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Unity2D - Side scroller: Teleport player a fixed distance inside a predefined "cone" (Katan Zero style)?

I'm very new to Unity (it hasn't been a full week since I started). For my first project I have decided to create a small game for mobile. It's kind of a way to get warm with the engine and eventually ...
StonedPineapple's user avatar
-1 votes
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error reading file - ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen

I just started exploring smashing (formerly known as dashing). Based on url here, What i am trying to do is just a simple read from local ...
realbot's user avatar
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Dashing dashboard. How to change the 'updatedAtMessage' to be in twelve hour time?

I am creating a dashboard with Dashing. In the html for the widgets I have: data-bind="updatedAtMessage", which I got from when I downloaded dashing to display when the widget was updated. I have ...
cam_cudi's user avatar
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Environment variables in .erb file

I am creating a dashboard with dashing. I have some environment variables I am using in my jobs .rb file. Whenever I try to use any environment variable in my dashboard .erb file it doesnt seem to ...
cam_cudi's user avatar
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I want to custom CSS of my django-dashing, all widgets

I want to add css in django-dashing for override all widget. I tried follow this doc But I don't understand : "Also ...
Eva's user avatar
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Merge smashing into an existing rails application

I'm setting up a dashboard using smashing however I was wondering if it were possible to integrate it into my existing rails application and keep it all on the same web server rather than having two ...
mikle's user avatar
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2 answers

Extract Single Data From JSON URL for Dashing Dashboard

I am trying to show the "sgv" value on a Dashing / Smashing dashboard widget. Ultimately I would also like to show the "direction" value as well. I am running into problems pulling that precise value ...
thatdamntiffy's user avatar
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Troubleshooting a dashing widget

I have created a widget, to display the server load. However, it doesn't display the server load. dashboard.erb <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1"> <div data-id="...
Gokulnath Kumar's user avatar
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Shopify Dashing Widget

I am using shopify dashing for couple of our projects. Just wanted to check whether is there a possibility to use blueocean pipeline stages inside the widget? I have checked for the possibility but ...
Gokulnath Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Smashing (dashing) not sending events on ubuntu

My smashing dashboard works fine on my Mac, but when I run on an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 16.04, the events don't update the dashboard until I exit the dashboard. I read somewhere to try rackup -...
Hogsmill's user avatar
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Send data via PHP CURL?

I'm trying to send some data to Dashing which is a dashboard application. To do this you have to CURL for example. url -d '{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "text": "Hey, Look what I can do!" }' \...
James Wilson's user avatar
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Testing a job in Dashing

I am building an application with Dashing/Smashing right now, and I am using rspec to test my code. However, I cannot figure out how to check that send_event is called. I have tried expect(Sinatra::...
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How do you know what type of data a Dashing widget is listening for as argument?

Providing data to widgets is done in Ruby jobs using send_event(widget_id, json_formatted_data). As it seems each type of widget expects specific json format to process the data. For example, Meter ...
maometto's user avatar
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Dashing-JS "Hello World" Demo

I am attempting to work with Dashing-JS, a port of a Sinatra based framework project in Ruby, Dashing.IO, to Javascript/Node. Essentially I have the core packages and dependencies for Dashing-JS ...
airsoftsoldrecn9's user avatar
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rails 5 adding menu to dashing-rails layout

What is the best way to be able to add a similar layout to dashing dashboard, like we have in out application. I tried to add the same materalize layout I use throughout my application and it seems to ...
Qaiser Wali's user avatar
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Move to Directory and Run Smashing/Dashing from that Directory

I am attempting to automatically start my Smashing Dashboard when my Raspberry Pi boots. I plan to run a script through the @reboot option in crontab (similarily to how I already automatically ...
Alex Arthur's user avatar
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Preventing update flicker of a Dashing Widget

I have created a number of widgets for my Dashboard that need to update periodically. When they do this the widget items flicker for a second which I believe will be quite distracting when the ...
Alex Arthur's user avatar
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Update Table via cURL in Dashing dashboard

