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1 answer

How to combine CSVs with different columns?

I have multiple CSV files and I need to combine all of them into 1 CSV file. So, for example: 1.csv has data like below: Roll no Name 1 Abc 2 xyz 2.csv has data like below: Name Date Score ...
meha's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How to exclude header when writing data to CSV

I am writing my data from a public class to a CSV file. As I want to append my data, I want to exclude the importing of header and only import the data from the class. My code below imports both ...
musa's user avatar
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3 answers

Checking if CSV file is empty / avoiding having an exception be thrown

If I call csv.Read() on a CSV file that is completely empty, I get an exception. Is there a way to check the CSV without having to fall back on a Catch block? var csv = new CsvReader(csvFile); try { ...
Eliezer's user avatar
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c# CSVHelper read CSV with variable headers

First time using the csvReader - note it requires a custom class that defines the Headers found in the CSV file. class DataRecord { //Should have properties which correspond to the Column Names ...
James Budd's user avatar
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Adding the first new DataGridView row does not update the DataSource

When I add a new row to a DataGridView, the row is not saved to the DataView or DataTable. But when I add another row after that, that row is added. The first new row is completely ignored. I have no ...
fireundubh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

CsvReader to ignore blank column

I am using CSVhelper for the first time. Another program is exporting a csv file the file looks like this ,"Employee","Earnings 1/Rate","Note" ,"John Doe","Regular 10.50", "Started Sep 1" The ...
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