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RestClient is not propgating TraceID

I recently switched to RestClient from RestTemplate and using SpringBoot 3.2.7 and Java 21 in my project. I noticed when microservice1 is calling microservice2 then the TraceId is not getting ...
astar's user avatar
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Unable to use auto-configured MockRestServiceServer since MockServerRestClientCustomizer has been bound to more than one RestClient | two Beans

I created a TestRestClient and it worked perfectly, but if I inject another RestClient bean into my RestClientConfiguration class, it works, but in the tests, it gives the following error: Unable to ...
Vitor Coelho's user avatar
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C# HttpClient MultipartFormDataContent send integer values

I have been testing this API and can only get it working when I use this RestClient. This RestClient wants to install about 20 other packages into my project so I would like to get it working with the ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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How can i read the body even a IOException or ResourceAccessException occcur in Spring RestClient?

I am using RestClient (not Template!) to send a request to another server. Because of a missing header i get a 400 Error but can not read the body. When i make the request with postman i get a body &...
OnDemand's user avatar
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Spring RestCleint.RequestBodyUriSpec body mocking returns null

Mocking RestClient.RequestBodyUriSpec body. Mocking returns null when used in RestClient web service. Test case as below - package org.mytest.tests; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org....
Rupesh's user avatar
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Quarkus RestClient doesn't forward multipart file uploads—files received count is 0

I am working with a Quarkus-based service that accepts multiple file uploads and forwards them to another (Quarkus)service via a RestClient. The issue I am facing is that, although the files are ...
BananKongen's user avatar
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export restclient request to cUrl

I qm using restclient to call a webapi, but need to have its cUrl equivalent. var curl = httpClient.GenerateCurlInString(httpRequestMessage); I need something like this: var curl = httpClient....
Mostafa Arab's user avatar
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How properly configure RestClient OAuth2ClientHttpRequestInterceptor in Integration-Test

Hi Spring Security Community, is there a good approach/ best practice for disabling the new OAuth2ClientHttpRequestInterceptor in Integration-Tests, which has been integrated in this PR for Release 6....
markory's user avatar
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Parsing _embedded items from HAL with Quarkus REST client

For Quarkus REST extension I can use quarkus-rest-links extension to support HAL format. There are two handy annotation to inject links @RestLink(rel = "list"), @InjectRestLinks. I'm trying ...
kingkong's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 RestClient does't catch TimeoutException

I'm using Spring Boot 3 (3.3.1) and Java 21. When using the new RestClient I encountered two problems: the onStatus(...) method does not work if error 408 (timeoutexception) occurs. And as a result, ...
Heorhi Utseuski's user avatar
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How can I enable HTTPS support for localhost?

I am new to Helidon, and we want our Java app to support HTTPS for REST calls. I have a sample controller that returns some string, and my app currently runs on http://localhost:8080. How can I enable ...
NotACat's user avatar
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unable to get the emails from outlook by using graph api - getting NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error

unable to get the emails from outlook by using graph api get method public List<Message> GetAllMails() { List<Message> mails = new List<Message>(); //var ...
Gokulsusan's user avatar
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Virtual Threads Not Being Used in Spring Boot 3.2 Application Despite Configuration

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot 3.2 application with Java 21, and I've enabled virtual threads for improved performance. However, I’m noticing that many platform threads are still being created,...
René Winkler's user avatar
4 votes
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Update environment variable based on response body in .http file (vscode and rest-client)

I want to override the local.token value in settings.json. I can read the body and update a local variable but this means I need to run the token request and manually update the environment variable ...
mahbuburrahman rifat's user avatar
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Delphi 11 RestClient Request fails with some errors

I've tryed to send 2 Values to an RestServer and get only errors. It does't matter if i try the bold Lines instead of the italic lines. var JSONValue: TJsonObject; begin RESTClient1.CleanupInstance;...
Stevie's user avatar
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Getting Error

I need to make a REST API PUT call in Groovy using RESTClient and json as the Content Type. This is what my code looks like: def params = ["content": listOfSymbols.join(","), "...
Neha's user avatar
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Spring 6.1 RestClient JUnit Mock Test