For the last few weeks I have been working on sending data to my ruby based Smashing dashboard. I have been able to update widgets with cURL on the dashboard except for the Table I installed. It can ...
regor2's user avatar
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Format Array to feed into Smash Table Widget

I am creating a Smashing Dashboard that is required to feed information from an xlsx file into a table on the dashboard. This system is running on a Raspberry Pi. I am able to read from the ...
Alex Arthur's user avatar
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Problems getting an API through Dashing with ruby scripts

I am new to Ruby and have been tasked with building a dashboard with Dashing which will display SiteUptime information, using our account API. SiteUptime have sent me a suitable script, but it doesn't ...
Lucretia Borgia's user avatar
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2 answers

JSON Summarize for Dashing List

I am creating a Dashing job that pulls down some data from an API (this runs Ruby) SCHEDULER.every '15m', :first_in => 0 do |job| url = " response = RestClient.get(url, {:...
Chris Wood's user avatar
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Customized widget not showing up in dashing Dashboard

I created my own widget but I am unable to view that widget but all the other predefined widgets are showing up in the screen. Whatever widget I install new I am unable too see it in dashboard.
Vignesh's user avatar
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Dashing Change back ground color widget dynamically

I have a widget which brings the data from sonar and checks if there are any blockers or criticals. If the blockers and criticals are 0, background colors should be blue, else it is red which is ...
vineel bharath's user avatar
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Add route to dashing sinatra application?

I'm trying to add a route to my dashing application that will receive data from a webhook. I tried using the solution here, and while that did create the route, it broke the dashing dashboard at '/...
testing_josh's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Chromium Gestures

I have a Raspberry Pi 3, running Raspian OS and connected to the official 7" Raspberry Pi touchscreen. The Pi is used to display a information dashboard, built using the Dashing framework. The ...
Mark's user avatar
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Multiple lists in a Dashing widget

I've cloned the Dashing List widget and edited it so it'll contain three separate lists, like in this image. The job associated with the widget makes a GET request to a REST API search endpoint, and ...
Mike's user avatar
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Pulling data from MySQL to display on dashboard using python django-dashing

I was trying to implement a dashboard by following the instructions of using django-dashing. So far I have successfully customised my widget and displayed ...
loktherhal's user avatar
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How to push data into widget using dashing dashboard

I want to push numeric data from a file to my dashboard. I am using the following .rb file as job for pushing the data SCHEDULER.every '30s' do var ="/dashing/abhi/sample.txt", "r") var....
Abhi's user avatar
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Call bash script on button click in a Ruby/Smashing web app

I was asked to contribute to a simple web app built using Smashing (a Sinatra-based framework). I have a little experience with rails, but I am not familiar with this framework (or Sinatra) nor I am ...
Tommy's user avatar
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CoffeeScript time check

I'm trying to make a dashboard for work with Smashing (used to be called Dashing), it runs on a Raspberry Pi 3B. I am new to coffeescript. I'm trying to make an open sign, It should: Check the day ...
BillRay's user avatar
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269 views Widget with a marquee

iam working with and i want to build a widget with a marquee. I did a marquee with css animation and html ( It works with that, but it got it the widget like ...
user8058076's user avatar
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Designing dashing for Jenkins job for recent 10 changes

anyone did code for dashing for- last 10 changes for a job in Jenkins , which we can view on dashing?I am working on it, but it is giving error.Can anyone provide the code for the same ?
Aditee Desale's user avatar
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How can I stop Dashing from updating widgets outside of viewport

I have set up a Home-automation dashboard using Shopify/Dashing as base. Dashing uses Gridster.js to allocate the large amount of widgets I have in columns & pages. The pages are being switched ...
mdbxz's user avatar
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Django-Dashing Custom Widget HTML Location

I'm using the Django-Dashing framework (, and I can't figure out where to place my HTML file for the custom widget that I am using. I have the following code ...
Hugh Han's user avatar
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Two scripts - read / write clash

I have two separate scripts, one written in Python and one in Ruby, which run on a schedule to achieve a single goal. Ruby isn't my code of choice, but it is all I can use for this task. The Python ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to parse value with rivets.js?

