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Ignore Comma Delimiter in CsvHelper

I've a project that uses CsvHelper package to parse excel file. Unfortunately I came into a condition where I've to ignore comma as delimiter that CsvHelper does by default I believe. The data in a ...
user8512043's user avatar
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Ignore Properties That Are Inherited From Base Class

I've a base class User that's used by EF Core and here's the configuration for that as follows: public class UserConfiguration: IEntityTypeConfiguration<User> { public void Configure(...
user8512043's user avatar
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Apply string. join on Dictionary<string, List<int>> [closed]

I have situation where i have a dictionary of type Dictionary<string, List<int>> . I would like to apply sting.Join to it, I would like to have data displayed like: "abc1:1,2,3,4,abc2:...
user3085082's user avatar
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Auth0 Failed With Status 400

I am trying to create users from ASP.NET Core 5 Web API project for Auth0, was going through this official doc to make it work - Create User. Everything looks good through I am continuously getting ...
user8512043's user avatar
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Why is the http.route Tag Missing in Jaeger Traces with OpenTelemetry on .NET 5 but Present on .NET 6?

I am using OpenTelemetry Version=1.8.1 and OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Jaeger Version=1.5.1 with .NET 5. When writing traces to Jaeger, the http.route tag is missing. I have another API based on .NET 6, ...
Meruj Martirosyan's user avatar
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.Net Core Razor page POST requests give 400 Bad Request

I have a web application, and web API projects built in .net 5. I upgraded both of them to .NET 8.0 and updated all the packages in the project. After upgrading to .NET 8 in the web application any ...
Laith Sa'd Al-Deen's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 5 Identity reset password token is randomly invalid

Using IdentityServer4 + ASP.NET Core Identity with .NET 5. Our password reset endpoint throws errors, however, if I re-send the request a few times (the exact same request), it works again. Here's a ...
Tabris's user avatar
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While building the Azure pipeline getting an error like .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), usedotnetcli/restore

While building the azure pipelines with classic editor i am getting the below error in build .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), so if you are using an older ...
divya bommerla's user avatar
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.NET 8 unable to send response with "application/octet-stream" header

The situation is. This endpoint needs to return the bytes of the file saved on the DB. [HttpGet("/GetTemplate")] [Produces("application/octet-stream")] public HttpResponseMessage ...
Vitor Lacerda's user avatar
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VsCode The framework 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.App', version '6.0.0' (x64) was not found

I created a new net5 project using this command dotnet new webapi -n UserService --framework net5.0 I can run the app with dotnet run. But I cant debug it in VsCode. I get the error below. In my ....
mustafa candan's user avatar
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How to config webhook in console application?

I have console application (in .net 5) that runs as window service with a lots of class libraries in the same solution: Commons.cs proj (Class library) BusinnesLogic.csproj (Class library). and more......
ofer gertz's user avatar
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How do I bind data automatically in controller action in .NET 5?

I'm very inexperienced with .NET so please bear with me. I try to send a post request: var postData = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "YearValue&...
Lã Ngọc Hải's user avatar
1 vote
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Read email with attachments and convert to .eml file using Microsoft Graph API in C#

Need sample code to Read email with attachments and convert to .eml file using Microsoft Graph API in C# Microsoft Graph API - 5.49.0 Version Target Framework - Net 5.0 And please confirm whether am I ...
Akila's user avatar
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Package-References to Roslyn not working when calling from native App

I have a problem generating C# code dynamically when the calling process is a native Win32 C++ application. To narrow down the problem, I have created the following test projects: DynCodeDll: .net5 ...
suriel's user avatar
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Roslyn and .net5

I try to use the Roslyn-compiler to compile some sourcecode at runtime. To do so I did public static void compile() { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code); } Of course this ...
suriel's user avatar
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Debugging embedded Python code in .Net app using Pythonnet and Pdb

I have a worker service in which I need to debug Python code. To execute Python code I need to use Pythonnet. Pdb module is used for debugging. I'm trying something like that: python.txt: import pdb ...
AnMSLbR's user avatar
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Logger Not writing logs to the Log Files in .NET 5 Web API when deployed on IIS locally

I want to deploy a .NET 5 Web API project to my local IIS. The project includes a Logger.cs file, which writes exception messages caught in controller methods to a text file located in the root of the ...
BOO1's user avatar
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How to Enable Runtime Code Changes and Move Execution Pointer in Blazor WASM Client-Side Debugging with Mono/C#?

