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CsvHelper - read multiple rows to a single list grouped by a column on CSV [closed]

"Cust1", "CustomerFirstName","CustomerLastName","Street1", "City1","OrderId1","OrderName1" "Cust1", "...
Ram Kumar's user avatar
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CSVHelper Map available fields

Is there a way to map available fields coming from a CSV file ignoring fields that may not be present in the CSV? For example, I have a class with 5 properties. I want to allow mapping from CSV for ...
Mensur's user avatar
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Character encoding issues while uploading / downloading a CSV to Azure Blob Storage using C#

I have a service which allows users to upload and download a CSV file to update data in a system using C#. This data contains foreign characters. The file appears to upload fine. If I download and ...
Tree Frog's user avatar
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How to map a nested class by CsvHelper?

class A { public C MyC; public int OtherStuff; } class B { public C MyC1; public C MyC2; } class C { public int WeirdInt; public string WeirdString; } I want to create a ...
狸子Neazle's user avatar
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Write CSV from Nested anonymous object

I didn't succeed to write a CSV for the following structure, I'm pretty sure it should be possible automatically but I'm missing something... The _recordedData variable is a dictionary of List<...
Eledwin's user avatar
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Ignore Comma Delimiter in CsvHelper

I've a project that uses CsvHelper package to parse excel file. Unfortunately I came into a condition where I've to ignore comma as delimiter that CsvHelper does by default I believe. The data in a ...
user8512043's user avatar
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Reading a CSV, modify some field values, writing it back using CsvHelper

I'm using CsvHelper v33.0.1 in a C# program. I'm taking an existing CSV file that contains 70+ columns and about 3000 rows, modifying 3 column values, then rewriting the modified rows back to the ...
Kish Baley's user avatar
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What does Format("0.0".PadRight(100, '#') do when writing a CSV with CSVHelper

I have a piece of code I am currently refactoring, but I can't find documentation about what a line in one of the ClassMaps is doing exactly. I try to get rid of the ClassMaps and replace them with ...
causa prima's user avatar
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With CsvHelper, how do I make it use string.Empty instead of Null for missing varchar fields?

Say I have a c# class "Person" with a property named "FirstName". In the database, FirstName is a VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL field. When CsvHelper imports a CSV that lacks a FirstName ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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CsvHelper no longer has Context.IsFieldBad

I'm upgrading a program from CsvHelper v2.15.0 to v33.0.1 and dealing with all the changes. I've fixed most of them, but I can't find the solution to this. In my old code I have: while (csv.Read() &...
Peter M's user avatar
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CsvHelper breaking changes - CsvSerializer

I am upgrading CsvHelper from a very old version (v15). I have this code: using (var csv = new CsvWriter(new CsvSerializer(output, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))) csv.WriteRecords(report); ...
fr0's user avatar
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CsvHelper passing parameter into map constructor when registering class map

I am using CsvHelper to read a csv file and create a list of records from a file. I have different types of csv files that contain data to be mapped to the same properties of my models but the headers ...
Nico Sz's user avatar
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Need help parsing HTML markup with CSVHelper through my .NET API

I receive a CSV from an third party in this format: Job Requisition Id,Brand,Is Deleted,Internal Status,Job Code,Job Title-JobRequisitionLocale,Posting Start Date-JobRequisitionPosting,Posting End ...
wiizimov's user avatar
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CSV Helper - Create Numeric column instead of General

I am using CSV Helper to create a CSV file as follows: for (int i = 0; i < dsData.Rows.Count; i++) { DateTime invDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsData.Rows[i]["DocDate"].ToString()); ...
Kinyanjui Kamau's user avatar
-1 votes
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Write RTL to CSV file using C#

I am trying to write a function that receives a DataTable and writes the data from it into a csv file, The function works, but I want the file content to be displayed in Right-to-Left (RTL).. I tried ...
abab's user avatar
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CsvHelper can't find column header that is not there

I have a project using CsvHelper that I wrote in VS2017 back in 2017, and was working successfully back then. This week I am trying to drag the code into VS2022, .Net Core, and the latest CsvHelper (...
Peter M's user avatar
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Trying Export .csv with CSV Helper in a blazer server app hosted on Azure

I have installed CSV Helper on my Blazer Server App running on Azure using .NET8. When I run the app in my environment it exports to my desktop. When I publish the app and its running on Azure, The ...
user26263343's user avatar
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CSVHelper test parsing against multiple classes with attribute maps

I have a large number of CSV files in multiple formats, all dumped together in one folder. The naming convention is of no use in determining the type, and there is no identifier within the file other ...
Neil Laslett's user avatar
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CSVReader TryGetField Unescaped Quote

I am using CsvReader to parse a string similar to var dataToParse = "US"|"10"|"0"|"0"|"45.0"|"1.0"|"Product is 1""|"1.65&...
James's user avatar
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Ignore trailing commas in CSV file when using CsvHelper?