I have a Spring 6.1 RestClient: @Service @RequiredArgsConstructor public class ProductServiceClient { @Value("${spring.client.product.url}") private final String baseUrl; private ...
Undertaker's user avatar
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Error to restClient & HttpWebRequest- The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

In my ASP.NET MVC project (.Net Framework 4.7.2), I am consuming as API which is hosted on another server developed by vendor. Whenever I tried to hit same API through code, I am getting an error ...
Rahul  More's user avatar
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NetSuite Account Integration API Issue in c# (oAuth 1.0)

I'm integrating NetSuite Account API into Asp.Net c#,I'm using oAuth 1.0 Authorization. i'm getting unauhthorized error, Authorization OAuth 1.0 Consumer Key Consumer Secret Token Token Secret ...
M Ali's user avatar
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How to log Spring Boot 3 httpRestClient error response.body as readable string?

Prior to asking this, I am already tried using: log.error("fail {} ", ex.getResponseBodyAsString()); I am already attaching .defaultStatusHandler() on the restClient. which is not really ...
Adi Prasetyo's user avatar
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VS Code Rest Client doesn't work with Nuxt 3 server routes

I created a simple Nuxt app npx nuxi@latest init I then created an api route. i.e. a file test.ts in server/api with the basic stub export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { // ... Do ...
Rabbi's user avatar
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Quarkus RestClient DNS failover on multiple A type IP addresses?

I am using Quarkus RestClient and I encountered some problems. I have an URL, which is internally resolved to 4 different IP addresses (data and IP addresses are pseudonymized in this example): [user@...
Bevor's user avatar
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How to Generate a Padded Random Number as a Variable in Insomnia REST Client

I'm working with the Insomnia REST client and I'm trying to generate a zero-padded random number between 000 and 999 to use as part of a request. I want to create an environment variable that ...
NickVnkn's user avatar
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cannot import name 'RESTClient' from 'polygon'

While i trying to conect polygon API using python: from polygon import RESTClient and it would result: cannot import name 'RESTClient' from 'polygon' But I dont know why it isn't work. It originaly ...
Jay Lin's user avatar
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I/O error on POST request for API: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes

I am calling a client API where I am getting the below error first time. org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for URL: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no ...
Nishant Charan's user avatar
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How to pass parameters in LHS Brackets format using rest client

There is some API that involves passing parameters using LHS Brackets. Specifically, we are talking about the CMS Strapi API: I'm using spring boot ...
morohon's user avatar
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Provider for cannot be found

I am trying to build a RESTful client with jakarta 10.0.0 ClientBuilder.newClient() is failing with this error message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang....
Tom's user avatar
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Using RestClient, i don't know how implement proxy, need to declare the port and host

I want to implement proxy in host and port, i tryed increment in to url but give errors i used but its not ...
zxc zxc's user avatar
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SpringBoot RestClient TraceId

I switched from RestTemplate to RestClient in my application and since switching I’m unable to get the same TraceId between services. Is anyone else having this same problem? I tried updating ...
Ashley James's user avatar
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How to transmit Multipart file object into Spring web RestClient post method

I have two microservices: One for user authentication (authentication microservice). One for handling video file storage (videoStore microService). Process : ("/create") belongs to ...
KnowledgePath's user avatar
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What is the most efficient way to call rest service multiple times in a loop

I need to call an api endpoint multiple times in a loop. While the connection path remains same one parameter changes in every call. I have written it like below. I am opening the connection at the ...
Kushal Mondal's user avatar
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Does springframework.web.client RestClient handles @requestParam [duplicate]

I try to do this: @GetMapping("/db/video/getall") public ResponseEntity<List<VideoDto>> getAllVideo(@RequestParam String ownerEmail) { return ....; } import ...
KnowledgePath's user avatar
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How to decompress gzip response body using Spring RestClient?

