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Does Google Wallet Generic Class support Right To Left Template?

I need to create Google Wallet Layout using Class Template Info. I couldn't find any Documentation of Right To left support. I will Appreciate any insights.
Tal's user avatar
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Gmail ignores RTL direction directives

I am sending HTML emails with explicit HTML attribute and style to make the text RTL. But gmail seems to strip it out completely. Example email body (HTML) <html lang='he-IL' xmlns='http://www.w3....
HelloWorld's user avatar
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How can we get the TinyMCE editor to switch to Right-To-Left orientation if the active language is Arabic for example?

Most editors like basic IOS or Windows have their editor switch to R-T-L orientation if the active script is of R-T-L such as Arabic, Urdu or Hebrew. Yet can't find such support in TinyMCE. Is there a ...
Ali Shakir Hassan Al-Assam's user avatar
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After switching languages from Arabic to English in iOS app, some views are flipped horizontally

In our iOS app, multiple languages are already supported. But there are one strange bug: After switching languages from Arabic to English, some views are flipped horizontally, which not look like ...
Smeegol's user avatar
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Google Sign-In button (g_id_signin) - the icon is too close to text in RTL locales

I'm implementing Google Sign-In on my website and encountering an issue with the button layout in right-to-left (RTL) locales, specifically for Hebrew (he) and Arabic (sa). The Google icon within the ...
misolo's user avatar
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Write RTL to CSV file using C#

I am trying to write a function that receives a DataTable and writes the data from it into a csv file, The function works, but I want the file content to be displayed in Right-to-Left (RTL).. I tried ...
abab's user avatar
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Why the view go outside of screen by ConstrainLayout in the condition of RTL?

Problem Here is my layout file: activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://...
Yatung Yü's user avatar
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SwiftUI RTL issue in search field options menu

The search field options menu, shows it content flipped in Right to left languages like Arabic, as you can see in screenshot below the only thing I did is adding the searchable to navigation stack ....
user13474651's user avatar
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RTL language issue in SwiftUI

I have issue in SwiftUI with Right to Left Languages (Arabic) The navigation bar is correct, but check the list row and text editor, its flipped to the left edge, which it must be in the right edge in ...
user13474651's user avatar
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Hello How to Force expo app to be just RTL?

I have an app is written in expo and all things in the app use "Arabic Language" So I want to force the app to be RTL, so I use supportsRTL and forcesRTL to do it and it's work fine in ...
Ahmed Fahmy's user avatar
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Regular expressions to match RTL+LTR strings

I've been given a document with some information written in Hebrew. I need to write regular expressions to extract structured data from the document with JavaScript (specifically Node.js). For example,...
ironcito's user avatar
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Handling RTL (Arabic) Text in pdfmake with Proper Formatting

I'm currently working on generating PDFs using pdfmake and need to include Arabic text, which requires proper handling of RTL (Right-To-Left) formatting. However, I'm facing issues with the display of ...
Abdul Hannan's user avatar
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Change every word that contains Arabic letters To Reversed

Since Arabic text is automatically reversed in PowerShell, I had to reverse-flip it to make it readable. For example, the text 'مرحبا' , will look 'ابحرم' I can change them one by one, but I have ...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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Arabic text is only recognized as the exact original text in Interactive mode [duplicate]

$Text = 'مرحبا يا عالم' $TextR = -Join ($Text.ToCharArray() | Sort {(--$script:i)}) $Text; $TextR; sleep 5 I have a little problem. Arabic text is not recognized as the exact original text in Non-...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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Displays Arabic Text Right-to-Left In PowerShell

The original text is $text = "مرحبا بك في PowerShell" When I pasted it into PowerShell, the Arabic text order changed to reverse automatically: I tried to solve it with: [Console]::...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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Swiper JS wired behavior with lazy loading images in RTL direction

I have simple page here to show the problem. I'm using latest swiper version in RTL document to show some images slides as follow <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="eng" dir="rtl"...
davidF's user avatar
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InteractiveViewer in RTL direction

I am creating a Flutter widget that takes text direction as a property. The widget consists of Container widgets wrapped in a Row widget, and this row is wrapped in the InteractiveViewer widget. If ...
kumar's user avatar
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Does anyone have any idea why my right-to-left (RTL) layout isn't taking effect immediately?