I need to read a CSV file with a trailing comma at the end of each line: column1,column2, // header value1,value2, // values Note that the CSV file has only two columns. However the trailing comma ...'s user avatar
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Using CSVHelper Getting Exceptions with unexpected columns

I am importing data from a 3rd party and only require a few of the fields/columns in the CSV. The file has the header row: id created_time ad_id ad_name adset_id adset_name campaign_id ...
Brett JB's user avatar
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CsvHelper.CsvReader won't read CSV file

first things first, my program is supposed to append the contents of a CSV file to an SQL table in SQL Server, using the path put into a text box "pathInputTextBox" and table name from a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to mock a configfile

I need to test a function which uses CSVHelper { private readonly CsvConfiguration _csvConfig; public CsvWriterService(CsvConfiguration csvConfig) { _csvConfig = csvConfig; ...
Doraemon's user avatar
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How can I use CsvHelper to parse a string into a list of tokens?

I have a C# DLL which already uses CsvHelper to read CSV files. So I was wondering if CsvHelper has the capacity for me to simply pass it a string (not a file) and it return the list of tokens? So ...
Andrew Truckle's user avatar
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How do I handle complex JSON information inside a CSV file?

I´m trying to create an import of CSV data into my Blazor project in .NET7 but I´m facing issues with how to handle the data on one specific field in the CSV and can´t seem to get around the issue. ...
Erucio's user avatar
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Does CsvHelper GetRecords() actually instantiate objects?

I am using CsvHelper to read data from .csv file. My code : var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture){ HasHeaderRecord = true }; using (var textreader = new StreamReader(filepath)...
Gui Gui's user avatar
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CSVHelper: dynamically write to CSV

Let's say I have the following interface: public interface IStateInformation { public int TaskId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } and the following class implementing this ...
Ling's user avatar
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How to handle nested delimiter character in fields in CsvHelper?

I'm unable to create a mapping / configuration for the following sample data: W001;MFS;4262;EMFS;{MFS;W001;;};109;11;"A";["TEID","Int "] Which should result in something ...
whaeussler's user avatar
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CsvReader.Read / CsvReader.ReadAsync duplicates data

Inside an Activity in Azure Durable Functions, I have a method that reads Csv file from certain index. Purpose of this method is to read 2000 rows of the file or until last row, starting from the ...
Wolwgang's user avatar
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How to add additional columns to CSV in C#

I've created a small C# program to get a CSV file, modify the data, split some line items up, and also add additional columns of data. This last part is introducing errors when run. Error: Header with ...
Titanium_Alfa's user avatar
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How to write large data file (csv) to Azure Storage with encryption

I need to implement below in C# (background web job): Call a stored procedure and get results (rows can be in millions - i.e. 100m so will be implementing pagination to return 500K at a time) ...
Abhishek Prajapati's user avatar
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Blazor component for exporting to csv leaves csv empty

I made a Blazor component which gets a collection of objects and then exports it to csv and download it to the user, the csv is getting downloaded however the output file is empty. I obtained the code ...
Davide Dunne Sánchez's user avatar
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Issue: Custom converters are not triggered during CSV file writing with CsvHelper

I'm facing an issue while writing a CSV file using CsvHelper in C#. I have defined some custom converters to handle the conversion of certain data types during writing, however, it seems that these ...
Simone Spagna's user avatar
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CsvReader can not read Request.Body in core MVC

CsvReader read stream from Request Body in core MVC occured unhandled exception. ■Exception Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware: Error: An unhandled exception ...
Teppei  Abe's user avatar
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How do I replace missing fields in .csv file with default value when the missing field is the last one in the index?