The oficial docs don't mention how to configure RestClient to decompress a gzip response. By default it doesn't seem to decompress it like WebClient does.
Ignasi's user avatar
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VSCode REST client : how to get now date

I am doing some request with rest client extension in VScode I would like to know if there is a way to get the current date and to use it in a request It would be something like # CreateLesson # @name ...
lambdaDev's user avatar
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Suggest a tool like Postman to connect using TCP/IP and send and receive messages on the same socket

I have written a program to create a persistent TCP/IP connection to a device and read unsolicited messages from the socket and also write message to the same socket and it is working fine. I wanted ...
Madhusudhan's user avatar
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How to prevent rest-client from opening a http response in split screen in VsCode?

I'm trying to change the settings of the VSCode extension: Rest-Client ( My goal would be to open http responses simply in new ...
Barnabás Kalydy's user avatar
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Ruby upgrade from version 2.3.2 to 2.7.7 breaks REST API response body

Recently I updated my application's ruby version from 2.3.2 to 2.7.7. My application uses gem to request data from a 3rd-party API. While using ruby version ...
Jignesh Gohel's user avatar
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VSCode REST client - how to get value from array in response

I'm trying to grab the value "141" from the response using the expression @second = {{getall.response.body.[1].id}} HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Content-Type: application/json; charset=...
Jørgen Thyme's user avatar
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In Ruby, how to send multiple files in single request using RESTClient

I've been have a issue where I tried to use the RestClient lib to send two or more files to Kotlin Service endpoint where this controller needs to receive a files attributes that is a List<...
Flavio Guilherme's user avatar
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Getting "No RestClientBuilderResolver implementation found!" when using RestClientBuilder

I'm encountering an issue when attempting to use RestClientBuilder in my Java code to build a client with MicroProfile. I'm receiving the error message "No RestClientBuilderResolver ...
Silas Z's user avatar
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Seeking Enhancements for RestClient Configuration [closed]

I'm using RestClient for upstream communication and would like to add some enhancements to make it more robust. Here's my current setup: SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory factory = new ...
Md. Hasan Basri's user avatar
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Netbeans REST Client Automatically Opening URLs

I'm having a problem in Apache NetBeans IDE 19 where I'm trying to open any link, and instead of my default browser (Tools->Options->General->Web Browser: Chrome), every link I open using ...
DeadPool7337's user avatar
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Delphi TRestClient send Body as "data-raw"

How to add body parameter to TRestClient like in Postman? If body data is defined like below as application/x-www-form-urlencoded it would be wrong: curl -L -X POST '
F. Zeller's user avatar
-2 votes
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rest.client stuck on waiting

The handler for / request is module.exports = { homepageHandler: async function (req, res) { console.log(`index page.`); return JSON.stringify({ "message": "welcome&...
Manu Chadha's user avatar
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Ruby's rest-client isn't replicating my CURL request, and I don't know what I'm doing any differently

Here's my CURL request: curl -X POST -u apikey:secret '{project ID}/availableNumbers:rentAny' \ -d '{ "regionCode": "US", "...
Joey's user avatar
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How to view actual header values sent after a request?

How do you see the actual headers that was sent in a request after you send out a request in Rest Client? I can see the response completely, but it does not show the actual headers that were sent out. ...
Niner's user avatar
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Disable URL Encoding ? [Quarkus]

I got an URL for querying Prometheus: .../api/v1/query?query=rate(prometheus_http_requests_total[1m]) . But it always return 404 Error and when I debug, the URL changed to this: .../api/v1/query?query=...
hoangkm's user avatar
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Quarkus reactive with http request on ContainerRequestFilter

I'm want to made a request on my ContainerRequestFilter @Startup @Provider @PreMatching public class SecurityOverrideFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { @Inject Logger logger; @...
tiagomistral's user avatar
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3 answers

How to convert my REST API Delphi project which uses MVCFramework to use standard RAD Studio components instead

I develop a project which an old programmer in our company has started. He has used MVCFramework ( to connect to a portal. Because his code is written ...
Mahan's user avatar
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Unable to Connect MongoDB with Node.js

I recently learned MongoDB and connected it to Node.js, but I encountered an error that I am unable to resolve. I am using VS Code, and a pop-up similar to the following appeared: ""The ...
fyz 08's user avatar
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