I'm working on integrating RTL (right-to-left) and LTR (left-to-right) layouts into my application, and everything seems to be functioning properly. However, I've encountered an issue: when I ...
Irtaza Hussain's user avatar
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RN i18n issue on some iOS devices

I have developed an application using React Native (version 0.67.5). Initially, the app was released in French. Recently, I added support for the Arabic language, allowing the application to detect ...
Ayoub EL ABOUSSI's user avatar
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flutter selectable text anchor position in rtl languages

In flutter when I try using SelectableText widget with rtl languages, anchors behave wrong. It's really unpredictable. you grab one of the anchors but the other one moves... I tested this on both a ...
Pourya Pourbagheri's user avatar
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python-docx does not apply font size when changing text direction to RTL

I want to change the direction to RTL since I write in Kurdish which uses Arabic numerals. but whenever I apply run.font.rtl = True, it will cancel the font size run.font.size = Pt(20) How can I fix ...
Hama Sabah's user avatar
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Views not mirrored for RTL languages

I’m trying to localize my SwiftUI app for RTL languages but having trouble getting the views to be mirrored (navigation presentation direction, link chevron direction, toolbar items location etc.) I ...
Natanel's user avatar
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Kurdish Language Support on Google Play Books

Does Google Play Books support the Kurdish language for both content and user interface? Specifically, can I publish an e-book in Kurdish on the platform, considering its script is similar to Arabic ...
nma shawkat's user avatar
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Android RTL support is affected by the flavor's resConfigs

Following some recent changes to one of our flavor regarding supported languages, we noticed it somehow also affects the RLT support. flavorA { resConfigs 'en', 'pt', 'fr', 'es', 'de' } flavorB { ...
Damien Locque's user avatar
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How to Enable Support for Mixed Languages Arabic and English Where one is RTL and Another is LTR

var inputValue by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue()) } // 2 val isRtl = if (inputValue.text.isNotEmpty()) { val firstChar = inputValue.text[0] Bidi.getBaseDirection(firstChar.toString(...
Sahil iiitu's user avatar
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Write text to a text file in RTL format

I have an array of text, I want to write it to a .txt file from right to left since it is in Arabic or Kurdish. How can I do that using python? Method to write to a file: with open(...
Hama Sabah's user avatar
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Kurdish font using tcpdf library not working

Useing this code kurdish text not display correctly in pdf. require_once('tcpdf_include.php'); require_once('../tcpdf_import.php'); require_once('../tcpdf.php'); $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION,...
waqasss's user avatar
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right-to-left text (like Hebrew)

On c#. Winforms. whenever I try to write Parenthesis in text-box in Hebrew\Arabic, they get inverted and are on the other side of the text ( right when they should be on the left). I tried these ...
ByteArt's user avatar
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Compose multiplatform - iOS app layout does not adapt to RTL when changing app language to RTL language

I am developing a Kotlin Compose multiplatform app with multiple language support, including both LTR and RTL languages. When the user changes the app language to Hebrew, which is right-to-left, the ...
Elnatan Derech's user avatar
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Is Slickgrid right-to-left compatible?

I am on Slickgrid v3.0.4. Is there any way to make the grid rtl compatible? When I tried it, the column headers stopped working. Most headers turned invisible and when switching them around, the grid-...
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Is there a way to use scrollview RTL (arabic) with LTR animation?

When you turn the ScrollView left to right, and try to scroll, content jumps to the other side. Is there any way to prevent this? Main: var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() ...
Metin Atalay's user avatar
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writing hebrew text in rust

i am making a CLI app in rust, and the app includes multiple languages. one of those languages is hebrew, which is a RTL language. when writing in hebrew, for example: println!("קוד לדוגמא");...
throw away account's user avatar
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Write Farsi (persian) text using opencv c++

I want to write persian (Farsi) text on an image in C++, preferably in OpenCV. I tried cv::putText which leads to writing ????...? instead the text. Also I tested cv::addText but I got not implemented ...
Babak.Abad's user avatar
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When WordPress will load rtl.css?