I'm currently working on a Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) .NET5 application and facing a challenge with client-side debugging: I'm looking to enable runtime code changes and move the execution pointer, ...
Arileth's user avatar
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Why won't .NET 5.0 website won't run from IIS?

I've a .NET 5.0 website that runs in the QA environment without error. I copy the same files to production, and when I try to hit the website in a browser I get: HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process ...
Developer Webs's user avatar
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Invalid token error on reset password email in ASP.NET Core 5 Identity

I am getting invalid token error while I am trying to reset my password by clicking reset password link via email. I have been looking what problem would be and seen so many solution such as encode &...
Mukremin Buyukkulekci's user avatar
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Is it safe to remove .NET 5 runtime if .NET 6 runtime is installed?

From a purely user perspective, I am not developing applications on Windows, I merely install and uninstall stuff. Microsoft Defender tells me that the installed .NET 5 installation is end of service. ...
Dohn Joe's user avatar
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System.TypeInitializationException - The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception

I have been working on an application for about two and a half years now and last month we went live and published our .NET application. The application is a WPF application that uses .NET version 5.0....
Sep Vrij's user avatar
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.NET 5 Unable to unprotect the message.State when trying the sign-in callback

We are running an Azure app service (linux) which is used for authentication and authorization. It is using Microsoft Identity to use Azure AD authentication, so we are using Azure ad oidc. Couple of ...
doe.doe's user avatar
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Basic authentication ssl and NTLM NET 5 API

How can I use basic authentication with ssl and NTLM at the same time in a NET 5 API? The background of the question is the following: we are using a web UI which authenticates with NTLM (this should ...
Pablo Alejandro Incinga's user avatar
-1 votes
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Post request .Net 5.0

I’m trying to write a Post request in the custom function. In php can be written using CURL, What about dotnet? What’s the best way to convert the below code to .Net? $header = array( '...
Dev.S's user avatar
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.net5 => Could not load file or assembly System.Runtime, Version=

I have a solution with several WebAPI projects. All projects worked as needed, nothing changed in code. But one Monday (yesterday) I turned on my computer and tried to debug one of the project, which ...
Dimitry's user avatar
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can't use Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger library

when trying to implement the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger library, gets an error Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'Operation' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an ...
SunOct's user avatar
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.NET 5 core api with Angular front end cors issues

So I have everything set up with an oracle db. The API runs fine and my angular app is able to send get requests to it just fine, but my post requests don't seem to work. I have some custom ...
Justin de Gois's user avatar
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Blazor Input Date does not revalidate upon value assignment

I have an InputDate from Blazor which should revert to the previous date if the change confirmation is not accepted which works. However, when I input something like 11/31/2024 which is an invalid ...
Yzak's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) IntegrationError: Missing value for options: amount should be a number

const options = { mode: 'payment', amount: 1000, currency: 'inr', appearance, // Optional Style the Express Checkout Element }; // Pass ...
th0m6s's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Dependency Injection Error in .NET 5 API Background Task

The primary goal is to reload user account data at regular 30-minute intervals within a .NET 5 API. In pursuit of this goal, I learned something about implementing background tasks to automate this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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.NET Upgrade Hell

I have a web application in .NET 5, I want to upgrade it to the latest version of .net. I have VS 2019 and VS 2022 both installed, I have .NET 7.0 SDK (v7.0.400) installed. PS C:\proj> dotnet --...
serge's user avatar
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Different result when generate MD5 hash

This is my code: private static string ComputeMD5Hash(string input) { using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) { byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input); byte[] hashBytes = ...
Mohammad 's user avatar
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Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentNotRegisteredException: The requested service 'ApplicationDbContext' has not been registered

I get an error at the starting of the application: An error occurred while trying to connect to the DB.(Myproj.Web.Program) Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentNotRegisteredException: The requested ...
serge's user avatar
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.NET Core 5 - Registering a class as singleton with strings in its constructor

