user avatar
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Weird "bug" in my LOS check, what other algorithm should i use?

Image Link So as you can see there are some weird dots on the left side, which dont look so pleasing. These weird dots are actually correct but i dont like them. I use a line algorithm with some extra ...
studio-MM's user avatar
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How to ensure that a line drawn with GL_LINES is always visible?

I need to draw a waveform exactly 1 pixel thick like Sound Forge or Wavelab does. For the example, a stereo sine wave is shown at 1:4 and 1:2 ratios. (make sure to view the pictures in full size) ...
aybe's user avatar
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"Checkerboarding" effect when rotating sprite in software renderer?

I'm writing a 2D software renderer and when rotating in certain angles I will get a sort of "checkerboarding" effect with my sprite pixels: To try and get proper rotation, I tried rounding/...
Nasir's user avatar
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Prevent objects from overlapping when spawning in random locations (Unity 2D)

I’m struggling to stop prefab objects from overlapping when they spawn. I’ve Googled a lot of similar questions and realized that this issue is common in game development, but I’m having trouble ...
aloe's user avatar
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C# Library for 2D shape drawing user interface [closed]

I am currently developing a Windows Forms Application in C#. In my application the user needs to be able to draw shapes like lines, rectangles and polygons on a specific area and then they need to ...
JustARandomExplorer's user avatar
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How to achieve 2D product preview images?

I want to implement a product customization function, which renders the final effect image for users to preview by uploading customized images. For example, here are two bleeding images of products. ...
leo's user avatar
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2d tilemap or 3d isometric?

I am learning unity for fun and to experience myself I would like to recreate my childhood game : master of olympus zeus. Should I go 2D with tilemap or 3D with camera setup to reproduce the isometric ...
pandoux's user avatar
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Pong ball slowing down on contact instead of speeding up

So I was following a simple pong guide to kinda ease myself into coding and it was all going fine until the person added code to speed up everytime the ball came in contact with everything, except for ...
Zonnestraal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot implicitly convert type 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D' to 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody' error in Unity 2D core

I am new to Unity and I am following a tutorial, but when I write the code I get this error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D' to 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody' The code: using ...
Leo Jay's user avatar
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How to apply a offset to child gameobject in Unity2D

I'm trying to apply an offset to a unity child gameobject who's transform component values doesn't change on its own. I've tried solutions like the pictures show but none of them work how would i ...
Einar Lundqvist's user avatar
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2d top down car steering mechanism in godot fails to rotate the car and infinitly spins it instead

I'm trying to code a 2d top down car controls for my godot project. This is the car controls algorithm and it takes a vector parameter beign the joystick vector so the player's input. GDScript extends ...
T1xx1's user avatar
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Impossible to draw pixel-perfect aliased 2D lines?

Would like to draw pixel-perfect aliased 2D lines in Unity but I can't get a good result. Code: using UnityEngine; public class GLTest : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] ...
aybe's user avatar
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Why Camera2D (or viewport) is not moving in Godot 4?

I created the main level scene of my game and it was working until I worked the title scene and the transition. I have a Camera2D node with a simple script: extends Camera2D @export var desCentrar := ...
Jamingrone's user avatar
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Minimizing and simplifying a 2D triangle mesh

Goal: I have a list of lots of triangles on a 2D surface, represented as std::vector<QPolygonF>. I want to transform this list into another list of triangles that have the same outline, but no ...
Aykhan Hagverdili's user avatar

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