We have an English WP website and now use GTranslate to support Arabic language as well. The English site is The Arabic version is (Note /ar/ is a ...
alancc's user avatar
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How to create a CSS rule that will only apply when the body/html direction is "rtl"?

We have an English website, like this And now we are using GTranslate service which will generate an Arabic version of the website, like this After ...
alancc's user avatar
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How to change line break order when using bidi-override and right-to-left direction with CSS?

I'm using a little script which hides mail addresses using the fact that you can reverse text by using unicode-bidi: bidi-override and direction: rtl. <span> <span>moc.e</span> ...
wittich's user avatar
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Override Vuetify RTL for specific component/component tree

We have started using RTL in Vuetify, it works great but there is a slight problem in the slider component. The problem is that we use this component as the slider for a video time, but even when ...
Haim's user avatar
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Shifting .NET MAUI Flyout to the Right with FlowDirection?

How can I shift the .NET MAUI Flyout to the Right (e.g. with FlowDirection) using Shell? I am currently developing an application using .NET MAUI and am facing an issue with the Flyout menu (Sidebar). ...
rafik's user avatar
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Create javascript variable with mixed direction language and bolding for html

I am writing code in javascript that will be exported to html. My issue is that my variables contain strings that must be partially bolded, however the language of the string is a right-to-left ...
flâneur's user avatar
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How to make English text render right-to-left in mixed RTL <pre> tag?

I have the following code: <html> <head> <style> .rtl { direction: rtl; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica; } </style> </head> &...
Kinetic's user avatar
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Store Arabic and English in Html input

I have a problem when i want to store Arabic and English characters in one input in Sql Server table. For example i want to store this sentence like it is written: Python لغة البرمجة but it is stored ...
user3309231's user avatar
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How do I enable psuedo locales in Xamarin?

The problems I am trying to ensure I have right-to-left localization done correctly in my Xamarin Forms app. If and when I do actually get this pseudo-locale enabled, do I need to have my ...
Chaos's user avatar
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How to get RTL (right-to-left) text working in VS Code integrated terminal?

If I print in the DEBUG CONSOLE it's fine, every where else VS code display Hebrew just fine, just when the script print to the TERMINAL the Hebrew is upside down, why? Update: it works fine when ...
Yam Shargil's user avatar
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Flutter: ComputelineMetrics not Behaving as Expected in RTL (Right-to-Left) Text Direction

I'm working on a mobile app in Flutter that splits a long text into pages and presents it as book pages. I am facing a problem in languages like Arabic, whose TextDirection is RTL. Half of the lines ...
burhanaksendir's user avatar
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How do I change the menu sequence from "left to right" to "right to left" in backerydemo?

I can't change the menu sequence from "left to right" to "right to left"! This is need because our first language is Persian and we must read from right to left! I changed the ...
Arash Rahimimehr's user avatar
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Localized string in rails app with RTL language and numbers - how to make numbers show up on correct side of text?

I have a Rails 7 app with localization in a RTL language. I want to display a localized string that contains a number (right) followed by text (left). Instead no matter what order I type the input, ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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Custom views inside FrameLayout issue in Picture-in-picture RTL layout

I have a full screen FrameLayout which contains four Views that I add at runtime: repeat(4) { i -> val view = View(this).apply { setBackgroundColor(COLOR[i]) } views += view ...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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Text-ellipsis in the beginning with "right-to-left" languages like Arabic in Angular

I have a configuration to display a long text, cut with ellipsis in the beginning. For instance,we have a long text like MainInterface.SubGroup.InitialSystemActuator and the displayed value will be ...
Yagi's user avatar
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Chrome + RTL - input causes chrome to freeze when deleting part of the text and clicking outside

When using Google Chrome and using either attribute dir="rtl" or style direction:rtl, type text into input, and mark some it including the beginning of the text and delete it. After that, ...
Almog Tayeb's user avatar
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Android constraintLayout set layout direction right to left doesn't work

I want the image to always be on the right side of the screen without gaps no matter how long the message is (as shown in the photo). I already set android:supportsRtl="true"in the manifest....
yzyzyz's user avatar
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