I have a .NET 5 web application, in which I am attempting to register a particular class as a singleton instance. I know that .NET 5 is out of support now, and there are plans to upgrade this app in ...
garrett's user avatar
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I want to downgrade from net6.0 to net5.0

I want to use YoloV8 in my C# Project. My Project uses Net5.0 version but the YoloV8 in Nuget Library use Netv6.0. I've tried to change the TargetFramework Tag of the YoloV8 Library from net6.0 to ...
May Nong Nghiep Thong Minh's user avatar
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How to find cause of IIS shutting down an app pool after only a minute or so

We have a .Net 5 web app we just launched recently. In the event log I'm seeing that the application pool keeps shutting down and restarting after anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or so. I have ...
geoff swartz's user avatar
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How to fix dbcontext concurrency problem with this code

The code below was originally written for Entity Framework 6 in a .Net Framework 4.7.2 MVC environment. We've recently moved our business logic, domain objects and data layers to .NetStandard 2 with ...
geoff swartz's user avatar
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How to Marshal a nested array of pointers in c#

Library uses nested array of pointer to struct, but result in an exception when using. When there is no nested array of pointers to struct paramB, then there is no exception. Original code for use of ...
gavioto's user avatar
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Is it worth migrating Dotnet Standard 2.1 to .Net 6 in specified scenario

Scenario: I am planning to upgrade a WebApi-based web project from .Net 5 to 6. I have many dotnet standard 2.1 class library projects in my solution. When trying to upgrade from EF Core 5 to 6 it did ...
Malik Khalil Ahmad's user avatar
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Kendo Nested Grid name cannot be blank

I'm at a loss. I am trying to build a nested grid using Kendo ui tools. I have a very similar grid that works perfectly, but there is something missing in mine, as I keep getting a "Name cannot ...
9Snick4's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 5 MVC : search bar for searching by name and ingredient

I'm building a cocktail bar app using ASP.NET Core 5 MVC and Entity Framework. I'm implementing the search bar functionality right now. I made it work that when I enter the name of a cocktail, it says ...
Dohn Joe's user avatar
3 votes
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DataDog logger doesn't log INFORMATION level

I have .NET 5 web app which is supposed to write logs to DataDog using Serilog Sink (Serilog.Sinks.Datadog.Logs v0.5.2). Here is my Program.cs: static async Task Main(string[] args) { using (var ...
Denis Kaminsky's user avatar
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SignalR client's InvokeAync returns null

Per the MS documentation for InvokeAsync: The InvokeAsync method returns a Task which completes when the server method returns. The return value, if any, is provided as the result of the Task. And ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sharepoint Filter List Items

I have a list in sharepoint, and what i want to do is want to fetch the data using c#. I want it to return the value from sharepoint based on a condition. This is what have so far, public ...
Jseb's user avatar
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Log4net doesn't create a log file as using via private nuget package in .NET5

I have a simple Logger class library in .net 5 <TargetFramework>net5.0-windows10.0.19041.0</TargetFramework> The Logger logs by using log4net version 2.0.15 I created a simple .net5 ...
K.W's user avatar
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.NET 5 HttpClient: SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception

I am using HttpClient to get an image from a public url. I did a test in Postman and I can get it without any issues, as well as in my dev pc. When I publish it to production web server, I got the ...
Jio's user avatar
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How to use dbFactory with my dbContext base class instead of its derived classes

The application is .NET 5.0 with Blazor server side, Entity Framework Core and AspNetCore.Identity. Originally its code for setting up DbContext and IdentityContext used to look like this: // ...
ilya_i's user avatar
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Cannot find document with Date filter in C# using MongoDB.Driver

I'm trying to find document by exact datetime, but i got 0 as count. Here's my model: public class CubeDataModel { [BsonId] [BsonRepresentation(BsonType.ObjectId)] public ...
birsanzhar's user avatar
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HTTP Error 500.31 - Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime Common solutions to this issue: The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App in .Net 5

When I try to run basic ASP.NET Core 5 MVC project, I get this error: HTTP Error 500.31 - Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime Common solutions to this issue: The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore....
Bahy Mohamed's user avatar

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