I am using Dashing framework based on Django. HTML using the Rivets.js conventions to bind data to the script file. <div rv-status-color="value"> <h1>{ title }</h1> <h2&...
Ndrew's user avatar
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snapshot.jpg of Camera IP(D-LINK DSC 4201) not refresh in Dashing

Thanks for click on this post, I have a Dashboard powered by Dashing on my RPI 3 where I have add a widget for my camera IP (D-link DSC 4201). Camera-widget Link There is the ruby jobs who catch the ...
Thibz's user avatar
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Dashing: Prevent Movement Of Widgets

Is there any way to prevent movement / dragging of widgets in a dashing dashboard? My dashboard works perfectly well but people accidentally move the widgets around. I'd like to fix the dashboard ...
Mark's user avatar
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Connection refused using Dashing with Raspberry Pi

I've looked everywhere and can't find an elegant solution to this. I'm trying to run Dashing on a Raspberry Pi - and I'm having problems connecting to the dashboard. Dashing logs say: Listening on ...
Matt Visser's user avatar
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Host 2 application under one domain Apache HTTPD

I'm trying to configure Apache HTTPD 2.4 to front two different applications being hosted on the same server. App1 is reachable on port 8080 (Tomcat) App2 is reachable on ...
SGM1's user avatar
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Save names and iterate through them ruby

Hey this is my first post and I´m an complete ruby noob. This is my existing source-code for my Dashing/Roo Project. require 'roo-xls' SCHEDULER.every '10m' do file_path = "/home/numbers.xlsx" def ...
roflb0b's user avatar
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Disconnecting from mysql database in rufus scheduler doesnt work (

I am using and want to grab some data from a mysql database using rufus scheduler to push them. I have this code for testing the connection closing in one .rb job file: require 'rubygems' ...
Volker Trotte's user avatar
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JIRA-Ruby_ scheduler caught exception: JIRA::HTTPError

i'm working on monitoring my jira bugs with dashing and jira-ruby. I found this widget but i have an error, when i started dashing. Here the error: scheduler caught exception: JIRA::HTTPError ...
emoleumassi's user avatar
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How do I install Ruby on a server through VPN?

So, I'm doing sort of a challenge where I need to present a dashboard that shows real-time data about an array of things. Decided to use dashing gem for ruby (, I've managed to do it on ...
Miguel Sá Lemos's user avatar
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Resize django-dashing widget and add responsive slider

Ive create a custom widget for my dashboard using the django-dashing framework. And i want to resize each widget so it can fill my whole page. Besides that i want to add slider to make my widget as ...
Iam Moon's user avatar
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updating chart.js widget on dashing

I am currently developing a dashboard using and the dash itself is rendering fine. However, to plot the graphs I am using an additional widget which is based upon Chart.js. The problem ...
Neo979's user avatar
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Parsing JSON feed with Ruby for use in Dashing Dashboard

First post here, so ya know, be nice? I'm setting up a dashboard in Dashing ( using a JSON feed on a server, which looks like: { "error":0, "message_of_the_day":"Welcome!",...
HarmlessSaucer's user avatar
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Sending information to a widget in Dashing

I'm creating a job in Ruby which takes info from a mysql database and sends it to a html page to create a widget. The thing is, I can't get the data to be displayed when I take it out of a mysql ...
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Undefined local variable or method `conn' for main:Object (NameError) on Dashing start

I am trying to setup a Dashing dashboard for some monitoring. The data to be used to populate the dashboards widgets will be coming from an Oracle database. Dashing has been installed and the test ...
Ian Patterson's user avatar
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Dynamically change background colour of a Dashing widget

I've built a dashboard using the ruby based Dashing framework and all seems to be running well but I'd like to be able to change the background colour of one of my List widgets (mywidget) based on one ...
Mark's user avatar
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