I am trying to use CsvHelper to read a csv file with a few optional properties. Whenever I read the csv, I end up with the error message: CsvHelper.MissingFieldException: Field at index '6' does not ...
Kaden Hansen's user avatar
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Importing .csv into DataGridView - various CSV files with different numbers of columns

I would like to ask for your advice. I need to import a .csv file into a DataGridView. I would like the number of columns in the DataGridView to change with each import, depending on the number of ...
SamSamson's user avatar
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CsvHelper - Skip rows from csv file arbitrary rows

I have a csv file like this 'some lines to skip : line 1 to 7' Name,Family,Mobile 'line nine: should be skipped' 'line ten: should be skipped' A,B,1 C,D,2 How Can I skip first seven lines and third ...
Arash.Zandi's user avatar
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How to combine CSVs with different columns?

I have multiple CSV files and I need to combine all of them into 1 CSV file. So, for example: 1.csv has data like below: Roll no Name 1 Abc 2 xyz 2.csv has data like below: Name Date Score ...
meha's user avatar
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CSV EnumerateRecords returning same row multiple times in .NET 6

I am using C# console application to read a .CSV file, process it and save the data into a database. While reading the code, I get the correct number of records, but all records are of the last record....
TheFallenOne's user avatar
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Understanding CSV Formatting : Why Common Tools Deviate from RFC 4180 Standards?

I am attempting to parse numerous CSV files (comma-separated, UTF-8 encoding) and have encountered a recurring issue. Consider a scenario where I have three fields with the values: : A, "B", ...
NicoD's user avatar
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When using CsvHelper with autodetected delimiter, how can you find the delimiter used?

Relates to CsvHelper - We can use delimiter autodetection when reading a file, but after the reading is complete, is it possible to detect the delimiter used? I'...
Chris W's user avatar
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How can I add my CSVHelper delimiter to the beginning of each record

I am using CSVHelper to create a pipe delimited file that has dozens of objects that are being mapped and written. The requirement includes having the pipe character at the beginning and end of each ...
bigtoasty's user avatar
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CSVHelper doesn't store HashSet fields

I'm working on a software project where the program has a data storage and a UI that lets you manipulate this data. I use multiple data types, some of which contain HashSets. I don't do anything ...
Anthony Spendlove's user avatar
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Unit testing issue with RegisterClassMap in CSVHelper after upgrading CsvHelper from 15.0.5 to 30.0.1

After upgrading CsvHelper, in the unit testing I am getting the 'Can not instantiate proxy of class: CsvHelper.CsvContext. Could not find a parameterless constructor. (Parameter 'constructorArguments')...
sadasiva 's user avatar
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CsvHelper throws System.ObjectDisposedException on second iteration

I'm trying to write a method that will read all the CSV files from inside a ZIP file as submitted as an IFormFile through an HttpRequest. I'm using CsvHelper to read the files contents using this code:...
Paul's user avatar
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CsvHelper ClassMap constructor parameter, when using Reference<>

I have the following ClassMap: internal sealed class MyOuterMap : ClassMap<MyOuterClass> { public MyOuterMap() { References<MyInnerMap>(x => x.MyInnerClassProperty); ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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How to create a new CSV file and copy some of columns from old huge CSV file?

I'm a beginner in C#. I have a huge CSV files with thousands of data(Rows and Columns). With one filter I have created a list called requiredheaders. In this list I took only those header names which ...
Brown's user avatar
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.NET 4.8 Binding Redirect Guidance

I have a .NET 4.8 Framework WinForms project with the following NuGet packages: CsvHelper v30.0.1 Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection v7.0.0 I am encountering the following error when running ...
Shandy Sawyer's user avatar
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DotNet CsvHelper RFC4180 Mode Escape Double Quote

I am parsing a file that contains the following data as part of a line. 12.0000¦6.11000¦LB¦9189AD510001¦Photo Insert 5\" x 5\"Iron¦¦¦23.00¦13.50¦5.00¦IN¦1726.31250¦ I have the following ...
James's user avatar
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C# MemoryStream and returning a csv file within a controller using CsvHelper [duplicate]

Intended Outcome: From an instance of a specific object (Item) to output the data into a csv file within a API controller. Approach: To achieve this I have written a class called Item with two ...
Green Bicycle's user avatar

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